Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Moonlight ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Moonlight filtered down from the high windows, spilling into the room and over the two beds standing silent and still. Crimson and golden hair were paled into silver by the light of the full moon as it splashed across pillows and ran down blankets in shimmering streams. Usually such light was a cause of wonder and awe, but not in this case. In this case, it just pissed Genjyo Sanzo the hell off.
All he had wanted was a night of respite from the damn monkey's snoring—a night where he could sleep 8 hours straight, without being awoken by loud snores and mumbles for food. But it seems that the gods hated him tonight because even though he hadn't roomed with Goku, the moonlight was so bright it was keeping him up anyway.
Twitching in irritation, Sanzo considered rolling over for a smoke, and was just about to follow through with his plan when a noise from the other bed stopped him cold. He had thought Gojyo would make a quieter roommate than Goku, though apparently he was wrong about this as well.
Reaching under his pillow, he grabbed his pistol and rolled over, getting ready to point it at Gojyo and shout a snide remark, but was prevented from doing so by the sight that greeted his freshly opened eyes.
The bright moonlight, which he had so vehemently cursed a few moments ago, lit up the naked form of Gojyo on the other bed as he moved his hand up and down his very erect cock, letting another soft groan fall from his lips.
Twitching some more, though this time from shock, Sanzo cocked his gun and screamed at the other man. “What the fuck do you think you're doing?”
Jumping a little, Gojyo's head snapped to the side to look at Sanzo, but his hand never left his cock. For a moment the two men just stared at each other, until Gojyo's mouth split in a wide grin at the sight of Sanzo's wide-open eyes and trembling gun hand.
“Well,” he said conversationally, breaking the silence, “I'm jerking off since I didn't get to go lady-hunting tonight. You were the one who made sure of that, so you can't complain if I relieve myself this way instead.”
Spluttering, Sanzo continued to point his gun at Gojyo, unsure of what to say. The damn kappa didn't look the least bit abashed or ashamed. In fact, he almost seemed to be enjoying the extra attention he was getting, as his lopsided grin widened and his hand slowed down a little, opting for long, languid strokes that drew Sanzo's attention back to his weeping dick.
“You like that,” Gojyo said huskily, his eyes burning as they stared at Sanzo. “You want a show?” He arched his back off the bed and threw his head back, sending a cascade of crimson-turned-silver hair tumbling over his pillow. The hand on his cock continued its slow pace, while his other hand stroked slowly up his chiseled torso, fingers skimming the skin lightly.
Sanzo blinked once, twice, unsure what to make of the spectacle before him. Most of his mind was screaming at him to loose hell on the kappa's ass and pump him full of lead, but the other part of it was burning with curiosity, wanting to know how far the other man would really go.
In the end, a sort of sick compromise was reached between the two parts of his mind, and Sanzo sat up, tucking the gun back under his pillow and stretching. “No I don't want a show, you fucking kappa. I want you to shut the hell up and keep it in your pants for one night so I can get a decent night's sleep.” He directed his best pissed-off glare at Gojyo, and tried to keep his eyes from straying any lower than the other man's shoulders.
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you refused to let me go out and look for companionship,” Gojyo replied with a smirk. “And besides…I know you didn't really mean a word of what you said.” He rolled over onto his side, propping his head up in one hand, still stroking himself.
Sanzo glared harder at the half-demon, but was unsuccessful at keeping his eyes away from the other man's nether regions. Gojyo chuckled softly and took his hand away from his cock, allowing Sanzo an unblocked view of his entire lower half.
The monk couldn't help but stare at the sight before him, nearly choking as he took in both the kappa's length and girth. No wonder he didn't have any trouble finding girls. But then a more rational part of his mind broke free of Gojyo's spell and screamed at Sanzo to look away and yell at the half-demon for what he was doing.
Conflicted, Sanzo glanced back up at Gojyo's face, mouth opening to spit out another barbed comment. But Gojyo beat him to it.
“Look, if you're that curious about other men, all you had to do was ask.”
In his surprise, all Sanzo could think to say was, “But, I thought you liked women.” He mentally kicked himself for it afterwards, as it sounded like he was agreeing with what Gojyo had said. What was wrong with him tonight?! If he kept this up, he was going to have a hard time getting respect from the kappa again.
