Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Melancholy Soul ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Golden Eyes

#4 - Melancholy Soul

Birds were soaring in the sky, the sun beating brightly down, the blue stretch of sky smiling upon Heaven...the utter peacefulness of the place was enchanting, yet disturbingly haunting at the same time. However, a certain Kanzeon Bosatsu thought it plain annoying, not to mention totally unnerving.

Getting up, she sighed. "That's it, the silence is gonna drive me insane."

"I wonder what dear Konzen is doing now," she murmured, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, conjuring up a...rather exotic picture of Konzen with Goku, and Kanzeon sniggered, all kinds of thoughts going through her head.

"I'll go and disturb him a while, then. After all, he's such an airhead, that idiot..."


Some few corridors away, a certain blonde-haired deity sneezed.


Golden eyes scanned the meadow, and shone brightly once target was found. Said chibi saru with golden eyes pounced on the daffodils, and lay down, looking at the sky. Brushing away an annoying strand of chocolate hair, Goku sighed happily, sniffing the bright yellow blossoms appreciatively, inhaling the sweet scent that was daffodils.

Picking a yellow blossom, Goku stood up and looked at it, smiling at the beautiful flower.

'As bright as the sun...'

His thoughts immediately averted to Konzen. Goku turned crimson, the colour staining his cheeks up to the dark brown roots of his soft hair. The child could feel his thumping heart against his chest, and he clutched it tightly. At the conjured image of the sexy blonde god that was his master, he felt his knees turning to mush and Goku could swear for a moment that something inside him was melting.

Melting fast.

Goku's mind launched into World War III as Angel-Goku and Devil-Goku began a really wild argument. And he meant wild.

Devil-Goku cackled evilly, his golden eyes flashing with a malicious glint. 'Now...don't bother denying anything about it, Goku-chan! You want him, and you know it...'

Angel-Goku whipped out his nyoibou from thin air, and brought it smacking down on Devil-Goku's head. "ITAI!" Devil-Goku yelled, clutching his head, "It hurts, you bloody asshole!!"The said angel pouted, and growled back at the leatherified dark self of Goku.

"Goku isn't ready, baka!! He's a kid!! What he needs is romance," Angel-Goku said dreamily, sounding not unlike a certain Marshal of the West Army with green eyes. "At this age, it'll be all sweet fluff and love..."

Devil-Goku ran to one side and puked.

Unfortunately, Goku was oblivious to all the fierce battles that were ensuing in his head, for he was not one to listen to the voice of the mind. Therefore, Goku lay there with his own thoughts, and ignored Angel-Goku who was currently wrestling Devil-Goku to the ground. [A/N: Some angel. O.o]

Do I love Konzen?

A smile danced softly on the curves on his mouth as Goku put a smooth finger on his lips, relishing the sweet kiss that he and Konzen had shared some days back. His golden eyes turned hazy as he recalled the feelings that Konzen had stirred in him. The feel of his guardian's crushing mouth upon his softer ones was nerve-wrecking.

And likewise, Goku's world had been turned upside-down since the shattering lip-lock.

Do I love him?

Thinking of the golden-haired god with his deep, warm yet cool lavender eyes, his secret smile, the answer was obvious.

I don't think that's even a question now.


Goku had plucked a banquet of flowers for Konzen, the happy little daffodils of bright gold smiling in his hands. 'I hope Konzen likes these,' Goku thought happily. And Goku knew that deep inside him, he wanted Konzen to smile.

He wanted Konzen to smile a true, sincere smile.

That was a challenge, and that's why he liked it. And most of all, he wanted Konzen to smile for him, only for him. He wanted Konzen to smile at him, hug him, and strangely enough, Goku wanted Konzen to kiss him again.

"I'm acting weird," Goku murmured softly, his mind drifting away as he pictured Konzen embracing him, their lips connecting. He wanted to explore Konzen, to know more about his guardian. Having being born a heretic, Goku had never felt what was love, and he ached for it. Terribly.

And now, his master had shown him what was care and love. Goku had received it in forms of punches and insults, but that was what Goku liked about Konzen. The atrocious blonde expressed attention and concern for his pet through his own ways, and Goku let it be, cherishing the feeling of being cared for.

