Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ Moonlight ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Moonlight
Author: Jan
Series: Saiyuki
Warnings: Yaoi Lemon, that would make it a NC-17
Pairings: Shuuei/Koumyou Sanzo, Hakkai/Sanzo, implied Sanzo/Sanzo

Disclaimer: Sadly, Saiyuki belongs to someone else and not to me. Otherwise I would be able to support my anime/manga/dj habit. So I'm just writing this for my own amusement. I promise to return them in the same condition I found them, if not a little more relaxed than before.

Author's Notes: Many thanks go out to my spur of the moment beta readers Stormcloude and SteelSong. Their observations, guidance and suggestions were invaluable when making corrections. Anything found wrong from this point on is mine, not theirs.


Although the moon was full, there was a steady, oppressive darkness that allowed no comfort for a restless spirit. Moisture laden clouds moved against the night sky, partially obscuring Luna's silver light in the protective gesture of a jealous lover.

Sanzo shifted impatiently on his bed, his mind full of turmoil that wouldn't give way to rest. Sleep wouldn't come easy for him, his mind weighted down by heavy thoughts. Shadowy images of a figure burned their way into his very soul. He fought against the shift in focus, this was no time for frivolity.

Each time, before sleep could settle over him, these thoughts…images… would rise up unbidden again to push away the slumber dancing wickedly out of reach. Soon, the distinction between sleep and awareness wasn't seen at all and was barely felt. The dividing line between dream and reality became blurred as the fight for dominance waged on.

His eyes closed, losing their fight once more and thoughts bombarded his subconscious, until he wisely succumbed to his mind's activity and rose from his bed.

Bare feet slapped softly on the wood floor as he moved quietly down the hallway. Long fingers, still developing in the growth of adolescence brushed along the wall. He was unable to sleep. Restlessness tugged at his troubled mind, so he slipped out to pace through the monastery and give motion to his ill ease.

The light under Koumyou Sanzo's door indicated his mentor was still awake at this late hour. Muffled voices sounded heavy to his ear, even as he pressed against the door to hear. The wood felt cool to the touch. He noticed the door wasn't latched closed and pressed his eye to the merest slit. Slight pressure of leaning against it forced it open further. A sliver of light fell across his eyes causing him to blink involuntarily until they adjusted

He barely managed to stifle a gasp. The air was thick with incense, sweat and a scent he had never encountered before. On the low bed against the far wall, his mentor lay back with his legs wrapped around the waist of Shuuei, who was positioned over him. Grunts, low and throaty, filled the room. The two figures, illuminated by one solitary lamp, rocked in unison, their tempo increasing as steadily as their volume. Urging each other on with moans and pleas; prayers offered up in the form of their lover's name.

Hypnotized, he pushed the door open and moved into the room guided by a force he hardly understood. He felt compelled to watch, even as one part of his consciousness told him to turn away. Koumyou Sanzo arched beneath Shuuei, the mentor's guttural cry echoed in the room. His own body answered the call with an aching deep within his core. Tingling sensations that didn't want to settle in any one part of his body, instead washed over him in waves and radiated inwards to coil around his hips. Tightness in his groin gripped and pulled at him; speaking to him in a language he couldn't comprehend - without words, and primal.

Stumbling backwards, he pressed his hand to his mouth in an impotent effort to silence his breath, which seemed to fill his ears until he heard nothing else. Shaky legs gave way and he found himself falling, the room spinning crazily around in him in his slow motion decent towards the floor. Light flooded his senses, blinding him with a brilliant flash. One part of his fevered brain registered no connection with the floor.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, he found himself on his back looking up into eyes of deepest green, partially obscured by a fall of soft, brown hair. A presence, intimate yet not, surrounded him. Although hidden in shadow, the half-familiar face still radiated kindness that was more felt than seen. Warm hands found his awakened erection and stroked, pulling in a slow rhythm in time with their rocking bodies. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a thought beat against the fog of his consciousness trying to gain his attention. Penetration wasn't painful for him. However, this thought was lost on the winds of desire and he gave himself over to base need, desperation for more consumed him as his hips thrust in increasing rhythm.

Hands moved of their own accord, trimmed nails scraped up a damp back to bury in the sweat soaked mop of brown. He pulled down sharply and raised his head to meet, their lips roughly crashing together. Moans were exchanged and swallowed. Bodies slick with exertion slid easily together.

Ascension towards pure physical ecstasy born easily on the wings of passion, he raced on, as did his companion. Thrusts became savage and feral, yet seemed distant, gentle, as if there were almost no sensation at all.

Recognition at last settled on his fevered mind, one word escaped past his lips. "Hakkai..." a cry so soft, choked to near silence in the back of his throat as blessed release was torn from him. Adrenaline that fueled their coupling quickly seeped away from his body as boneless lassitude settled over him. Consciousness drifted beyond the edges of his mind, more sensing the silver light streaming through the window than seeing, until his slumber-heavy eyes fluttered open and he was laying on his back, moonlight puddling in sterile pools around his bed.

Slowly he became conscious of his surroundings and that his body, still heavy with post coital weariness was, in fact, alone. Awareness of his hand still wrapped loosely around his flagging erection and the sensation of warmth on his fingers and stomach crept up on him.

He sat up suddenly, a feeling of surprise, then shame washed over him with the realization of what had happened. Sanzo suppressed a sigh. Disgusted, he wiped his hand on a corner of his blanket then moved automatically to snap a cigarette from its pack then light it in smooth practiced motions.

His lighter blinded him briefly, but not before dimly illuminating a figure standing near the door. A deep inhale filled his lungs and steadied his nerves. Eyes searched through the wall of smoke he exhaled. In the dark, he couldn't tell who it was, but he could guess. Moonlight light reflected off a shiny round object at head level before the door shut with a quiet click.
