Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ In Season ❯ Chapter 5
In Season
Part 6 - a Treat and a Trick
Sanzo ran into a clearing and saw...
"Kyu!" Hakuryu cooed as he landed on blond monk's shoulders.
"Where's Hakkai?" Sanzo said, craning his head suspiciously right and left to look for his teammate.
"I guess he dumped you to chase after me, ne? Could you transform into jeep?" Justifiably wary after being ambushed in the same situation, the blond monk reconnoitered the bushes before he assumed that the white dragonet was alone.
"Kyu!" The dragonet complied. Even seeing the transformation, Sanzo looked over and under the Jeep before riding on it. Somewhat paranoid, he flipped the seats over. Then he gave the back and flooring a thorough once over. Satisfied that he had no passengers. He zoomed out of there like a bat out of hell. He wondered a moment how Yaone was doing.
We split up... If she's been trying to evade them, I wouldn't be able to find her in this...but I should try... No, I don't think I could. In addition, I might run into the baka...
The thought had Sanzo hightail it out of there. He got to the town they had stayed in before, easily enough. He hoped that an inn would be willing to put up with him even after what the disaster of their first stay.
I need the rest. Ooh, those baka are going to get it, once the week is out... I think I need a smoke…
The blond looked about his robes instinctively for his cigarettes, but finding nothing.
I must have dropped it while I was running… Another thing to hold it over them…
Not that Sanzo was as foolish to smoke while his teammates were after him but still. The blond never felt so humiliated in his whole life.
I'm going to destroy the paper fan on each of their heads... Even on Hakkai's?
The last came out as a question instead of a statement. Suddenly, a memory flashed at him.
Hakkai and him on this seat, arm around his warm and comforting...
Sanzo stopped the memory right there.
Ergh! You never thought of him that way before all this started. Don't start now...
Don't you start!
It didn't help. Other memories tumbled out of Sanzo's mind. The incidental touches at combat, inevitable, rough shoves to get out of the way, the warmth of healing ki caressing him inside out, they all came together now to make his skin tingle.
I must be hanging around the baka too long my brain's getting soft... I don't like human contact... Yes, keep telling yourself that...
Gojyo crashed around the underbrush sniffing around for his objective. He could have sworn that he saw the footprints of Sanzo's sandals on the soft loam of the forest floor.
Damned, the idiot monkey was much better at this than me…but no way am I going to share Sanzo with him…
An image burned in Gojyo's mind. He closed his eyes. Golden hair tousled on a pillow. Purple eyes plum with passion. Face thrown back in abandon, exposing the sweet juncture of neck and collarbone. He groaned. The thought alone made the heat rise to unbearable heights.
Not now, I have to find him first…
However, the sex-charged fantasy refused to let go of Gojyo. The lithe muscled form flashed before his eyelids, graceful in its perfection. He had caught enough teasing glimpses it throughout their journey to tempt him though the gun had deterred him from making a move till now. Somehow, it made sense to do so now.
Now when the monkey and Hakkai's chasing after his ass, too…
It all made a twisted sort of sense.
If they can do it, so can I…not that the kid's much of a competition, Hakkai, on the other hand…
A memory, several memories of the past days, flashed before the redhead's mind. Hakkai with Sanzo in front of the jeep, the green-eyed youkai all but cuddled to the blond monk. Then, Hakkai and Sanzo taking off while he and the stupid monkey fought. The red haze of jealous fury surrounded the memories surprised him.
Hakkai is my friend but if he tries to get Sanzo away from me… I'll fight him…
Gojyo's thoughts were cut off when he caught the faint whiff of tobacco.
Ah! That's Sanzo's brand of smokes, wait for me Sanzo-chan and if Hakkai's with you… That's just too damned bad…
The redhead took off, unaware of the green eyes staring at him from the nearby tree.
Yatta! two down, one to go…
Hakkai smiled contently as he took the ashes of a burnt cigarette scattering them in a random but steady stream. He took care not to be seen by his redheaded friend as he went deeper and deeper into the forest. He had already taken care of Goku earlier when he had strewn some of the peppery reddish plant on Sanzo spoor. From what he saw, it had worked. Now, he had used wooden branches carved into the shape of their comrade's sandals and the ashes to make sure that Gojyo would go deeper into the forest. He had purloined the cigarettes from Sanzo when he had popped out of a bush catching the blond monk unaware.
Meanwhile, Sanzo found a second inn willing to house him for the night.
He shrugged the problem of Yaone away. She wasn't a harmless frill that had been raised to cook and clean.
She could take good care of herself… Ah, this is the life...
He had ordered some food and beer, set to enjoy his first full meal for days.
I wonder what Goku's doing for a meal, or Hakkai for the matter or Gojyo...
The twinge of guilt was mollified when he thought of how they had chased him around.
Maybe they'll lose steam with hunger... [1]
After dinner, he started to read more of the scroll. okay, I didn't want to know that some youkai find getting scratched by those claws of theirs in certain places--um--stimulating...but all this...
