Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ My Saru ❯ My Saru ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When the lady of the house had taken her leave of the Sanzou-ikkou, they separated for their own rooms. Although relieved to have the opportunity to not have to share a bed, the weary travelers gravitated toward sharing them non the less. Gojou, aided by Hakkai, stumbled into his room. The door was shut quietly soon there after. Sanzou, who had watched the spectacle, walk toward his own room, Gokuu close behind. Sanzou stopped short, the the saru nearly collided with him. Sanzou, not turning too look at the baka saru, scowled at him anyway.

"You were serious weren't you?" Sanzou didn't need to turn to see the pathetic look on the boy's face.

"Sanzou..." the boy whined, "I don't wanna sleep alone tonight. My dreams still scare me, and they're getting worse again. Please?" Sanzou's expression changed at this. He remembered that day some time ago. The violent dream which had ended with Gokuu shaking and crying in his arms. Sanzou looked down at the floor and sighed. He continued into the room and stopped short of the bed.

"Hurry up then. And, Gokuu, shut the door." He said this in the kindest way he could muster. It sounded more emotionless than anything.

"Besides, I don't trust a palace filled with youkai." He turned and looked at the boy. Gokuu walked in to the room after him.

"But Sanzou, I'm a youkai..." Gokuu turned around and closed the pocket door. It rolled shut easily and he latched the lock.

He didn't turn around, he just stood there, knowing that what he had just said may have been enough to change Sanzou's mind about him being his bedfellow for the night. Sanzou stepped closer to the boy, who's back remained towards him. He put his arms around Gokuu and buried his head in the boy's hair, smelling the unique sent of the ocean winds that seems collected in each fine strand.

"Sanzou..." Gokuu moaned into Sanzou's arm, kissing the skin lightly. Sanzou backed up a little and turned the saru around, he kissed his forehead. Sanzou hissed a 'shh' and continued his gentle kisses. One for each cheek, each as soft as the other. The closed eyelids, the small nose, each seeming to melt into the next, until he reached the area at the corner of Gokuu's lips.

"It has been far too long. I want to hold you, my chibi saru." Gokuu smiled in the dark. Sanzou's eyes were closed and he had buried his head in Gokuu's neck. He then began to kiss there as well. Beginning from behind his ear down to the top of his shoulder. He pushed Gokuu's shirt aside and kissed from one side of his neck to the other, lingering at the area where Gokuu's neck meet his chest. Gokuu let his head fall back and groaned quietly in pleasure.

Sanzou then stopped and stripped down to his black pants and shirt. And then he took the shirt off as well. Gokuu, leaning up against the wall behind him, watched as the houshi took his clothes off. Sanzou, his bare chest now pleasantly cooled off by the breeze coming in through the open terrace doors, sat on the side edge of the bed and beckoned for Gokuu to follow in suit. Gokuu shook his head, he was bothered by something. Gokuu ignored the overwhelming urge to take quick care of the problem in his pants and only removed his coat.

He went to stand in front of the physically older man, Sanzou's legs on either side of his own. He let Sanzou wrap his arms around his hips, but he then placed his hands on the naked chest so as to keep his advances at bay. Sanzou attempted to kiss Gokuu again, to no avail.

"Why? Why is it you do this all of a sudden now? I always thought that this was something you kept from me, this side of you." Sanzou started, looking at that sweet, innocent, face of Gokuu's. He groaned and looked away, letting go of the boy. He laid back onto the bed, his arms folded over his chest.

"Baka saru. Is it so important why I do this? I enjoy it, and I do what I enjoy. Isn't that something you would say?" Gokuu shrugged. He then braced his hands on Sanzou's legs, he buckled his elbows and pushed down.

"That's true. But still. At least tell me who all you've done this with. Although I am sure I can guess," Sanzou ignored him, bad idea. "Ne! Sanzou! Tell me." The baka saru pushed down harder.

"Stop that Gokuu." Sanzou winced. He sat up again and hooked his arms under Gokuu's shoulders. He lifted the boy up almost effortlessly. Without so much as a second thought, Gokuu curled his legs up under him and sat on Sanzou's lap.

"Are you gonna tell me? Or do I have to beat it out of you? Isn't that something you would say?" Gokuu challenged, being extra bratty tonight. A little too much drink in this one, Sanzou thought. Sanzou began to lie back down on the bed, Gokuu draped himself over him. Just like a child.

"Yeah, yeah. What is with you baka saru? You know who already. The two you know of, and one other that I don't wanna speak of. Now shut up and stop asking stupid questions, or I'll kill you." Gokuu sat up and looked down at the Sanzou under him.

"Hakkai and Gojou, right? All that time with Hakkai when I wasn't allowed to come in the room. That was when, right? And that one time with Gojou. Right, Sanzou?" Sanzou, with a disgusted look on his face, covered Gokuu's mouth.

"Shit, baka saru. They're right next door. And who knows whom else could be listening in. Shut the fuck up." Gokuu's eyes grew wide and he peeked around the back down at Sanzou. They could hear the faint moans coming from next door. He kissed the palm of Sanzou's hand. Sanzou let his hand drop and closed his eyes. He was beyond frustrated by all means, and the saru's antics weren't making the situation any better.

"Sanzou? What about the other one. At least tell me his name. Have I meet him before? At least tell me that!" Sanzou looked back up at the saru. Sanzou put his left hand up to the scar on his chest. The one that he had received from the houshi who had lost his sanity thanks to evil fudas covering his body. A houshi he had at one time felt very fond of. Gokuu watched this, and wondered at the expression on Sanzou's face.

"Yes, saru. You've meet him. But that's enough of this for one night." Gokuu, satisfied with that, but still confused about who it was. Laid back down atop Sanzou.

