Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Prologue: Awakening ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© Nov. 21, 2002 By Rory V. Pascual

PROLOGUE: Awakening

An attack on a formidable youkai fortress that was Houtou Castle in Tenjiku was a terrible way to celebrate the eve of the New Year, especially if it was a rather careless and reckless attempt to "just get it over and done with."

Ever the most sensible one among them, Cho Hakkai had been against it. Sha Gojyo, who was always quick and eager when it came to frontal assaults, for once, also harbored his own misgivings. As always, being the one lacking in brains (although this was due to youthful inexperience more than anything else, even if the saru, at 500 years of age, was the oldest one among them), Son Goku was itching for a fight with the youkai prince dwelling within. But he contained his enthusiasm with surprising self-control and that infuriatingly cheerful smile on his face. He was a conformist, after all, and what the others decided to do, he was more than content to go along.

Naturally, this left the decision-making to the unwilling leader of their ragtag band of rusted auto parts. If Sanzo-sama ordered the siege upon Houtou castle, they will have to obey with blood-thirsty glee and determination, all thought of hesitation to be thrust back into that remote corner of their minds governed by fear and apprehension. They were all too aware of that simple truth in their little group -- what Sanzo wants, Sanzo gets.

Unfortunately, Genjo Sanzo Houshi was not entirely sane whenever the heavens decide to dump water, cats, dogs, toads or whatever upon the Earth, and it has been raining non-stop for five days. Sanzo was in a very, very foul mood. He was tired, his nerves frayed by Goku's incessant whining of "Sanzo, I'm hungry", he was down to his last pack of cigarettes, and his golden robes were soaking wet and clinging to his lithe form that had made the annoying ero kappa needle him more than once how he resembled Gojyo's favorite whore from his most memorable wet dream. Needless to say, Sanzo wanted out of this miserable road trip and he wanted out now.

What was worse, the minute they arrived at their final destination, the priest was assaulted by voices that sussurated with nerve-grating intensity inside his brain. It seemed as if every individual in the world has decided to share their sordid secrets to his uncaring ears. But he couldn't dare tell his companions about this, although he had come close following their encounter with a possessed Kougaiji a few months back. These...voices...had been plaguing him all his life, but not as strong as they were now. Already, even he was starting to doubt his own sanity.

Sanzo didn't realize that he had clapped his hands over his ears to drown out the cacophony of rain and voices until a gentle hand was laid on his arm, and he turned to gaze into warm green eyes.

"What are we going to do, Sanzo?" Hakkai's clear voice penetrated briefly the ever darkening red haze of anger and voices inside his mind.

The monk's reply was to raise his shoureijuu in readiness, saying, "Let's get this damned thing over and done with!"

Oh, it was easy to dispatch the new youkai recruits in their path. Probably because of the lunatic kami who had months back invaded their domain, they hesitated in their retaliation, fearing that they might be facing immortals again. Their hesitation proved costly, and they perished not knowing that these three happy-go-lucky young men with their sulking leader were their REAL adversaries who can, in truth, be killed.

Surprisingly, Kougaiji and company chose not to make their appearance this time. It was strange, this mysterious absence of their fierce foes and erstwhile friends. Which was probably just as well. Their true adversary, after all, lay sleeping within the cavernous bowels of the castle, simply waiting to be awakened after five hundred years of slumber. But the Sanzo-tachi had no intention of seeing that happen. Now that they have the five Heaven and Earth Opening Sutras in their possession, they were determined to destroy the menace that was the Demon King Gyumao once and for all.

However, nothing could've prepared them for the thing that was waiting for them in the huge laboratory. They were expecting an adversary of flesh and bone, not a creature created from the forbidden use of magic and science. It was a giant monster of shadow that would become amorphous when attacked and solidify into long black tentacles when it retaliated. Gojyo's chained scythe would pass through it harmlessly. Both Hakkai's power and Sanzo's gun were useless against it. Even with his increased strength following countless battles with the Toushin Taishi, Homura, Goku could not score a hit on the creature.

"No! Not again! Not now!" Sanzo muttered under his breath as the voices resumed once more.

:We must get out...warn them,: It was the concerned voice Yaone.

:...Must escape!: Dokugakuji exclaimed. :...must be a way out of this prison...some way to contact them...:

:Oniichan!: cried Lirin. For a moment, the monk thought he saw a vision of a glowing fist.

:RUN! Get out of here!: a strong voice shouted inside Sanzo's mind. It was Kougaiji, his cries accompanied by the sound of furious fists pounding on thick metal. :You don't stand a chance against it!:

"Get out of my fucking head!" Sanzo shrieked in rage, as he instinctively started to recite the chant that would activate the Maten Kyoumou.


Before he could finish his prayer, there was a sharp sting on his back which caught him by surprise. Then, the blows came in rapid succession, the tentacles lashing out at him like a million whips. Sanzo cried out in pain as those whip-like appendages rent his robe and his black body suit, creating bleeding welts on the pale flesh underneath.

"SANZO!" Goku cried out in fury, seeing his master, his friend being beaten to death.

Hakkai raised his hands to erect a barrier around his fallen friend, while Gojyo hurried to Goku's side, ready to save the priest. But then, they were seized by strong arms and lifted up high, slamming them against the walls that their weapons fell to the ground, and held in the position of crucified victims. His companions thus subdued, the torment being inflicted upon the monk came to a sudden halt.

