Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Burning Emotions ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

[A/N] Gokugurl here…first Saiyuki gentle. KonzenxGoku+Homura pairing. Little bit of Tenpou and Kenren pairing too…lemon in later chapters. ^_^ Ja na… if there's anything wrong with this fic, do tell me…I'm not forcing you to review or anything, but it would help if you could correct mistakes. Little humor in this chapter. Slight KenrenxTenpou in this already, folks!


Of Golden Eyes

#1 - Burning Emotions


"What the hell are you doing, Goku?"

"Eh? I'm drawing! Mite-hora - "

"Kono bakasaru!!!! That's my paperwork you're scribbling on, you monkey!"

"Eh? Paperwork?"

"...*mutters angrily*..."

"Yeah, it is paperwork *sweatdrops* - "

"…You finally realized it, saru."

"...*gulps*, Konzen...I need to go see Ken-nii-chan, bye!"

"Come back here, GOKU !!!"

Several guards around the hall of Tenkai sweatdropped as they watched the scene portrayed before them. The bad-tempered, solemn, serious Konzen, nephew of the Goddess of Mercy, was running around, looking absolutely undignified, after a little monkey in the corridors of the Heavenly castle. Not that this was the first time; ever since the young saru had entered the gates of Heaven, Konzen's yells could be heard from all across Tenkai. No doubt, the monkey was definitely a troublemaker, and one that had the incredible power to cause unintentional chaos by just messing up a certain blonde god's documents.

On the other hand, the child's presence had lightened up the young deity's life considerably. Compared to the old Konzen who seemed to have sewn a permanent scowl on his face, Konzen Douji was livelier and -amazingly- finally, he took the effort to actually smile again. His deep violet eyes adopted an occasional bright twinkle, and he actually started to be nicer to all those who came upon him, instead of flicking his piercing tongue at them.

No matter how much he denied the truth, he knew deep down in his heart that Goku had changed him, thoroughly. In despite of himself, he found himself drawn to smile every time the child looked up at him with those huge, innocent golden orbs, and Konzen couldn't help noticing the pure and naïve nature of the young saru. Though born a heretic, the kid knew nothing of what disaster he would bring, and shrugged off the burden that heretic's bore on them. Recognizing heretics for their golden eyes, they were treated as the lowest of the low, and they were either crawling in prison or too ashamed to show themselves.

Son Goku did neither.

Goku bounded around Tenkai, as carefree and as cheerful as a little ray of childish sunshine shining through the sky. The heavy metal shackles did nothing to prevent his movement, in fact, he moved as though they were merely nothing but shackles of sand. Nothing could bind him down, being a heretic or being a youkai. The spellbinding aura of freedom innocence clung upon his soul like a second skin, and the gods found this disturbing. They wanted to terminate the heretic, but in this case, they needed a reason to expel and dispose of Son Goku once and for all, and unfortunately, they had none. And Konzen Douji, the heretic's guardian was no help. Stating that the saru was in his possession, no one should decide to do anything with him unless having a really good reason and full permission from Konzen himself.

The gods could do naught about it, and they too could think of naught an answer. All they could do now was to watch…

"Oi, bakasaru! Come here right now!"

"Not if I can help it!"


'I swear, that saru is driving all that remains of my saneness from me,' Konzen grumbled incoherently to himself, clutching his bright, golden hair. The sun that shone in from the window played with his hair, and the young deity found himself looking at the long tail of blonde strands in his hand. The sun-kissed blonde strands of hair that shone as brightly as the sun.

The sun…


"Sugee...your hair is so bright, its like the sun!!"

"The sun...?"

"Uh-oh." *yanking sound*

The golden-eyed one looked at what was in his hand in mild guilt, realizing a jot too late that he had pulled out one too many of Konzen's beautiful, long blonde hair. The supposedly Goddess of Mercy tried to restrain herself from laughing out loud at the expression on Konzen's face. Obviously, no one had ever pulled out Konzen's hair before, or even dared to do it to him.

"What the hell did you just do, saru?"




A vein appeared on Konzen's forehead as he recalled the hilarious incident that occurred on the first day of he and the saru's acquaintance. Konzen absently reached out for the tender spot that was missing a few strands of hair, and cursed out loud.

Blasted monkey!!!

A knock was heard on his door, startling the living daylights out of Konzen. Muttering swears and god-knows-but-won't-says, the blonde man stood up and opened the door of his office, only to be jumped on by the said monkey whom he was cursing a few minutes - seconds, to be exact - ago. Goku had landed solely on the blonde immortal, pinning him to the ground.

[A/N: Pinning Konzen to the ground. O.o Goku on top of Konzen. Ha, ha…]

The golden-haired man was shocked for a few seconds of silence, before he analyzed the situation and actually found enough sense to regain his self-composure. Goku was on him, and their faces so close, Konzen swore he could feel Goku's breath on his face. In those few crucial moments, huge, large, shining golden orbs were reflected in shocked lavender eyes, and lavender in gold. For a minute there, they remained in that position, gazing into each other's eyes, before Konzen opened his mouth to speak.

