Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Marionette ❯ Chapter Twenty ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© June 23, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


Gojyo skidded to a halt in the mud, hearing the muffled report of a gun coming from the manor. His hands flew to his chest, feeling the back up circuit give a sudden lurch.

Glancing back worriedly, he mumbled, "Hakkai..."

Hakuryu, not knowing the exchange between his maker and Jiroushin earlier, snorted in disgust and anger. :Hakkai bad. Hurt Gojyo. Said he doesn't love you. Why still care for him?:

The marionette clutched Kwannon's master circuit to his chest. His tears mixing with the drizzle, he replied, "That's the problem, Hakuryu. Even if Hakkai had rejected me, nothing's going to change the fact that I do love him."

Jiroushin swiftly put in, :Gojyo, there's something you should know about Hakkai. Something he told me. But we can't talk about it here. Once we're safe...once we're free.…:

From the bushes a few meters away from them, there was a sharp pop. Gojyo jerked in surprise as a bullet pierced his right arm.

"I found them!" Kinkaku shouted to his brother. "Ginkaku! Over here!"

With a furious bark, Jiroushin leaped at the henchman, yelling to his friends via their cybernetic link, :RUN!:

The Golden Retriever, however, wasn't able to sink his teeth into Kinkaku's jugular. As Ginkaku emerged from the trees, he immediately opened fire on the dog.

"JIROUSHIN!" Gojyo cried out as his dear friend fell to the ground, his bullet-riddled body slowly melting into the mud puddle. So distraught was he that he did not notice that the bullet wound in his arm was leaking blood, tissue and primordial serum.

:Gojyo!: Hakuryu shouted in panic. :Hurry! Escape!:

The white dragon nearly howled in frustration, seeing the marionette dash towards the body of the dog and bend down. Just as quickly, Gojyo ran back as bullets started to zip past them. Hakuryu saw the reason for the delay held protectively in the clone's hands -- Jiroushin's master circuit.

Despite the dangers they were facing, a smile formed on Hakuryu's face. Glancing at the running, weeping figure beside him, the little dragon thought in determination, Hakuryu not going to let anything happen to you, Gojyo. Like Jiroushin and Kwannon, I die before Gyumao gets you!

At this solemn vow, the two clones dashed deep into the woods, Gyumao's men pursuing them relentlessly on motorcycles, raining them with bullets. With no home, no loved one to return to, they headed off in the direction of the highway and, hopefully, salvation.


Driving through the mountain road at that very moment was a very exhausted, yet relieved, young man.

He had just come from China, having concluded the last filming day for his TV series. When the director had shouted "It's a wrap!", he hastily grabbed his things from his trailer, and got the first flight out of Beijing. From the airport, he went to the studio, got into his Porsche and drove off, heading for his little retreat hidden in the mountains.

Unlike before, he had decided not to accept any projects while on hiatus. The healing break in his right arm, caused by an accidental blow by a guest star with a kendo sword, needed the rest, a luxury that was not accorded to him because of a very tight shooting schedule. What he needed most, however, was to be free to do what needed to be done. He couldn't rely on the private investigators anymore. He needed to do the job himself. The past year had been frustrating for him, and the time had not diminished the anger that was smoldering inside his heart. The urge to tea down Houtou Enterprises brick by brick was driving him insane.

"Damn you, Gyumao!" he pounded his right fist on the steering wheel. "What have you done to my brother?"

There was a way out of his dilemma though. In truth, he was praying almost everyday that his TV series would not get picked up for another season. As if there was a chance of that happening. Already, fans worldwide were mounting a massive letter-writing campaign to bring the show back, for the very reason that they wanted their favorite character to be saved from the Demon King who had taken him. That change in the storyline had been a stroke of brilliance. Too bad the fans were virtually unaware that the plot was taken from the real-life abduction of one of the show's stars.

Still, even if he could escape from his present, high profile career, he seriously doubted if he could return to the quiet solitude of a pristine white laboratory's four walls. If his former colleagues ridiculed him for his theories years back, by now, he had definitely lost all credibility. After all, who would believe a once promising molecular biologist and geneticist turned celluloid beefcake?

Sighing, he knew there was no going back to his former life. His dreams of creating the perfect cybernetic human were long gone. Now, he had to settle himself into his frivolous role as an actor sought after by millions of female and male fans all over the globe. But he wished with all his heart that he could have accomplished something more meaningful in his life than this. A life that he still believed he would share with his younger brother.

A rare tear trickled down his handsome face that was hardened by grief and loneliness. Jien…Oh, how I wish you could give me a sign that you're still alive. I'm losing hope that I would ever find you.

Lost in his troubled thoughts, he did not notice the two figures darting through the trees at the left side of the road. He would've been more astounded to see that those dark shadows were actually matching the speed of his sports car.


Hakuryu could hear the roar of motorcycles behind them. :Hurry, Gojyo! lmost there!:

"I'm so tired, Hakuryu!" Gojyo wailed in despair. "I don't think I could run anymore!"

:The road is to your right. Find a car. Beg for a ride and..."

Just as they climbed the embankment and onto the edge of the road, Ginkaku zoomed from out of nowhere on his motorcycle, semi-automatic blasting away. So sudden was the henchman's appearance that the marionette froze where he stood, like a frightened deer caught in a hunter's sights.

:GOJYO!: Hakuryu screamed as he swooped down and, with the full force of his body, shoved the startled clone out of the way.

