GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Adventures In Bansitting ❯ Part 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part 6:
Ginji snuggled Ban. `Ban-chan, what am I gonna do? I can't do this alone…' he blinked when he felt Shido's hand on his head, and gave Shido a weak smile in return when he started skritching him. `But I'm not really alone, am I?'
“Why are you skritching Gin-chan, Shido?”
Shido scowled and pulled his hand away. “…Shut up, Hevn.”
“Thanks Shido. I needed that,” Ginji smiled brightly at his friend. “I feel better now.”
Shido eyed him carefully, before giving a firm nod and returning to his coffee.
Akabane took his hat from Ban's head, which made Ban whimper and whine as he reached for it. “Well, I must be going, my client has arrived and I don't wish to keep him waiting. Good day.” With a swish of his black coat, Akabane was gone, the only thing even marking his presence in the Honky Tonk was the empty cup of coffee, and the five hundred yen piece as payment for it.
Shido scowled after him. “…Creepy moth-err…um” Shido made a cautious glance at Ban, who was staring after Akabane, or rather, Akabane's hat. “…he's really creepy, isn't he?”
“You already cursed in front of Ban-chan, Shido.”
Shido scowled at Ban, and sighed. “…I tried.”
Ginji nodded, amused. “That you did. I'm proud of you.”
Ban, who was looking rather put out at having the Hat taken away from him, started to sniffle but stopped when Paul placed a hat made out of newspaper on his head. Delighted with the new Hat that made interesting crunching noises Ban's affair with the old Hat was forgotten.
Paul smiled and returned to reading his newspaper… at least, reading the part he hadn't used to make the hat. “So Ginji, what are you gonna do about the jobs?”
“Maybe I can ask Himiko-chan to help me out. I'd ask Shido, but he's gonna be babysitting for the most part, and that's already a big help right there… Speaking of, how much will I have to pay you for watching Ban-chan?”
Shido looked shocked. “Ginji, this is me doing you a favor. You don't have to pay me. That would be like… asking you to pay me for being one of the Four Kings. I didn't follow you because you asked. I followed you because I wanted to, just like I offered to watch the Snake Baby for you. I want to help you.”
Kazuki laid a hand on Ginji's shoulder. “Shido and I are always here for you, Ginji-san. Even if we aren't in the Volts anymore, we're still friends, and friends look out for each other. And I'm sure if Midou-kun could talk right now, he'd-”
“Call us all saps and tell us to shut up.” Shido said, finishing his coffee.
Kazuki laughed at that. “That's most likely his special way of agreeing with us. You do have a point, though; we are starting to sound like something out of a shounen manga.”
Shido rolled his eyes and paid for his coffee. “It's when the bubbles, sparkles and twirl-y transformation sequences start happening that we'll truly need to start worrying. That's when we'll know that we broke out of shounen manga territory and into shoujo manga territory, and that's just bad. You don't need to become Magical Girl Kazu-chan, or whatever. You're girly enough as it is.”
Kazuki reached out to whack Shido upside the head, even as they both laughed. Shido was probably the only one truly allowed to get away with teasing Kazuki about his feminine looks, probably because Kazuki teased him right back about being an uncouth barbarian.
Ginji snorted and tickled Ban. “Uncle Shido and Uncle Kazuki are silly, aren't they, Ban-chan?”
Ban giggled and tucked himself against Ginji, yawning.
“Time for someone's nap, huh?” Shido watched, amused, as Ban clutched the paper hat Paul gave him in a death grip, even in sleep. “See, like this, you can't tell that he's usually a raving bitch. Like this, he's almost-”
“Cute?” Kazuki eyed Shido, amused.
Tolerable. I will never find Snake Baby cute. Ever.”
Kazuki examined his nails. “Uh huh. Sure. We believe you, Shido.”
Ginji smiled as he watched Kazuki and Shido leave (“Admit it, you think Ban as an infant is cute.” “No I don't.” “Yes you do. You know you do.” “I do not think Snake Baby is cute!” “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.” “Look, pal, the only lady here is you!”), and cuddled Ban close.
`Don't worry Ban-chan. You'll be safe with them. They are your friends, you just don't know it yet.'
End Part 6