He had immediately felt a connection with Konzen the moment they met, the moment he pissed the blonde deity off by pulling off his hair. [A/N: Runs off to laugh in her room] However, his innocence and devotion for his master had changed and evolved into something deeper...something more intimate.

He had started to develop feelings for Konzen, really deep feelings. Unsure at first, Goku had pondered over them, wondering what it was, before he saw the naked truth, which had been dancing before him for a while now, I might add.

I'm in love. He had realized that with a jolt. I'm in love...with Konzen.

For the first time in his life, Goku had felt what it was like to love someone...

Now he wanted to feel what it was like to be loved back.

Deep in his thoughts, Goku bumped unconsciously into someone, and he released his grasp on the daffodils in surprise. Bending down to pick them up, Goku hurriedly reemerged, and he was preparing to mutter a hurried apology when he looked up.

Goku's eyes widened. The cloaked raven-haired man before him had eyes of two colours. Not that two colours startled him, it was the colour of his eyes that shook him. His left eye was a deep, startling blue, the colour of the dark sky, but his right eye...

It was gold.

"Um, gomen, onii-chan," Goku gulped, his gold eyes shining with shock. The said 'onii-chan' portrayed a amused grin on his face, his different-coloured eyes sparkling with a recognizable glint of notoriousness as he looked into Goku's bright eyes. He picked up a few of the daffodils, and handed it back to the kid, his own shackles clunking with the slightest movement.

"Ano...thank you," Goku said uncertainly.

'Golden eyes...shackles on his hands and feet...So this child is the heretic they've been talking about,' the man thought quietly, his mouth curving into a smirk. 'Well, he looks stunningly beautiful for a heretic.' Bending down, he ruffled Goku's brown hair playfully, feeling the child tense under his touch.

"What's your name, kid?" he murmured softly, his eyes penetrating into the deep gold eyes of the other. The innocence and serenity imbedded in those eyes was unbelievable...the man mentally shook his head. It wasn't just the eyes, the aura of the said innocence was literally lingering around him, refusing to dissipate. Amazing.

Goku blinked, before regaining his senses to answer. "Goku. My name is Goku."

The man turned around with a swish of his cloak, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips as his shackles made a clunking sound on the ground.

"I'm Homura. Remember that."


[A/N] If you were wondering where Kenren and Tenpou was... *snicker*

Placing another flaming kiss on his lover's jawbone, Kenren's blazing ruby eyes connected with cool emerald orbs, and the brunette smirked, his dark brown hair askew, beads of perspiration clinging onto his face. Kenren flinched and relaxed when he felt Tenpou clutch his wine-red hair tightly, pulling Kenren in so that he kissed him.

Not satisfied, the redhead attacked Tenpou's mouth ferociously, and his desire for the man increased as Tenpou moaned into the kiss, his voice soft, and ever so unbearably sexy. 'Dammit to bloody hell,' Kenren thought dully. 'No matter how many times I do it, I never tire of him.'

"You won't," Tenpou murmured, as though as he could read his mind. "Never."

The edges of Kenren's mouth curved into a grin. "You bet I won't," he said thickly. As his crimson eyes blurred at the sight of the wanton man beneath him, he cursed as he felt what was left of his mind drown in a whirl of emotions.

And all hell broke loose as his libido took over.

[A/N: Ah, that was a nice break. ^^]


Goku was skipping playfully in the corridors back to Konzen's office, daffodils still in hand. A big smile was plastered on his face as he thought of his beloved master. His golden eyes shone with happiness as he imagined Konzen's beautiful face lighting up at the sight of the daffodils.

'Konzen will like these. I know he will.'

He was passing the hall of Tenkai, whistling a happy song, or at least that was what he was doing until he heard his name.

" - and Seiten Taisen Son Goku..."

And heard something that he really shouldn't have heard. Goku's eyes widened in disbelief, and he peeked in through the gap in the closed doors, listening to what was being proclaimed by Tentei and the other gods.

"He's a heretic."

"A disaster to Heaven."

"Your greatness, if he stays here any longer he'll ruin the place!"

"Gold eyes..."

"Well, Konzen Douji isn't helping - "

Goku froze as he heard Konzen's name being uttered.

