GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Themes ❯ Gods and Devils ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Gods and Devils
Author/Artist: AquaianGoddess/Christina
Fandom: GetBackers
Themes: 03. Gods and Devils
Rating: G
Pairing: Ginji/Ban
Disclaimer: If it were mine, there'd be more sex, more blood and more nakedness (mmmm Naked Shido)
Thanks to Sammei for being my beta.
03. Gods and Devils
"So, let me see if I got this right. Thor was a god who could control lightning."
"And his mortal enemy was the Midgord snake, Jormawhatsit."
"The Midgard Serpent, Jormungand, yes."
"And they fought, and Thor killed the snake, but not before the snake poisoned Thor and they both died, right?"
"Yes, Ginji."
"...Ban-chan, do you think maybe that already happened with us?"
"That the epic battle between the Lightning God and The Devil Serpent-"
"The serpent wasn't a devil, he was a god."
"-it already happened! When you fought Raitei and took me from Mugenjou."
"Good. Now that you're assured that we're not going to kill each other in the near future, can I please get more blanket? I'm freezing!"