"HAKURYU, NO!" Gojyo's anguished wail reverberated through the mountain, seeing the little dragon's right wing shredded by gunfire.

Before he could regain his balance, the marionette slipped onto the wet road and fell right into the path of an oncoming car.


The actor's amethyst eyes flew wide at the sight of the figure with a bright yellow backpack that stumbled onto the road.

"SHIT!" he exclaimed as he swiftly turned the wheel, narrowly missing running over the man by a few inches.

Furious, he stormed out of his car, ignoring the sudden downpour, and approached the fallen figure. "You fool! Are you crazy? Do you want to get killed?"

To his infuriation, the stranger struggled to his feet, ignoring him, stumbling toward a bleeding mess on the road. He saw him pick up something that looked like a large white lizard and press it close to his breast.

A frown furrowed his brow, hearing the stranger cry, "Oh, Hakuryu! Not you too! Who's going to protect me now? I have no one! I just want to die! I WANT TO DIE!"

His blood running cold at that anguished wail, he wondered why that voice sounded so familiar to him.

"Who are..." he was about to ask, reaching a hand out to touch that hunched, weeping form.

Then, from the embankment, two motorbikes roared onto the highway on either side of them. He was horrified to see that the bikers were armed with guns. To his dismay, the stranger was too despondent to move. It was obvious that he wanted to surrender his life to these men.

Somehow, the sight of that wretched form galvanized him into action. In spite of the threat to his own life, he ran for his car, dodging from bullets that flew past him, and grabbed his Smith and Wesson in the dashboard.

One of the bikers charged at him. He stood his ground, eyes unblinking, and fired. As man and bike fell and skidded on the wet road and down the embankment, they crashed into a tree, followed by an explosion.

Behind him, he heard the second biker revving up his motorcycle. As he turned, he saw that the biker's gun was pointed at him. If he were to charge, he would be shot at point blank range. Surprisingly, though, the man did not fire, seized by a moment of indecision. He realized that the stranger he was protecting had stood up behind him, his shadow visible out of the corner of his eye. The biker didn't know whom between the two of them he should shoot. His gun wavered, pointing first at him, then at the stranger behind him, and back at him again.

The stranger shouted in rage, "You murdered my friends! You killed Hakkai! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!"

Suddenly, there was a jingling of chains. Turning, the actor gasped, as a long, silver chain flew past him, the links wrapping tightly around the shocked biker. Before he could think of freeing himself, a crescent blade was buried in the man's chest. As a coup de grace, lightning suddenly snaked down from the sky and struck the biker, electrocuting him where he stood. His body twitched convulsively as a million of volts of electricity coursed through him.

Instinctively, the actor threw himself at the stranger, letting his gun slip from his grasp, and shielded him from the electric bolts.

When the lightning strike ended, he helped the stranger to his feet, his startled eyes not failing to note the eerie red glow that slowly faded from the other man's orbs.


That weak sound caught the hearing of the stranger in his arms. Breaking free, he crawled over to the lizard and picked it up, exclaiming in joy and relief, "Hakuryu! You're alive! Thank heavens!"

Going towards the stranger, the actor said urgently, "If there are more of these guys chasing you, we can't stay here. Come on!"

Grabbing his fallen gun, he ushered the stranger and his dubious-looking pet into the front seat beside him. Tossing his gun into the backseat, he quickly got into his car and drove away.

For several minutes, he glanced repeatedly at his rear view mirror for any more pursuers. To his relief, there was none.

The actor's attention was drawn to the stranger at his side, his eyes focusing at last on the wound in his arm.

"You've been shot!" he exclaimed in horror. "I must get you to a hospital!"

But the stranger shook his head. "No. No hospital. He'll be sure to find me there." There was a weary chuckle. "Besides, I don't think the doctors there would know how to fix me."

Fix? he thought in confusion. Turning on the light, he said, "Listen. You're bleeding very badly. We must have a doctor look at that arm and...."

His words died in his throat, his jaw dropping, as he gaped at the wound. Within that hole, he could see pulsing lights traversing fiberoptic wires. Synthetic tubes dripped blood and a pink goo. As he looked at the stranger's face, he gasped, seeing a face that was exactly like the face of the brother he had lost. Judging from the expression on the man's features, he was obviously just as stunned to see him as well.

Before he could stammer the question that he was going to ask earlier, a weak, yet very charming, smile quirked up the stranger's lips.

"I know you!" the stranger exclaimed. "My friends at the old folks home had been telling me about you. You're the one they admire. You're that TV actor with the gun. You're Genjo Sanzo, aren't you?"

Genjo Sanzo stared in shock at the man beside him. "Yes, I'm Sanzo. But...but...who...what are you?"

A chill went up the actor's spine, hearing the stranger's reply before he drifted off into exhausted sleep. "It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Sanzo. My name's Gojyo. I'm your brother's clone."

* * * * * * * * * *

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Okay, this is the last of the completed earlier chapters of "Marionette" from its original Highlander fic format. After this, sorry to say, the updates are going to come a bit slower than before. Admittedly, none of my RL problems are close to being solved and another one popped its ugly head just yesterday. It's so frustrating knowing how hard you've been working, only to have your salary be paid at a later date or not at all, especially when you have bills to pay. It would've been nice to profit from fanfic writing, but this scenario is unlikely to happen in the real world. Anyway, thanks everybody for all your support. I will try my damned best to come up with updates soon. In the meantime, please do pray for me that all these problems will get solved. Again, thank you very much!