Battered, bleeding and in terrible pain, Sanzo slowly picked himself up from the floor, managing only to sit on his haunches, his slashed arms wrapped tightly around his aching body.

Mocking laughter echoed throughout the lab. With teeth gritted in pain and rage, the priest looked up to behold Gyumao's mistress, Gyokumen Koushu, standing on the platform before her husband's prison. Beside her was her chief scientist, Dr. Ni Jien Yi. Both smiled in triumph down upon him.

"This is the great Genjo Sanzo, and his brave companions?" she sneered at them. "Frankly, I'm disappointed."

"You're certainly one to talk, youkai bitch, when you let fools do your dirty work for you," Sanzo spat back. "Why don't you come down here and fight me? No, better yet, I'll kill you right where you stand!"

The monk swiftly lifted his gun and pulled the trigger, only to be rewarded by a dull click. Again and again, Sanzo fired, but to no avail.

"Ran out of bullets, Genjo Sanzo?" Gyokumen Koushu asked snidely.

Throwing his gun aside, Sanzo declared, "I don't need a gun to kill a witch like you!" Again, he resumed his chant to activate the Maten Kyoumou, but the screams above him stopped him dead cold.

His companions were being brutally whipped by the shadow creature. Unable to fight back, Goku, Hakkai and Gojyo screamed and writhed in agony, their poor bodies being transformed into bloody canvasses of red lines, deep cuts and torn strips of cloth and tissue. To the priest's horror, all three struggled to hang on, refusing to give in to the numbness of unconsciousness, their concerned eyes all focused on him.

"What are you going to do now, Genjo Sanzo?" queried Gyokumen Koushu, waving her hand to the three helpless figures. "The lives of your friends are in your hands."

"They are NOT my friends!" the monk answered strongly, willing his heart to harden to the terrible scene unfolding before him.

Then, Sanzo was startled by the gentle voice of a woman inside his mind, a voice he had not heard before. :Not your friends? Then what are they to you? Are you just going to let them die?:

:They know what they signed up for when they joined me on this road trip to Hell,: Sanzo answered back. :Now that they've become a burden to me, I don't need them anymore. If I had more bullets, I'd put them out of their misery right now!:

:Could you really bring yourself to do that -- raise your gun and shoot them right between the eyes? Have you even thought who was the greater burden amongst you?:

Sanzo blanched at that knowing query. "I...I'm not...."

Gyokumen Koushu's voice broke that psychic connection with...whoever it was. "Why are you babbling? Have you gone insane?"

"I AM insane for taking on this stupid mission in the first place," the priest retorted in bitterness. "I should never have agreed to bring others along with me. I could have accomplished this mission on my own, without the excess baggage!"

"Sanzo..." he heard Goku's shocked squeak.

The priest forced himself to be deaf to that heartbreaking cry. Why should he care how the saru, or Hakkai and Gojyo, felt? What he just said was the untarnished truth.

"Well, if that's the case," Gyumao's evil mistress began, "then I'm sure you won't mind if my little pet around...a bit with your lapdogs."

Sanzo frowned at that sinister suggestion. "What do you mean?"

"All these long, dreary months, I know they've been deprived of some...pleasurable...activities. Your poor little saru over there is still quite an innocent over such matters."

The monk's blood ran cold. "What are you going to do to them?"

Gyokumen Koushu raised her hand to the shadow monster and said with infuriating casualness, "This creature not only draws its strength from the fears of its victims, it feeds by eliciting intense emotions through In fact, it enjoys the...act...very much. Look at it this way. Your companions will be going to the afterlife with smiles on their faces after my created evil is through with them."

"No!" Sanzo breathed in shock. "Don't!"

To his dismay, he heard Goku ask in confusion, "Hakkai? What does she mean by that? What is she planning to do with us?"

"Goku is still a child!" Hakkai called out to the evil youkai. "You may do whatever you want with me, but please spare him!"

"If it's a great lay you want, I could give it to you," said Gojyo, granting the woman one of his most seductive smiles. "The kid will just bore you to death."

"No need to choose who's going to be first. It could take you three at the same time." Waving a stern hand to the shadow creature, Gyokumen Koushu declared, "They're yours! Do what you will with them!"

As Sanzo look on in shock, those black tentacles ripped the trousers from his companions' legs, leaving their lower bodies bared, fresh meat to be plundered. Hakkai and Gojyo continued to beg for their little friend, as Goku was frozen in terror at the realization of what was about to happen to them. Gripping them tightly, the tentacles drew their legs wide apart. From its bulky mass below, blunt protuberances slowly rose, ready to invade their unwilling bodies.


Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai gazed down to find Sanzo leaping from tentacle to tentacle, determined to reach them, evading the arms that tried to grab him. He landed on a shelf of stone in the wall between Gojyo and Goku.

Desperate, Sanzo tried to pull those tentacles loose from Goku's body, shouting, "Let them go!"

"Why do you care about what happens to us now?" Gojyo hissed in fury. "I thought we were excess baggage to you!"

The priest was stung by those words. Rather than answer, he persisted in trying to free them, yanking on those arms with all his strength.


But Goku's warning came too late. A tentacle swatted Sanzo like a fly, sending him crashing to the floor.

"Well, Genjo Sanzo," Gyokumen Koushu spoke up once more, "it seems you care more for these two than the other one."

