Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ CHAPTER TWELVE: Torn ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© June 6, 2003 By Rory V. Pascual

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I apologize for the very long wait for this chapter. Next to RL life problems, I've been struck by the worst kind of luck that could befall a writer. My computer crashed and a large number of unposted stories, this chapter included, have been lost in the process. Right now, I'm in the process of rewriting everything, and it's a long, tedious and very depressing process. I could only beg for your patience as I resolve this matter. In the meantime, here's Chapter Twelve of "Metamorphosis". Hard yaoi ahead, so please be warned. Oh, and one last thing! If there are any errors, suimasen. I'll make the corrections later.


The dawn of the fifth day saw a solemn figure standing at the edge of the clearing again, hidden in the shadows of the trees. Green eyes stared with undisguised hatred at the dark castle that stood in the middle of black hills and rocks.

Hyakugan Maoh… Hakkai's smoldering gaze would have incinerated that dreaded castle to the ground if it were in his power to do so. Oh, the misery you have caused through the years! I'm grateful at least that, in this reality, Kanan won't be suffering at your hands. But in the near future, you will be made to answer for the horrendous deeds you and your men have committed. However, this time, I will not be your judge, jury and executioner. I will let someone else taint his hands with your filthy blood. Whatever it is I'm supposed to do here, I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. Let the others protect their own, as they have not done to my beloved Kanan in the world from which I came.

Looking at the castle one last time, Hakkai headed back to the village, unaware of the sharp eyes that watched him today and the days previous in the tower.

"Such a shame, my lord," the patriarch and leader of the Dark Crow Clan remarked to the powerful youkai, who was peering through a telescope. "The young woman whom we intended to give to you perished during the epidemic."

"And it was that young man, you say, her beloved fiancé, who tried in vain to save her life." Hyakugan Maoh settled back into the plush velvet of his high-backed chair.

"Yes, my lord. It was even rumored in the village that they were in a forbidden relationship. Brother and sister they were, the villagers claimed. Quite understandable that such a notion should arise since the two lovers looked so much alike. Both possessing tender beauty, with eyes like sparkling emeralds."

"Then, why do you say you have nothing to give me? If one is already dead, then the other will do just as well."

The leader of the Dark Crow Clan dropped down to one knee. "Begging your forgiveness, my lord! I thought you only desired women."

Hyakugan Maoh grinned slyly. "Now why should I pass up such an exquisite beauty, just because he is male?"

A shadow emerged from the darkened corner. "Excellent decision, father."

"I'm glad you approve," the evil youkai ruler declared. "I'm well aware of the fact that you've had an eye on that young man for quite some time now."

His son grinned lustfully. "It's hard to ignore a face as pretty as that."

"Don't forget, son, that it is I, your father, who shall be the first to sample what this lovely human male has to offer."

"As long you do not forget, in turn, to share him with me."

Hyakugan Maoh laughed at that last. "Ah, indeed you are my son! Now that our delectable beauty has left us, shall we play a round of mahjong while the Dark Crow Clan retrieves him for our future…amusement?"

"Hai, father!" Chin Issou bowed to his father. "I would enjoy that very much."

It was mid-afternoon and Hakkai was inside his classroom, giving his young students a lecture on Togenkyo history. He was in high spirits, having promised the children that he would play with them after class. Glancing outside the window, Hakkai smiled at the sight of the robin feeding her chirping young worms inside their nest on a branch high up in the tree. In an hour, another ordinary, yet cheerful day would end.

So at ease was Hakkai in this familiar, yet still unfamiliar world. So at peace. Not once did it occur to him to even glance at the calendar hanging on the wall of the classroom.

So, when furious shouting and terrified screaming rang out from the village, Hakkai was virtually caught by surprise.

Terror was reflected in the round eyes of his students, especially when the school gardener raced past their window, shouting, "Youkai! The youkai are attacking us!"

At once, the children ran from their desks and crowded around him, crying in fear.

Falling to one knee, Hakkai gave one wailing little girl a reassuring hug. "Don't be afraid, Mira! I won't let them harm you."

"Gonou-sensei..." one of his students, Kenji, asked fearfully. "They're looking for another sacrifice, aren't they."

Little Sayaka sobbed, "Onegai, Gonou-sensei! Don't let them take my sister away!"

