Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Of Golden Eyes ❯ Longing For Love ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Of Golden Eyes

#5 - Longing for Love

Konzen was mad.

And the fury that he currently felt was directed at two certain troublemakers who had just interrupted him and Goku in the middle of their - uh - business. Said troublemakers gulped, and, jaws still hanging, proceeded to tiptoe out of the room, but not before a vein popped out on Konzen's forehead. Reaching the door before them, the blonde deity locked the door, and his mouth curved into a smirk.

A really evil smirk.

"You are going to pay." Konzen whispered deadly.

"Shit." Kenren and Tenpou prepared for the worst.

And oh, boy, pay they did. [A/N: Don't ask ^^;]


"Bloody hell, that hurt," Kenren muttered angrily, fingering the bruise on his left cheek, and winced as Tenpou dabbed too much of iodine on his cut. "Damn it, Tenpou! Quit it already - the poor thing's suffering enough!" he cursed.

Said Marshal looked up, and frowned. He had no less damage either, the side of his face was swollen, and a plaster now decorated his right cheek. Tenpou's forehead was now adorned by a long layer of bandage that was wrapped clumsily around his head, thanks to Kenren. "Well, if I don't do this, your wounds will never heal."

Kenren scowled in return, but allowed Tenpou to gently plaster his cheek, cursing all the way. "All thanks to that bastard Konzen..." he growled, but then yelped as Tenpou touched his raw wound. "He could have punished us another way, but nooo, Konzen-sama­ just had to beat us up, of all things."

Tenpou grinned at the indignant tone in Kenren's voice. "Well, at least be glad he didn't think of fucking you as a punishment," he murmured teasingly, stroking his love's red hair softly, feeling the spiky strands beneath his fingers.

Kenren shuddered, and pretended to faint. "Oh, please." He turned around, and pinned Tenpou on the ground, a naughty grin on his face. "You do know that when it comes to sex, I just hate being the one underneath." Turning his crimson eyes on the emerald-green ones below, he stroked Tenpou's cheek tenderly, feeling the brunette quiver under his touch. "Right?"

"Right," Tenpou whispered, his voice husky. Kenren couldn't resist, and captured the brunette's lips in a shattering kiss, his desire getting the better of him. Tenpou moaned softly, but succumbed to Kenren's wishes. "Damn right."


"Now, shall we continue?" Konzen murmured softly, pinning Goku to the soft bed. His violet eyes ignited with passion, he crushed his mouth to Goku's, but the said child wasn't about to lose to his master. No way.

Stroking his guardian's tongue with his, Goku felt a tingle of pleasure shiver down his spine. Leaving his master's lips, Goku placed a gentle kiss on Konzen's jawbone, and laughed softly as he felt Konzen twitching above him.

Determined not to lose to a child, Konzen cupped Goku's face, and pressed his lips to Goku's. Goku's lips surrendered, and it was the moment Konzen was waiting for, to explore the child's lips possessively and teasingly. He closed his mouth over Goku's in hot passion, tasting Goku as much as he could. Konzen ran his tongue over the child's, and Goku let his master take the lead. Shyly, Goku stroked his tongue on Konzen's, and Konzen let out a small, husky groan, which Goku responded with a gentle moan.

Closing his eyes, Konzen's tongue intruded the younger one's mouth, and decided to give Goku's tongue a break. Instead of engaging in a war between tongues, Konzen sucked on Goku's lower lip gently, feeling the kid shuddering in pleasure underneath him.

Damn it to hell, he couldn't get enough of Goku. No matter how many times he tasted him, explored him, and ravaged him - Goku was always tantalizing, sweet, beautiful, innocent, stunning, arousing, willing, inexperienced, daring...ah, forget it, only the word 'sexy' suited him. And it would always be.

And Konzen preferred it that way.

Buried in his thoughts, Konzen was brought back to harsh reality when Goku attacked his own mouth, with a raging ferocity that he never expected of Goku. Konzen shrank back, letting the brave young teen take the reins. His violet eyes fluttered open, only to gaze into hazy golden eyes. Arching his back, Konzen's eyes gazed into Goku's with a daring look, challenging Goku to do more. Unable to resist the challenge, the younger one trapped the blonde deity's lips in a passionate kiss.