Through stunned lavender eyes, Sanzo saw that Hakkai had been positioned onto his back, his legs spread wide. The member of the shadow creature was creeping up his right leg and thigh, the tip ready to invade the gentle youth's tender flesh.

Hakkai turned his head to look at the startled priest. "It's all right, Sanzo. Don't worry about us," he said reassuringly, still able to smile although he knew he was about to be raped by an evil beast. "We've fulfilled our duty towards you. Go now and do what you have to do."

:Can you do that, Genjo Sanzo?: that sorrowful voice spoke again.:Complete your mission at the cost of your companions' honor and lives? How many times do they have to sacrifice themselves before you truly admit to yourself that you care about them?:

Vaguely, the priest heard Gyokumen Koushu say, "Let's go, Ni! We're just wasting our time with this selfish baka. We'll claim the Sutras once the shadow creature has finished him off, after the ravishment of his friends."

These words stirred that part of Sanzo's soul that he had forcefully shoved into the darkness when his sensei, Komyo Sanzo, was murdered. That part of him that wanted to love without the fear of losing those he cared about.

Hakkai's head fell back, eyes closed, already resigned to the cruel fate that was in store not only for him, but his friends as well. But then, a single word rang out, stopping not only the creature's lustful advance, but the departure of Gyokumen Koushu as well.


All gazed at the monk who had prostrated himself on the floor, whole body bent in submission, his forehead touching the stone. Seeing Sanzo positioned thus, Goku found himself on the verge of tears. A proud man, he had never seen the monk literally grovel like this, not even with the Three Aspects.

Sanzo's voice was surprisingly steady as he asked, "What must I do to earn their freedom?"

"Need you even ask, priest?" Gyokumen Koushu exclaimed. "I want you to awaken my husband using the Heaven and Earth Opening Sutras. Do that and I will release your companions."

"Sanzo, don't do it!" cried Hakkai in alarm. "Forget about us!"

"You're baka if you let that evil loose upon the world!" Gojyo yelled at the monk. "We don't need you to sacrifice everything we've worked hard for over a single act of hypocrisy! We know you don't give a damn about us! Destroy Gyumao now! Just get this damned thing over and done with!"

"URUSAI!" Sanzo's command silenced them at once. When the priest lifted his head, they were startled by the unchacteristic flicker of emotions in those lovely violet eyes.

"I told you this before -- if you become a burden to me, I don't need you," Sanzo replied, his words filled with frustration and anger. "You're right in that I don't give a damn about you, but I hate the position that you three have put me in! Now, I have no choice but to choose you over my mission! You call this an act of hypocrisy? Then so be it! I'll do anything just to be rid of you once and for all!" He pulled out his veiled crown from within the folds of his robe and placed it on top of his head. He also produced the five Sutras, four of which he arranged in a circle with him in the middle while the Maten Kyoumou remained draped over his shoulders.

"Do you really hate us that much, Sanzo?" Goku sobbed brokenly. "Why didn't you tell us to leave you if you didn't want any of us to accompany you?"

"Don't bother asking that damned priest, baka saru! And don't waste your tears over him!" Gojyo angrily chided the boy. "It's perfectly obvious that he's been using us all along!"

Tears were streaming down Hakkai's cheeks, but instead of the expected reproach, a tender smile lifted on the corners of his lips. "Sanzo, you truly are a master of words that could break hearts, but I understand. I do not agree with what you're about to do, but I understand."

"You always do, Hakkai," Sanzo whispered, letting his golden bangs hide the fluid glimmer in his eyes as he clasped his hands in prayer. "You're the only one who truly understood me." Closing his eyes in deep meditation, he began to recite the chant that would activate all five Sutras.

Sanzo had never done this before, using five Sutras all at once. Although he had never shown it to his companions, the use of the Maten Kyoumou alone left him depleted of energy and strength. To activate the five Holy Sutras would probably kill him.

As he prayed, Sanzo could feel the stirring of the Maten Kyoumou on his shouders. The Seiten Kyoumou unfurled above his head like a halo. The others spiraled around him, surrounding him in green and white silk parchment. A golden glow enveloped his entire being. The force of the Sutras lifted him up into the air, bringing him towards the black metal shell that contained the slumbering Demon King.

With a strong command, Sanzo pointed at Gyumao's prison, sending the Sutras fluttering in that direction and wrapping the dark shell in silk from top to bottom. At once, a scream of agony was wrenched from his throat as his dharmic power was drained from him in a tumultuous torrent. So great was the energy exchange that his tattered robes began to unravel from the strain, gradually exposing his battered body underneath. But the greatest pain came from within his head as the voices of all the people on Earth rose to a deafening cacophony that was threatening to split his skull from the sheer agony of it.

With the pain tearing at the fabric of his being, Sanzo did not hear the explosion that broke the lab doors down. He did not see the youkai prince Kougaiji summon a demon from the pits of hell to devour Gyokumen Koushu's wraith. Neither did he see his companions fall into the safe arms of the Demon Prince's friends, offering them their cloaks to shield their semi-nakedness. For Genjo Sanzo, only the agony existed, as well as the Demon King he was about to awaken.

Then, the shell began to crack, a glowing, jagged seam that branched out like lightning, and pierced the cover of the Sutras. The Holy Sutras themselves were slowly being torn to shreds as they were pushed to their limits. The strain on the Sutras was felt by Sanzo, whose wounds bled once more in sympathy.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack and the shell broke into two like an egg, crashing to the floor. Clouds of black smoke billowed from within. Spent, Sanzo floated down to the floor, weak as a kitten, lying in the tattered remains of his clothes and the Holy Sutras.

