Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© June 14, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


Gojyo lay in his bed amidst the smiling stuffed toys, curled up into a tight ball with Teddy and the chattering teeth snuggled in the hollow of his abdomen. Dreaded night had fallen once again. As if on cue, his sweet sunset eyes began to leak with tears.

How long has it been since he arrived in Houtou Enterprises? Months? A year? Somehow, despite his cybernetic mind, he had lost track of the time. It seemed as if all his energies had been focused on the fruitless, mindless endeavor of satisfying his insatiable master, Gyumao.

"Is it always going to be like this, Pikachu?" Gojyo asked his favorite bright yellow backpack in the shape of that much-loved Pokemon. Hugging Teddy to his aching lower belly, he sobbed, "Teddy, why does it always hurt? Is that why the people in those dirty movies were always screaming? I don't understand any of this. Sex is supposed to be good, isn't it? That's why it's also called 'making love'."

Sitting up, the marionette gazed up at his toys. "Mr. Gyumao is so different from Hakkai. Hakkai always had a smile and a gentle word for me. There was only one occasion that he became very mad with me, but he never...never..." Shaking his head, he cried, "Why is Mr. Gyumao so angry, so cold? What am I doing wrong that he always hurts me? When we're in bed..." His voice turned into a ragged whisper. "He...he...."

The poor clone shook his head. "Oh, Jien! Please come home soon! I miss you so much!"

Three days back, Kougaiji had solemnly informed him that Jien was rushed to the hospital. Apparently, his dearest friend was seriously ill. But before he was taken away, Jien had left a message for him.

"Take good care of yourself, Gojyo," Jien had said. "And you know what I mean by that."

Gojyo thought his back up circuit would burst out of his chest when he heard Gyumao shout, "Gojyo? Gojyo! Where the hell are you?"

Getting off the bed, the clone went toward the mirror, running a few strokes of the brush through his silken hair. Then, naked, he hurriedly padded toward the rich man's bedroom.

The minute he entered and closed the door, he was greeted by the multimillionaire's sharp voice. "Gojyo, where the hell have you been?"

It took considerable effort on the clone's part not to turn his eyes away from his master's nudity.

"I was in my room, Mr. Gyumao," Gojyo quickly replied. "Making myself ready for you."

Timidly, the marionette approached the bed, only to have Gyumao grab his arm and yank him down on the mattress.

"I told you I didn't want to be kept waiting." Gyumao reached down to his discarded trousers and pulled his belt free. Folding it in two, he snapped the leather, causing Gojyo to jerk in fear.

"Oh, please, Mr. Gyumao!" Gojyo begged his owner. "Please don't!"

"You know the drill. Now lie down and take your punishment. And don't cry. I don't want to hear even a sob out of you."

Swallowing down his tears, the poor clone stretched out on the bed, face down, his ample behind twitching as it awaited the first blow.

That first descent of the belt elicited a gasp from Gojyo's lips. Fearing that he might end up crying like a child again, he bit down hard on his hand. Although his cries were stifled, the tears started to stream from his orbs. All he could do was wait for the spanking to end and a new torture to begin.

Gojyo had no idea when the blows stopped. He only realized that the spanking had ceased when he felt Gyumao's body cover his own. With his buttocks raw and bleeding, he winced as the rich man's groin pressed against his battered bum, and a hard cock slid into the tiny channel within.

The marionette could hear Gyumao's animal grunts as he pounded hard into his property. Cruel fingers reached under him to twist and pull on his sensitive nipples. He found it strange that, although Gyumao had no difficulty in bringing himself to a full erection, the clone's member remained flaccid. The marionette remembered a time when his cock's eager rising had been an enigma for him. But now, Gojyo knew the reason why. He had only to think of Hakkai and he would get the same result.

Feeling Gyumao bring himself to an earth-shaking release, Gojyo lowered his face to the sheets, and despite the multimillionaire's earlier threat, started to cry.