'Hell, the saru is getting better.'

And Goku was, indeed better. After receiving explosive kisses from his guardian all night long, he had known enough to try out on his own. Ravishing his master's lips with a skill that rivaled even Konzen's, the flash in Goku's eyes was anything but hesitant. Goku slid his tongue smoothly through Konzen's parted lips, and resumed the kiss, only that this time, it was sweeter, softer and much more gentle. Konzen moaned softly, taking his own self by surprise.

Hearing the call of lust deep inside him, Goku lost in the war against his desire, and left Konzen's lips, only to place a trail of soft kisses from Konzen's jawbone to his shoulder. Goku stroked Konzen's smooth skin with an expression of wonder and amazement, and felt Konzen quiver under him as he pressed his lips to Konzen's again.

'Never imagined I could touch him like this.'

Having had enough, Konzen pushed Goku away, and got on top of Goku instead, capturing Goku's lips with his own. There was no mistaking the blazing passion and love in Konzen's eyes, and none the less in Goku's own golden ones. No words were spoken, and their eyes told it all. For a moment, Goku and Konzen lost themselves in each other's gaze, each wishing fervently that they could remain that way forever, just being there, in each other's presence, savouring each other's lips...and in each other's eyes...

But they both knew it was impossible for that to happen, for Konzen's libido chose that very moment to take over.


Hot and tired, Konzen clasped Goku into a tight hug, and nuzzled his face in Goku's hair, feeling the spiky and soft chocolate hair that was Goku's. The child found himself relaxing in Konzen's arms, and buried his head into the golden-haired deity's chest, relishing in the warm embrace that they were sharing.

Somehow, Goku felt that what had happened between him and Konzen was special... and that it meant a lot to Goku. It was special, and Goku treasured last night. He hoped that Konzen thought it was special too...Goku shuddered slightly. He didn't think he could bear it if it was just...casual sex to Konzen. 'Or was it?'

Feeling the child shudder against him, Konzen placed a soft kiss on Goku's temple, before looking into the younger one's golden eyes. "Nanda?" [What is it?]

"Did that mean something to you...Konzen?" Goku murmured desperately, his eyes pleading.

Konzen was taken aback by the sheer simplicity of the question. He blinked. "Pardon?"

"Was it special...or was it..." Goku paused, his eyes welling with unwanted tears. "Was it just casual sex to you? Was I just a toy for your sexual needs? Or was - "

Goku's words were drowned in a whirl of ecstasy as he felt crushing lips covering his own, and he moaned softly into his guardian's mouth as their warring tongues continued to spar for victory. The feeling that was embedded in their minds wasn't just lust or desire; it was a love ignited with passion so great, it startled them both. After the shattering lip-lock, Konzen, flushed and breathless, released Goku, and held him at arm's length, gazing into his glimmering golden orbs.

"No," Konzen whispered. "It wasn't casual sex."

Tears of joy began to stream down Goku's cheeks, and before either of them knew it, Goku had caught Konzen's lips with his own in a passionate and hungry kiss. Burying his hands into Goku's hair, Konzen brought Goku closer to him, and lips connected as two hearts intertwined to become one.

'Never thought I would feel this way...'

Then, the door creaked open.

The effect it had on the lovemaking couple was shocking. Both released their lips from each other faster before you could say 'Horny.' And both pair of eyes goggled in disbelief at the sight of who exactly had burst in on them.

Kanzeon's eyes widened in amazement, and her mouth curved into a knowing smile.

"Well, of all people."


Kanzeon couldn't stop giggling as the trio returned to Kanzeon's throne room. [1] Well, as Kanzeon couldn't stop giggling, Konzen couldn't stop fuming and poor Goku couldn't stop blushing. The young child was looking very flustered, and his eyes flashed a tinge of embarrassment after being caught, and Konzen none the less, that his eyes were currently flashing fire, and that he was muttering something about being interrupted twice in a bloody morning.

Goku's hesitant hand found Konzen's, and the younger one laced his small fingers through his guardian's broader ones, grasping it tightly. Feeling the pressure on his hand, Konzen squeezed Goku's fingers reassuringly, and smiled as Goku relaxed.