Kanzeon was quite determined to give her former nephew an education, considering she more or less foreseen that one of the youkai Sanzo was with would be the one to thaw out that frozen exterior.
Yes, fascinating... [2]
When a male youkai in the throes of heat is deprived of his prey is subjective to trying to find other acceptable substitutes…
They're hardly going to find any "substitutes" in the forest…and a good thing too…
Sanzo imagined having to deal with an outraged father with a human girl swelling with child in tow.
I think it was very fortunate…let them burn out the excess energy there…without complications…
Sanzo didn't know just how wrong he was.
"Ne, Lirin?" Goku asked as they shared a score of trout.
"Goku, this fish is good. Can you catch some more?" Lirin asked. She was remarkably fresh despite their exertions. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous light that was oddly entrancing.
"Hai. Hai." Goku said, grinning. He was only half-dressed having taken off his shirt and cape to be able to move freer. Fish was hard to catch barehanded but he managed with his youkai speed. He felt remarkably hot even so when Lirin looked at him with that innocent look.
"Let me help next time, ne? We'll have twice as much." Lirin had picked some berries and edible plants but the fish was more substantially filling than what she had scrounged up.
"Hai." Goku replied again. His eyes were glued to her rather impressive bosom.
The heat that prompted him to kiss Sanzo was there in full force. It uncoiled from the bottom of his belly to warm his whole body. He felt his face flush. Hanging around with that horny kappa, he knew some of the basics.
I've never felt anything like this before except for Sanzo…
The urgency to see the blond monk faded. It was rapidly being commuted into contentment. Orange replaced gold in his fantasy and green eyes, purple.
"Ne, what are you looking at? Aren't you going to have some of this fish?" Lirin said, looking up from the roasted fish she was savaging with his teeth.
"Hai." Goku affirmed.
She's cute…when she's so enthusiastic about eating…
"You're more fun than that baldie Sanzo."
Sugoi! She finds me better company than she finds Sanzo…
"I'm glad to hear that, Lirin-chan." Goku replied brightly. He took one of the roots that were roasting in the fire and took a bite at it. He barely even noticed that it was burning hot.
"Wai! That's more like it."
"Hai." Goku managed not to spit out the burning brand in his mouth but it was a close thing.
Gomen, Yaone-san…
Hakkai was up in the tree to look at the scene before him. He cut several branches to hide the dragon Kougaiji's party used to get to forest. Then he dragged a couple of bucks under the fragrant branches to keep the dragon satisfied for three days at least. Lastly, he covered it with mud.
With Yaone in the forest, it would keep Kougaiji's attention divided… Now for part two of my plan…
Hakkai cut some more branches to make a trail, this time of Yaone "footprints". After a few moments, he had managed a few tortuous false prints.
That should be suffice…
He knew that Yaone had eliminated her scent-spoor already.
I didn't have to do it the way I did to Sanzo's…
Satisfied, the green-eyed youkai decided to find a nice comfortable spot on the fork of a tree to wait for Hakuryu's return.
Sanzo should have found a nice comfty place at town by now…
In the inn, Sanzo read on, amused by what he saw…
Being in heat slow down the brain cells a bit, but youkai aren't complete idiots under influence. They can get the obvious eventually…
That certainly isn't much of a difference from how the baka behaved…
Gojyo ran around the several trees that seemed to look more and more familiar. He looked for a sign of Sanzo, a flash of white robe or of golden hair...but there was nothing. Until he found a piece of cloth stuck to a thorn bush.
Hey, I recognize this... This comes from that sash of Hakkai's...
The half-youkai had a sneaky feeling that he'd been had...
Why, I have such a clever little friend. That Hakkai must have laid a false trail... I guess I'll just have to backtrack and find the trail that's why it was so easy to follow... Well, it won't work now… Wait for me, Sanzo-chan!
It never occurred to Gojyo that the object of his search had left the forest all together.
After a few hours more…
Gojyo walked into the clearing where he retraced Sanzo's spoor. It had a tower standing squarely in the middle of it.
Hmmm… Sanzo-chan's so coy. He's probably up in the tower…
The redheaded half-youkai tried the door. It was locked.
Sanzo-chan's really trying to lay it on thick…
Gojyo decided to play the blond's game, at least for the moment.
After all, Sanzo's the dominant type…
"Ho to the tower! Anyone in there." Gojyo yelled.
Hakkai smiled as he saw Hakuryu fly down to him.
"Ne, Hakuryu, I think I've done enough. Lead me to where Sanzo is."
"Kyu!" The small dragon transformed himself into a jeep.
Author's Notes:
[1] What do you know? Hope does spring eternal! =^^=
[2] I have watched and read entirely too much "Star Trek: the Original Series" in my formative years. * Silrayn raises her eyebrow like Spock * Hee!
- For those who know where this fanfic is going. Don't you guys agree that it is evil? I said it in the beginning chapter so don't say I didn't warn you folks. * rolls on the floor * Ahohohohohohoho! Guess who?