GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Themes ❯ Relieve The Drowning Man ( Chapter 8 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Relieve the Drowning Man
Author/Artist: AquaianGoddess/Christina
Fandom: GetBackers
Themes: 07. Relieve the Drowning Man
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Shido/Emishi/Emishi/Shido
WARNING: This story contains spoilers for the manga (I believe it's vol. 27, but I'm not sure). If you do not want to be spoiled, do not read this. You HAVE been warned. Do not bitch to me that I ruined it for you.
Disclaimer: If it were mine, there'd be more sex, more blood and more nakedness (mmmm Naked Shido)
Thanks to Sammei for being my beta, and to Torsui as well for beta'ing this one.
07. Relieve the Drowning Man
Everyone thought that Emishi didn't let sadness get to him. Everyone thought that Emishi could just laugh it off and keep moving… but this was different. Amo-yan…Amon, he and Emishi had a connection…Amon dying had killed something inside of Emishi, and he couldn't get it
back. Emishi wasn't just letting the loss of Amon get to him, he was drowning in it, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to be saved.
Shido had always been his pillar of strength…but now, knowing Amon's heart beat in Shido's chest, he didn't know if he could bring himself to turn to Shido with this…turn to /anyone/ with this…
"Emishi?" Sakura's gentle voice floated from behind the door to the room he had in Volts Headquarters. "You have a visitor."
No one ever came to visit Emishi. Ever. "…who?"
"Shut up and let me in." It was Shido's gruff voice that carried through the door this time, and Emishi, in a stunned daze, walked over to the door and stared at Shido, expecting the large man to vanish…like Amon did. "Stop gawking and let me in." Emishi couldn't move until Shido picked him up and set him out of the way so he could enter.
"…Shido-kun… ;"
"It speaks." Shido's tone was bland, but his eyes were filled with worry. "Emishi-"
"He's dead."
Shido flinched. "I know…He…he never did have much sense."
Emishi growled. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
"…he shouldn't've given up his life for mine…It was his choice…it doesn't mean that I'm not grateful that he saved my life…but he shouldn't've have sacrificed his own for it."
& nbsp; Shido slumped against the door, and then sunk to floor. "…the idiot. Just like you, always sacrificing things for other people. Think of yourself for once!" Shido yelled. "Be selfish! Do something for you once in awhile and stop looking out for everyone else!"
"…Because that's your job?" Emishi crouched down in front of Shido. In all his misery, he had forgotten how guilty Shido must've felt…
"Damn right it's my job," Shido growled. "You don't look out for yourself at all, so someone has to."
"You want me to be selfish, Shido?"
Emishi leaned in and kissed Shido. "I'm being selfish."
Shido rested one hand on Emishi's hip, and said nothing as he used his other hand to pull Emishi down for another kiss. It was a horrible idea, and they both knew it, but if it helped Emishi with the loss of Amon, Shido was willing to do this for his friend.
He had so few human ones as it was.