Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Hungry Minds Think Alike ❯ When Good Things go VERY bad! ( Chapter 1 )
It was not far into the groups journey; Goku was grumbling (both him and his stomach) about food, Gojyo was grumbling about no girls out in the desert, Hakkai didn't really grumble, being Hakkai and all while Sanzou grumbled about various things.
Goku ate all the food supplies that was supposed to last them for a few days as the trip here was very long.
He couldn't read a word on a map he was holding. Apparently, Sanzou was not very good when it came to reading maps… especially when in the middle of the desert.
Goku`s stomach rumbled again, him resting his head on the back of the seat, "Food…" he murmured under his breath. Gojyo, who had been sitting next to the gold eyed youkai, hit him over the head, "Your STILL hungry after eating our three day supply of food! You brainless ape! WE`RE starving!" he growled. Goku held his head, a small tear coming from his eye, "Shut up you perverted kappa! Why don't you shave your hair off and eat it then! It looks like a tomato!" the two glared at one another, their foreheads touching as they growled like lions in a stand off.
Sanzou began to become irritated, but he tried to not kill them, just yet. They continued to fight, as Goku began to try and eat Gojyo`s hair, then Gojyo catching his companion in a headlock and giving him a rough knuckle sandwhich. Sanzou began to grow angry as a large vein started to throb in his temple. The two began to pull each others cheeks and make the other do strange faces. Finally, Sanzou lost his temper, and whacked them both on the head with my paper fan. "Will you two just shut the hell up!" he growls. The two sit normally and slump down in their seats, glaring at one another. Goku mouthed `Perverted kappa' and his reward was getting hit with the paper fan again.
The jeep stopped abrubtly, causing Sanzou, Goku and Gojyo to go flying forward into whatever was in front of them; Sanzou, the dashboard, letting him find some more cigs; Goku, Sanzou`s seat (which he said smelled like a piece of steak); and Gojyo Hakkai`s seat which he said he could have sworn he saw a very healthy young woman dancing around on it(causing him to drool uncontrolably) but that could have been from just hitting the seat. Hakkai turned and waved a finger around at them, "Always wear a seatbelt."
The three glared at Hakkai who merely continued to do his best Xelloss impression, but that's the wrong anime. "Why`d you stop?" asked Sanzou, truly wanting to hit him over the head with the paper fan, but he lost it somewhere in his clothes (Gojyo still wondering where he kept it). "I bet he shoves it up his as-" but couldn't finish his sentence as Sanzou found it and threw it AGAIN at Gojyo.
"Didn't I tell you not to throw it?!"
"Oh yes, thank you for reminding me." Sanzou grabs it again and hits Gojyo. "No problem..." and so Gojyo fell over. Sanzou tucked away the fan again and crossed his arms as Hakkai cleared his throat. "Anyways. We`re at a crossroads." He pointed ahead of them. There was a large boulder in the middle of the desert road making two paths. There was a sign but the writing was old and they were unable to figure out what it said. Goku had jumped up on it and was trying to get a closer look but it was even blurrier that way. Sanzou chucked the fan at Goku, causing him to crash to the ground. "Whoops. Used it the wrong way." He added, knowing Gojyo would say something so he grabbed it and hit Goku again.
Goku awoke sleepily. "Wha- dinner already? Okay, I`d like a large piece of ste-" Goku stopped and stared at them, "What?" Gojyo shook his head, "Even more reasons to call you a brainless ape…" Sanzou pointed after Gojyo finished down the right path.
"Go down that path and find out whats down there." He ordered.
"Why me?! Why not the kappa?!"
"Because your expendable. And didn't you say that one time that your rechargable?" Gojyo mentioned to his companion.
Goku blinked and his back slumped as his head dropped, "Fine. I dun wanna though!" he yelled as he marched down the right path. At that very moment, a sandstorm began to pick up in the area he was going, Goku, being him and all, went down the path anyways, caught up in the storm.
Lirin coughed through the sand, not wanting to eat sand, "I want real food! Not sand! Sand is not edible! And it doesn't taste good either!" she yelled. Suddenly, she saw a temple`s outline, and she gasped in happiness, "Yay! There MUST be food there!" she began to dash forward towards the temple stairs. At that very moment, Goku was also and the two crashed head on into the other at the foot of the LONG stairs.
"You!" they both pointed at the same time.
"Stop copying me!" they both accused.
They gave the same glare at one another as they arose at the same time. Their movements were so similar, they could have been a reflection of the other in a mirror. "Stop stealing my ideas!" they growled at eachother as they both went up the temple steps. They then raced, but they were tied as they reached the top. They gave eachother another long glare and both walked into the large doors.
Monks stopped and stared at them, very confused. Some panicked as they noticed Lirin was a youkai, some panicked as Goku had one of his looks on as he smelled good food. Lirin noticed and they both began to drool as they walked forward at identical paces. The head monk sat at the end of the hallway and stared as they approached. "Yes, may I um… help you?" he asked the two, thinking them brother and sister. "Food!" they both exclaimed, in a begging fashion. The head monk recoiled a bit as the two drooled over his letters he had been writing. Tears streamed down his face as the ink ran.
"You want food? I have the perfect food…just don't eat it all"
He had led them to their "Kitchen" or whatever temples use to store their food (I dunno this stuff, and neither does Goku nor Lirin!) and left them, not knowing just how hungry these two can be. The two began to stuff their faces full of food. A few minutes later the monk walked in and stared blankly at the empty shelves and counters. He glared at the two, "What? Not all of it! We left the vegetables!" Goku exclaimed, rubbing his stomach. The monk stared blandly and walked out, leaving the two to discuss which dish they enjoyed more. The monk walked in again, holding two bowls.
The two youkai looked at the bowls then at the monk, sniffing a strange fragrance. They couldn't place it, so they asked, "Um, what is this?" they asked pointedly. "Its called um…" he figured they wouldn't know what it was so he told them the slang term for it instead that various passerby refered to it as, "Switch Stew." The two looked at it and took the bowls. They shrugged and scarfed it down, and in a matter of seconds they were done.
Goku and Lirin laughed, their stomachs silent, "Ah…" they sighed when time seemed to freeze. Transparent images of themselves came out of their bodies and switched places. Time turned to normal and the two realized their perspective was different, and Goku felt far more hair then usual while Lirin felt less hair then usual. They looked at one another and screamed. Goku saw himself looking at him and Lirin looked at herself. The monk grinned as he crossed his arms.
"The real name, used by the monks of this temple is; Broth of Yukino; the Changer. You two have been switched, and now there is no way to cure you." He grinned at them both and left them to gawk at one another and stare.