But Gojyo merely shrugged, cock bobbing as the muscles in his body moved. “They're softer than men and usually prettier, but I usually don't make distinctions between the genders. A fuck's a fuck, whether your bedmate has a pussy or a dick.”
Sanzo nearly choked again. This night wasn't turning out at all like he had thought. The silence dragged on for another few minutes as Sanzo continued to stare at Gojyo, and Gojyo went back to languidly stroking himself, his eyes never leaving Sanzo's face.
“Well, if you're just gonna sit there and watch, I'm going to go back to my business,” Gojyo finally said, rolling back over onto his back. “I'll try and keep quieter from now on if you'd like to go back to sleep.” There was no sincerity in his voice, however, and the smirk dancing across his lips after he had finished talking did nothing to aid the credibility of his statement. He shut his eyes and tilted his head back a little, the insides of his eyelids painted silver as the moonlight bathed his body. He could feel a slight draft moving through the room and it swirled over his cock and up his torso, making him shiver in delight. All thoughts of Sanzo left his mind as he went back to his ministrations.
Dumbfounded, Sanzo was at once at a loss for words. Even his temper, which under normal circumstances would have been going berserk at this point, was nothing more than a dull presence in the back of his mind. Much to his own surprise, his mind seemed to be ruled by a new emotion at this point, one that he couldn't seem to place his finger on.
Undearneath his black under-robes, his own cock stirred a little and Sanzo looked down at it. Oh. Lust.
Glancing back up, he watched Gojyo again, admiring, despite himself, the fluid way in which his body moved, and the arousing way the moonlight painted light and shadows over his muscles and tendons. His cock gave another twitch and Sanzo knew then that he was going to take the kappa up on his offer.
Moving silently, he got up from his seat on the edge of his bed and stole across the floor to the side of Gojyo's, staring down at the naked man before him and wondering what the hell to do now. One of Gojyo's eyes opened up and his mouth drew up into a half-smile as he saw the monk standing over him, still mostly clothed.
“We're not going to get anything accomplished while your clothes are still on, you know.” He reached up to pull Sanzo down to the bed and opened his other eye in surprise when the monk shifted backwards, somewhat skittishly. He looked at the monk hard for a moment, before a knowing light came into his eyes and he nodded. “You've never had sex before, have you?” he asked, voice quiter and gentler than Sanzo would have expected.
Cheeks flushed an angry red, Sanzo glared at Gojyo yet again and said in a haughty tone, “So what if I haven't?”
“Chill out, I wasn't insulting you or anything,” Gojyo replied in a placating tone. “I just need to know what I'm dealing with here.” With a sigh, he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, spreading them a little and reaching out to Sanzo again. “Come here.”
Sanzo remained where he was and stared down at the red-haired man, body trembling slightly as he tried to keep both the anxiety and the excitement off his face.
Gojyo sighed. “I said come here, dammit!” He reached out with one lean arm and grabbed the monk around the waist, yanking him in between his legs. He looked up into the other man's face and smirked at the surprise written all over it. Keeping his eyes locked on Sanzo's, he brought one slender, pale hand to his lips and kissed it gently before sucking one of the fingers into his mouth. He licked it obscenely, eyes dancing with glee as he watched the monk's face go from surprised to irate.
“Fucking kappa!” he snapped, yanking his hand back.
“No, that's what I'm going to be doing to you in about 10 minutes,” Gojyo, nonplussed by his outburst, replied.
“Hn,” Sanzo grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, albeit somewhat childishly, and stuffing his hands underneath his arms.
Gojyo, however, merely chuckled at this little display and reached for the monk's waist again. “Boy are you in for one hell of a ride,” he murmured. Sanzo raised an eyebrow, but before he could reply, Goyjo yanked him down and threw him in a heap onto the bed. The monk opened his mouth, about to yell at the kappa for the millionth time that night, but found himself silenced by a warm pair of lips.
The shock more than anything kept him from pulling away, but Gojyo didn't care and continued with the kiss. Gently, he slid his tongue into the other man's mouth, tasting Sanzo's favorite brand of cigarettes mixed with the beer he had had with dinner. Smiling against the monk's lips, Gojyo tried to draw his tongue into the kiss, wanting more of a response.
