Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Real Love ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© January 1, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual


        Eiji Satan walked out onto the verandah of his brothel just as Sha Gojyo did the same. The half-breed was dressed only in a loose lavender shirt, one button in the middle closed. In the light of the moon, the youkai can clearly see the bruises and dusky kiss marks on the exposed areas of skin. A gentle breeze blew, that it lifted the shirt's hem back a bit, revealing his reddened rump. Brushing back his scarlet tresses, Gojyo pressed a cigarette to his lips and lit it with a flick of his lighter. The half-breed had been smoking more often these past weeks, and Satan knew the reason why. Gojyo wanted to get rid of the taste of man seed from his mouth.

        Going towards the younger man, Satan remarked chidingly, "You do know that those things are bad for you."

        "If things had been different," Gojyo answered quietly, "I would've killed you for that advice."

        Satan was aware of what Gojyo was talking about. The half-breed had confided in him a fantastic tale of four misfit travelers on the way to the West. He found it especially difficult to believe that this world he was living in now was a parallel universe of the place where Gojyo had come from. That the only reason that he was here was because he was on an important quest to save his friend from the clutches of the King of all youkai.

        Gojyo took a deep puff and blew out a thin wisp of smoke. "It helps clear my mind after I'd just given head and after I had my butt fucked sore." He gave the youkai an accusing glare. "That potion you've been giving me before could've helped this."

        "I told you your...father's...debt was already paid in full. Why do you still come?"

        The half-breed shrugged. "Can't get decent work in this town. You know people think I'm bad luck. Kaasan and I have to survive. I thought it would be best if I stayed for a couple of months or so. Business is rather good, you see."

        "You...uh, love your stepmother very much, don't you?"

        An emphatic nod. "In the world where I came from, she detested me to the point that she..." Gojyo shook his head, not wanting to remember that painful memory. "I've been given the chance to make things right between us. I'm not going to pass up this opportunity. Besides, I believe that the outcome of this...adventure...will have a huge bearing on my mission. I...must...make things right here."

        Satan sidled over to Gojyo and leaned his back against the railing. "Is that why you chose to stay here? For awhile there, I thought you couldn't get enough of my charming personality."

        "I was surprised though," Gojyo honestly admitted, giving the man beside him a shy smile. "For a rapist, you didn't turn out so bad. And...uh...thanks that the patrons you've been sending to me are the...fairly decent...ones. The girls have told me about their more perverted clients. I...I don't think I could've handled those." The half-breed leaned over the railing, laying his chin on his folded arms. "However, there's this one client. That woman... I know I'm being given the drug when I'm servicing her. I couldn't see her face because of the haze inside my mind but I don't know. Whenever I do it with her, I feel so dirty. Like after I..."

        "Like after you were raped?" Satan finished his sentence for him.

        Gojyo's cheeks could not get any redder as he buried his face in his arms. "How long have you known?" A muffled groan. "Why am I asking that question? Of course you'll know!"

        "I did not pry. It's obvious that it is causing you a lot of pain."

        The half-breed breathed out a sigh. "It does. But since you've held back your curiosity this long, the least I could do is tell you everything. After all, except for that, I've practically told you the entire story of my life."

        And that was exactly what Gojyo did. He told the youkai how Sanzo had unwittingly linked up with their minds and bodies that they experienced the monk's molestation at the hands of Gyumao. Gojyo revealed, that in order to spare Sanzo's virtue, he had opened himself to the Demon King's 'attack'. He also told the youkai about the aftermath, how that terrible incident had created a rift between him and his two road companions. As he narrated his tale, he was unaware that he was crying.

        When his hand went up to his face and came away wet, Gojyo exclaimed, "Tears? How long have I been crying?" He let out an embarrassed laugh. "Kuso! I am so pathetic!"

        Gojyo almost jumped out of his skin when strong arms enfolded him in a warm embrace.

        "No, I do not find you pathetic at all," Satan declared, emphasizing every word. "What you have lost is very precious. But what you fear the most is that you would lose the opportunity to love and be loved by this Sanzo, and perhaps the other, Hakkai, as well. Maybe even your little saru too. How could they not love you, after this terrible sacrifice you made for them?" Bidding the younger man to turn around to look at him, the youkai pressed the half-breed's chin between his fingertips and smiled. "Gojyo, haven't you ever thought that it might be you who is creating this painful distance between you and your friends?"

