Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ With Eyes That Cannot See ❯ Chapter 2B: Make New Friends and Keep the Old... One is Blue and the other is Gold... Oooh... Those ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

TITLE: With Eyes That Cannot See


BY: Simply Kim

GENRE: Yaoi (Angst/Humour/AU/Romance/Supernatural)

CAST: Almost everyone from the series of Gensomaden Saiyuki

DISCLAIMERS: The series I'm referring to do not belong to me… ^_^ only the story does.

NOTES: The characters' ages in this fic isn't that much the same as the series.

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Chapter 2B: Make New Friends and Keep the Old... One is Blue and the other is Gold... Oooh... Those Eyes are Strange...

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"I hate pickled mackerel."

"Well I love it, so deal."

Homura pouted, trying to look cute... and failing miserably. The only thing he managed to achieve was...


To make Sanzo turn livid.

Tears streamed down his bruised cheeks as he clutched his head with both hands; trying to alleviate the pain he received from the ever-present harisen... wherever did he get that damned thing anyway? He huffed, resuming his pouting as he picked on his food. God, I hate it when Sanzo orders the kitchen staff to make my palate miserable... maybe I shouldn't have pissed him off... But he's so fun to... well, make fun of! Sighing, he picked up a chunk of the offending fish and stared at it, wondering if it was safe to be devoured. He stared, stared, and stared some more... then, realizing that the fish would only cause him severe allergies regardless of its being edible or not, he set it down and pushed his plate distastefully away.

He turned an annoyed gaze at his best friend. "Honestly Sanzo, you're being inhospitable... again."

"It's your fault ahou, not mine, so tough." The blonde mumbled through a mouthful of rice.

"But Sanzo..."



"Stop whining, or else I'm not gonna give you anything for lunch - or dinner if you decide to stay over."

"Then I'll go!" Homura sniffed, clutching his abused head yet again. "I'll go home!"

Sanzo raised a lazy brow. "Then, no more mint fudge ice cream."

Mismatched set of eyes widened, and drool began to drip down the angular chin. "Mint Fudge? You have mint fudge?"

Sanzo lowered his gaze and popped another chunk of mackerel in his mouth, chewing ever so slowly before nodding.

"Okay, I'll eat! Itadakimasu!" Homura crowed happily, pulling his plate towards him again and began attacking everything on it.

Sanzo grinned inwardly.

I'm going to have a hell of a time watching him sneeze his brains out later... heh... and I'm looking forward to seeing his shocked face when he learns that...

He took a drink of his strawberry tea.

We ran out of ice cream two days ago...

* * *

Hakkai almost spit out his drink when he heard Sanzo promise an ice cream treat to his supposed... best friend. He sweatdropped, remembering that Goku was continuously bitching about 'this house not having enough ice cream...'. He was sure, from what he had deduced for a couple of days now, that there were definitely no sweets left in the kitchen but biscuits, chocolate syrup and honey... exactly what he knew would be served today at lunchtime.

Honestly, he did not know whether to laugh, tell the truth, or feel sorry for their guest. So he did the only thing he could do...

Stuff himself silly until the wave of mixed emotions passed.

* * *

Nataku felt something was off.

He was sitting with everybody around the dinner table, and everyone seemed to be... well...


For example, Sanzo-niichan was eating so slowly with that smug look on his face after assuring Homura-niichan that there's going to be mint fudge later. Another example would be the fact that everyone... well, almost everyone, was trying to hold back their laughter as Homura-niichan eats his way through the dinner comprising of the food he's naturally allergic to with much gusto. And still another good example would be the new person in the group... Hakkai-san... he's stuffing his face silly... obviously trying hard not to express whatever he's feeling about the matter.

After summing it all up, the only thing he knew was that Homura-niichan's going to have a huge surprise.

Then, Nataku's eyes brightened with excitement...

This is going to be exciting!

* * *

"Sandbo... rebindth meeh chu killb yuth *ACHOO! * web I geth bwell!"[1]

Sanzo patted Homura's head consolingly, putting on his best sympathetic look. "There, there... It's going to be all right... I'm really sorry Homura... I thought we still have some ice cream..."

"Yuth dib dith on purbpoths!" [2]Homura accused, glaring through his puffy bloodshot eyes. "I Habthe yuth!"[3]

"Your words wound the heart Homura... why would I do that to my best friend? Ah, the shame... you think so lowly of me..."

Mismatched set of eyes glared balefully, obvious in their intent to annihilate the inhospitable bastard. Sticking out his tongue, he turned away, focusing on the other side of the room, where the new guy sat, a sheepish grin on the gentle face.

Homura was quite satisfied to hear his friend grumble as he scrutinized the innocent features. It was explained to him before that the guy was blind, and frankly, he sympathized with him. He was an eye blind for three years after his infamous highway accident five years ago. It sucked not being able to see, and he knew how painful it was. He was sure that the other felt it too, however, considering that Hakkai was blind the day he was born... he wasn't so sure.

"Ne, Hakkai-san... let's go see Hakuryu!"

Homura snapped out of his thoughts as the ever-cheerful voice of Goku reached his ears. Almost immediately, he smiled fondly, nodding slightly in approval at the apparent affection the boy extended to the sightless man. Sanzo was too, as evidenced by the softening of his eyes. He was very thankful for knowing the little boy... at least now, his brother will never be alone - he found a friend in him.

As if on cue, Nataku decided to help Goku pull Hakkai towards the door, laughing as the three of them nearly stumbled, and continuing to pester their newest victim as they went. He shook his head and turned to Sanzo.

"Nah, Sandbo... bey arb tbu kyut bogedber, neh?" He quipped, watching the play of emotions on the usually irritated face. "Hakkai ib gud porb you... por ub..."

The irritation was not painted on his features anymore; instead, the softest kind of expressions resided almost permanently, showing, even without confirmation, that what he had just said was true. Those three looked cute together... and Hakkai was indeed good for everyone... especially for Sanzo. It was a relief for him that his best friend finally found his peace...

Yokatta ne...

* * *


Jien winced. He expected surprise... not just this kind... Sanzo looked like he wanted to kill someone... and Homura was being too calm about it as usual... well, he looked calm, he just did not know if he really was.

They were talking about the sinister guy again... the perverted guy who seemed to be taken with Sanzo... and Homura... and a hundred guys as well... damned lecher. The guy was blocking every transaction Sanzo's company undertakes in Kyoto... making business almost impossible. It was weird that Sanzo be unwelcome in his own birthplace. This time, he knew Sanzo's tolerance reached its end.

He's going in for the kill. Jien smirked. And I'm helping him all the way.

Run while you still can...

Chin Ii Sou.

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[1]<<Sanzo, remind me to kill you *ACHOO * when I get well! >>"

[2] <<You did it on purpose! >>

[3] <<I hate you! >>