Hakkai sadly remembered that the child's beautiful mother had been one of those unfortunates sacrificed to Hyakugan Maoh. Ruffling her hair, he said smiling, "I'm sure she's all right."

Suddenly, just as the furor began, silence fell upon them like an ominous pall. In the suffocating quiet, none of the children dared to make a sound.

All jumped out of their skins in surprise when a breathless Kinkedo Jun appeared at the doorway.

"Jun-san..." A frown creased Hakkai's brow, seeing how pale his co-teacher was.

"Gonou-san..." Kinkedo began, panting for breath. "Whatever happens, I don't want you to leave this classroom. Once the coast is clear, I'll take you away from here."

"What the hell's going on out there? I heard the youkai are attacking us. Have...have they taken another sacrifice? Is that the reason for the sudden silence?"

Instead of answering his questions, Kinkedo knelt down before him, laying his hands on his shoulders.

Smiling, the teacher whispered, "Stay here, Gonou-san. I swear I will keep you safe."

Before Hakkai could speak, Kinkedo dashed outside the classroom. As his eyes followed the departing figure of his friend, his attention was drawn to the calendar on the wall. Seeing what day it was, Hakkai's blood suddenly ran cold.

In the world he had come from, it was the same date that Kanan had been abducted.

Sudden fear for his friend jolted Hakkai into action. "I want you to stay here!" he firmly told the children as he hurried after Kinkedo. Running through the hallway, he was horrified to see that the battle axe was missing from the right gauntlet of the solitary suit of armor in the corner.

As the door loomed ahead, Hakkai prayed in earnest, Please! Don't let anything happen to Jun-san!

However, as he pushed the door open, Hakkai heard Kinkedo roar, "Cowards! You would gladly sacrifice one of your own to save your miserable hides! Accursed youkai! I will not let you take him!"

Hakkai emerged into the afternoon sun to see Kinkedo rushing towards a band of fierce youkai with battle axe in hand.

"JUN-SAN, NO!" he cried out in warning, as he instinctively cupped his hands to conjure up an energy ball.

But then, startling realization washed over him, feeling the absence of that familiar energy surge down his arms. He had completely forgotten that, in this alternate universe, he was an ordinary human.

Just as that horrifying thought crossed his mind, Hakkai felt something warm and wet splatter his face and body. His green eyes wide with shock, he watched as Kinkedo's lifeless form fell at the feet of the grinning youkai that had gutted him.

The numbness of shock gave way in an instant to explosive rage. With a cry of fury, Hakkai leaped through the air and downed the youkai who had killed his best friend with a kick. Grabbing the fallen axe, he plunged its sharp blade into the youkai's belly.

With battle instincts honed through several months of fighting and hardship on the road, Hakkai plowed relentlessly through the demons, cutting them down like trees with every swing of the axe. His mind blinded with rage, he would have killed them all.

What stopped him were the sounds of weeping children behind him, all calling out his name. Whirling, Hakkai was horrified to see his students held captive by a small group of youkai who had sneaked into the school as he was fighting.

"Gonou-sensei!" the children wept in terror, eyes riveted to the sharp claws hovering above their necks.

"Let them go!" Hakkai shouted at the youkai. "They're only children! What purpose would they serve to Hyakugan Maoh?"

One of the youkai, a demon with a cloak of crow feathers on his shoulders and a mask on the lower half of his face, stepped forward. Hakkai recognized him as the eldest son of the leader of the Dark Crow Clan. The same youkai who had survived the massacre in his world and almost hunted him to his grave. Beside him was a much older, but still fierce youkai, who was obviously his father, the clan leader.

"These little brats are useless to Hyakugan Maoh," the youkai confirmed. "So we will kill them...if you don't lay down your weapon and come with us without any resistance."

"NANI?" asked Hakkai in confusion.

From the throng of villagers cowering behind the youkai, a woman exclaimed, "For the love of the gods, Gonou-sensei, if you care for our children as you say you do, you will go with them to Hyakugan Maoh!"

Hakkai stared at the woman, stunned. He looked at the villagers one by one, but all had the same expressions on their faces. Expressions of fear and guilt. The determination to see one of their own sacrificed to a Demon Lord rather than have the demons' wrath fall upon them.

