Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Married?! ❯ Married?! ( One-Shot )
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Saiyuki!!!
Sanzo- ikkou: *sweatdrop* ….
SC: What???
Goku: Why were you laughing like that?
SC: *evil smile* you'll see later! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sanzo: She's crazy…
SC: *throws her chair to Sanzo* that'll teach you!
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Goku: Hey, Gojyo! You took my last dumpling!!!
Gojyo: Oh, yeah. There's no name on it!*sticks his tongue out*
Hakkai: *looks at Sanzo* Errrr…. guys, I think you should settle down…
Sanzo: URUSAI!!!*continues eating*
Hakkai: *sighs* They never listen to me…
Sanzo: Let's go! NOW!
Hakkai: Come on…*drags Goku and Gojyo*
Goku: There's still some more food…Food…
Gojyo: And some more beer…beer…
Sanzo: You're too slow!!!*hits both of them with his harisen*
Hakkai: … Let's find some place to stay. How about there?
Sanzo: Ch… anywhere.
Hakkai: Alright! It's settled then!*goes into the HOTEL and ordered two bedrooms*
Receptionist: Did you do any bookings?
Hakkai: No, why?
Receptionist: I am sorry sir but only those who booked can get two or more rooms. Will one room be okay?
Hakkai: …*in his mind* not again…*outloud* please wait…I have to speak to my friends first*walks to the door* Hey, guys, do you mind if we share a room again?
Sanzo: Anything…
Hakkai: Okay!*goes back in to the lobby* Yes, one room's fine.
Receptionist: Here are the keys to your room. It is on level 20.
Hakkai: Thank you.*walks back to the group*
Sanzo: Let's go.*goes into the lift*
Hakkai, Gojyo and Goku: *walks behind Sanzo*
Hakkai: Level 20.
Sanzo: *steps out the lift* Right or left…?
Hakkai: Right… room number 203.
Goku: Yeah! We get to sleep in a hotel for once!!
Hakkai: *opens the door to the room number 203* Nice room. Four beds…
Gojyo: What FOUR beds? I only see two!
Sanzo: Baka! There are two pull out beds!*pulls out two beds*
Goku: Sooo… two people must sleep on the pullout beds…
Gojyo: I say we settle this with chance*shuffles his cards that he took out from his pockets*
Gojyo, Goku and Sanzo: …*sweatdrop*
Gojyo: Hakkai…I think you choose your bed first…
Hakkai: If you say so…*picks the bed closest to the window* This is fine for me.
Gojyo: Okay, gentlemen, pick you card!
Goku: Hey, finally I get the Ace of Spades!
Gojyo: I got the Ace of Diamonds…
Sanzo: Ace of Clubs… Ch… that bakasaru gets to sleep on the bed.
Gojyo: *with sarcasm* Well, Sanzo, you'd better get used to sleeping on the lower part! Oops…*dodges a bullet that was shot by Sanzo*
Sanzo: Say that again and you will have a very short life!
Goku: Yay! Finally get to sleep on the bed!
Hakkai: Congratulations, Goku.
Next day…
Hakkai: Gojyo, Goku, wanna follow me to run errands and then go eat breakfast?
Gojyo: That'll be fine since I ran out of cigarettes.
Goku: Did you say breakfast? Count me in! Hm… Sanzo, you not following?
Sanzo: Why would I want to?
Hakkai: Well, Sanzo has to guard the room because I'm gonna take the key with me*takes the key out and every thing goes off* I think not…*puts the back and every thing turns on…even Goku*
Goku: Are we going already?
Hakkai: Well, we're going now…Bye!*steps out the room with Goku and Gojyo behind him*
Sanzo: Ch… annoying people…*puts on his glasses and reads the newspaper*
Cleaner: I think I'll clean this room since the people came out already…*takes out the key to the room and opens the door to see an occupant inside* S-sorry…
Sanzo: Ritsuko… is that you?
Ritsuko: S-Sanzo?*looks up and sees him* Sanzo! It really you?*goes nearer to Sanzo and hugs him*
Sanzo: *hugs her back in return* Ritsuko… I'm really sorry I ran off like that…
Ritsuko: Shhh... Don't talk Sanzo…*kisses him*
Sanzo: *continues kissing until the others came to see the door open*
Hakkai, Goku & Gojyo: …?!