He wondered if Hakkai would use him the same way Gyumao had.


"Gojyo? Where do you think you're going?"

The marionette froze with his hand on the knob of the front door. Slowly, he turned to find Hakkai sitting on the couch in the living room.

Bowing in gratitude to his creator, he said, "Thank you very much, Hakkai, for fixing me up again. I must be getting back home before Mr. Gyumao returns."

"Do you know that it's getting more and more difficult to repair you? If you'll only stay awhile longer, I could run more tests on you and..."

"Would you like me to?"


"Stay, I mean. Would me to stay?"

"Gojyo, you know that you're always welcome here."

"That's not what I meant, Hakkai." Gojyo gazed at the scientist with deep longing in his gentle crimson eyes. "Just say it, Hakkai, and I'll stay."

"Say what?" Hakkai pretended to be confused, even though he knew what the marionette was begging from him.

"Hakkai..." the clone began with hesitation. "Are...are you like Gyumao? Would like he has? Is what Gyumao is doing to me...making love?"

"No, Gojyo. It's not," the geneticist answered truthfully. "You never hurt the one you love." His heart urged him to raise an inviting hand to the marionette. "Would you like me to show you how it really should be?"

Gojyo so desperately wanted to ask why Hakkai was willing to show him now what sex was truly like. He needed to know what his maker's real reason was. However, the marionette knew that it was an invitation he dared not refuse. This was, after all, his only chance at a moment's happiness. Perhaps, while they were doing it, he would learn the truth that lay hidden inside Hakkai's heart.

Taking the scientist's hand, Gojyo whispered, "Yes, Hakkai. I would like that very, very much."


Gojyo expected a fist in his face, the crack of leather upon his bare buttocks. So accustomed was he to his nightly routine with Gyumao that the tears started to trickle unbidden from the corners of his eyes.

To his surprise, though, Hakkai kissed his tears away, those gentle lips taking in each drop of misery.

"Don't cry, Gojyo," his creator murmured in his ear, before tickling his earlobe with his tongue. "I swear it won't hurt this time."

Despite this reassurance, the marionette lay still on his back, allowing the scientist free rein to use his body.

Hakkai sighed as he kissed those full lips tenderly. "Oh, Gojyo! Won't you loosen up?"

But the clone was too afraid to move. That is, until Hakkai decided to descend to the region of his chest. Pleasure shot through Gojyo's body as a tender nipple was drawn into a vacuum of moist heat. In his surprise, the marionette's arms went around Hakkai's body.

"What was that?" Gojyo couldn't help but gasp out.

Hakkai's voice was a tingling sensation in his breast. "You like that, huh?"

"Oh, yes!" the clone exclaimed in delight. "Very much!"

"But there's so much more!"

Indeed, as Hakkai said, there was so much more for him to experience. Gojyo was amazed by the sensations that were aroused in him by the mere touch of lips and fingers. He discovered that, like his nipples, there were other areas that produced intense bliss. At the region of his waist, along his sides, Hakkai reduced him to giggles as a poking finger tickled him relentlessly. A nuzzling mouth at his navel and at the hairline of his crotch produced startling results.

"Look, Hakkai!" Gojyo gazed in wonder at his male wand, jutting up in earnest as if ready to perform spectacular sensual magic. "How come it doesn't do that when I'm with Mr. Gyumao?"

"Maybe because it likes me more than him," Hakkai chuckled in reply. "Let me give it something to enjoy."

A strangled cry escaped the marionette's lips as his creator engulfed him to the root. His breaths coming out as little pants, Gojyo watched, amazed, as Hakkai licked and swallowed his now aching length.

When it was slick enough, Hakkai straddled the clone's hips and, after taking a deep breath, sank down upon that rod of silk, burying it deep within the heat of his body.

Gojyo was in shock, seeing their bodies joined thus. "Hakkai, are you all right? Why did you do that? Did I hurt you?"

