Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Love ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
© April 30, 2005 By Rory V. Pascual

Short Note: Thanks to Kiba-chan for proofreading this for me. I was getting cross-eyed.


It has been said that boredom can cause a man's brains to melt in the sweltering heat. But it was winter. Boredom, sporadic winter storms, and two emotionally distressed companions were enough to drive Sanzo crazy. He has even lost all sense of time. Tenjiku seemed so far away. Sanzo had one consolation though. The doll had disappeared, probably gone ahead of them to that forsaken land of youkai.

Since Gojyo and Hakkai were being uncooperative, the monk decided to vent all his frustration on the sealed room on the second floor. There was something about that room that bothered him, like an irritating itch that just won't go away. He had tried every spell, but the door wouldn't budge. One option he had was to break through the wall in his room. To his dismay, even the wall was shielded.

"Sanzo?" a hesitant voice spoke up behind him. "I've brought you some tea."

He patted the small table beside him, continuing to glare at the wall. "Put it right here, Goku, and thanks."

Laying the cup of tea on the table, the boy took his place at his side. "Have you figured out how to get inside?"

"Not yet. Damn, this spell isn't like anything I've ever seen before. I just can't figure it out."

"I tried breaking through the window with my nyoibou," Goku admitted with a nonchalant shrug. "That didn't work."

Hearing this, Sanzo slowly turned to look at the saru, a disapproving frown on his brow. "Are you insane? You scaled the manor wall facing the ravine just to get to that window? That's a good fifty to sixty-foot drop! You could've fallen and broken your neck."

"I had to do something!" Goku argued desperately. "I don't want to see Gojyo so unhappy."

"Where is the kappa anyway?"

"In the bar, sitting in a corner as usual. Hakkai's drinking again."

Sanzo sighed. Gojyo had been sticking close to the green-eyed man, not talking to him, just watching over him. Sometimes, he would leave flowers on the tables where Hakkai would sit or in his bedroom. These acts of thoughtfulness largely went punished. Not a single day went by without the redhead sporting new bruises and cuts. After every beating, Gojyo would just give Sanzo and Goku a reassuring smile.

"Oh, these! These are just love taps!" the half-breed would laugh. "I've taken worse beatings from youkai!"

But they weren't fooled by this act. Sanzo knew he was seeing the poor, but brave, little boy Gojyo had been, who had endured unspeakable abuse from his stepmother.

"Sanzo, I think I know what's on your mind," Goku's soft voice interrupted his thoughts. "Everything that's happened so far…it's not a coincidence. We were brought here on purpose. Whoever or whatever did this, it wants Gojyo so badly."

"I know their names." Sanzo saw the saru look at him in surprise. He had originally withheld this information from the boy. "I don't know if Gojyo will show it to you. I just saw it by accident. It's a heart-shaped tattoo with seven names inscribed inside it. Definitely, one of those names is the leader's; the question is who specifically. One thing's for sure. He is a high level spellcaster, but what kind of magic he uses remains a mystery to me. It's not like anything I've ever seen."

For a moment, Goku was silent. Then, believing that what he observed may be just as important, he began, "I smelled blood."


"Blood… This whole house reeks of blood. But it's this room where the scent is strongest, especially the window outside. That's why I decided to climb out there in the first place. Touching the ledges and the windowpane made my hair stand on end. It's creepy."

Sanzo made up his mind instantly. "I want to get a good look at that window."



With head laid on the table, cradled by his crossed arms, Gojyo quietly watched Hakkai's head bob drunkenly. Usually, it took fifteen head bobs before the brunette fell into a drunken stupor. This time, it was quicker, as Hakkai slumped down on the bar counter at the count of nine.

Standing, the half-breed padded over to the older man. Like he usually did, Gojyo slung Hakkai's arm over his shoulder and eased him up from the stool, whispering, "Time for you to go to bed, Hakkai."

All the brunette did was mumble incoherently.
Carefully, Gojyo half-supported, half-dragged the drunken man out of the bar, through the living room and up the stairs. Reaching the second floor, he ran into Sanzo and Goku in the hallway. The saru had a long coil of rope slung over his shoulder.

"What are you guys up to?" Gojyo inquired in weary curiosity.

Sanzo's sarcastic reply was, "We're doing some rappelling down the ravine. I'm tired of seeing the face of a depressing cockroach."

"Oh, I see."

"Is that all you're going to say?" the monk asked in mild annoyance. "What the hell happened to that famous mouth of yours? Taku! You're not suited to be a fucking martyr, kono ero kappa!"