"I heard that Son Goku is getting close to his guardian.

"Me too. I wonder if they've done it in bed?"

"That bastard Konzen Douji wouldn't let us eliminate the heretic."

"He thinks just because he's got the looks he can render us useless."

His fists clenched as he continued to hear his beloved master being badmouthed.

"After all the heretic is just trouble."

"Konzen is probably just using him in his bedroom. No other reason."

"Li Touten-sama! You see how Konzen yells at that little filth. He doesn't even like the monkey being with him."

Goku felt hot tears welling up in his eyes, and a crystalline drop trickled down his cheek, unnoticed. His golden orbs misted as a cloud of fresh tears made their appearance.

"He hates the heretic. Didn't you know?"

Someone gave a chilly laugh. "We all do."

"Konzen Douji hates Son Goku."

That was it. Goku ran back to his room, tears flowing freely, his heart shattered and broken.


"Where the hell is that bakasaru!?"

Konzen was fuming as he stormed down the corridors. All the guards were whispering among themselves, wondering what Goku had done now. They were oblivious to the fact that Konzen's anger was out of pure concern for the kid, and not out of some other prank that Goku had pulled.

Of course they were oblivious to it, since after all, Konzen didn't even mention anything related to that, or couldn't mention.

Konzen slammed open Goku's door, and proceeded to give the said saru a thwack on the head. Or at least, he was going to, before Goku looked up at him from the bed with eyes that were suspiciously red. Konzen's own violet eyes widened at Goku's forlorn state, but he tried to hide it. "What happened?" Konzen murmured, his voice unnaturally calm.

"Konzen..." Goku whimpered softly, before leaning himself against his guardian. The golden-haired deity felt wetness on his robes, but didn't bother to do anything about them. Instead, he just embraced Goku gently, and felt a little better when Goku's tense body relaxed against his chest. Nuzzling his head in Goku's tousled brown hair, Konzen felt a pang of pain in his heart as he felt the child's radiating sadness.

" eyes..."

Konzen released the embrace, and held Goku at arm's length. "What?"

Goku looked down, afraid to meet his guardian's eyes. When he finally looked up at Konzen, however, he couldn't help his tears from flowing. His golden eyes shimmered with tears, and he then poured his heart out to his guardian, and told the tale of what he had heard the gods say in the afternoon.

"They said I was trouble...oh god, Konzen, they were badmouthing you...they said you used me in your room...they said...they..." his words spilled out so fast, Goku's mind was spinning. His vision was beginning to blur from all the tears, and Goku didn't bother wiping them away. Goku closed his eyes, and sighed as he buried his face into Konzen's broad chest.

Konzen sighed, and stroked Goku's silky hair softly, running his hands through the dark brown strands of hair he had come to know and love. Bending down, Konzen kissed Goku's tears away, only to find Goku's eyes fluttering open in shock and flushing bright scarlet. Hugging Goku again, Konzen tightened his arms around Goku, and whispered into his ear. "Tell me."

Just those two words caused more tears to fall, and Konzen waited patiently for the smaller one's answer, feeling the child shuddering with racking sobs. Reaching out a hesitant hand, Konzen traced small circles on the small of Goku's back, and he eased when Goku stopped shaking.

"They said you hated me."

Konzen raised an eyebrow. "They what?"

Goku took a deep breath. "The gods - they said you hated my eyes, my golden eyes - my symbol of being a heretic. And they said you hated me."

Konzen rolled his eyes upward, and leaned down to capture Goku's mouth in a ravishing kiss.

>>[OII!!!! Mild Lime]>>

Startled, Goku's eyes widened. Konzen closed his beautiful violet orbs, and his tongue stroked Goku's lips. He felt the child shudder beneath him, with shock and pleasure. Goku closed his own eyes, and responded to the kiss, letting Konzen explore his mouth without hesitation.

Konzen didn't need to reply. He answered Goku with his touch.

Konzen succumbed to his desire, and he let himself savour the taste of Goku's mouth. Tongues enrolled in a war for dominance as both tongues did a sensual dance, tasting each other.