Sanzo, meanwhile lay perfectly still under the taller man, trying to make sense of feelings and emotions he had never experienced before. Even though he'd never admit it to the other man, this was the first time he had ever even kissed someone, let alone another man. Inadequacy was hardly strong enough to describe the emotion running through his mind right now.
With a mental sigh, Gojyo eased up on the kissing a bit when he still hadn't gotten any sort of reaction after over a minute. Slyly, he skated one hand down the monk's chest and quickly slid it over the slight bulge between his legs, pressing down a little and rubbing in a quick circle.
With a gurgle of surprise, Sanzo's eyes snapped open and he brought his arms up, only now realizing that Gojyo was hanging over him, arms and legs on either side of the monk's smaller body. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Foreplay,” Goyjo said easily, slipping back into his bedroom manner at the return of the monk's senses. “Heard of it?” With a devilish smirk, he lowered himself down onto the monk's body and began kissing a trail down his throat.
“Hnn…” Sanzo grumped, but didn't try and push the kappa away again. With another smirk, Gojyo began peeling away the monk's under-robes, revealing more of his ivory skin to the moonlight. When Gojyo reached the other man's waist, he didn't pause, but looked up at Sanzo's face, waiting to see if another onslaught of anger was about to hit.
But Sanzo merely watched him through heavily lidded eyes, chest rising and falling just slightly faster than usual.
Taking this to be a good sign, Gojyo turned back to his ministrations and divested the monk of the rest of his robes. All that lay between him and heaven now was one flimsy undergarment. Grinning, Gojyo hooked one finger around the waistband and tickled the skin underneath lightly, watching goosebumps pop up on the other man's stomach and chest.
“Idiot,” Sanzo muttered, but once again he did nothing to stop the other man from continuing with his present course of action.
Gojyo merely shook his head and yanked Sanzo's underwear off, throwing it somewhere in the general direction of his robes on the floor. With another smirk he took in the sight of Sanzo, completely naked, on the bed, and lying underneath him. The moonlight cast him in grey and he lay so still he resembled a silver statue in a temple. Gojyo felt his cock twitch and watched as Sanzo's eyes were drawn to where it hung, still very erect, between his muscular thighs. He chuckled. “You're allowed to touch me too, you know…”
Sanzo looked up at him with a narrowing of his eyes and Gojyo raised his hand in a soothing gesture. “Like this.” He slowly, but firmly, slid the palm of one large hand across Sanzo's half-hard cock, licking his lips as the flesh began to turn pink and darken, soon becoming fully hard. He gripped it loosely in one hand and began a slow pumping rhythm before reaching down with his other hand to run a finger over the monk's balls, marveling at how soft his skin was. He ran the pad of his thumb over the tip of Sanzo's erection, catching the slit just for a moment and watching Sanzo's breath hitch in his throat.
“You—you're very good at that…for someone who only does women,” Sanzo remarked, his voice lacking is usually acidity. The fingers of one hand had curled into the blankets underneath him, while his other arm was thrown across his face, shielding his eyes from Gojyo's view.
The kappa frowned. “I told you, I don't only `do' women.” He reached up and yanked Sanzo's arm away from his eyes. “And I don't like not being able to see my partner's eyes when I'm pleasuring them.” He stared into Sanzo's violet irises intently, increasing the pace of his hand on the monk's cock. He tugged on the other man's balls as well, rolling them in the palm of his hand, delighting in the mixture of irritation and overwhelming pleasure he seemed to be causing the monk.
Sanzo's body was taught as a wire under Gojyo's and he felt a burning sensation building up between his legs. Even though he was a virgin, he had pleasured himself before, so he was no stranger to the physical sensations that Gojyo was causing.
What he was unfamiliar with was the intensity of having someone else cause the burning in his stomach rather than himself. Without thinking, he turned his eyes away from Gojyo's intense stare and let a soft moan fall from his lips.
“Now that's what I like to hear,” Gojyo whispered, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He bent his head to the monk's body again and began licking a path down his chest, swirling around his navel and nuzzling his nose into the coarse blond curls above the other man's cock. Sanzo's breath hitched in his throat as Gojyo's hands tightened, both squeezing and pulling on him at the same time.
Suddenly the burning sensation was out of control and it was all Sanzo could do to keep from arching his back and yelling as he came all over Gojyo's hands, throat, and chest.