        Gojyo looked just as firmly at the older man. "You tell me, Satan-san. Now that you know the whole truth, do you still want me, damaged as I am now? Can you honestly believe that my friends could" He could not bring himself to say that four-letter word. "...After they had witnessed what Gyumao had done to me?"

        "I don't know about your friends," Satan began quietly. "But if it were I, I know that I would love and care for you even more, and that I will protect you from even more pain." Another smile. "Then again, I believe your friends feel the same as I do."

        For a long moment, Gojyo just stared into the youkai's kind eyes. Then, he smiled weakly. "How could you be so optimistic?"

        Satan shrugged, lips pursed in a pout. "I wouldn't call it optimism. It's simple trust...and faith."

        "But what if they don't."

        The youkai's answer was to embrace the younger man hard, startling Gojyo with its desperate strength. Before he could speak, Satan seized his lips as well in a breathless kiss.

        As he pushed the surrendering half-breed inside the room, Satan whispered over and over again, "I'm here. I'm here. I'm here."

        When they were a few feet from the bed, Satan lifted Gojyo up and gently laid him down on the satin sheets.

        Knowing now the brutality that the handsome half-breed's body endured, the youkai forced down the urge to take, and allowed his tender side to surface. With sweet, patient kisses and gentle caresses, Satan gradually eased the fear and tension that gripped Gojyo's form. His lips sought out areas of stiffness, his tongue urging them to a tickling submission. His hands kneaded those tense shoulders and that taut back beneath the shirt.

        When Satan yanked the shirt down the younger man's shoulders, he felt Gojyo suddenly stiffen, ruby eyes snapping shut. But the youkai knew the half-breed's body all to well. He swooped down upon Gojyo's chest and captured a flat pink disk. Gojyo jerked in surprise, but afterwards shuddered all over, as his nipples were licked and laved into hard, sensitive pebbles. Suckling hard on one taut peak, Satan knew that he had won when the half-breed's hands tentatively cupped his head and lower back.

        Positioning himself between Gojyo's long legs, the youkai reached down and pushed a finger inside the younger man's puckered opening, drawing a gasp from Gojyo's lips. Carefully, he added another finger as he prepared his lover for the joining that was to come.

        Thinking that the younger man was finally ready for him, Satan spread Gojyo's legs wide and pushed inside. At first, there was a feeble cry of pain at the entry. Pain-filled gasps, however, soon turned to moans and whimpers of pleasure as Satan thrust in and out, angling his rod that the blunt tip struck the half-breed's pleasure point repeatedly. A sensual creature by nature, it pleased the youkai to feel the younger man beneath him meeting his thrusts.

        As the peak was reached, they came at the same time -- Gojyo upon Satan's belly above him and the youkai deep within the half-breed's body.

        Falling on top of Gojyo's sweaty, flushed form, Satan gave him a tight hug and murmured pleadingly, "Please say you love me, Gojyo. Please say that you do."

        Gojyo's answer came while the youkai's exhausted, but sated mind hovered between consciousness and sleep. Yet, those words were enough to create a crack in his love-starved heart.

        "I wish I could, Satan-san," Gojyo whispered, forlorn. "Oh, how I wish I could."

        When Satan awoke near midnight, dread filled his heart when he found himself alone in bed. A quick order to his men only confirmed what he already knew. Gojyo had left the premises of the brothel.

        Gojyo was trudging up the path that led to their small cottage in the forest, both hands holding the bouquet of blood red flowers he had carefully picked from the field. Although he was earlier looking forward to be reconciled with his stepmother, now he felt miserable about the youkai he had left behind.

        Hungry as he was for affection from his former road companions, Gojyo nearly came oh so close to saying "Yes" to Satan's entreaty. He cannot deny that he felt something for the youkai, but it was not the same as what he felt for Sanzo.

        Reaching the doorway of the cottage, Gojyo pressed his face to the fragrant petals and sighed. I must ask Kaasan to leave this town with me. Or else I might not have the strength to say 'no' if he asks me again.