Once they reached the said hall, Kanzeon stopped laughing almost immediately, and she beckoned Konzen inside.

A puzzled Konzen obeyed, and Goku followed suit. Kanzeon waved Goku aside.

"I'm sorry, Goku, but you'll have to wait outside." She smiled. "Okay?"

Goku nodded uncertainly, unwilling to part with his master, but let go of his clutch on Konzen anyway. "Don't leave me, Konzen," Goku murmured desperately, his golden eyes shining with tears. "Please."

Smiling softly, Konzen bent down, ruffled Goku's hair, and placed a gentle kiss on the child's temple. Cupping Goku's face, Konzen gazed into the younger one's golden eyes, and spoke nothing, for their eyes spoke it all.

"I won't leave you." Konzen whispered softly, and left.

His golden eyes reflecting sadness, Goku watched as Konzen's retreating shadow entered the hall.

'I won't leave you.'

Konzen's voice echoed in his mind, but Goku sensed that something was wrong.

Something was terribly, frightfully wrong.


"Konzen, I must impress upon you on the seriousness of this matter," Kanzeon said quietly, her eyes showing nothing but deep depths, her usually wicked grin replaced with a sad frown. Brushing her dark hair aside, her eyes explored Konzen's own, and she smiled sadly.

"I see that you have an unwavering love for your pet, Konzen?"

A bright flush of crimson crossed Konzen's cheeks, and Kanzeon chuckled, but not the chuckle that was usually laced with mischief. It was laced with something remarkably like fear. "It's confirmed then."

"What's wrong with it?" Konzen asked, his voice low, "Kuso baba," [Old hag] he added hastily. Much to his astonishment, the said old hag didn't seem sore over the insult in any way whatsoever, and it even appeared that she had ignored the last two words uttered by him. It was then that Konzen noticed the air of dread and edginess that was hanging hauntingly around his usually less-than-dignified aunt.

There was something that his aunt wasn't being very honest with.

And that itself, was something erroneous.

"It's very wrong," Kanzeon said indistinctly, a strained smile on her face. Konzen found it alarming that her eyes did not reach the smile - for it wasn't everyday you saw the kuso baba being serious, not to mention somber.

"Konzen, you're aware of what Goku is, aren't you?" The roguish glint of malice that was naturally embedded in the mischievous goddess's eyes was missing, only to be replaced with dark and mysteriously grave depths. The black bangs covering her face shook slightly, exposing what Konzen suspiciously thought was a tremble of trepidation.

"Do you mean - you're talking about..." Konzen trailed off, a mixture of outrage and shock on his face. His aunt nodded, her eyes cloudy. "...About his being a heretic!?" he spat out incredulously. "What the hell is the matter with it!?"

"It matters, Konzen." Kanzeon said calmly, only the slightest tremor in her voice. "It matters - a lot." She lifted up her dark head, and gazed sadly into Konzen's angry depths. "Tentei [2] and the other gods have found out about your...relationship with Goku. By what sources, I don't know, but...hell, Konzen," Kanzeon stood up. "You should know that...they're not happy. They're very much enraged with your connection to Goku, Konzen, and they've gotten even angrier when they found out you loved the heretic - "

"Don't bloody call Goku a heretic!" Konzen roared, taking his aunt by surprise. "He might be a fucking heretic, but he has rights to live on this bloody heaven like all those bloody gods do! In fact, he deserves to live here more than them! They..."

Konzen took a deep breath, "They just sit there doing nothing! For hell's sake, take a look at Nataku! All the gods that follow him down to Earth just kick back and relax, letting Nataku beat the shit out of whatever it is he's supposed to kill and just let him go back to Tenkai all bruised and bloody!" [3]

Kanzeon looked absolutely flabbergasted, and she gaped at the fuming golden-haired deity before her. 'Is this really my nephew?' In an attempt to steady herself, she clutched the armrest of her throne subconsciously, and that, however frail it was, managed to succeed in preventing her from swaying.

"All they take is one bloody look at Goku's eyes, and they go all shitty and start talking about eliminating him and all that crap! What has a heretic ever done to you bloody people in life!?" Konzen was breathing hard now. "He's just a harmless child! He's just an innocent, beautiful, simple, pure, naïve, serene and trustful child!! What kind of fucking harm can he do to you people!? Stare at you in the eye?"