It was this more than anything else that made Hakkai release the axe, letting it fall to the ground. His whole body numb with shock, he could only stare at the cowards before him as the leader of the Dark Crow Clan approached him.

Laying his fingers on Hakkai's chin, the youkai lifted the young man's head to face him. "I'm not surprised that Hyakugan Maoh is smitten with you. For a man, you're very beautiful."

There was an angry spark in Hakkai's eye. Someone had touched him in this manner before, and it disgusted him. Without thinking, his fist instantly connected with the youkai's jaw.

For a moment, the youkai reeled from the blow. Snarling, he took one large step forward and backhanded Hakkai in the face, sending the young man falling to the ground.

With blood trickling from the corner of his mouth, Hakkai gazed at the villagers with great revulsion.

"How long do you intend to live like this?" he cried in despair. "How long are you going to let others sacrifice themselves for you?"

Suddenly, one of the children, Yuki, broke free from her captor and ran towards her beloved teacher, throwing her chubby arms around his neck.

Turning begging eyes to her parents, she pleaded, "Onegai, Kaasan, Tousan! Don't let them take Gonou-sensei away!"

"Yuki-chan's right, Kaasan!" a tearful Koji echoed his classmate's sentiments. "Please save Gonou-sensei!"

Soon enough, all the children were wailing, begging their parents to save their dear teacher.

The youkai snarled at the children, "Urusai! If you don't shut up, we'll kill you all!"

It was Hakkai who caused his pupils' tears to stop, as he stood up with Yuki in his arms. With tears pouring from his eyes, he handed the child to her startled mother.

"I'm only doing this for the children," he said in sorrow. "But I could never forgive you for what you've done to me, and to Kanan in the world from where I came."

Going towards the leader of the Dark Crow Clan, Hakkai declared gravely, "You're going to take me to Hyakugan Maoh, aren't you? I'm ready!"

Like a meek lamb, he permitted the youkai to bind him tightly with ropes. Then, he was lifted onto the saddle of a house, his lithe form sandwiched in between the brawny arms of the clan leader. With a click of his tongue, the youkai urged his horse into a full gallop, with his men following behind him, heading in the direction of the domain of Hyakugan Maoh.

Not once did Hakkai look back at the village, and at the people who had betrayed him and his sister.

Night had fallen when they arrived at Hyakugan Maoh's castle. As they entered the gates, Hakkai felt his skin crawl at the hundreds of sharp, red eyes watching him as he was hauled down from the horse.

Before he could even get his bearings, Hakkai was unceremoniously dragged inside the castle. With haste, he was taken through large torchlit hallways and up several flights of stairs.

Reaching a large chamber with carved wooden doors, Hakkai was pushed inside, and a strong hand shoved him down to the floor in a subservient position. With his arms and wrists bound tightly, he was unable to slap away the callused hand that caressed the bruise on his cheek.

"I told you not to mark him!" a deep voice rumbled in the darkness of the shadows. Hakkai didn't even have to guess who was holding him.

"Forgive me, my lord!" the leader of the Dark Crow Clan exclaimed. "The captive had been difficult. Your new...bride...put up quite a fight."

"I see," Hyakugan Maoh said thoughtfully as he emerged from the shadows. Grinning with utter lasciviousness at his captive, he added, "Let us see if he has the nerve to fight me in my bedchamber." Glaring sharply at the Dark Crow Clan leader, he ordered, "Leave us!"

With a bow, the youkai left the chamber, locking the door with an audible click.

Sharp claws cut through the ropes. With his arms numb from lack of circulation, Hakkai was powerless to stop the Demon Lord from lifting him up in his arms and throwing him onto the bed.

Inching backwards from the leering youkai, Hakkai hissed, "Stay away from me, kono yaro! I would rather die than let you touch me again!"

A hand closed around his ankle and yanked him into the not-so-tender embrace of Hyakugan Maoh. As he glared at the evil demon straddling him, Hyakugan Maoh removed his glasses and crushed them in his hand.

Staring down at the young man's face, he murmured, "You have such beautiful eyes, like sparkling emeralds."

Furious, Hakkai struggled to push the youkai off him. "I told you to get off me!" he yelled, bringing the heel of his hand up forcefully and connecting with Hyakugan Maoh's nose. The strong blow caused blood to pour out of those flaring nostrils.