Gojyo, though slightly surprised, took it all in stride and bent down to put his mouth to Sanzo's still twitching cock, catching the last few weak streams of cum that spurted from him. He suckled gently and moved one hand up to stroke the other man's side lightly, feeling the tension ooze from his body and his muscles gradually sink deeply into the bed.
Breathing quickly, Sanzo threw his arm back over his eyes, mentally cursing himself both for cumming so fast and for showing a vocal sign of pleasure. Even though he had already given himself over when he allowed the kappa to be so intimate with him, his pride still tried to keep him from showing just how much he enjoyed it. He was Genjyo Sanzo, for crying out loud! The man who never showed any emotion besides anger.
Slowly, Gojyo let Sanzo's limp cock fall from his lips as he shifted his weight and began to creep back up the bed until he was once again hovering right above Sanzo's face. The monk still had his arm thrown across his eyes and Gojyo, slightly wary of what kind of reaction he was going to get, reached out to pry it away. Surprisingly, the other man didn't put up a fight and Gojyo looked down into glazed violet eyes. He wanted so badly to laugh at the dazed look on Sanzo's face, but didn't dare for fear that the monk would either freak out or get pissed off.
Both of which would lead to him striking out for the night.
His cock chose that moment to twitch violently, as if to remind him that it was still very much alive and in need of attention. It was Sanzo who reacted first as he chuckled, a warm, rich sound that made Gojyo freeze in place. He had never heard Sanzo make that kind of noise before…he didn't think the monk was actually capable of smiling, let alone laughing!
“Damn horny kappa,” he muttered, mouth still twisted in a half-smile. He looked down the length of Gojyo's body and his smile turned into a full-blown smirk. “Do you realize how ridiculous you look?”
Confused, Gojyo looked down and realized he was still spattered with the monk's cum. He looked back up, still unsure of why Sanzo was reacting the way he was, but wanting to make the most of it while it lasted, and grinned back. “Yeah, but whose fault is it for getting me dirty?” He arched one eyebrow.
Sanzo looked back at him. “Your's.”
Now it was Gojyo's turn to chuckle. “You're probably right about that.” He swiped two fingers through the mess on his chest and brought them to Sanzo's lips. “Still, someone has to clean me off.”
Nose wrinkling at the unfamiliar smell, Sanzo clamped his lips shut and refused to let the kappa's fingers into his mouth. Gojyo shook his head. “It's yours, you know,” he said, but nonetheless, brought his fingers to his own mouth instead. He licked them off with a little more show than was probably necessary, noting that Sanzo's taste was a little different than other men's he had tasted…saltier and yet somehow…more pure.
Making another swipe at the cum on his throat, he licked his fingers off again, but didn't swallow this time and leaned down to kiss Sanzo again. This time the monk's mouth began to move under his own.
Awkwardly at first, Sanzo returned the kiss, becoming more sure of himself as it went on and Gojyo didn't pull away. When the kappa moved his hands to slide them up the monk's chest and rest them on his slender shoulders, the blonde man couldn't help but bring up his own and thread them through Gojyo's silky hair. He tugged gently, but firmly, sealing Gojyo's lips even more tightly against his.
Smiling into the kiss, Gojyo slipped his tongue out and probed at Sanzo's petal-soft lips. He quickly gained access and spent the next several minutes enjoying himself immensely as he thoroughly explored the monk's virgin mouth.
Slowly but surely Sanzo was letting his guard down. He felt his hands tremble a little as Gojyo pushed his tongue into his mouth, but fought off the urge to push the kappa away. The salty taste of his own cum wasn't as unpleasant as he thought it would be, and it quickly faded as the other man's taste overwhelmed him. It was slightly musky and spicy, tinged with the taste of Gojyo's preferred brand of cigarettes, and Sanzo found it heady and intoxicating.
Above him, Gojyo, too, was finding the taste on his tongue intoxicating. There was just something about the taste of beer and cigarettes on a man's tongue that turned him on. Grinding his hips down, he felt his naked erection slide along Sanzo's half-erect one as the blonde moaned into their kiss. He did it again and felt a gentle stirring beneath him as he continued to increase the friction between their bodies.
