Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ CHAPTER FOUR: Temptation ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© December 31, 2002 By Rory V. Pascual

CHAPTER FOUR: Temptation


Instinctively, Hakkai began to turn, to look at the youkai behind him who was about to plunge his large sword into the gentle youth's back. But Gojyo's chain suddenly coiled around his body and jerked him out of harm's way. At that same moment, Goku's staff elongated to pierce the demon and shatter him instantly into ashes. When Hakkai lifted his head, he found himself gazing into worried ruby red eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you to watch your back?" Gojyo asked in mixed gruffness and concern.

"Sumimasen," Hakkai grinned sheepishly. "Arigato, Gojyo, Goku."

Goku stared at the position of his two friends -- with Hakkai still wrapped in the half-breed's chain cradled in Gojyo's arms. Frowning, he inquired, "Hey, ero kappa! Aren't you going to let Hakkai go?"

Gojyo blushed as red as his hair, and it was his turn to stammer a quick "Gomen!" as he hastily removed the chain around his friend.

Dokugakuji was wiping away the blood from his sword as he approached them. "Looks like the youkai problem has become much worse," he remarked with a grimace. "This is the fifth youkai party that we've encountered in just two weeks."

"Hai," Yaone, who was tucking her small bombs back inside her pouch, agreed with him. "It wasn't this bad before. At least they were manageable before. But now, the evil wave has grown stronger, transforming them into beasts, making them forget completely that they once lived among humans."

"The aftermath of Gyumao's revival..." Hakkai said thoughtfully. "If Gyumao should call for all youkai to unite, it's only a matter of time before they rally themselves to the Demon King's side and destroy all human life."

"True," mumbled Gojyo. "It's going to be one hell of a smorgasbord."

Dokugakuji frowned at his younger brother. "What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you don't know that famous story about Gyumao?" the half-breed retorted. "The reason why Toushin Nataku Taishi attacked him in the first place was because of his exquisite taste for human flesh."

"That's a lie!" Yaone said heatedly, deeply offended. "It's just one of those stupid legends. If Kougaiji-sama were here, he'd tell you so himself."

"Tell us what?" queried Hakkai.

"That never has Gyumao had a taste for human flesh," answered Dokugakuji. "If he had, wouldn't Kougaiji have shared his own palate?"

Yaone added, "I told you this before, Hakkai-san, that things aren't what they seem. I wish we could tell you more, but these are private matters that only Kougaiji-sama is at liberty to divulge, and even he chooses to keep certain secrets from us."

"Well," Goku began, "at least Sanzo is with him. Maybe Sanzo could get Kougaiji to open up to him." He felt a twinge of guilt as he looked at the ashes of the youkai that blew with the late afternoon breeze, recalling the sacrifice that the corrupt monk had made to save them all. Quietly, he added, "Anyway, I'm glad that Sanzo's not here to see this."

"I'm sure he knows what's going on," put in Gojyo. He remembered the monk's ability to hear 'voices'. "But there's absolutely nothing he could do about this. He already has his hands full with Gyumao."

"It's up to us now," Dokugakuji stated firmly. "We have to accomplish what we have set out to do, and the rest will just follow."

All nodded solemnly.

Hakkai looked up at the darkening sky. "It's almost night fall. We won't be making much headway in the dark. I suggest we make camp. Besides..." He glanced down at the blood that splattered his clothes. "...We need to clean up."

"Good idea," Yaone beamed at that suggestion.

"There's a small pool with a waterfall not far from here," Goku pointed out at once.

"Why don't you go ahead, Yaone-san?" Hakkai told the pretty youkai. "Goku and I will pitch camp."

"Hai!" Yaone exclaimed gratefully. "I truly appreciate it!"

"Excellent idea, Hakkai!" Gojyo exclaimed. "It's better that Dokugakuji and I be the ones to look for food. If it were Goku, we won't have anything to eat by the time we get back. You know what an insatiable appetite this baka saru possesses!"

"Who are you calling a 'saru', ero kappa?" Goku complained in grievous offense, glaring as the two brothers sauntered off.

As was his wont every night since he discovered the hot bath, Sanzo made his way through the torch-lit hallways of the castle, towels draped over his arm. He was dying for a hot soak in that large brass tub. Going inside the small room, the priest stripped off his clothes. Stepping into the wash area, he opened the shower and leaned into the cool water, relishing the feel of the cold stream upon his pale, silky skin. Taking the soap, he let the bar slide over his body in graceful, sensuous strokes.