A low moan emanated from within the smoke, followed by a glimpse of something massive moving in that black mass of clouds. Then, a giant foot stepped out. Two hands seemed to part the walls of smoke. Probably sensing the platform blocking its path, a fiery beam blasted it into a million pieces. When the smoke and dust finally cleared, the great Demon King Gyumao stood amongst them.

Gyokumen Koushu could hardly suppress her joyful cry. "My husband! He has returned to me at last!"

Lirin clung tightly to her half-brother, pert eyes widening as she finally beheld her father. For indeed, Gyumao was a terrible sight to see. A giant of powerful build, the Demon King would have been devilishly handsome if it were not for his sharp eyes, trim, jet black beard, and the bull's horns that protruded out of his helmet. When he smiled, sharp, pointed fangs were revealed.

"Is that...father, Oniichan?" Lirin asked fearfully. "There must be a mistake. That...can' him!" This horrifying monster...he wasn't what her brother had described their father to be.

Kougaiji hugged his little sister, hoping to be reassuring, but his blood ran cold at the sight of that fiendish smile. "Yes, Lirin. That is our father, but...there's something wrong."

Gojyo, who was cradled in his brother Dokugakuji's arms, retorted, "Of course there's something wrong! He's awake, that's what!"

"No, Brother," Dokugakuji's voice was filled with dread. "Kou means that he's...different, changed...."

"We've been trying to stop Gyokumen Koushu-sama these past few weeks," Yaone explained to Hakkai. "I've been studying Dr. Ni's papers. To wake Kougaiji-sama's father up prematurely would prove disastrous to us all."

"'Prematurely'?" asked Hakkai, brows knitting together in a frown. "What do you mean 'prematurely'?"

"Are you saying that he's not supposed to be awake?" Goku queried, not certain if he had understood correctly.

Before Yaone could reply, they were distracted by Gyokumen Koushu's enthusiastic approach towards her husband. "Gyumao-sama! Five hundred years we've been apart! You don't know how much I have missed you!"

There was a strange expression on the Demon King's face as he gazed at the simpering woman at his feet. "Who are you?" his question was like the rumble of thunder.

That query startled Gyokumen Koushu. "Why, Gyumao-sama! Has it been that long that you do not remember your beloved wife? In my great desire to see you returned to me, it was I who moved heaven and earth to awaken you."

But the Demon King strongly countered, "No, it is not you who woke me up from my slumber." His sharp eyes focused on the weary priest who was picking himself up from the floor. With a lecherous grin and sigh, he remarked, "So pretty. With hair like sun beams."

Hearing those lust-filled words, Sanzo froze at once. The others were just as shocked, staring in disbelief at the Demon King. Surely they heard wrong.

Not known for keeping her mouth shut, Gyokumen Koushu blustered, "What are you talking about, husband? It was I who did all this for you, so we could rule the world once more!"

"Shut up, hag!" Gyumao commanded. "It was not you who awakened me, but him!" Glaring coldly at the stunned woman, he muttered, "If you had been my wife, it was a mistake. I do not desire you any longer. The one I intend to take for my own is HIM!"

Sanzo felt as if he was shot as the Demon King pointed at him. He shook his head; he couldn't believe what he just heard. But the lust in Gyumao's eyes when he looked at him was unmistakable. He had seen that expression far too many times as a child and now as a young man.

Gyokumen Koushu was outraged. "You cannot do this to me!" she railed at her husband. "After all the things I did for you, this is how you repay me?"


"Gyokumen Koushu-sama!" Dr. Ni cried out as Gyumao conjured up a large fire ball and hurled it at his mistress.

Both the doctor and the evil woman were consumed by flames, their agonizing screams gradually fading as they were burned to ashes.

"Okaasan!" Lirin whispered, a tear trickling from her eye. Despite the cruelties that Gyokumen Koushu had inflicted upon her, she was still her mother after all.

Gyumao turned his attention once more to Sanzo, who was clutching his torn robes over his trembling body.

"My pretty one is human," the Demon King remarked as he gazed appreciatively at the handsome young priest. "A fragile creature you are, and still you have awakened me with brilliant rays of light. You are no ordinary human, are you?"

Peering closely at the monk with his mind's eye, he saw an overlapping image of a beautiful young god with long blond hair tied in a ponytail that was draped over one graceful shoulder and yet still reached down to his slender waist. His form-fitting lavender robes were slitted along the sides from the waist to the hem, revealing long, graceful limbs in dark purple leggings. His arm-length gloves were held in place by silver rings on his middle fingers and the ornate bracelets on his upper arms. Coiled around his neck was a silver band with a thin circlet hanging just above his shoulder blades.

Gyumao nodded in approval. This man's beauty had not diminished one bit when his soul was transmigrated to Earth. And there was an unexpected bonus. He was a priest, which meant he was pure.

Making up his mind, the Demon King approached the young man lying on the floor, willing himself to shrink to the size of an ordinary human.

Before Dokugakuji and Yaone could stop them, instinct drove Goku, Hakkai and Gojyo to leap to their feet and stand protectively before the priest.

Conjuring up his staff, Goku cried, "I won't let you touch, Sanzo!", and they charged at the Demon King.