Before he could squirm away, the scientist answered, "On the contrary, Gojyo, I feel great. Don't be scared. Just let yourself go. You'll see how wonderful it could be."
Smiling, Hakkai moved on the marionette's stiff member, sliding up and down, the muscles of his ass milking the shaft. With soft moans of pleasure, the good doctor felt the clone's tentative thrusts at his gland.

Gojyo himself was reveling in all these alien sensations -- the tightening of the balls in his sac, the filling of his cock to the bursting point. He felt as if he was going to explode.

When the climax was reached, the surprised marionette felt his fluids jet out of his member's tip. Crying out in ecstasy, Hakkai squeezed convulsively on the clone's cock, taking Gojyo's juices deep within him.

The scientist happily sighed as he eased his precious creation away, only to stop when he saw tear-filled sunset eyes blinking up at him.

"Gojyo?" Hakkai asked gently, brushing a tear away with his thumb. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Don't tell me you're afraid that you might have injured me in some way. As you can see, I'm just fine."

"Hakkai..." the marionette hesitated. Blushing in embarrassment, he exclaimed, "I think I sprung a leak again and I even did it inside you! I'm so sorry! It won't happen again!"

That apology was the last thing he expected to hear from the clone. Cupping Gojyo's face in his hands, Hakkai kissed him again and again in reassurance.

Giggling, he declared, "My dear Gojyo! You have nothing to be sorry for. That wasn't a bad leak."

"Gyumao often leaks inside me too." Gojyo gazed questioningly at his maker. "He hasn't shorted me out, has he?"

"What do you feel when he does this with you?"

"Nothing. Most of the time, it hurts, especially in the pit of my tummy." The marionette pointed to the center of his lower abdomen. "Hakkai, does it always have to hurt?"

Hakkai remembered the injuries that were inflicted upon the poor clone. Firmly, he said, "No, Gojyo. It shouldn't. Tell me, Gojyo. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, Hakkai!" Inwardly, Gojyo added, Just as deeply as I love you.

"Then would you allow me to make love to you? You'll see that it doesn't have to hurt."

Despite the reassuring words, the marionette was seized with sudden fear. Still, he managed to ask, "How would you want me, Hakkai? Mr. Gyumao always prefers that I lie down on my tummy."

Hakkai pressed his mouth again to those soft lips. "You're perfect the way you are now." There was a twinkle in the scientist's eyes that stole the clone's breath away. "Well? Are you ready?"


To Gojyo's immense joy and relief, Hakkai was true to his word.

At first, the marionette thought it a strange position to have his thighs spread and his legs slung over the good doctor's shoulders. But he soon realized the reason for it.

Hakkai took extra care to coat his erection with lubricant. With his slick fingers, he inserted first one and then two fingers into the clone's ass. Because of his spread position and the working of Hakkai's expert hand, Gojyo felt his muscles slowly relax, become more accommodating. He knew he was ready for what was to follow.

As Hakkai had promised, there was absolutely no pain, just that luscious stretching and the sensation of gradually being filled. The pace and rhythm proved too slow for Gojyo that he urged his maker on with sinuous undulations of his hips.

Increasing his pace, Hakkai aimed at the marionette's pleasure point. At that contact, rainbow colors exploded before Gojyo's awe-struck eyes. For a moment, he thought he had suffered a major malfunction.

But then, as the colors disappeared, a different vision took its place -- that of a field of silvery white puffy clouds. Colorful toys and pretty angels flew threw the air above him. To Gojyo's amusement, Jiroushin raced past him in hot pursuit of Kwannon. The dog and the cat had tiny wings on their backs and halos floating on top of their heads. Even Goku strolled by, wearing huge eyeglasses before his beady monkey eyes, reading a book, his wings flapping behind him. Hakuryu was perched on his shoulder, also with a halo on top of his head.

Then, Gojyo saw a figure in white sitting not far from him. He thought it was Hakkai at first. But as he approached, he saw that the beautiful angel possessed his face.