Gojyo sighed. "I hope you fall down that fucking ravine, namaguza bouzu!"

A grin went up Sanzo's lips. "That's better!"

"Oi, Sanzo!" Goku called out near the stairs. "Hayaku!"

"Don't stand too close to those stairs or you'll…" Sanzo's eyes rolled upwards as the boy fell down the stairs, crashing below. Hiking up his robes, the monk ran down, yelling, "KONO BAKAZARU! I TOLD YOU TO WATCH OUT FOR THOSE STAIRS!"

This was followed by loud whacks of the harisen, and Goku wailed, "KONO HAGE! THAT HURT MORE THAN THE FALL!"

A soft moan issued from the drunken man at that racket.

"Hakkai?" Gojyo asked. "Are you all right?"

For a moment, Hakkai blinked and squinted in confusion. But when he beheld the redhead's face, his green eyes widened.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Hakkai demanded, furious. "Don't touch me!"

Gojyo reeled from the heavy punch to this left cheek, and he crashed against the wall. The breath knocked out of him, he slipped to the floor. Hakkai too had slumped against the opposite wall, caught off balance by the blow he had given to the younger man. Neither moved for a few minutes.

Then, Gojyo picked himself up from the floor, rubbing his aching cheek, and slowly approached the brunette.

"Get back! Stay away from me, you deceitful bastard!" Hakkai hissed in warning.
The half-breed ignored those angry words, as well as the hard fists that rained upon his face and body. Gritting his teeth, Gojyo helped the angry man to his feet, hauling him with much difficulty to the bedroom. Inside, he led the struggling brunette to the bed, but as he sat Hakkai down, he was backhanded on the right cheek. Gojyo, however, would not give up. With tears welling up in his eyes, he knelt on the floor and removed Hakkai's shoes, all the while enduring the older man's verbal abuse. Patiently, he helped Hakkai get into his sleep clothes, unaware that those cruel words had stopped, and that the brunette was looking at him curiously.

When their eyes finally met, Gojyo's breath caught in his throat, seeing the deep pain in those jade orbs. He choked back a sob, knowing that he was the cause of the other's anguish.

What have I done to you, Hakkai? Gojyo thought miserably. How can I make your pain go away? I would give anything to see you smile again. God, why didn't you let me die that night?

His lips trembled as he said, "Oyasumi, Hakkai," and he stood up to leave before his tears could fall.

Suddenly, a warm hand closed around his wrist, and Gojyo found himself pulled into a tight embrace. Hard fingers clutched his hair painfully back to keep his head in place, as a harsh mouth reeking of alcohol forcefully claimed his lips. Gojyo ached to wrap his arms around Hakkai, but he fought the urge to do so, not wanting to anger him any more than he should. Instead, the half-breed submitted himself to whatever Hakkai wanted from him.

Without breaking the kiss, Hakkai's hands slipped down to caress the younger man's face, tracing the elegant curve of his neck and shoulder. As his hands settled on those shoulders, Hakkai gripped handfuls of Gojyo's shirt and ripped it in two from neck to waist. Gojyo gasped at the suddenness of the act, and he yanked his torn shirt up to hide his upper body. That move was a mistake, as a ringing slap fell on his cheek.

"I'm sorry," Gojyo mumbled as he let his shirt fall on his lap. Seeing those sharp green eyes focus on his jeans, he meekly removed the buttons and slipped the garment down his long legs.

As soon as Gojyo was naked, Hakkai moved in a predatory fashion towards him, strong arms wrapping around his body. Gojyo was flung backwards onto the pillows. Covering the redhead's supple body with his own, Hakkai began raining kisses upon his glistening skin, a sly tongue licking away the beads of sweat at the pulsating artery of his neck. Callused hands ran lightly over the half-breed's chest before pressing down harder in painful massaging and squeezing strokes. Gojyo winced, feeling those harsh fingertips give a nipple a painful twist. That reaction pleased the older man.

Hakkai swooped down and let his lips encircle a cherry pink areola. In utter maliciousness, he sank his teeth into the taut peak, drawing a whimper from the younger man. Tasting the copper of blood, Hakkai suckled greedily upon the abused nipple, pulling Gojyo's tense body closer. With his left hand, he pinched and pulled on the other tit.

"Hakkai, please!" Gojyo protested. "It hurts!"

The redhead glanced down to see jade eyes peering up at him with a disapproving frown.

"Don't look at me," Hakkai hissed sharply.