But Gyumao was a foe with godlike strength and power. With a mere sweep of his arm, he swatted them across the room like pesky flies. Yaone and Dokugakuji ran to help, but they too were felled by the evil youkai.

Seeing the terrible danger of their present situation, Kougaiji dragged his little sister behind a stone pillar. Patting her head reassuringly, he said, "Stay here! If anything should happen to us, I want you to run away and never look back."

"But, Niichan...."

Without saying another word, Kougaiji went to confront his father.

Gyumao had noticed his approach out of the corner of his eye. Kougaiji did not wait for a response; he simply summoned his wind of fire and blasted his father with it. The Demon King was immediately enveloped by flames.

Going towards the burning figure, the youkai prince said with deep regret and sorrow, "Forgive me, Touchan."

But then, from the heart of the flames, a strong arm emerged, clawed fingers closing around Kougaiji's throat. Great was his strength that he lifted the young demon off his feet.

"What are you doing?" Dokugakuji demanded, conjuring up his sword. "He's your son! Don't hurt him!"

As he charged, Gyumao grabbed the youkai's blade and broke it into two.

Gojyo made to release his chained blade, but Hakkai stopped him. "No! Don't! You might hit Kougaiji!"

"Kougaiji-sama!" Yaone cried helplessly, teardrops trickling from her eyes.

Then, there was an evil gleam in Gyumao's eyes. His left hand lifted and a clawed finger caressed the young youkai's cheek.

Smacking his lips, he murmured, "Another pretty boy! This one with hair like fire!"

That stunned everyone into immobility, more so, when Gyumao's hand descended to reach into the opening of Kougaiji's jacket.

"Touchan..." Kougaiji's skin crawled as his father fondled him.

Yaone shook her head. "No! Surely he's not thinking... Not his own son!"

With teeth gritted in frustration, Goku's hand went up to the demonic power control device encircling his head. "Looks like we don't have a choice."

"Goku!" Hakkai warned. "Don't do it!"

Suddenly, a sharp crack resounded throughout the enormous laboratory like a pistol shot. Whirling, they were stunned to behold Sanzo standing before the Demon King, his right arm raised sideways, the back of it red from the fierce slap he had bestowed upon Gyumao's face. Caught off guard, the force of the blow caused the Demon King's head to whip to the side. With an angry tug, Sanzo wrenched Kougaiji free. Still in shock, the youkai prince sagged into the priest's arms, both of them slipping to the floor.

"Yaro!" Sanzo hissed in fury. "How dare you touch your son in that filthy manner! A beloved son is not meant to be an outlet for your lust!"

Gyumao staggered at the force of the priest's words, the heel of his hand pressing over the trace of a round scar on his forehead as his helmet was lifted a bit. It seemed as if a flicker of sanity returned into his eyes. However, this was only momentary. The Demon King burst into evil laughter as he gazed at the two young men at his feet through pupils narrowed into vertical slits.

"Son?" Gyumao exclaimed insanely. "What son? I don't seen any son! What I see before me are two beautiful boys whom I have every intention of bedding. But if you're gong to be so...moralistic...about it, I shall make you, for lack of a better term, my wives!"

"But, Touchan, you have a wife!" Kougaiji pleaded in earnest. "Don't you remember? Before Gyokumen Koushu entered our lives, you loved each other dearly!"

"I have no wife and I have no son. However, if you two are capable of working miracles, you could give me many offspring."

Gojyo clucked his tongue, shaking his head. "He's gone nuts!"

Suddenly, Gyumao seized Sanzo's ankle and yanked the priest towards him.

"Touchan, no!" Kougaiji tried to pull the monk back, but he was backhanded in the face.

"Don't force me to mar that loveliness, boy!" the Demon King said menacingly, as his son eased himself up on an elbow, hand wiping away the blood from his mouth.

Straddling Sanzo, Gyumao ripped off the torn jeans and hiked up the tattered remains of the monk's robes, running a callused hand over a pale, smooth thigh.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Sanzo struggled furiously, outraged that a youkai like Gyumao would dare lay a hand on his exalted person.

The Demon King chuckled at the monk's futile efforts. "Your mouth is foul for a priest. But it doesn't matter. In fact, I love a fighter. Conquering you would indeed be a sweet affair. By the time I'm through with you, you'll be begging me for more. They don't call me the Great Bull Demon for nothing!"

"Get your filthy hands off Sanzo!" Goku roared, staff poised to strike.

"We won't let you do this to Sanzo!" shouted Hakkai, a ball of glowing energy materializing in his hands.

"Why don't you just let him go? Take my word for it! He's not a good lay," Gojyo remarked dryly, readying his scythe. "Do yourself a big favor and hand him over to us now."

"Now why would I do something as stupid as that?" The Demon King made an upwards slashing motion with his arm, creating a powerful gust of wind that blew them off their feet and slammed them again into the wall.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Yaone and Dokugakuji hurried to aid Kougaiji. Before they could reach him, however, Gyumao had erected an energy barrier around the youkai prince. The minute they touched it, electricity jolted through their bodies, knocking them out.

Kougaiji pounded his fist on the floor, frustrated at his inability to help his friends. "Yaone! Dokugaku!" he cried wretchedly.

Then, a tiny blur swept past his prison. Kougaiji was horrified to see his little sister on her knees, holding her father's hand that was about to push Sanzo's legs apart.

