Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ METAMORPHOSIS BOOK TWO: ARMAGGEDON ❯ CHAPTER TWO: Heavenly Creatures ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© March 24, 2005 by Rory V. Pascual

CHAPTER TWO: Heavenly Creatures

Homura leaned against the door he had slammed, breathing heavily, hoping that with every exhalation, he would breathe out the anger inside him. But he failed miserably. He was known to be a calm and patient man. His last confrontation with the Sanzo-ikkou was testament to this fact. Now, however, he knew that the only thing that would quell his anger was to punch the living daylight out of that monk.

Because, in truth, Sanzo had been right in retrieving him from that limbo that he, Zenon and Shien had created.

Yes, it was a new world created in the likeness of the dream world that he and his beloved Rinrei had envisioned. But it was a world of never-ending ennui, which in the long run, could never sustain life. It was also a trap of sorts. While it seemed like an ideal place to die at first, he soon discovered that his spirit could not move on to the afterlife. The only thing he could do was watch as his body and the world around him fell into decay. His own soul soon began to rot from sheer boredom. This time, however, he did not have the luxury of a mortal body that could die at any time. It deeply saddened him that, even in death, he could not be reunited with his dearest Rinrei.

Or did they meet again, albeit briefly?

Homura had been in one of those states between mind-numbing boredom and sleep when Rinrei came to him. He couldn't speak to her, but his tears conveyed to her his love and longing for her.

But it was what Rinrei had said to him that roused him from his light slumber.

"You will live, Homura, to find the one who shall fill the void inside your heart," Rinrei had told him. "After all this time, I only learned now that we were never really meant to be. But I will never forget the time that we had together, brief though it may be. Just a little patience, my love. Soon, you'll be free to find that very important someone in your life."

Now, here he was again, back on this Earth in a human body, thanks to the powers of a grief-stricken monk. Rinrei had spoken true that he would live again.

Homura laughed wryly as he looked down at himself. The Demon King had made him dress in a gaudy silk yukata that revealed more than it concealed. It made him feel like a slut.

"Find my 'important someone'?" he said, with a shake of his head. "How can I find this person if I'm going to play whore to a crazy youkai king?"

With a resigned sigh, Homura pushed himself up to a standing position and headed straight for the huge doors at the end of the hallway. Although he seemed calm and composed on the outside, his head pounded like thunder that he could clearly hear every heartbeat. Before he could lose his nerve, Homura laid his hands on the doors, pushed them open, and went straight inside.

Gyumao had just finished removing his armor, and was sitting on his bed, dressed only in trousers. He was pleasantly surprised to see his latest acquisition standing inside his chamber.

In five long strides, Homura crossed the distance between them. Flinging his arms around the brawny youkai's neck, he gave Gyumao a scorching kiss that the Demon King had to pull away after a few second to breathe.

"Whoa! You're certainly a feisty one!" Gyumao chuckled. "Not surprising for a former Toushin."

Yanking the yukata down to his waist, Homura knelt down on the bed, the Demon King's thighs between his legs. Reaching down, he freed the youkai's burgeoning member from the constricting confines of his trousers.

"I thought you wanted to fuck me, my Lord," Homura muttered huskily as he slithered down to the floor, taking that huge cock in his two hands and giving it a languorous lick from root to tip. "Let's get it over with. I'm aching for you."

Gyumao grunted loudly as Homura took that enormous shaft down his throat. Before he could come inside that delectable mouth, he yanked the younger man off by his hair and hauled him back onto his lap. Homura blinked down at the leering Demon King through mismatched eyes. Pulling him close, Gyumao brutally sank his teeth into a nipple, causing Homura to cry out.

The Demon King licked the blood from his lips. "You thought you could set the pace of this little tryst, didn't you, Toushin? You're thinking that if I come too soon inside that luscious mouth of yours, I'd be too drained to give you the fucking you deserve."