"Ok. Sankyou Sanzou." Sanzou pet his saru tenderly, running his fingers through the soft brown hair.

"Oi, monkey. What am I to do with you?" Sanzou muttered. Gokuu snickered a little. He looked up at Sanzou from his spot on his bare chest.

"Ne, Sanzou. I am yours, forever. If you'll keep me." Sanzou sighed and continued petting the saru.

"I know chibi saru, I know." Sanzou began to push the boy off of him. Gokuu had expected this, he was prepared now to find a comfy spot on the window seat. But, before he could even get up off the bed, Gokuu was pulled back down into Sanzou, and into a kiss.


When Gokuu was able to push away from that kiss, he was winded and a little surprised. It had been awhile, but he never expected Sanzou to be this forceful. He pushed up from Sanzou and sat back up again.

"Sanzou!" He yelped as cold hands lifted the shirt off of his back. Sanzou ran his finger nails down Gokuu's spine, sending torrents of shivers up and down the length of it. Sanzou pulled him down again, kissing the saru's slight shoulder, and nipping lightly as well. Gokuu made various noises of yearning, making Sanzou want him even more. Sanzou captured those precious lips with his own once more. His hands then slid down the length of the boys body until they landed firmly on his backside. Just to hear a reaction, he squeezed hard, and than let go. Gokuu jumped a little and then settled back into a new kiss. Sanzou moved one of his hands a little further, his two middle fingers directing themselves to the cavity located there. Through Gokuu jeans, he applied pressure to that area, terribly excited when it conjured the effect he desired. Gokuu's head raised from his own and snapped backward, a line of careless saliva trailing for a split second between them. Gokuu's head snapped back down to his own chest, his face a conduit of his pure ecstasy. Sanzou pressed again. The same reaction resulted. Sanzou then noticed the heavy burden in Gokuu's pants.

He pulled the boy back down and laid him on his stomach next to him. Gokuu complied to the change of position and relaxed as Sanzou sat on top of his backside as one would when giving a massage. Sanzou, working slowly with his finger tips, tongue, and lips; traced every inch of Gokuu's small back and arms. Gokuu moaned and shivered under those seducing kisses. Sanzou moved his hand from the top of Gokuu left shoulder blade, down his side, and under him. He slipped his hand inside Gokuu's pants and felt for the already quite hard member.

"Ahh!" Gokuu yelled out, then muffled himself in the sheets of the bed. He cried into them more as Sanzou pulled his mind into oblivion. It didn't take much longer after that for Gokuu to be done with it. Sanzou removed his hand from Gokuu's pants and laid back down on the bed next to him. Gokuu went up on his elbows.

"Should I get something to clean that up with Sanzou?" Sanzou 'un'-ed him. Gokuu started to get up, only to be pulled back once again. Sanzou held the hand out to him, Gokuu looked at him confused.

"Have you ever wondered... what you taste like? Gokuu." Gokuu stared at the hand, the whiteness clung to it like glue.

"No." He said plainly. But he lent forward anyway. Gokuu stuck his little tongue out and licked a tiny taste of it and pulled it back into his mouth. He closed his eyes and savored how salty it was, how strange the texture was. He than made a face and blinked.

"Okay, that was weird. Be right back." Sanzou looked away, something like disappointment flashing over his face, and waited for the saru to return. Before he knew it he felt his hand being wiped clean with a wet cloth.

Sanzou heard the saru running around a few more times before the weight was replaced on the bed. Sanzou continued staring at nothing when he felt the hand on his stomach. It was when that hand began to undo the fastens on his jeans that he looked Gokuu's way, his eyes flashing in the dark. When he saw Sanzou looking at him, Gokuu pulled away and his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. Sanzou, feeling bad for acting so angry, replaced the saru's hand back to where it had been and closed his eyes.

Gokuu continued to undo Sanzou's pants, he pulled them down a little and adjusted himself on the bed. When the saru's mouth took up it's prize, Sanzou felt his body instantly spasm. Suddenly it was like he couldn't help but stretch. He just couldn't stay still. He felt as Gokuu practiced the tricks he had been shown some time ago. If he puts his mind to it he can learn anything, Sanzou thought, and it seems he has exceeded the skills of the teacher. Sanzou felt himself quickly reaching his own climax.

"Gah! Gokuu! Baka saru! Slow down!" Gokuu did as he was told for a few moments, than speed back up again.

"B-bak-a... sa-sar-u..." Sanzou said between his quickened breaths, his stomach rose and fell so fast that it was hardly visible. He quivered as his end was reached and opened his eyes to look at Gokuu.

"Gokuu?" Gokuu was busy cleaning up the stray cum that had found it's way on Sanzou's stomach. Only, he was cleaning it with his tongue. Tired, Gokuu fell onto Sanzou's still rapidly rising and falling diaphragm. Sanzou, careful not to move Gokuu too much, pulled his pants back into place and fastened them.

"Oi, Gokuu. Sit up." Gokuu sleepily did as he was told, his eyes were closed. Sanzou moved so he could lay correctly on the bed, Gokuu still sat at the edge. Sanzou put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him back into him as they laid down. Gokuu raised his hands to clasp onto Sanzou's arm.

"Sanzou is good enough to eat. But I don't taste any good, nope, the meat's too tough." Gokuu rambled, almost asleep.

"Chibi saru, shut up and go to sleep. Or I'll kill you." Gokuu laughed shortly.

"That sounds like you, Konzen..." Sanzou's eyes snapped open and he looked at the brown head of hair caught in his arm.

"Oh. Your asleep. Baka. Don't call me that name." Gokuu smiled in his sleep.

"Shinning... my sun." Yeah, Sanzou thought, soundly asleep. He squeezed the boy once quickly before slipping of to sleep himself.

"Baka... my saru..."