"Otousan!" Lirin wept, in terror of the great demon before her, trying with all her might to make the youkai king release the priest. "Please! Let my Oniichan and Sanzo go!"

A hand closed around her throat, fingers digging deep into the skin, the sharp claws drawing blood. Shaking her like a rag doll, Gyumao shouted, "How many more of you are going to interfere?"

"Lirin! LIRIN!" screamed Kougaiji, seeing his dearest sister slowly turning blue from lack of air.

"LET HER GO!" Three calm words spoken by the young man beneath him.

Gazing down, Gyumao saw that Sanzo was staring back at him. The priest had untied the sash at his waist and opened his robes, revealing the shredded black body suit underneath. Raising his hand, he grabbed a handful of the torn garment and ripped it off completely, baring his upper body to the lecherous Demon King.

"Fuck me if you wish," Sanzo told the most evil of youkai, "but do not harm your children."

Kougaiji stared at the monk in shock, not believing that Sanzo would be so willing to sacrifice himself for their sake. He raised a trembling hand to the priest. "Sanzo...."

Gyumao threw poor Lirin aside. With swift hand gestures, he enlarged the energy barrier so that he, Kougaiji and the monk were safe inside the dome, where no one could interfere.

"Watch this, boy!" the Demon King told his son, a wicked grin on his face, as he flung Sanzo's long legs over his shoulders. "So you would know what to do when it's your turn."

Desperate to help their friends, Goku, Hakkai, Gojyo, Dokugakuji, Yaone and Lirin surrounded the dome and poured out all their energies to break it down. No matter how hard they tried, however, the barrier held firm.

With so many distractions, Gyumao was in no mood for foreplay. He wanted to fuck Sanzo and fast, so he could go on to Kougaiji. Poising his huge member at the virgin entrance, the Demon King readied himself for a grand plowing.

Sanzo felt his hands pinned above his head. Sudden fear seizing his heart, the priest could only close his eyes to block out that leering visage and wait for that first agonizing thrust.

Just as Gyumao was about to breach the hapless young man, a powerful energy blast hit the Demon King in the groin, throwing him off the monk. As his body struck the barrier, it collapsed in an instant.

Taking his erstwhile enemy in his arms, Kougaiji eased Sanzo to a sitting position. "Sanzo, are you...." He stopped at once at the sight of the aura of gold that surrounded the priest.

Sanzo's attention, however, was focused on the three figures that had materialized before them -- an old man and two beautiful women.

"The Three Aspects!" Sanzo gasped, recognizing his celestial superiors.

Tucking his dwindled rod inside his trousers, Gyumao was furious at the gods who had spoiled his plans. "More interference? Do you think I'm afraid of you, kami? I eat gods like you for lunch!"

"No, we're not here to interfere, only to offer some advice," the first goddess spoke without any inflection in her voice, her beautiful features stern and her eyes closed.

"This priest is under our very special you have seen for yourself," the second goddess remarked with a smug smile. "He is a Sanzo, a priest of the highest rank. The vows of chastity that bind him are strong enough to repel anyone -- human, youkai or god -- from taking him."

The first goddess continued, "He could only be yours if he renounces his calling as the priest of Kanzeon Bosatsu, and only after a year of meditation and prayer to reconsider the decision he has made."

The old god gazed firmly at the Demon King. "If Genjo Sanzo does not change his mind and still chooses to break his vows after a year, he shall be yours -- body and soul."

"Of course he will renounce his vows!" Gyumao exclaimed in absolute certainty. "That's the only way he could keep his friends alive!"

"What about Kougaiji?" Sanzo asked his superiors. "Would you extend the same protection to him too?"

"He is a youkai, Genjo Sanzo. A being abhorred by all in Tenkai," the Three Aspects answered in unison. "Even if he were human, he is not bound by any vows. Gyumao could have him, even if he is his son."

Sanzo looked at his companions and former foes who had been listening to their shocking exchange, and then at Kougaiji who was cradling him in his arms.

Jaw hardening, the priest declared, "Very well! I renounce my vows. I won't be your servant any longer. Nothing good ever came out of it. All I got for my efforts are three idiots who always got in my way. If you ask me, good riddance to bad rubbish!"

The Three Aspects looked at him in surprise. "That's a cruel thing to say about your friends."

" friends!" Sanzo said emphatically.

Furious, Gojyo hurled his scythe on the floor with a loud clang. "You never stop rubbing it in! Damned ingrate! Is this your way of saying thanks to the people who risked their lives for you?"

"No one asked you to!" the monk spat back.

"Sanzo...surely you don't mean that," said Goku pleadingly. "I know you care about us. Please don't lie!"

"I'm not lying! Do you want to know the truth, baka saru? Among the three of you, it is you whom I hate the most! Your incessant whining nearly drove me insane! How many times did you almost kill me when you removed your headpiece, something which I expressly forbade you to do? Damn you, Goku! You almost chose Homura over me! You were the heaviest burden I had to carry. Nothing is going to please me more than to be rid of you forever! ALL OF YOU!"

Hakkai opened his lips to say something, but the Three Aspects interrupted him before he could speak.

"If that is your decision," the gods said solemnly. "But you still have a year to reconsider. If you still choose... In a year's time, you shall belong to the Demon King. Is there anything else you desire from us?"

Sanzo looked the three gods straight in the eye. "You know what I want."