        Pushing the door open, Gojyo greeted into the lamp lit room, "Tadaima, Kaasan."

        A heavy hand holding a pungent cloth was suddenly pressed over his mouth and nose. Caught by surprise, Gojyo was unable to fight back. In mere seconds, the half-breed's eyes fluttered close and he dropped to the floor in a drug-induced sleep.

        Gojyo had no idea how long he lay unconscious, but when he awoke, his body was screaming in pain. His wrists were securely tied above his head to the railings of the headboard. His spread legs were similarly trussed at his ankles. But what shocked him was the brazen sight of the mad woman bouncing wildly upon his erect member.

        "KAASAN!" the half-breed exclaimed through the gag in his mouth.


        Gojyo's head whipped to the side from that fierce slap. Another descent of that brutal hand and he felt a sting on his cheek, followed by a warm trickle. He didn't even have to guess what his stepmother had done to him. He will be carrying those two scars on his left cheek for the rest of his life.

        "Whore son!" she hissed in his face. "Whenever I look at your face, I see that bitch who stole my husband away from me!" The woman cackled madly. "She can have that good-for-nothing man of mine in whatever hell I sent them to! Her son is mine!" Grinning, she asked him, "You are going to make me happy, won't you, Gojyo? Like Jien did?"

        Gojyo was stunned to immobility. He could not believe this was happening to him. But the aching of his cock only confirmed the horror of the reality.

        God, Aniki! Gojyo remembered his half brother whom he had left behind in Tofuugai. I never knew. Gomen. Gomen nasai!

        In his shock, the half-breed did not sense the ropes around his ankles being loosened. Then, he was forcibly flipped onto his belly, and as his rump was raised high, two clawed fingers were pushed inside his opening. A muffled scream was torn from Gojyo's throat as he struggled to buck the woman off him, but the youkai held him in place with strong fingers gripping his hair and pulling his head back at a painful angle. With his head twisted a bit back, Gojyo could see all too clearly the horrendous wooden phallus that she had strapped to her crotch. That huge member was certain to split his channel open.

        Suddenly, there was blinding agony as his opening was torn, membranes and blood vessels ripping, with the passage of that artificial organ. Already, he could feel the blood flowing copiously down his thighs.

        As tears fell from his eyes, an absurd thought crossed Gojyo's mind. I'm going to be fucked to death by my own mother!

        "YOU EVIL BITCH!"

        That angry roar was followed by the sound of the impact of fist against jaw. Gojyo cried out as the phallus was yanked out of his body. Dazed and in pain, he barely felt his naked body freed from its bonds, the gag removed,  and his body wrapped in a cloak, lifted by strong arms.

        "I'm taking you out of here, Gojyo," a familiar face smiled down at him.

        "Satan-san..." Gojyo muttered weakly as he was carried outside the bedroom. There was something he had forgotten, something he had to warn the youkai about. "Satan-san...Kaasan...she has..."

        They had just taken a few steps into the living room when Satan's body made a sudden jerk, a surprised expression on his face. As the youkai fell to his knees, Gojyo's eyes flew wide, seeing the axe handle protruding from the youkai's back. Still, Satan was mindful of the younger man, laying Gojyo against the wall.

        From within his coat, Satan pulled out something long and sharp and pressed it in Gojyo's hand.

        "End it with this, Gojyo," Satan muttered hoarsely, blood trickling from a corner of his mouth. "She never loved you, you know." Smiling, the youkai raised his hand, his fingers playing with the two wayward red strands that arched like feelers from the half-breed's head. "Not like I did."

        As Gojyo began to weep, he pulled the dying youkai into his arms. "I know Satan-san, I know. Forgive me that I didn't tell you this earlier. Satan-san...aishite masu."

        A dark shadow fell upon them, and Satan whispered one last time. "Arigato, Gojyo. Arigato gozaimasu."

        The youkai gasped his last breath as the axe was yanked from his body. As Gojyo looked up, he saw his stepmother slowly raise the axe above her head, about to deliver the killing blow. Tears were streaming down her face like falling rain.

        Gojyo was no longer going to be fooled by those tears. Gritting his teeth, his hand tightened around the hilt of the golden dagger that Satan had given him.

* * * * * * * * * *