Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Confrontation ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© January 1, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual

AUTHOR'S NOTE: These five chapters have taken a long while in coming. So I guess this answers everyone's question on whether I have abandoned this fic or not. This is probably the one fic that I will NOT abandon. Why the delay?  I had to devote much of my time and my life to caring for my mother, who was very ill. She passed away last December 2. It's simply to cope with the grief over her loss that these chapters were finally completed. Right now, I'm hoping to get my life back on track, and this means that, barring any other RL problems, I might be able to come up with succeeding chapters on a more regular basis. I guess this means good news to all of you who haven't given up on this story and on this writer.

Anyway, the first story arc of Metamorphosis is completed. The concluding story arc will follow. I would like to dedicate the first story arc to the wonderful ladies of Essence of Purity. Thank you for being there during my time of grief. Most of all, this is for my Mom, who's probably turning in her grave right now, knowing that her daughter is writing yaoi, but would most definitely support her just the same.

CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Confrontation

        "Good for nothing hiryu!" Sanzo growled at the flying creature, drinking from the cool waters of the pond. "Why couldn't you have chosen to take a break near a town where I can buy a pack of cigarettes?"

        They were halfway to their goal when the monk sensed that the hiryu was tiring from the driving speed he had forced it to take. Although it was against his better judgment, stalled as he was from beating the crap out of the idiots whom he considered his 'servants', Sanzo decided to take a fifteen-minute break. This gave him the opportunity to rant and rail at the idiocy of his former road companions.

        "Fools!" Sanzo pounded his fist against a tree. "We've only been apart long? Five, six months? And already they're making one mistake after another! Damn them! If I'd known early on they'd do something this stupid, I'd have shot them right between the eyes right from the start!"

        Just as he said the word 'eyes', the monk sensed something was watching him. Sure enough, the hiryu was giving him a baleful glare. That reproachful stare caused Sanzo to sigh, his shoulders sagging.

        "Hai, I know," Sanzo said in sorrow. "I'm the biggest fool of all. Perhaps, if I didn't do what I had done, none of this would've happened. Perhaps...we wouldn't be suffering like this." He leaned wearily against the tree, pressing his knuckles to his eyes before his tears of frustration could fall. "This is all my fault!"

        As if the gods in Tenkai agreed with his assessment, Sanzo suddenly found himself bombarded by wave upon wave of emotions that he knew did not belong to him.

        It was unwanted desire that was the most prominent. Desire and pain. Sanzo had to cling to the tree trunk to keep himself upright, but it was a mistake to do so. He could feel invisible hands exploring every inch of his skin, even under the layers of clothes he wore. Mouths suckled upon taut nipples, hands pumped his member to a painful erection, fingers poked inside his ass.

        With a whimper, Sanzo collapsed onto the ground, writhing and twitching on the moist, soft grass. But the attacks continued relentlessly. The monk wondered if it was the Demon King who was tormenting him.

        In answer to his unspoken question, Sanzo's lavender eyes were opened to different worlds, places that seemed to overlap his vision of the here and now. In the first, he was lying on a bed in a stone tower. Two youkai were taking turns upon his unwilling body. There was no mistaking who one of them was -- a former nemesis named Chin Issou. The youkai who had relentlessly pursued Hakkai to get revenge for the death of his father and the massacre of his clan. In the second world, he too lay on another bed. But this time, the chamber was similar to those commonly seen in inns or brothels. This room, however, was worse. Strangers feasted upon his body in wild abandon. A youkai woman, in particular, was enjoying the experience immensely, knowing that she was hurting the son of the woman who had stolen away her husband's heart.

        Pulling his clothes close to his body, Sanzo cried, "Hakkai! Gojyo! Why are you letting them do this to you? Fight back! Oh please fight back!" He hoped his friends would hear him and heed his words. However, judging from those loathsome caresses, it was obvious to him that Gojyo and Hakkai were resigned to their fates, believing this to be their tests that they must pass in order to reach the Goddess of Mercy.

        It was then that Sanzo realized that he was not receiving anything from Goku.

        Iie! the monk thought in despair. Don't let Goku be suffering the same fate as Gojyo and Hakkai! He is but an innocent child!

        Concern for the mischievous saru activated the Maten Kyoumon, its power helping the unwitting monk in sending out his mind and heart in search of Son Goku.

