Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Vignette ❯ Hakkai ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Vignette: Hakkai

Chapter 3 / 4

Disclaimer: Not mine, not ever. Got that?

A/n. To my loyal readers:

I apologize for the last chapter but it is vital for the workings of this particular story.


To say the next day was tiring would be an understatement. All of us, I also mean the hyperactive-resident kid Goku, had dark rings under our eyes. It was strange that Goku’s eyes looked to be reddish and puffy. By the look on his face when he looked at Sanzo, I decided not to ask him about it.

Goku was more subdued and avoided looking at Sanzo’s eyes. Sanzo also kept his harisen and Shoreijuu at bay. Well, most of the time.

"Oi! That’s my springroll!" Gojyo cried out in dismay. Goku just stuck his tongue out. That small jeer seemed to strike a nerve in Gojyo as he had a different look on his face when he stole Goku’s meat bun. The chaos that ensued at least assured me that everything was back to normal. Well, that was what I thought.


"Ow!" Gojyo and Gokku cried, rubbing rubbing their sore heads.

"What’d you do that for?" Goku asked, but I could sense and underlying emotion in his voice. His face was so close to the fuming monk’s that Gojyo looked almost jealous. Uh oh! Sanzo was already red in the face and looked ready to explode.

"You…" Sanzo started, we all waited for the barrage of colorful words to come. Seconds pass, then minutes. There was nothing. Nothing came out of his usually down turned mouth. "Hn." He kept his harisen and sat down.

Then IT happened. We were all shocked by the out of character reaction from Sanzo that we could stop what happened next. Goku seemingly sat back… and lunged foreward, Just enough to kiss the flushed monk on the cheek. He seem to hesitate for a while, mumbling something private to him before bolting out of the door. All that happened in a few seconds.

"Feh, that saru…" Gjyo cursed, sipping on his beer. When he found it empty, The can joined the growing pile in the corner. Opening another can, he grumbled. "Can’t believe that the saru ran off after kissing my Sanzo." He paused. "My Sanzo? Nah, Never will be…"

"Maa maa, Gojyo. He’ll be back. He can’t have gone far. This city isn’t that big." I tried to console him. In the process, I was intrigued. What could have Sanzo do to get such reactions form our usually boisterous friends? What was really bothering Gojyo?

"Hakkai, you call this town not fcking big?" Gojyo said. "We’ve been searching for almost the whole day and we didn’t even cover half of this bloody town." He shook his head and threw the already empty can.

"So I exaggerate." Said I as I settled down next to the fuming hanyou. The silence that followed next was unbearable. "You’re worried about him, right?" I asked.



"Châ€͐ 2;. That bozou can take care of himself." Gojyo said. I leaned back on to his. "Hakkai, you do know I’m with him right?"

"Un…" I answered, ignoring the pain I felt in my heart. But I was through playing hide and seek with him. "Don’t worry too much. Sanzo will find Goku."

"Uh huh…" the redheaded half-demon smirked. He leaned back, so that we were both supporting each other’s weight.

To be concluded…

A/n YES another short chapter! But who cares At least it’s there! I chose subtlety for Hakkai to say that he has feelings for Gojyo. Thus this chapter was a little bit more difficult to write. The ending is near! Watch out for it!

*Checks stock* Those who review will get… my eternal gratitude and pandan cake.