Reluctantly, Gojyo pulled away from Sanzo's mouth, loving the way the monk looked beneath him with kiss-swollen lips and eyelids stained silver with moonlight. He leaned out from the bed, shivering as the draft from before chilled his chest now that it was away from the warm flesh of the monk. He dug into the pocket of his pants where they lay beside the bed, finally pulling out a small tube and returning to the warmth of the bed.
Sanzo was looking at him with a question in his eyes, the furrow between his eyebrows deepening as he looked at the lube Gojyo now held. He opened his mouth to say something, but Gojyo took the opportunity to slip his tongue back into the monk's mouth, silencing his question before it could be given voice. He wasn't going to give the other man any chance to back out now. He could feel his cock throbbing where it was pressed between their stomachs and knew it wasn't going to go away on its own.
Deftly, he unscrewed the cap with one hand and managed to get the tip of one finger coated with lube. Keeping Sanzo distracted with kisses, he slid his hand down the other man's leg and wrapped it around his knee, hoisting it up and wrapping it around his waist. Sanzo seemed to take the hint and did the same with his other leg, not realizing until it was too late what this freed Gojyo up to do.
Before the monk could catch on, Gojyo had slid his hand down even further and stuck the tip of his lube-coated finger into the monk's entrance. With a small gasp, Sanzo broke off their kiss. “What the hell are you doing?!”
Gojyo grinned. “Getting ready to fuck you.”
Sanzo looked up at the other man from under a curtain of sweaty blonde hair and gasped again as Gojyo twisted his finger. “M-must you?” His breath hitched in his throat as Gojyo slid in a second finger beside the first, holding them still for a moment.
“Yes,” came the simple reply. Gojyo brushed his lips over the monk's throat, suckling slightly on the side of his neck where he could feel his pulse. Sanzo ran his fingers lightly down Gojyo's back, marveling at the feel of the wiry muscle and prominent shoulder blades. So engrossed was he, that he didn't even notice when the kappa began moving his fingers once more, stretching the monk's body and searching…
“Oh!” The syllable left Sanzo's mouth unbidden as his back arched slightly and a shiver of pleasure ran up his spine. Gojyo grinned against the smooth skin of the monk's neck and rubbed over the other man's prostate again, delighting in the shivers that ran up and down Sanzo's body and the way his arms tightened around his chest.
“F-fucking kappa…” he breathed, his voice lacking all the venom from earlier.
Gojyo swept his tongue up the monk's neck and behind his ear, smiling to himself as he pulled his fingers out. “Now comes the best part.”
Sanzo followed him with wary eyes, watching as Gojyo sat up on his knees and grabbed his cock with one hand. A small groan fell from his lips and he threw his head back and pleasured himself for a moment, spreading around more lube. Sanzo knew that in his entire life, he had never seen a more beautiful sight than the moonlight drenched man before him.
The spell was broken only a moment later as Gojyo took his hand away and in one smooth movement, slid into Sanzo's prepared hole. With a howl Sanzo tensed up underneath him and dug his nails into the kappa's shoulder, trying to push him away.
“Shh…” Gojyo murmured, leaning down to touch their lips together. He could feel the monk's entire body trembling beneath him, but knew from experience it was better to get this over and done with. “Shh…” he said again, licking away the lone tear that escaped from the corner of Sanzo's eye.
“You're gonna pay for this…fucking pervy kappa,” Sanzo hissed, teeth clenched.
But Gojyo merely smirked. “I hope so…you're welcome to return the favor.”
Surprinsly, Sanzo gave a weak chuckle in return, and relaxed a little as his body began to adjust to having Gojyo inside of him. Gojyo felt the change under him and slid his hand in between their sweating bodies to grasp at Sanzo's reawakened member. He pumped it slowly, watching Sanzo closely as he began to move in time with his strokes.
The monk closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing; deep even breaths, in and out…in and out. He felt Gojyo's hand on his cock and the mixture of warmth and pain that radiated up his spine from his lower half. The kappa just felt so…big inside of him. It was a miracle he hadn't ripped in half. The friction from his thrusts was helping any either.
Gradually though, the burning sensation began to fade and Sanzo opened his eyes, finding he was beginning to enjoy the feeling of Gojyo inside of him. He felt full and complete somehow, like he had been missing something vital in his life up until now. The kappa's face still hovered close above his own and he leaned up slightly to plant a kiss on the other man's lips.