Konzen pinned Goku to the ground as he removed his robes, lips still firmly locked on the younger boy's softer ones. The child's lips were intoxicating…gentle, smooth, and tempting … a mixture of sensations ran themselves through Konzen's mind as he made use of his own tongue, and Goku let out a soft moan.

That soft sound only fueled Konzen's desire for more, and he too removed the younger boy's clothing. Beads of sweat trickling down his cheek, his normally silky golden hair was plastered against his face. They were hot and sweaty, but hell, that was what it was supposed to be, right? Konzen felt the child's hand clutching his own, and he continued tormenting Goku, producing a trail of kisses from his.

Then, Goku was drowning in a wave of emotions, his mind swirling and turning as he felt pleasure shoot through him as Konzen kissed him again, gently and softly, but astonishingly atrocious as he attacked Goku's lower lip. The younger child responded by burying his hands in Konzen's beautiful hair, pressing him closer to him, and deepening the kiss.

"More...Konzen..." Goku whispered, his normally chibi voice husky and low.

Just by hearing the name -his name- being murmured by the extremely sexy saru below him, what remained of Konzen's still sane mind had disappeared, only to be replaced with a load of things that he wanted to do to Goku. [A/N: Believe me, you don't want to know.] And as he was just thinking of that, his desire seized control.

'Oh, bloody hell.'

The last thing that Konzen actually remembered before ravaging Goku, was that he was truly, and he meant truly, glad that he had locked the door.

<<[Yes, kiddies, its safe to read now.]<<

Goku woke up in Konzen's arms. 'Um...what had happened?' He recalled Konzen on him, his crushing and gentle mouth, his shiny golden hair upon his body, his quick and knowing hands, his -

Goku blushed.

"Don't hate you." A voice murmured behind him.

Goku looked back, only to find golden eyes meeting with violet, and his embarrassed gaze turned puzzled. "What?" Goku asked, his thoughts spinning.

"I don't hate you, Goku," Konzen said clearly. "The bloody gods might say that I hate you, but I don't. In fact, its quite the opposite." He brought Goku closer to him, and hooked his arms around the young teens waist. Of all people, Konzen turned scarlet. "Ah - bloody hell, I love you."

A ringing silence followed those last three words.

After what seemed like an eternity, "Konzen?" Goku asked softly.


"I love you too," the child muttered softly, flushing deep crimson.

There was a very, very pregnant pause.

Goku only turned, if possible, even redder. The young teen proceeded to climb out of bed after the statement, but not before Konzen grabbed him and yanked him back into it, holding him with his strong arms, nuzzling his head into his hair, his warmth welcoming with love. Goku sank into the embrace, placing his own hands around Konzen's neck, and pressed his lips to Konzen's.

Taken aback by Goku's sudden bravery, Konzen sank back, but for once, let Goku take the lead, and let Goku taste him, savouring him, feeling him...and Goku pinned Konzen to the bed, admiring the bare, broad chest of his masters'. Goku wasn't very experienced, but hell, he had instinct, and talent to boot. Konzen decided to speak.

"Your eyes, Goku."

Goku felt something shatter inside him.

"I don't hate your eyes."

Something, something that shimmered like hope, shone inside Goku's heart as he heard those few words. Smiling, Goku looked down at Konzen, his said golden eyes dancing with happiness. "You don't?"

"They're beautiful," Konzen murmured.

He was cut off as Goku performed a shattering kiss. Konzen hadn't expected Goku to crush his mouth on his own, but allowed Goku to do as he pleased, allowing the younger one to explore and admire his body, touch a shivering finger on every curve, shudder in pleasure as he stroked his bare skin. Plus, he, Konzen Douji was enjoying it, so why not?

Or at least he was enjoying it, until the doors burst open, revealing a certain redhead we know and a familiar-looking brunette in glasses.

"Oh, my god," Kenren and Tenpou muttered in unison, gaping at the scene before them.


To Be Continued


[A/N] Okay, guys (and girls) how was that? ^^ Fine, it kinda sucked...but it wasn't that bad, was it? Ne? *looks hopefully* And remember...

If anyone, I mean anyone wants the picture of Konzen hugging Goku from chapter two, just e-mail me or tell me in the reviews, and leave your email! ^^ Well, Kimie-kun has gotta go now. Hope you liked the chapter!