The angel turned and smiled at him. "Hello, Gojyo!"

"Hello!" the marionette shyly greeted back. "Am I in Heaven?"

"Yes, you could say that. Since this is what you envision Heaven to be, this is Heaven for you." The angel grabbed Teddy as he fluttered by and gave the bear a tight hug. "Lovely place, Gojyo."

"But if I'm in Heaven, doesn't this mean I'm dead?"

The angel laughed at that query, but it was not mocking. "No, you're not dead. A...few...often get a glimpse of this place when they make love. That's why the act of lovemaking is also called 'le petit morte'. The little death."

Gojyo scratched his head. "This is very, very confusing for me. I'm not human. I'm not supposed to here."

"Maybe that's the reason why you are here now." The angel stood up. Gently, he laid a hand on the marionette's cheek and kissed him tenderly on the lips. "You've been given a precious gift, my dear Gojyo. Although you have wires instead of nerves and circuits instead of a heart, you are human, Gojyo. You must never let anyone convince you otherwise."

Forlorn, the clone muttered, "But I'm not human. I don't have a soul, remember?"

"But Jien doesn't believe this to be so. Don't worry," the angel reassured him. "We'll be meeting again soon and, once we do, I'll always remind you of that fact. Till then, Gojyo, never falter. Though things grow difficult for you, never lose hope and always have faith in the power of love."

Gojyo was about to ask the angel more, but then, the vision melted into a canvas of running colors, turning into a bright white light as he reached the peak. As he felt his cock spurt its juices once more, Hakkai gushed his seed into his body.

An hour later, maker and creation lay arm in arm on the bed. Still, Gojyo remained awake, haunted by the vision of Heaven that remained clear inside his head.

"Always have faith in the power of love," the angel had told him.

Gently, Gojyo nudged the good doctor. "Hakkai? Hakkai?"

The scientist hummed sleepily.

"May I ask you a question?" the clone persisted. " you love me?"

Hakkai's answer was to smile. Without saying a word, he pulled the marionette close to him and dozed off.

Gojyo was a bit disappointed. He wanted so much to hear those three words from his creator's lips. However, that smile and the comforting hug that was given him was answer enough for him. Beaming as well, the marionette laid his head on Hakkai's chest and drifted off to dreams of Heaven, of flying animals and toys, and an angel who looked like him.


The next morning, Hakkai awoke to find an empty space on the bed beside him. Groaning in frustration, he sat up and pounded his fist on the mattress.

"He's gone, Hakkai," Goku was peeking through the doorway, his voice soft over the intercom. "Gojyo went back to Gyumao."

"I could see that," Hakkai retorted. "Damn it! I thought he'd stay!"

"Did you ask him to?"

"No, but...we made love!"

"You know that Gojyo is infected with the virus. Why did you do it?

"I hoped that Gojyo would stay. And I'm not afraid of the virus. I'll be transferring my consciousness to the new clone anyway when it's done."

"Hakkai, as you have seen for yourself, sex is not a good enough reason for him to stay. Let me ask you this," the monkey clone said as patiently as he could. "He was asking you if you would want him to stay. Did you tell Gojyo that you love him?"

The geneticist fell silent. He knew he never admitted his true feelings to the marionette. However, he vaguely remembered that, some time during the night, Gojyo had asked him a question.

"Do you love me?"

Noting the silence and the pallor on his best friend's face, Goku clucked his tongue and shook his head in dismay. As he headed back into the hallway, he exclaimed in exasperation, "Oh, Hakkai! You could be so damned dense sometimes!"

* * * * * * * * * *

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Yes, yes, I promised to post two chapters of "Fire And Earth", but I made the mistake of bringing the "Marionette" CD to the office, and the smutty-minded staffers here demanded that I should post some sweet and tender smut this time. So, at their insistence, here are Chapters 15 and 16. Next time, it's definitely going to be "Fire And Earth".