GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Ask Me No Questions and I'll Tell You No Lies ❯ Ask Me No Questions ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: It's been a while, kids! I hope that people still read this manga, it is one of my favs-EVER. After a like…four year hiatus, I have edited this chapter and I plan on posting another by the end of the week. Yay me! Loves y'all. Whaaaaaaat.
A note had seemed like a good idea at the time--personal, yet formal, thoughtful yet decisive. Ginji couldn't really stomach the idea of telling Ban to his face. Ban wouldn't understand Ginji's reasons for leaving, and Ginji was very happy to use this as an excuse rather than admit that it wasn't Ban's not understanding that he was scared of, it was everything that came after that--Ban would never let him leave without knowing why, and Ginji was just not able to tell him, so it was kind of a Catch 22, you see. The chicken or the egg.
But obviously that had been a bad idea, and so now Ginji was running, running from the last person he ever thought he'd be running from. Because Ban had found the note. Because Ban had reacted exactly as Ginji had expected. Because Ginji hadn't exactly gotten the head start he had thought because Ban was on time for once. Now he was running towards an abandoned attempt at a metro tunnel that the government had pulled the plug on once they found out they would have to drill through 2 miles of solid bedrock. Now it was serving as Ginji's base camp as he regrouped and decided exactly where his plan to flee was going to take him.
Ginji glanced behind him and panted a small sigh of relief as he saw no Ban in sight, he had almost made it to the cave (as he thought of it--the construction really hadn't gotten that far). He was going to make it, and hopefully Ban wouldn't hate him forever for leaving for no reason, but he would hate him more if he knew why.
His lungs burned as the cool, damp air of the tunnel greeted him. Suddenly, the ground was much closer than it had been before as his face slammed onto the hard packed earth, and the lungs that had been previously burning were now completely devoid of air.
His lungs burned as the cool, damp air of the tunnel greeted him. Suddenly, the ground was much closer than it had been before as his face slammed onto the hard packed earth, and the lungs that had been previously burning were now completely devoid of air.
Trying to regain his breath and reorient himself, Ginji discovered he couldn't move his legs, due to the powerful arms wrapped around his knees like bands of steel. He gasped as he was suddenly flipped onto his back and yanked roughly backwards. Ginji found himself staring into a pair of very angry eyes...very Ban-ish eyes.
Come to mention it, the rest of his captor looked pretty Ban-ish too...spiky hair, lanky, solid frame...Luckily, he was hallucinating from that little run-in with the tunnel floor, because the Ban-a-like looked pretty pissed as he settled between Ginji's legs, effectively pinning him down while securing both his wrists with one hand above his head.
"Don' away from me again," the Ban-a-like hissed between his teeth. With a sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach, Ginji slowly began to accept that he may, in fact, be lucid, which was a much worse place to be than knocked out by a rock. He briefly wondered if there were any rocks within head-butting range. With his free hand, Ban grabbed Ginji's face and forced him to look him in the eyes. "" Ban gritted out.
"Get. Off. Of. Me." Ginji bit out. Ginji knew he was taking a risk, he could feel the rage rolling off of Ban already. He jerked his head to the side and stared at the cave wall. Looking at Ban would only make it worse, he already felt like the biggest fool on the planet. Solar system, even. Universe? The possiblities were endless and Ginji momentarily forgot that he was laying on the floor of a cave with Ban between his legs as he realized just how big the galaxy was.
As Ban shifted, Ginji was jerked back to Earth as he suddenly became painfully aware of where Ban's...package...was resting. He also became extremely uncomfortable once he realized that his body had been unconsciously reacting. Gingerly, he sucked in his stomach, trying to shift his hips so that they came in the least amount of contact with Ban's perfectly lean, hardened, sculpted...Ginji shook his head desperately, those thoughts were making his body a little too hardened.
For a few minutes, neither Ban nor Ginji moved and as the uncomfortable silence prolonged, Ginji wondered what Ban was thinking, until he finally spoke. "We'll sit here all day til you give me your word, Ginji" Ban said coldly, calmly.
Ginji raised an eyebrow. He was waiting for a promise? The thought surprised him a little, as Ban was the least trusting individual he knew. What good did he think a promise would do him? Had he really chased him down just for that? Getting a little irritated, Ginji expelled a loud, drawn-out sigh and rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to say the words...and rolled swiftly to his left, jerking his hands down and out to break Ban's grasp while simultaneously kicking out with his right foot to dislodge Ban's dead weight. Ban grunted in surprise and Ginji could taste freedom as he scrambled to his feet.
Aaaand suddenly his face was pressed back against the floor and as a brief struggle ensued, Ginji realized his plan had gone very, very wrong. Now, instead of having some kind of control, Ginji was pinned against the floor with his arms locked behind his back...with Ban's hips resting between his legs, nestled between his cheeks.
Ginji groaned, the situation was painful and definitely not the right time, but he couldn't help but become even more aware of his arousal, which was currently being rather uncomfortably pressed into the floor. Luckily, Ban seemed to take his groan as a sound of defeat rather than arousal. Ginji could feel Ban's warm breath puffing against his ear, and from the sounds of it, he was making a distinct effort to control his breathing. He was totally pissed. Not good.