Taking handfuls of Homura's buttocks, Gyumao pried the cleft wide open with his clawed fingers and made a powerful upward thrust. Membranes and muscles were torn at that cruel entry that a scream was wrenched from Homura's throat. Blood poured between his thighs like rivulets.

"So my raven-haired beauty is also a virgin," Gyumao mused as he nuzzled in the ex-god's hair, fangs nibbling at an earlobe, while he relished the pleasurable tightness. "Indeed, I am so lucky!"

Although his body was screaming in agony from the massive member stuck up his ass, Homura somehow managed to smile seductively. "I believe I was meant to be yours, my Lord. And yes, I must admit I did want to set the pace, so I could enjoy this moment between us. I feel like a young bride on her first night with her groom."

Homura gasped as fingers dug through his hair and held his head in a painful grip.

"You don't fool me, my pretty orchid," Gyumao murmured with a grin. "If you thought you'd spared my sweet Sanzo and Kougaiji from my bed, sorry to say that they too shall have their turn. Especially that delectable monk, when the barriers of his virtue go down when this year is over. But since you've so willingly offered yourself to me, who am I to decline?"

With deft maneuvering, the Demon King positioned the younger man on his knees, hands gripping the headboard, while still remaining deeply seated in that tight ass. He then yanked his cock out and slammed it back in, eliciting a cry from the former god's lips.

"I haven't forgotten what your predecessor did to me, Toushin Homura Taishi," Gyumao whispered ominously in his ear. "Up to now, I still bear the scar of his lance upon my brow."

"I am no longer a Toushin, my Lord," Homura answered between gritted teeth, a sheen of sweat covering his skin. "I am but a mere human now."

"And I am pleased that you know that," the Demon King declared, as he readied himself for the plundering that lay ahead, "because in this castle, I am your Master, and it is my great spear that shall do the piercing."


The crescent moon was high up in the sky when Homura emerged from Gyumao's chamber. With trembling hands, he pulled his yukata closed over his battered body that was reeking of blood and other unsavory fluids. Gingerly, he limped back to the suite that was allotted to the Demon King's whores. The tears that he had earlier held back, now streamed down his face with every painful step he took. He badly needed a bath. Never in all his life had he felt so filthy.

Quietly, Homura opened the door. As he closed it with a soft click, through the faint glow of the oil lamp on the table, he saw that Kougaiji was already asleep, his sister Lirin beside him. His two friends, in turn, lay in weary slumber on futons laid at the foot of his bed.

Only Sanzo was awake, sitting on the windowsill and staring at the moon in great sorrow. But it wasn't the monk that stunned the former Toushin. It was the sight of the lovely angel that was embracing him.

The angel was dressed in an elegant dark blue frock coat, with a long cape cut into a V at the back. On his feet were shiny blue and white boots. He also had on a strange looking hat. His arms and his snow-white wings were wrapped around the monk's form.

Dark envy filled Homura's heart.

"Homura, daijoubu?" Sanzo asked worriedly, realizing that he had finally arrived. Standing, he passed through the angel's wispy form and hurried to his side. "I've been waiting up for you. Please come to bed. You need to rest."

Homura, however, slapped the priest's hand away. "I don't need your concern! This is what you summoned me here to do – to play whore to Gyumao so that you'll be spared from his lust!"

"That's not true! I would never do this to you because I know that your spirit was already at peace! I don't understand why the Sutras did this!"

"The Sutras acted on your will! Don't tell me that you didn't 'understand'!"

Homura dropped his clenched fists to his sides, desperately fighting the urge to hit the poor monk. "This is so unfair! Why does everyone protect and love a selfish bastard like you? In Tenkai, you were always accorded with respect, and your friends loved you, so much so that they even followed you here to Earth! Kougaiji is suffering abuse from his own father, just to spare you from his dirty desires!" He glared at the startled angel. "And now you even have an angel watching over you!"

