GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Themes ❯ Glomped ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Glomped
Author/Artist: AquaianGoddess/Christina
Fandom: GetBackers
Themes: 06. Glomped
Rating: PG
Pairing: Shido/Emishi
Disclaimer: If it were mine, there'd be more sex, more blood and more nakedness (mmmm Naked Shido)
Thanks to Sammei for being my beta.
06. Glomped
Back when Shido was one of the Four Kings of the Volts, the only time he was affectionate with Emishi was when they were alone together. When other people were around, Shido wouldn't even acknowledge that they were sleeping together, acting annoyed and exasperated when Emishi glomped onto him, which wasn't exactly all faked, but that wasn't the point. The point was that Shido never explained why he acted that way, and just when Emishi worked up the nerve to ask, Shido was gone, and Raitei was gone, and his whole world spun upside down. The position of command had shifted and soon Shido was the enemy. It hurt to fight Shido, in more ways than one. He tried to end it by killing them both…and failed because Shido saved his life.
After that whole incident, Emishi left Mugenjou to visit Shido, and nothing changed, save for the fact that Emishi was no longer sleeping with Shido…which sucked. Shido didn't give any signs of wanting to rekindle their relationship, so Emishi didn't push…that is, Shido didn't give any signs right up until the point where Shido pinned him to the wall and kissed him brainless.
When Shido pulled away, Emishi blinked at him. “Uh…Shido-han?” Shido kissed him again. “Shido-han, what are you-” Again. “Shi-” And again. When Shido pulled away for the fourth time, Emishi tried again. “What the hell?”
“…I thought it was obvious.” Shido grumbled.
“Shido-han… it's not.”
Shido growled. “I want to be with you again.”
In reality, Emishi wasn't opposed to this, but… “What, like you were with me before, when you utterly ignored me when we weren't alone?”
“…I thought I explained-“
“You didn't.” Emishi wriggled a bit. Not that he minded being pinned to the garden wall, but having his arms being held above his head like that hurt.
“Were you ashamed to be seen with `dumb ol' Emishi'?”
”Then why?”
“…I didn't want you getting hurt because of me.”
Shido had a light blush creeping up his cheeks. “I have…enemies. Dangerous enemies. I didn't want them to hurt you trying to get at me. So I hid the fact that we were in a relationship when we were in public.”
Emishi blinked. “…I'd think that that would be really sweet if I didn't think it meant that you think I can't take care of myself.”
Shido kissed him, harder and rougher than before. “Idiot. Don't say such stupid things.”
“Mmmm, okay…then you shouldn't either. I can take care of myself, don't worry about me.” Emishi nibbled on Shido's lower lip. Shido's reply was rumbled against Emishi's neck as he slowly stripped Emishi out of his clothes.
Nowadays, when Emishi glomped onto Shido, Shido would spin him around and kiss him.
Even in front of other people.