Lost in the soothing sensations of his bath, Sanzo did not notice the small holes that have been drilled through the wall, and the pair of reptilian eyes that watched his every move with lustful glee.

Hakkai breathed a relieved sigh as he eased his filthy body into the stream of the waterfall. Not really hungry, he had given his second trout instead to Goku. After that fierce battle they had, he was a tense bundle of nerves, something which he hoped a cool bath would alleviate.

Blissfully, he lifted his head to the water, letting the stream sluice down his body to wash away the stains of the fight.

He was virtually unaware that, like the water that caressed his skin, eyes gazed appreciatively at the fine lines of his lithe form.

Gyumao stared in rapt fascination at the young priest bathing before him. Up to now, he still found it difficult to believe how a human as lovely and as pure as this bathing siren would have such an abrasive tongue. It was that same filthy mouth that never failed to dwindle his desires towards the monk and the youkai prince. For some strange reason, he couldn't bring himself to hit that mouth to silence.

The Demon King was now determined not to let that tight but delectable mouth influence him again. He would have Sanzo and Kougaiji, and very soon. The young youkai who was supposedly his son would be easy to claim, if he could find a way to get the priest and that little brat out of his way.

What was his big problem was the bathing blond bombshell himself. Those damned kami had truly ensured that the priest's virtue was protected. Gyumao's member twitched at the painful memory of several botched attempts to break through those formidable defenses.

The monk chose that moment to shut off the shower, and turned around. Gyumao's mouth watered at the sight of that magnificent loveliness. Even the scars on his torso did nothing to mar it. Oh, how he longed desperately to capture those sweet pink nipples and that delectable member between his lips. As the young man bent down to pick up a towel, his butt thrust out, more than anything else, the Demon King desired to sheathe the length of his silken sword within the exquisite tightness of that ass.

Although it was extremely difficult for him to control his urges, Gyumao somehow managed to force himself to perform the task at hand. He peered at the priest with his inner sight, hoping to find a weakness in his dharmic armor. It was something he had been doing for the past weeks since he learned of the monk's nightly trips to the bath. So far, he had been unsuccessful.

But now, as he adjusted his vision, Gyumao could see visible chinks in that seemingly impregnable armor. He could also see three golden threads spreading out from him like the skein of a spider's web. It was obvious that those threads were connected to his three equally lovely, but meddlesome friends.

As the priest sank down into the tub, the Demon King stood up, smiling. Looking at the handsome young man one last time, he muttered in determination, "I may not be able to claim you completely yet, Genjo Sanzo. But mark my words, there are other ways in which you could give me pleasure. So many wonderful ways!"


Gojyo felt a pang of longing as he gazed at his handsome friend bathing under the silver gush of the waterfall. It was a feeling that was alien to him. A notorious skirt-chaser, he had never felt such a strong attraction to another man before. Well, perhaps maybe not as intense as his feelings towards Sanzo. Still, just watching Hakkai was enough to cause his member to twitch in unresolved sexual tension.

Hakkai was completely unaware that his traveling companion was watching him intently, as his long, graceful fingers scrubbed the dirt and blood stains from his skin. When his hands descended to the scar on his belly, however, he wrapped his arms tightly around his waist. A choked sob escaping from his lips, Hakkai leaned against the rocks and whispered a name.


Gojyo nearly jumped out of the bushes in surprise. He glared at Hakuryu, who was staring curiously at him through beady red eyes.

"I was just checking if Hakkai's all right," he told the little dragon defensively.

Hakuryu gave him a look that eloquently said, "Yeah, right!", and settled down on his shoulder.

Pouting, Gojyo quietly crawled away. When he was at a safe distance, he got to his feet and gazed back at the weeping young man. He remembered with sorrow the name that Hakkai had whispered, and that name was Sanzo.

But Sanzo isn't here, Hakkai, thought Gojyo, as a single tear slid down his cheek. Isn't it possible for the two of us to find love and comfort in each other's arms? As much as I need Sanzo, I need you too.

Turning away, the half-breed swore to himself that he would do something about this before they both perished from loneliness.