        Sanzenin's eyes snapped open, sensing immediately that something was wrong. His right ear twitched, hearing the rustling and moaning of his guest in the other bed. A mental touch to the sleeping saru's mind and the youkai found himself flattened by the sheer force of erotic images that pummeled his brain. Visions of sex and rape. Sanzenin noted that Goku was fighting back against the urges those images were drawing from him, but that other side of his wanted to give in. It was that rapacious urge that stunned the youkai, especially when he realized that those desires were directed at him...or someone who looked like him.

        Getting up from his bed, Sanzenin's face darkened at the wraith-like figure kneeling beside the saru's restless figure. Although he was desperately trying to calm Goku down, the youkai saw that the ghost was only making the nightmares worse, unaware that it was he who was channeling the visions on the sleeping boy. Already, Goku's kinko was shattering from the strain.

        Leaping to his feet, Sanzenin roared, "GET BACK!"

        There was a stricken expression on that face that was exactly alike the youkai's own. Then, the kinko broke and the saru was enveloped in a maelstrom of wind and light, causing the wraith to reel back. As he did so, a clawed hand reached out to grab him, only to encounter air, not skin. Howling in frustration, the Seiten Taisei leaped from the maelstrom and bore down upon the horrified ghost. Instead of the wraith, however, it was the youkai whom he seized.

        Sanzenin felt the breath knocked out of him as the enraged saru pushed him down on the floor. He winced in pain as sharp teeth bit down on his right nipple, as fumbling fingers groped for the orifice between his thighs.

        Capturing the Seiten Taisei's feral gaze with his own, Sanzenin declared strongly, "My body is not yours to take, Seiten Taisei Son Goku!"

        At that outburst, Goku snarled in fury, forcing the youkai's legs apart.

        "I will not be fucked by a coward that hides behind a beast!" Sanzenin said in cruder language. "If you want me, come to me as a whole being! The Beast is not your tool to sate quelled passions, while you cower in its shadow, afraid to acknowledge the needs and desires inside your heart! Until you reconcile with the Beast, my body will never belong to you! Understand my words and heed them...Son Goku!"

        At the sound of his name, the Seiten Taisei was seized by hesitation. For a moment, Sanzenin saw shock and self-loathing reflected upon that sweet face. The ghost took the opportunity to lay his hands on Goku's temples, conjuring up a new youryoku. The instant the golden crown materialized and encircled the saru's brow, all ferocity vanished from Goku's face as he collapsed in the youkai's arms. In silence, the youkai carried the exhausted boy back in bed.

        After tucking the saru in, Sanzenin's head whipped back to gaze sharply at the ghost.

        "Come with me," he ordered, not attempting to hide the anger in his voice.

        Sanzenin was not expecting his nighttime visitor to follow him. From what Goku had told him, the monk had a stubborn will that matched his own. But when he went outside the cottage, his unexpected guest was already waiting for him near the pond. Sanzenin, however, was too angry to care about the monk's obedience. Crossing the distance between them in six long strides, the youkai lifted his right hand and slapped the monk with a blow that was both ethereal and mental. As the priest stepped back in shock, feeling the impact of that hand, an ugly bruise formed on his cheek.

        "Genjo Sanzo Houshi..." Sanzenin was practically seething. "I never knew you to be a fool! Don't you even realize what you've almost done? That poor boy in there is a bundle of frayed nerves and grief! It's difficult enough as it is to get him to accept that side of him that is the Seiten Taisei. Now, you've distressed him even more by bombarding him with visions of nothing but violence and sex. You're probably not even aware of the fact that behind that sweet facade is a young man who is eager to get under those robes of yours!"

        At first, Sanzo couldn't speak, white teeth biting down on his lower lip. "I've long suspected it, and it's isn't just Goku. Hakkai and Gojyo...they too harbor this attraction toward me... But I NEVER intended this!" Not wanting to continue this distressing discussion, he quickly changed the subject. "And what the hell were you just doing? Do you have a death wish? You have no idea what kind of creature Goku is!"

        "Is that what he is to you -- just a creature? An animal?" Sanzenin snorted in disgust. "No wonder that boy is terrified of that side of him! And for how long did you intend to keep the Seiten Taisei at bay?"

        "Forever, if need be! The Seiten Taisei is an uncontrollable menace! It will kill without any provocation, I don't want to..."

        Sanzo stopped himself from finishing what he was about to say, shocked. Where did that declaration come from?