Gripping the lower half of his face, the Demon Lord howled, "Bastard! You broke my nose!"

Hakkai made to clamber down from the bed, but Hyakugan Maoh grabbed his ankle again. Losing his balance, Hakkai fell head first to the floor, his crown hitting the marble surface. All he could see was red and feel dizzying pain that Hakkai was unaware that he was being yanked back onto the bed.

What jerked him back to the present were those large hands that grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and tore it from his body. Hakkai struggled anew as the youkai sliced his trousers open with his claw.

"Yameru!" the young man cried as his hands were pinned above his head. As sharp fangs nipped his throat and a tongue lapped up his blood, he exclaimed, "I won't let you do this to me!"

Hyakugan Maoh gripped Hakkai's wrists with his left hand as his right gave the trapped man's tender nipple a painful squeeze. Seeing the blood on Hakkai's lower lip that was drawn when the young man tried to stifle his cry of pain by biting down, the Demon Lord laughed.

"Why do you continue to fight me?" he asked, fondling the tense body beneath him. "Don't you know that it's useless? You belong to me now!"

"NEVER! I am sworn to someone else! Kill me instead, because I will never give myself to you willingly!"

"But your lover's dead! Are you saying that there's someone else?"

"Hai! And Sanzo's a much better man than you!"

A sneer formed on Hyakugan Maoh's face. "So it's another man, huh? A high-ranking monk even! First, it was your sister. Tell me, boy! What difference does it make if a youkai like I rode you this time? It's obvious to me that you are more perverted than I am!"

At that statement, Hakkai stared at the youkai above him in shock. Is this what all about? Am I being punished for loving that which is forbidden to me?

Taking advantage of the young man's startlement, Hyakugan Maoh dipped his hand between Hakkai's legs and brutally shoved two clawed fingers inside that virgin opening. Hakkai gasped at the sudden entry.

"Tell me, Gonou-san," the Demon Lord jeered him. "You've fucked your sister. Now you're lusting after a high-ranked monk. A hentai like you should have no qualms about spreading your legs to a youkai."

So great was Hakkai's shock that all he could do was lie still as the youkai bent down upon him to plunder his chaste flesh. His voice hoarse with despair, he said, "When has it become a perversion to love someone that you are willing to give your body, heart and soul to them? I loved Kanan, and I love Sanzo. And I will even admit it now, that I love Gojyo and Goku as well to be willing to do this with them." He looked firmly at the youkai. "But for you, I feel nothing but utter revulsion and hatred." With the last ounce of his strength, he shoved at the Demon Lord above him. "Release me this instant, yaro! My chastity is not yours to take!"

But Hyakugan Maoh would not be deterred. Grabbing handfuls of Hakkai's buttocks, he lifted the young man's hips upwards, positioning his enormous member at the bleeding entrance. He simply said, "You are mine!", and he thrust his erection into the opening.

Hakkai's head tilted back in a silent scream as he was entered. "Iyada!" he roared in fury, his fingernails clawing at tough skin. "Noooo!"

Again and again, Hakkai cried "No!", but Hyakugan Maoh's passion was relentless. Again and again, the Demon Lord pounded brutally into the young man's body, tearing the tender flesh within and causing blood to flow with each jerk. Still, Hakkai fought back, hitting his fists on that broad chest, his long legs tensing to ease the pain of his abused behind.

Hakkai's struggles only ceased when he felt something gush inside his belly. At once, his heart was seized with overwhelming shame and despair. He had fought, but he had lost. The innocence he had cherished, the innocence he had wanted to give Sanzo and his dear friends as a gift, was lost forever.

"You had no right," Hakkai whispered despondently, more to the fickle Boddhisatva who had given him this devastating trial than the Demon Lord who had taken away his chastity.

As Hyakugan Maoh pulled out of his body, he heard the youkai mumble in his ear, "I have every right, because I own you. Now, you shall please my son as well."

Hakkai's blurring vision could barely make out the form of his tormentor in his past life, Chin Issou. Weak and in shock, he did not move, even when a grinning Chin Issou straddled him.

As a hard member touched his battered opening, all Hakkai could do was close his eyes. Feeling his flesh tear anew at the younger youkai's brutal thrust, he raised his mind voice up to the heavens and cried, Damn you, Kanzeon Bosatsu! You had no right to do this to me!


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