It was around midnight when Goku woke up with a start, the name of Sanzo on his lips. Trembling all over, he wrapped his cloak over his sweat-drenched body. To his dismay, he saw that the member between his legs was still as hard as a rock.

What the hell was that dream? the saru asked himself rather guiltily. I always dream of food and other fun stuff, but never...THAT!

That dream in question was a very vivid vision of him lying in the middle of a verdant field of blooming red flowers, making mad, passionate love with Genjo Sanzo. He was spooned against the monk's lithe, but strong form, moaning as Sanzo moved in and out of him with such lusciousness that Goku thought he would die from the sheer ecstasy of the experience. Unconsciously, his hand drifted down to his lower abdomen. To his surprise, there was still a tender ache, as well as the sensation of fullness within. But what bothered Goku the most was what came after Sanzo had made love to him.

Never known for his generosity, it surprised him immensely when the priest turned onto his back, with his legs splayed in invitation to him.

"It's your turn, Goku," Sanzo had said gently. "You may take me now."

Goku had hesitated at that offer. This was Sanzo, his sun. How could he even dare to sully a man as beautiful and as pure as this.

Sensing his hesitation, it was then that Sanzo did the unthinkable. With graceful fingers, he removed the diadem that encircled the saru's brow.

As the transformation into the wild Seiten Taisei began to take place, Goku found himself gripping slender wrists with clawed hands.

Hearing the snarl that rumbled from the Seiten Taisei's throat, Sanzo gazed into those wild golden eyes and breathed, "I belong to you...Son Goku."

Before he could surrender to that rapacious urge, Goku had awakened, but the urge to take, to plunder, he discovered to his dismay, was still strong. Troubled, his eyes fell upon Hakkai and Gojyo sleeping in their bed rolls and the desire just washed over him like a tidal wave. Already, he envisioned himself forcing his attentions on a kneeling, weeping Gojyo, and then, after, on Hakkai, whose legs were flung over his shoulders as he thrust like a piston in and out of the gentle youth's body.

Horrified by his lustful imaginings, Goku fled from the camp and into the forest. When he was far enough away, he leaned against a tree, freed his member from the confines of his trousers, and spurted his desperate release onto the tree bark. His breath came in ragged pants.

"What the hell's the matter with me?" the saru asked in dismay. "I shouldn't be thinking like an ero, not about Gojyo and Hakkai, and definitely not about Sanzo!" He gazed at his come-smeared hands that, in his dream, had pinned down the beautiful monk. Tears of shame pouring from his eyes, he cried, "Why? WHY?"

For several minutes, Goku sobbed miserably in the dark. But then, there was a tiny spark that penetrated the gloom. Blinking, he saw that it was coming from the ground a few feet away from him. Eager to focus his mind away from that disturbing dream, Goku approached that glinting object. Bending down, he pushed away the dirt to reveal what lay underneath.

Goku's eyes widened at the sight of the small ornate silver box. Placing the box on his palm, he was shocked even more when he saw what was inside it. Lying on a royal blue velvet cushion was a beautiful gold ring, with rubies and emeralds in the shape of roses and tiny birds set into the band. He quickly surveyed his surroundings, but he could sense no one. Neither was there any sign that he had stumbled upon burial grounds, where loved ones buried their precious belongings with the dead.

"Someone must have dropped this," he mused, gazing appreciatively at the beautiful ring.

At that moment, the answer to his earlier question just hit him, like an arrow piercing his heart. He now knew the reason for his strange dream.

Looking at the ring, Goku gasped out, "I'm truly in love with Sanzo. And...I think I'm just as in love with Hakkai and Gojyo." Nodding at this realization, he smiled, feeling the warmth of peace suffuse his entire being. "People keep telling us we're bonded. That's what it is, isn't it. Love...this is what's binding us."

The truth of it jolted Goku. Remembering his dream and the intense desire that it had elicited in him, his hand tightened around the box, the lid closing over the precious ring.

His fist shaking, he muttered, "No! I will not use my friends in that dirty manner. I care about them too much to use them in that way, especially Sanzo." Clutching the box to his heart, Goku swore, "Sanzo, when we return to you, when we are all gathered alone together -- you, me, Hakkai and Gojyo, I will tell you all how I truly feel about you. Then, when all is said and done, I will place this ring on your finger, Sanzo, as a token of my love."

With this solemn vow, Goku slipped the box inside his pocket and skipped happily back to camp.

* * * * *