"What are you doing!?"

"Huh? This?" Goku grinned widely. "I caught Ken-nii-chan on top of Ten-chan, [A/N: Not responsible *grins* - dashes off] and they said to me that you do this to the person you care the most about. And I thought of you!!" Goku said, smiling. The young teen lowered his face lower to Konzen's, so close their noses were almost touching. His long brown hair tickled Konzen's cheek mercilessly, and the older one couldn't help but feel the smooth and silky hair on his pale skin. His small yet lean body was only a few inches from pressing into the elder one. Konzen felt his heart slamming against his chest at their closeness. And deep in his mind, he heard several voices arguing.

Konzen Douji, nephew of Kanzeon Busatsu, getting turned on by a little kid!?

What the hell! He's an innocent kid of twelve!!

Twelve. Maybe younger…oh shit.

Fuck the bloody age rule. Who cares?

Tsk, tsk, Konzen. Your taste is getting worse.

So what if he's a kid? He's tantalizing and sexy…

" Ooh, look what we got here..."

Konzen snapped back to reality at the sound of the voice. The voice was horribly familiar. Damn it to bloody hell. If it really was him, he was going to die. Definitely. The words that Goku was on top of Konzen would spread through Tenkai faster than you could say Heaven if he knew...

"Maa, maa. Goku, you're being naughty."

Oh shit.

Looking up in dread, Konzen's worst fears were proven. Blood-red and emerald eyes connected with his own as Kenren and Tenpou smirked at him, no trace of mercy upon their faces. Konzen gulped, and Goku, as innocent as he was, didn't see the awkwardness of the situation before him, and instead, placed a wide big grin on his lips. "Ken-nii-chan! Ten-chan!!!"

Kenren and Tenpou waved back, and smiled evilly at the blonde, who was still pinned under Goku's weight. A malicious glint appeared in their eyes as the General and Marshal looked in on the scene, and whispered amongst each other.

"So Goku finally got it started..."

"Yeah, I was wondering when the saru would make a move…"

Konzen practically shoved Goku off him, and blushed furiously as he stood up. "Don't you dare say anything of this, Tenpou!" Shifting his glare to Kenren, "And you too!! You'd better keep your mouth shut!" The red-haired general and the green-eyed marshal rolled their eyes, and crossed their fingers. "Hai, hai..." Tenpou said with a forced smile (he was dying to burst out laughing inside), while Kenren murmured, "Like hell I will."

"What was that?" Konzen asked in a deadly whisper.

"Oh, nothing, I was just muttering how beautiful today is, and how beautiful days make beautiful women more beautiful..."

That statement by Kenren earned him a quite painful, and seemingly unintentional jab in the ribs by the Marshal of the West Army. Kenren gasped, and held his sides as Tenpou looked another way, green eyes avoiding crimson ones. "C'mon, Tenpou, you know I didn't mean that..."

"You had really better shut up, or..." Konzen lowered his voice.

"Or what?" Kenren muttered indistinctively, still clutching his pained sides.

"This." Konzen turned to Goku. "Why was it you were on top of me?" He asked, matter-of-factly.

Kenren and Tenpou turned bright scarlet and sweat dropped as Goku began.

"'Coz I stumbled on Ken-nii-chan and Ten-chan while Ken-nii-chan was on Ten-chan...and they were sweaty and they had taken their clothes off…their hands were on each other...and they were panting and...there was this huge thing on..." Kenren clamped a hand over Goku's mouth, turning a brilliant red. Tenpou hung his head, obviously trying to conceal his face. Goku struggled to say something, but Kenren's hand on Goku's mouth held tight as he and Tenpou grinned nervously, their secret distributed by a mere innocent twelve-year-old.

Konzen raised an eyebrow.

Clearing his throat, the blonde deity proceeded to imitate what had been said in a Goku-like voice, stressing on each important, italicized word: "Ken-nii-chan was on top of Ten-chan...they were sweaty...taken all their clothes off...hands on each other...panting...this huge thing..." He shifted his violet gaze to the said duo - who was now blushing furiously - and sat back on his chair, drumming his fingers on the table.

"What have you got to say to this, Tenpou Gensui and Kenren Taisho?"

"Damn you, Konzen..."

"Maa, maa..."

"You can choose, shut up or be a total smartass and spread the word."

"We'll shut up." They said in unison.


[A/N] Now, that was weird. O.o Kinda short...It doesn't sound like the end of the chapter... but it is. ^_^ Tell me whatcha think!! I just want some honest opinions. :P Everyone, its not gonna get intimate just yet (you know how hard it is to bring Goku in a relationship, the kid's too damned innocent) So, yeah. Who votes that Konzen gives Goku a kiss in the next chappie? XD I'm so evil.