Gojyo: Sanzo…
Sanzo*opens his eyes* Ritsuko… my friends are back…
Ritsuko: ?!*blushes*
Sanzo: Ch… C'mon…*gets out of the room*
Hakkai: C'mon, guys… stop gaping…*pulls the other two into the lift*
Sanzo: Don't say anything, Hakkai… I'll explain later...
Hakkai: *closes his mouth*
After breakfast...
Sanzo: *finds a letter on the table addressed to him and reads the letter* Ritsuko…*gets out of the room*
Goku: Sanzo... where are you going?
Sanzo: Ch… none of your business...
Hakkai: *in his mind* Sanzo... I know you are hiding something...
Sanzo: *turns and points his gun at Goku & Gojyo who were following him* And DON"T follow me!
Goku & Gojyo: *turns back*
Please meet me at the lobby as soon as you had read this letter. Do not tell your friends who I am…please…
Your Beloved,
Sanzo: *under his breath* Ritsuko... what's wrong?
Ritsuko: *sees Sanzo* Sanzo! Over here!
Sanzo *runs to Ritsuko* Ritsuko... what's wrong?
Ritsuko: Nothing's wrong... I just want you to come with me for awhile...
Sanzo: *follows Ritsuko to a house* Is this your house, Ritsuko?
Ritsuko: Sort of... please, go in...
Sanzo: ...*goes in*
Ritsuko: *follows after Sanzo and closes the door* Sanzo... do you still have your ring that I gave you?
Sanzo: *takes out a shiny ring* Yes... do you have yours, Ritsuko?
Ritsuko: *shows her ring with a diamond to him* I kept in good condition... but Sanzo…I have to... give it back...
Sanzo: Why?!
Ritsuko: Because... because...--
Sanzo: Ritsuko, get down!*pushes her down*
Sounds of gunshot rang through the air. A demon comes in and sees Ritsuko on the floor with a man in front of her.
Demon: Who're you?
Sanzo: Watashiwa... Genjo Sanzo!
Demon: Well, my name is Keiji... some people call me the demon of destruction!
Sanzo: What do you want with MY Ritsuko?
Keiji: I'm going to marry her... But first... I'm going to kill you!
Sanzo: *turns to Ritsuko* I-is it true... Ritsuko?
Ritsuko: Sanzo! Look out!*covers her eyes*
Keiji: Huh? UUUGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!*falls*
Hakkai: Well, it's a good thing that I followed you... you were off-guard that you were almost killed!
Sanzo: Thanks, Hakkai...
Ritsuko: S-Sanzo!*coughs out blood*S-Sanzo! H-help me!
Sanzo: *sees a hand coming out of her abdomen* Ritsuko!*looks at Keiji who is behind Ritsuko*
Keiji: If I can't marry her... I'll kill her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!
Sanzo: Why, YOU!*shoots Keiji* Ritsuko! Ritsuko! Please don't leave me! I know I haven't been a good husband but please don't please don't leave me!!!*cries*
Ritsuko: D-don't be s-silly... you have been a good husband a-and I-I love y-you v-very much...*dies*
Sanzo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! RITSUKO!!!!!!!!!!
Hakkai: I'll help you dig her grave... Sanzo...
Soon, after Ritsuko's grave was built... Sanzo buried her ring…
Sanzo: Hakkai...
Hakkai: Yes?
Sanzo: Would you not mention this to Goku and Gojyo?
Hakkai: *nods* Let's go back, Sanzo... we can't stay here long... Goku and Gojyo would be worried of us...
They walked back slowly to their room…
Hakkai: Tadaima!
Sanzo: ...
Goku: Sanzo... Why are you crying?
Sanzo: None of your business...*climbs into his bed and sleeps*
Gojyo: Oi, why is he sleeping? It's not yet lunch!
Hakkai: He had a rough day, Gojyo... don't bother him…*slips on his ring for him*
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SC: Well, another story done! I still can't think whether I kill Goku in `It can't be true…' or just to make him suffer... hmmm... decisions...decisions…
Goku: Kowaii...
Gojyo: SC, where'd you get so much money to buy a ring for Sanzo?
SC: It's my own and you can't borrow any*sticks out tongue*
SC: Well, oyasuminasai, minna! Got a lot of work for you tomorrow so go to sleep!