        "Die?" Sanzenin finished his sentence for him, his eyebrows raised. "Then again, why should I be surprised? More than the pain of death, what you definitely fear the most are the razor sharp claws of a friend you loved slashing your body into ribbons. Am I right...Konzen Douji?"

        "Why does everyone keep calling me by that damned name? Who the hell is Konzen Douji?"

        "You are Konzen and Konzen is you. Whatever name you call yourself, you are who you are. It's just too sad that you are frightened of the boy who holds the key to your lost memories."

        "Don't speak suck gobbledygook!" Sanzo demanded with impatience. "Just tell me straight out what you're trying to say!"

        A sad little smile formed on the youkai's face. "I am tasked to awaken the Seiten Taisei. I just wish it was you who would do this instead of me. I am but a...poor substitute. A mirror image of the one his heart desires."

        "Are you mad? He will kill you!"

        "Don't you think I know that? But if this world were to be saved, you must remember that which you have forgotten, and that is who you truly are. You AND your friends." Sanzenin reached out, his hand touching that ethereal face gently, surprising Sanzo once more who felt fingers touch his cheek. "Whatever happens, I won't have any regrets. Goku is such a lonely boy. And so devoted to you. You have no idea how lucky you are to have someone who loves you so much." Saying this, the youkai turned to walk back to the cottage.

        Sanzo made a step to go after him, hand raised to stop the departing figure. "No...don't..." He stopped at once and willed himself to fade out and reappear in the cover of the trees as Goku's tearful figure appeared at the doorway.

        "Goku?" Sanzenin asked, the worry mirrored on his face. "What is it, child? Is something the matter?"

        "That...thing," Goku sobbed demandingly. "It came out, didn't it? It did something to you!"

        The youkai was nearly bowled over when the saru ran into his arms and crushed him in a tight hug.

        "Gomen, gomen," Goku wept over and over again. "Gomen nasai, Sanzenin!"

        Sanzenin gently pushed him away so that they could look at each other face to face. "There's nothing to be sorry for. Now, I want you to tell me the truth, Goku. Do"

        The saru shook his head in vehemence. "No, no, no! That wasn't me! It was that thing! I wouldn't dare even think of such a filthy..."

        "And I told you many times that thing is a part of you. There is nothing filthy in what you feel. Everyone experiences that need."

        "No, not me! I can't..."

        Sanzo's eyes flew wide, seeing the youkai lean forward and kiss Goku fully on the lips. Despite his initial surprise, it dismayed the monk to see the saru return the kiss just as passionately. He pressed his hand to his chest, feeling the pinch of jealousy.

        It was Sanzenin who broke the kiss. "Did that feel dirty to you, Son Goku?"

        Blushing hotly, Goku stammered, "No...but..."

        "No buts," the youkai answered back firmly. "It's either you desire me or you don't, and I see that you do. And I'm certainly not just talking about that side of you that you fear."

        Sanzenin let his robe drop from his shoulders, revealing pale skin. Goku visibly winced at the sight of those teeth marks on the youkai's breast. Still, to his dismay, he felt himself harden at the carnal beauty of the youkai before him.

        "I will make you the same proposition I gave to your other self earlier," Sanzenin offered. "Accept the Saiten Taisei, Son Goku. Become one with him. If you do, not only shall I give myself to you, but I will help you reach the Goddess you seek."

        Sanzo gritted his teeth. No, baka saru! If you have brains in that puny head of yours, don't accept!

        "YES!" was Goku's snappy reply, causing the priest's jaw to drop in shock. "I'll do it, so I can finally see this Goddess and beg her to help me free Sanzo."

        Sanzenin's handsome face lit up with a triumphant smile, lavender eyes glancing knowingly at the fuming wraith hiding in the trees. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that."

        Before Sanzo knew what was happening, a force yanked his ethereal form out of the youkai's humble domain. A stomach-churning moment later, he was slammed back into his body.

        A flurry of obscenities flew out of the monk's mouth as he picked himself up from the dew-moist ground. In his agitated state, the Maten Kyoumon responded, silk parchment fluttering wildly around him. Seeing the fierce figure of the priest, the hiryu instantly stopped its casual chewing and allowed the angry human to climb onto the saddle.

        "Damn it! I'm surrounded by idiots with death wishes!" growled Sanzo in fury, kicking the hiryu into flight, the sutra giving it the added energy for speed. "A bullet through their heads...that'll put them all out of their misery!"

        As they headed off once more in the direction of Tofuugai, the monk's frustrated wail pierced the peace of the night, sending birds flying from the trees.


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