Gojyo deepened the kiss at the same time as he increased the pace of his hips, adjusting the pace of his hand to match. He felt his cock brush against something inside of Sanzo and the monk gapsed into his mouth. Gojyo sped up yet again, his hips slapping against Sanzo's loudly. Occasionally, another gasp would escape the other man's mouth and he would try to angle his thrusts to strike that spot again, but his endurance was beginning to fade and soon his instincts took over, driving into Sanzo mercilessly as his body sought release.
Breaking their kiss, Sanzo tossed his head back on the pillow and let out a loud moan, not even trying to hide the sound now. He hadn't thought it was physically possible for Gojyo to go faster than he was before, but obviously he had been wrong. It felt like the kappa was trying to split him in half with his thrusts, and it was all he could do to grab onto the other man's shoulders and try to keep up.
Gojyo felt himself nearing the edge, and pumped his hand even faster on Sanzo's erection. A moment later the monk cried out and Gojyo felt a rush of warmth over his stomach. Simultaneously, he felt Sanzo's muscles clamp down around his own erection and he thrust once, twice more before spilling his own load deep into the other man's body.
Beneath him, Sanzo was trembling as waves of pleasure washed over him. His own orgasm was strengthened by the feel of the kappa cumming inside him, and he dug his nails into the other man so hard that blood dripped down onto the sheets. Ahove him he could feel Gojyo's body humming with pleasure as well, sweat rolling off his back and arms and arms straining to keep his weight from crushing the smaller man.
Another heartbeat later and his arms gave out, sending his lanky frame sprawling over Sanzo; the monk was still coming down from pleasured heights, though, and couldn't have cared less. For a few minutes the room was quiet except for the ragged breathing of the two men. The moonlight was still shining brightly through the high windows and Sanzo watched lazily as dust motes swirled through the air to stick to their sweaty skin.
When Gojyo finally felt his pulse begin to slow down, he leaned in with a soft chuckle and placed a kiss on the monk's neck. “I'm going to hell for sure now…having sex with a monk.”
Sanzo snorted. “I already knew you were damned.” But most of the malice had left his voice and one hand absently played with a few strands of the kappa's damp hair.
With another chuckle, Gojyo pushed himself up and off the monk for a moment to rummage through his jacket on the floor, looking for his cigarettes and lighter.
With a slight frown at the cool draft that washed over him when Gojyo pulled away, Sanzo pushed himself up onto his elbows and began placing soft kisses all over the other man's chest and down his ribcage. “Hold on,” Gojyo murmured. “I'm coming right back.”
“You don't have to reassure me, kappa…no matter what I do I can't seem to get rid of you.” But despite his words, Sanzo couldn't help the small smile that spread across his face when Gojyo returned to the bed and pulled the blankets up over the two of them. He had rolled most of his weight off the monk by this point and propped himself up on his side now to light a cigarette.
“Want one?” he asked, breathing out a cloud of smoke and holding the pack out to Sanzo.
Sanzo shook his head and took the lighted cig from Gojyo's mouth instead, inhaling and making a face. “Your taste in cigarettes sucks.” Nonetheless he took a few more drags before handing it back to the other man, who merely laughed and tossed the pack and lighter back onto the floor.
“Not as bad as your taste in beer.”
But Sanzo merely yawned and pulled the blankets up higher over his bare shoulder. “Your taste in women is even worse,” he replied snidely.
Gojyo laughed again and stubbed out his cig in the ashtray on the night table before burrowing down next to Sanzo. “Well there's an easy solution to that.” Sanzo raised an eyebrow. “You can hardly argue with my taste in men, so maybe I'll stick to the testosterone side of things for a while.”
Sanzo gave Gojyo an exasperated look that was completely ruined by a huge yawn a moment later.
Gojyo answered with one of his own and threw an arm over the monk's body. “I'll take that as a yes for now,” he said sleepily, pressing a kiss to the other man's forehead. “If you change your mind and decide my taste sucks, I'll just have to teach you a lesson.” He closed his eyes and in a moment began to breathe evenly and deeply.
Thus, Sanzo's smile went unnoticed as he brushed a lock of hair out of Gojyo's face, tucking it behind one ear. “Anytime, kappa…anytime…”