Twinkling lights started to rain upon the laboratory and the people inside. One by one, their loyal companions winked out. Before Kougaiji could fade away to safety as well, Gyumao grabbed his wrist, as well as Sanzo's, stopping the teleportation with his powers.

"Very smart, boy, but not smart enough," Gyumao gazed at Sanzo, whose teeth were gritted in frustration that the young youkai was not taken away to safety. Cupping Kougaiji's face, the Demon King murmured, "You're not going anywhere, my sweet. You two are staying with me. You belong to me now."

Lirin was the last to vanish, crying and screaming out to her brother.

When everyone was gone at last, Gyumao stood up and burst into triumphant laughter.

An uncharacteristic tear fell unbidden from Sanzo's eye. " dear friends," he whispered, falling despondently into his former foe's comforting embrace.

Gojyo, Goku and Hakkai suddenly found themselves outside Houtou Castle. With them were Yaone, Lirin and Dokugakuji.

Snorting, Goyjo exclaimed in relief, "Boy, am I glad that's over! It looks like Sanzo-sama finally got what he deserved. Bride of a Demon King...truly a match made in Hell!"

A hard fist knocked him to the sodden ground. Looking up, he saw Hakkai towering above him, his trembling right hand still clenched. Never had he seen the congenial youth in such an enraged state.

"How dare you say that about Sanzo!" Hakkai shouted at him. "After the terrible sacrifice he made for all of us...."

"What sacrifice?" cried Goku bitterly. "He said that we were burdens to him, that he wanted to get rid of us." Tears streamed from his golden eyes. "He...he said he hated me!"

Dokugakuji crossed his arms over his chest. "I've always had a very low opinion of Sanzo-sama, but after what I had just witnessed...."

Lirin nodded in wholehearted agreement before she could allow the elder youkai to continue. "I've seen how he is for myself. He doesn't care about anyone but himself."

"Lirin, don't forget that it was Sanzo-sama who saved your life," Dokugakuji carefully reminded her.

"He may seem hard and cruel," Yaone added as well, "but Sanzo-sama doesn't strike me to be that cold-hearted."

"That's because you haven't been with him for as long as we have!" Gojyo quickly countered.

Hakkai could not hide his dismay. "You misunderstood him. After all this time, you still don't know the person he is."

"I cannot believe that you would still defend him like this! After all those cruel things he said to us...."

Hakkai did not reply. Instead, he turned away from friend and foe alike and gazed up into the dark sky. The storm has finally passed and he could see twinkling stars behind the dissipating cloud cover.

Closing his eyes, he prayed, "I know that I am nothing but an accursed criminal more worthy of your derision than your attention. I beg you, however. Please, Kami-sama! I need your wisdom."

Although he was not expecting a reply, Hakkai was surprised when the visages of the Three Aspects appeared before him.

With a smile, the kindly-faced goddess observed, "As always, you are very astute, Tenpou Gensui, or should I say, Cho Hakkai."

"Why is everyone calling us by different names?" Gojyo exclaimed in mild exasperation, cupping the back of his head with his hands. "This is all very confusing!"

"All shall be revealed in due time, Kenren Taisho," the goddess reassured him.

"I don't care about that!" a frustrated Hakkai cried out. "Sanzo is more important than the shrouded mysteries of the distant past. Tell me, Kami-sama! What must I do to save Sanzo from Gyumao?"

"You would still wish to save him after the way he had broken your heart?" the stern goddess queried.

"He did not do it out of any cruel intent." Hakkai gazed firmly at the Three Aspects. "Sanzo knew that he was the burden amongst us. Unlike the three of us, he is human. Take away the shoureijuu and the Maten Kyoumou, no, even with these celestial items, he is still a mortal. True, Sanzo joined us in countless battles, but he always needed one of us to be with him. Many times, he put his life on the line for us, and each time, he almost perished. I never told this to anyone before, but after that incident with the scorpion woman in the desert, I had overheard him painfully admit to himself 'I am not strong'."

Everyone turned shocked eyes to the human-turned-youkai. They knew Genjo Sanzo was a very proud young man. To have him admit of a weakness indicated a troubled soul who wished he could do more for those he cared about.

Hakkai nodded solemnly, as if having read their thoughts. "When the shadow creature had us, Sanzo knew that our salvation lay in his hands. He didn't have a choice but to perform the forbidden -- awaken the Demon King Gyumao. It was a terrible mistake to do so, but it had to be done. Funny isn't it, that Sanzo chose to do the most truly selfish act in his life by saving us and forsaking the peace of the world. Now, that Gyumao is awake, Sanzo is taking full responsibility for his actions. Rather than let his tremendous burden fall on the shoulders of others, he chose instead to drive us away with hate-filled words, when in truth there was only love inside his heart." His hands closed tightly into fists. "Gyumao, Kougaiji, the fate of the world...this cross is too heavy for him to bear!" Green eyes flashed at the gods before him. "Kami-sama! You would not have given Sanzo a year' Gyumao's perverse desires if there is no possibility for him to be saved."

At last, the old god spoke, "Yes, you are correct. There is a way for Genjo Sanzo to be saved."

"Tell me what it is! No matter what it takes, even if I have to do it alone, I'll do anything to save him."

"You must seek out she who commands us, Kanzeon Bosatsu. We are merely her emissaries and everything that occurs here is due to her will. It is she who holds the key to destroying Gyumao. Only with the Demon King dead could Genjo Sanzo be freed."