Ginji toyed with the idea of giving Ban a quick zap, but he quickly discarded that idea, he would only be digging his hole deeper at this point--Ban had grown something of an immunity to lightning, if that was humanely possible, but of course Ban wasn't completely human.
A low growl came from some direction behind him and Ginji was unnerved to realize that it was Ban and not an animal, somewhat ironically interrupting Ginji's thoughts on his humanity.
"What. In God's name. Would make you think that was a good idea?" Ban's lips were so close, Ginji felt like he could feel them grazing the curve of his ear, tongue darting out to trace the ridges before his teeth caught Ginji's lobe and softly, sharply, nibbled. Ginji started out of his daydream as he remembered that Ban had just asked a question. He idly wondered what the question had been. "Why won't you say anything, you bastard?" Ban shouted, clearly letting frustration and irritation win out over his up til now unusual amount of patience.
Ginji opened his mouth, not really sure what he was intending to say, when Ban shifted slightly, wiggling to settle his hips more comfortably between Ginji's thighs. Instead of words, Ginji groaned at the sensation, not realizing until it was too late to cut the sound off. Ban immediately stilled behind him, and Ginji held his breath, waiting for the disgust and harsh words that were sure to come.
At first nothing happened. Then, Ginji almost groaned again as Ban slowly, deliberately this time, shifted his hips again, thrusting forward slightly. Ginji resisted to urge to arch his hips backwards to meet Ban's, but almost lost the fight when he felt Ban's lips near his ear again, and this time, it was definitely not his imagination.
"Ginji?" Ban questioned.
"Yes?" Ginji attempted to respond in the most collected voice possible, trying to ignore the shivers that the vibrations from Ban's voice were giving him.
"Ginji why are you avoiding my questions?" Ban asked, letting each movement of his lips graze against Ginji's ear. Feeling the need to point out that Ban had not really asked any questions but had made a couple demands, Ginji opened his mouth to respond, but found himself whimpering instead as Ban began to slowly, rhythmically thrust forward, pressing Ginji's arousal into the floor no longer in a painful way, but now in a stimulating way. His mouth floundering to find words, Ginji frantically wondered why Ban was doing this. Was he just trying to humiliate him even further?
"I'm not" Ginji finally managed to gasp out--Ban had not let up on his constant, rhythmic movements and though his response had been completely lame, he felt like he was about to explode and didn't trust himself to say anything further without some long and embarassing noise finding its way out of his throat.
"What'd you say? Stop mumbling," Ban replied, much louder and more obnoxious than Ginji thought he really needed to be. As Ginji opened his mouth to repeat what he had said, he realized it had been a ploy as Ban took that exact moment to lightly run his nails down Ginji's spine. When had Ban's hand found its way under his shirt?
"Uuuuuuhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn." was the only strangled sound that Ginji's throat could produce as he lost control under those nimble fingers, his hips breaking free and thrusting roughly backwards towards Ban. Then it was Ginji's turn to gloat, as this elicited a harsh gasp from Ban. So Ban wasn't unaffected by all this after all.
That knowledge led Ginji to be more daring. Hesitantly, he wiggled backwards some more and elicited another groan from Ban. Ginji was triumphant `til he realized he didn't really know what to do with the knowledge that Ban reacted the same way to him as he did to Ban.
It ended up that Ginji didn't have to do anything as Ban took matters into his own hands. Literally. Releasing Ginji's arms from where he had held them behind his back with one hand, Ban sat up behind Ginji, leaning slightly back, and cupped Ginji's cheeks with his palms and squeezed. Ginji choked back a moan.
"You know," Ban spoke to the silence, "I kind of like you like this, it's very quiet, very peaceful." Smoothly, he slipped one hand under Ginji's hips and pulled him to his knees. His other hand darted around and cupped Ginji's throbbing, neglected arousal.
"Baaaaaaaaaaan!" Ginji shouted, barely controlling his reaction to the sudden attention his manhood was receiving.
"Well, no, I take it back, I think I like you better like this." Ban replied thoughtfully, stroking Ginji's painfully swollen member, in smooth, deliberate motions. After about thirty seconds, Ginji was mewling and panting like a kitten.
"Why...are you doing this?" Ginji managed to gasp out.
"Nn nn. You answer my question first. Only fair."
"I ran because I was scared."
" that way again..."
"Because...uuuuunnnnn...I was afraid you were going to hate me when you found out."
"Obviously, that's probably not an issue, but let's run with this. When I found out what?"
", that I want you..." Ginji mumbled.
"Mmmm. And?"
"And what?"
"And where do you want me?" Ban whispered into Ginji's ear, nipping along the delicate shell, "On top?" Ban traced with his tongue, "Or behind?" he snuck his tongue into the sensitive inner curves. Shuddering, Ginji dimly realized that there was a choice to be made, but his brain was currently the consistency of applesauce, and the lump of mush just wasn't making any decisions that day.