Gojyo quickly turned his head to the side, his hair falling over his face at the sudden movement. Despite his efforts for control, the tears began to trickle down his cheeks and a slight tremor of fear rose from his body. Even when gentle fingertips swept the damp locks from his face, he dared not look up.

The half-breed heard Hakkai whisper in breathless awe, "You're so beautiful."

Those words made Gojyo feel like a whore.

"Beauty can be a curse," Gojyo said bitterly, "just as much as being a child of taboo." Inwardly, he added, If I had been born hideous, that night would never have happened…and perhaps I would never have known you and broken your heart.

Then, the startled redhead was lifted up from the bed and enfolded in a passionate embrace.

"I…I know that I've been treating you badly, but I can't help the pain that you've given me. It hurt that you didn't trust me," Hakkai muttered hoarsely in his ear. "I don't know if I'll ever stop hating you for it. But just this once…while I'm still myself, while the pain and anger are dulled by the effects of the wine…will you allow me to make love to you?"

"You know you can ask anything of me, even if there is no longer any love in your heart for me. Even if it's just sex, as long as I could hold you in my arms, I could still pretend…can't I?"

Hakkai tilted Gojyo's head up with his fingertips, bestowing light butterfly kisses from Gojyo's forehead to the tip of his nose. When their lips finally met, there was none of that angry possessiveness. Now, it was everything that a kiss should be – sweet and tender, yet smoldering with passion and desire.

Gojyo shook with a delicious tremor as Hakkai traced circles and lines on his chest, and gave a playful tweak on those tight nubs. Those teasing fingers descended to caress the rippling muscles of his abdomen and twirl the crimson strands at his crotch. But when that hand closed around his member, Gojyo surrendered himself completely to his lover's sensual skill.
With languid grace, Gojyo flopped down on the mattress, writhing and twisting in luscious agony as Hakkai's stroking hand caused the blood to rush into his man root, bringing it to a full erection. When Hakkai suddenly released his shaft, Gojyo felt bereft, and he jerked his hips upwards, begging for more. Again, that hand returned to grip the base of his rod, only to be replaced by a searing hot mouth that engulfed him down to the root. Gojyo gripped the covers beneath him hard, as Hakkai suckled upon his member, throat muscles squeezing his length, for more of the sweet juices he had to offer. The half-breed wanted to prolong the sensations that were being aroused in him, but that fiendish mouth demanded his total submission. With a whimper, Gojyo spilled his seed down Hakkai's throat, sucking and lapping it all up. Even when the brunette released him, his juices continued to gush forth, spilling on his belly and the sheets. This gave Hakkai enough time to completely divest himself of his clothing.

Hakkai carefully gathered the younger man's slick come and slathered it over his own stiffness. Gojyo watches his lover's meticulous preparation through love-misted crimson eyes, and he parted his legs in invitation. But Hakkai wanted to make this experience as painless as possible for the redhead. In went a little finger, which drew nothing more than a sigh from his lover. Next, he replaced it with an index finger, slowly stretching the puckered opening. When a second finger was added, the tip struck that sweet point that caused Gojyo to see stars before his eyes. He did not even sense those fingers pull out of him.

Gojyo's eyes flew wide, however, when something much larger and much harder pressed upon his entrance. Terror overcame him, and he closed himself to the invader.

But then he heard Hakkai's plaintive cry, "Gojyo…please…"

Looking up, the half-breed saw the older man gazing down at him with love in his eyes. Yes, the pain was still there, but the need surpassed the pain of deception and distrust.

Gojyo could not deny his lover's need.

Taking a deep breath, the redhead spread his thighs wide and closed his eyes. Again, there was that terrible pressure, and he whimpered as the bulbous head pushed in. Another nudge and the whole head popped in. This time, Gojyo felt pain and he let out a cry. But Hakkai would not stop, seating himself deeper and deeper inside the trembling half-breed's body with every minute thrust. Again, he found the younger man's pleasure point. As wave upon wave of sensation and color flooded his entire being, Gojyo opened himself up completely to his lover, surprising Hakkai, who found himself deeply sheathed in that tight channel.

They were now at the point of no surrender. Biting down on his lip, Hakkai started to move, pulling his member almost completely out of the redhead's body before slamming it back in. With each pistoning movement of his hips, he made sure that he always hit that one spot that drove Gojyo to the heights of ecstasy.