"Where do I find her? She is the Boddhisatva of Mercy. Does she have a temple? Is there a way for me to summon her?"

The Three Aspects shook their heads. The god continued, "Kanzeon Bosatsu is a fickle goddess. You must seek the path to her on your own. And, alas, following Homura's treasonous act, Tenkai is in a major upheaval. The way to the Goddess of Mercy is fraught with danger, tears and suffering like you have never imagined. It could break your heart and destroy your soul."

"And as I told you, I would do anything for Sanzo. I owe him this." Hakkai became sad. "A year... Not enough time to accomplish the impossible."

Before he could beg for more time, the gods answered as one, "That is all the time we could give you."

Hakkai's little white dragon Hakuryu fluttered onto his shoulder. With a sweet, reassuring cheep, he caressed his young master's face. Smiling, Hakkai ran a gentle finger over Hakuryu's tiny head.

"You're right, Hakuryu," he agreed with the dragon. "I shouldn't be thinking negatively. For Sanzo's sake, I must believe in myself, that I can accomplish this mission." He turned one last time to the gods in their midst. "Swear to me that nothing will happen to Sanzo while I'm gone."

However, the Three Aspects replied, "We cannot make that promise. It is all up to Sanzo."

Nodding, Hakkai declared, "Come, Hakuryu! We're just wasting our time here." He was about to walk away when a hand closed around his wrist. Looking back, he beheld the smiling face of Son Goku.

"Hakkai, I'm coming with you."


Gojyo exhaled sharply. "I'm going too."

"I am not obligating you to come along if you don't want to, Gojyo," Hakkai pointed out quietly.

"I've said this before," the rogue in their party began. "We may not like each other, but for some strange reason, we're stuck with each other. So I'm in. Besides..." Gojyo gave Goku and good-natured knuckle rap on the head. "...You need me to keep this baka saru in line?"

"Who are you calling a 'saru', ero kappa?" Goku retorted in turn.

Dokugakuji stepped forward. "I would like to come with you, if you will permit it."

"Me too!" Yaone said eagerly. "I know we're enemies, but we just can't sit here, waiting for your return. For Kougaiji-sama's sake, we must do something to help as well. We promise we won't get in your way."

Hakkai bestowed the pretty youkai with one of his charming smiles. "I don't see why not. The more, the merrier."

Goku let out a happy whoop. "Let's get going then! Come on, Lirin!"


At that timid answer, all gazed at Kougaiji's little sister, who began to fidget at their discomfiting stares, hands behind her back.

"You guys go," Lirin told them. "I'm staying here."

Yaone dropped to one knee before the girl. "Lirin-chan, it's dangerous for you to stay. Kougaiji-sama would never forgive us if anything should happen to you. You'll be much safer with us."

But Lirin stubbornly shook her head. "You don't understand, Yaone-san. All my life, it has always been Oniichan who's been taking care of me. Now that he needs me, you can't just tell me to leave him like this."

"Lirin..." Dokugakuji began patiently. "You saw how mentally unstable your father is. What if something...Kou wouldn't...."

Hakkai knew what was on the mind of Gojyo's older brother. The filthy desire that Gyumao had shown towards his son was too obvious to be ignored. If Lirin should become an unwitting witness....

"I know, but...but..." Lirin bit down on her lip. "I cannot abandon Oniichan. I want to be with him, no matter what. Gomen, Yaone-san, Dokugakuji-san, but I'm not going with you."

Goku looked at the determined little youkai, thinking deeply. "Hakkai...maybe I should stay too. Protect Sanzo, Kougaiji and Lirin."

However, Lirin hastily countered, "It's all right, Goku. You need to be with them. Don't worry about Sanzo-sama. I promise I'll take good care of him for you."

Weeping, Yaone embraced her mischievous, yet brave, ward. "Please take good care of yourself. Promise you won't do anything that would incite your father."

"I promise, Yaone-san," Lirin hugged her back. "I'll hold the fort while you're gone. But please, PLEASE come back in time."

"I swear we'll do everything we can to return as quickly as possible," Hakkai replied in firm determination. "Please tell Sanzo that we'll come back to rescue him."

At once, Hakuryu transformed into their trusty jeep.

As everyone climbed aboard, Gojyo noticed that the Three Aspects had not left and were silently watching them. "How about wishing us good luck?"

The god answered solemnly, "You would need more than good luck to survive the trials ahead of you."

Gojyo clucked his tongue as he settled down on the seat beside Hakkai. "Why am I not surprised that you would say that?"

When they drove away, no goodbyes were said. Yaone managed to glance briefly back to see brave little Lirin walking towards the doors of Houtou Castle. A comforting hand was laid over her own, and she saw Dokugakuji shake his head.

"Don't look back," he advised gently. "Yaone, always look forward."

Sure enough, the dark sky was illuminated by beautiful fireworks heralding the New Year. Those lights...signs of hope. So why couldn't she shake away the feeling of foreboding inside her heart?

Eyeing her companions, Yaone noticed that none of them wanted to look at the dark tower, and judging from the grim expressions on their faces, none of them wanted to think about the friends they were leaving behind. Their minds were focused on the extremely difficult mission ahead of them.

Nodding in strong determination, Yaone thought, Please hang on Kougaiji-sama, Sanzo-sama. On our lives, we swear we shall return to save you.

* * * * *