Since he couldn't see the angel in blue, Sanzo shook his head in confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Homura hissed in fury, "Because of you, Kougaiji can no longer speak. Hakkai, Gojyo and Goku are all dead. And now you condemned me to suffer in your place. You don't deserve to be loved, Konzen! You're the one who's better off dead!"

Not wanting to see the priest's remorseful face any longer, Homura ran inside the bathroom and locked the door. Opening the shower, he sank right down on the floor, buried his face in his arms, and cried, as water streamed down his body. He stayed in that position for nearly half an hour. The ex-god didn't even bother to look up when he heard the soft flutter of wings.

After a long moment's silence, a sad voice asked, "Is it wrong for me to give comfort to one who's grieving?"

"You're better off giving comfort to someone who deserves it," Homura answered bitterly. "Certainly not someone like him!"

A shocked gasp caused Homura to look up. The angel stood before him with his hat held respectfully in his hands, his silver blue hair slicked back. Reflected on his face, however, was great happiness and relief.

"You can see me?" the angel inquired hopefully. "You really can see and hear me?"

"Yes. It seems that although I may no longer be a Toushin, I had been given a different power." Homura glared at the angel. "And what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Sanzo?"

"I came because you needed me."

"I don't need you. I don't need anyone!"

The angel simply ignored that retort, turned off the water, and sat down beside him. "Homura-han, that was a brave thing that you did. No man would've made such a great sacrifice." A brief pause. "Despite those cruel things you said, you do care for Sanzo-han."

"I couldn't care less about that damned monk." Homura then reluctantly admitted, "But I know Son Goku wouldn't want to see him being hurt by Gyumao. I…I know how it feels to love someone and not be able to protect them. It's for Goku that I'm doing this, and perhaps for Hakkai and Gojyo as well. But…" A choked sob was drawn from his lips. "I never knew it would hurt so much to lose… I had intended to give it to Rinrei. I have nothing now."

"You still have the love and sincerity inside your heart. Innocence may be lost, but love is eternal." The angel gave him a sweet smile. "I learned that from a dear friend, and maybe a little bit from that man outside."

Sure enough, Sanzo's soft, broken voice came through from behind the closed door. "Homura, I am so sorry. I'm not asking for your forgiveness because I know I don't deserve it. But I swear you'll never have to go to him again. You and Kougaiji. I'll figure out a way to satisfy him. No one will have to suffer or die because of me from now on. I just thought I'd tell you that."

"Sanzo…" Before he realized he was doing so, Homura got to his feet. He was about to open the door when he paused to look back at the angel.

"Arigato gozaimasu," Homura told the angel in sincerest gratitude.

"Doitashimashite," the angel answered cheerfully.

Something inside his heart prompted him to ask, "Will I see you again?"

"We will. The Great Spirit told me that I had an important mission that I need to accomplish here. In a way, like you, I am doing what my beloved friend had done for me before he died, which is to watch and protect. Right now, I'm unable to do the latter, but I'm sure the Great Spirit will guide me so that I could be able to fulfill this duty for all of you."

"If your…Great Spirit…permits it, may I please know your name? I mean, you already know my name and…"

"I am Hazel, Hazel Glosse. Yoroshiku."

"Hazel…" Homura tested that foreign-sounding name on his tongue. "That's a nice name, and I am happy to meet you as well."

Hazel gestured towards the door. "Go to him, Homura-han. He needs you right now."

Homura nodded and flung the door open. Sanzo had been about to walk away when he did not receive a reply from the former Toushin within. Seizing the surprised monk in his arms, Homura held him in a tender embrace. At once, Sanzo gave in to his tears, his body shaking with the force of his sobs. He turned around and buried his face in the ex-god's shoulder. Scented wings suddenly enfolded them both, and Homura gazed up to behold Hazel smiling at him from behind Sanzo's shoulder, his cobalt blue eyes twinkling with happiness.

"It'll be all right, Konzen," Homura whispered soothingly. "You're not alone. We'll be here for you."

To be continued…

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