"Konzen!" Kanzeon said, her voice alarmingly distressed. "The gods - "

"I don't care about the bloody gods," Konzen said, his eyes glinting dangerously. "Especially Tentei. He just goes around unmoving from his throne, and listens to all the bloody crap that they spit out before him and just agree to whatever shit they ask! Anything," he was shaking, "Anything they say. Just think of all those innocent heretics out there. Because of his golden eyes, Nataku has been shunned by all heaven, and has been given the nickname of 'Killing Puppet,' you know?" Konzen's eyes softened. "I don't want the same thing to happen to Goku."

Kanzeon was gaping, but quickly regained her composure, and truly enough, her lips curved into a smile as she placed her hand on Konzen's shoulder. "Sure you don't. You love him." Looking into her eyes for a second, the blonde deity swore that for a moment there, she had gotten back some of her remaining devilry back, but that glint of mischief had disappeared as fast as it had come.

"Yeah, I love him," Konzen muttered, ignoring the tinge of crimson that was now staining his cheeks. "So what?"

Kanzeon rolled her eyes skyward. "Oh, Konzen." Taking the beautiful strands of long golden hair through her fingers, Kanzeon marveled at the soft and silky texture of them, and the way that the sun teased the blonde hair, playing with its shine, making the blinding silvery-platinum hair look like the sun itself.

'The sun.'

Laughing softly, Kanzeon recalled the first acquaintance between her nephew and the young monkey. Hearing the soft giggles, Konzen looked rather indignantly at his aunt. "What now, old hag?"

"Nothing. Na, Konzen..." Letting go of his hair, she then looked her nephew in the eye. "Can you continue being the sun to the little kid?"

"What?" Konzen asked in disbelief. "Since when did you start getting cliché?"

Ignoring the last remark, Kanzeon tutted softly, ran a knowing finger down the silky threads. "You're the sun in his life. He'd do anything, anything to make sure you're happy, because for all I know, his devotion to you is more than just affection of gratitude." Kanzeon smiled. "He loves you, you know."

"I know." Konzen murmured. "I do know."

Images of Goku flashed across in his mind, and emotions whirled in his senses, remembering how it was to have the child close to him. The soft feeling of Goku's brown hair, his unmarred, delicate bronze skin, his skillfully chiseled features, his small hands against his own, his instinctual and tantalizing mouth, his gentle and sexy voice, and the breathtaking aura of innocence in Goku's beautiful golden eyes.

"And I love him too."


[1] I think it's Kanzeon's throne room - I don't think it's an office, for one thing. ^^;

[2] Tentei is the God that rules Heaven. The main one, you could say. Kanzeon finds him rather...uh, boring. *sweatdrop* Some Goddess of Mercy, huh?

[3] Nataku is the Toushin Taishi of Heaven, the Fighting God who alone is allowed to slay in Tenkai. In Gensomaden, he just stays all blank and in a state of paralysis on a throne in Kanzeon's room, in front of the pool of lilies. The reason for this is probably in Gaiden. And yes, those merciless gods call him the Killing Puppet. Those bastards... I totally agree with Konzen on that consent.

[A/N] I LOVE MY THESAURUS!!^o^ Thank YOU, Missing Link, for the advice, it really helps. Uh, well, sorry for the late update. ^^ I had to finish the story on that accord, couldn't think of anything else. It's currently 12.40 am and if I don't get to sleep by 1 (even though I usually sleep at 4) my mum's gonna kill me. Anyways, I'm really, really sorry if our dear Konzen-sama is OOC and totally out of character. Gomen. U_U Really. *wails* Minekura-sensei! I need vol.2!! (And translations of it - I can read Hiragana and Katakana but I'm so hopeless in Kanji. And I'm an amateur at Japanese. Tatsukete, Aderu-sempai!!! ;__; And I want the manga~)

'deru: Sempai, by the way, if you need proof that my brother's a brat, he just stuffed my poor thesaurus down the toilet a few hours ago. ;___; It's either I dry the thing or spend another 20 bucks of pocket money. So, yes, he's a brat.