Indeed, Gojyo met those thrusts with upward jerks of his hips, wanting more of his lover's length inside him and the meaty slap of weighty bullocks upon the cheeks of his ass. But soon he could no longer hold it back. As he reached the peak of sensual nirvana, orgasm crashed over him with the force of a tidal wave, and his fluids gushed out copiously on his and the straining body above him. Such was the strength of his orgasm that he screamed out Hakkai's name. The brunette came soon after, his seed filling the younger man. Exhausted, he collapsed on top of Gojyo, falling asleep in an instant.

The redhead listened to those light snores and, turning to his side, laid the older man on the bed. As he pulled Hakkai close to him, Gojyo couldn't stop himself from caressing that handsome, slumbering face.

Teardrops fell from his eyes as he gave Hakkai a loving kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, Hakkai," Gojyo whispered to the sleeping man. "Thank you so much for this wonderful night."


Goku's head snapped to attention. "Oi, Sanzo! Did you hear someone scream?"

"Did you hear the word 'Help'?"

"No, I think it sounded like a name."

"Then it's none of your fucking business!"

After climbing up the roof via Goku's bedroom window, Sanzo and the saru were inching down the wall, heading towards the window that led into the mysterious room with the demon door.

"Why isn't it my business?" asked Goku with a pout as he eyed their target below him. "Are Gojyo and Hakkai finally doing it? If you ask me, it's about time."

Sanzo, who was rappelling a few feet above the saru, let out a loud snort that echoed in the ravine. "What do you know about sex? You're just a kid!"

"Why do you keep calling me a 'kid'? Let me remind you, kono hage, that I'm a good five hundred years older than you."

"And all those years spent in a cage in a lonely mountaintop without any contact with any intelligent lifeforms. You may be five centuries old, but you certainly show no signs of maturity, both physically and mentally. To put it in words that your puny brain can understand, you're nothing but a shrimpy chimp. And look, they rhyme too!"

Goku, who should've been accustomed by now to having his traveling companions call him by a wide variety of pet names, was grievously offended. "It's bad enough you call me a 'chimp', you have to poke fun at my height and call me a 'shrimp' too!"

"Why? Don't you like it?" asked Sanzo as he skidded down a few feet. "I could make it simpler. How about I call you 'Chimpy' from now on? It's a hell of a lot shorter and easier to say than 'bakazaru'."

"It still means the same thing, you baldy monk!" Goku's eyes were suddenly drawn to the monk's fluttering robe. "Sanzo? How come you're not wearing any pants?" To the monk's consternation, the saru even shone his flashlight up, his golden eyes squinting as he peeked. "Hey! I never knew you were blond down there too!"

Sanzo pelted the boy's cranium with a carabiner, his face as red as Gojyo's hair. "You perverted little ape! How dare you peek at my most private of parts!"

Despite the growing lump on his head, Goku snickered, "Well, it ain't private now…Bushy!"

Furious, the monk skittered down the wall to do the saru some damage, but he slipped and fell, his long robe getting tangled around Goku's head that he dragged the boy along with him. Thankfully, their ropes hit a snag and they stopped right in front of the window.

Realizing that the saru's head was stuck up between his bare legs, Sanzo struggled to disentangle his cumbersome garment. "Get out from there, kono bakazaru!"

But Goku dreamily replied from within, "Why should I? It's so nice – as yellow as the sun!"

Sanzo's face couldn't get any redder as he started to kick out, pulling out shourejou as well. "If you don't get out from under there, I swear I'll shoot you!"

With a disappointed sigh, Goku scrambled out…only to find himself face to face with a decomposing head.

Even the monk was just as horrified. A corpse was hanging in a crucified position in front of the window, worms and maggots crawling out of its sockets and mouth. Protruding from the ledges were more heads in various states of decay.

When rotting hands suddenly emerged from the granite face to reach out and grab them, Goku panicked and kicked out. With Sanzo seated on his shoulders, the saru swung away from the window, only to stop for a moment in midair, and swing back in the direction they were escaping from. Goku screamed as he saw the crucified corpse pull its arms free and open them wide as if to embrace them. Sanzo swiftly fired his gun at the corpse, but the bullets just went right through it and made holes through the glass. For a minute, he even thought he saw bright flashes when the bullets impacted upon the window.
As they swung back towards the window, their bodies passed through those grabbing wraiths and crashed through the glass, landing nimbly inside the mysterious room on their feet.

Getting their bearings, Sanzo and Goku were immediately assailed by the stench of blood and the overpowering aura of evil inside the room.

Snatching the flashlight, Sanzo quickly switched it on, only to let out a shocked gasp as he finally beheld the room's interior.

In his horror, all the monk could say was "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE?!"

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