After some incoherent attempts at an answer, Ban finally put Ginji out of his misery "Fine. I guess I'll have to help you decide." Ginji was certain that Ban was smirking. Conceited bastard.
Ban's hands suddenly disappeared from Ginji's body and Ginji moaned in protest, his body was to the point of breaking. Dimly he heard the sound of clothing falling to the floor and looking over his shoulder, Ginji eagerly took in Ban's lean, lithe frame, from his perfectly toned shoulders to his washboard abs and tapered hips as Ban threw his shirt on the ground. Turning to lay on his side while reclining on his elbow, Ginji let his eyes drift as Ban slipped his pants down his hips...and immediately shot his eyes back up to Ban's face and gulped.
For such a lean guy, Ban was uh...well, Ban was tall everywhere. A little nervous now, with the laws of physics and geometry racing through his mind, Ginji brought his eyes up to meet Ban's. He felt like he'd been punched in the stomach as his breath was sucked out of his body. He found himself physically immobilized by the lust in those eyes that were watching his every movement, waiting for his reaction. Obviously, they saw the right reaction because a millisecond later, Ginji was on his back again, flattened into the floor for the third time that day. This time, though, Ban was straddling Ginji and pulling insistently on his vest and t-shirt. Scrambling, he helped Ban relieve him of the rest of his clothing, especially his pants, which had recently become extremely restrictive.
Finally naked, both groaned as their arousals met, their bodies bumping together in a slick mix of sweat and sex. Ban grabbed Ginji's wrist and with a sense of deja vu, Ginji once more found himself with his wrists pinned above his head, except this time was much more pleasant. Ban plunged his other hand into Ginji's soft hair, pulling his head back and exposing his neck. Alternatingly, he nipped, kissed and soothed with his tongue a blazing trail from Ginji's ear down his neck and to his chest. Ginji hissed as Ban's teeth found a sensitive nub of a nipple. His tongue lavved over it, while his other hand crept down from Ginji's hair to toy with the twin. Ginji's head was swimming with pleasure and he barely registered it when his wrists were released--he was wondering how much more teasing and torture he could take when stars exploded beneath his eyelids.
He felt a hand holding him down as his body bucked up convulsively in response to the hot, wet warmth enveloping the tip of his penis. As Ban's tongue slid down his length and his mouth slowly followed, Ginji found himself turning into one big mass of sensitive nerve endings, every part of his body was on fire.
"Baaaan, Ban, please!" Ginji cried out in a strangled voice.
"Pweeeez whaaaa?" Ban mumbled around his mouthful and Ginji gave a hoarse scream as the vibrations from the back of Ban's throat reverbrated down his shaft.
"Be-behind me!" Ginji finally stuttered out, the walls of the cave swimming at the edges of his vision. In an instant, Ginji found himself on his hand and knees again, feeling strangely vulnerable this time as he couldn't feel Ban behind him. Wondering what had happened, Ginji looked over his shoulder and saw Ban fiddling with something from his back pocket, and then there was warm, hard heat behind him again. He gasped a little as he felt a cool, slick finger slowly easing its way inside him, and sighed as it slide all the way home. Another two fingers were added and just as Ginji got nervous as to why Ban felt he might need to add a fourth, the fingers slid out, leaving him with an empty feeling.
Ginji whimpered, a sound which turned into a moan as the emptiness was replaced by a hot, slick pressure. A large hot, slick pressure. Ginji felt himself tensing up until a lubed-up hand quickly slipped around him and grasped his shaft again and began to pump. Distracted, Ginji did little more than gasp when the head of Ban's member finally pushed past his tight ring, the rest of his length sliding in smoothly. Quickly, Ban began rocking his hips behind Ginji, who was also quickly beginning to push his own back. Taking hold of Ginji's hips, Ban pulled almost completely out and slid smoothly back in, burying himself to the hilt. Both boys cried out at the sensation.
Ban began slowly, building up speed, until Ginji felt like he was going to be pounded into the ground. Ban made a few quick adjustments mid-stroke and suddenly Ginji was seeing stars again, as Ban hit his sweet spot over and over. The pressure mounted until it was unbearable and with a few long strokes from Ban, Ginji screamed as he released, his body prickling with energy.
Ban buried a hand in Ginji's hair as one hand remained on his hip, and pounding in a few last strokes Ginji cried out as he felt himself filled by hot, slick liquid, causing another ripple of release to shudder through his body. Unable to hold himself and Ban up any longer, Ginji collapsed to the ground, Ban's solid weight settling on top of him. They layed there for a moment before either could finally bring themselves to move. With as little effort as possible, Ban slipped out of Ginji with a wet "pop" and both oversensitized boys shuddered with the sensation.
Rolling off, Ginji felt Ban snake his arms around him and turn his body so that they were spooning. They were covered in a rapidly cooling sticky mess, but neither had the energy to think of how to clean it up. Ginji was drifting off to sleep, head cushioned on Ban's arm when he felt Ban's lips against his ear. Shivering, he smiled. Then, his eyes shot open in surprise as Ban whispered, "Idiot."
"Baaan, what was that for?"
"Well idiot," Ban said, in what Ginji swore was a grumpy tone, "all you had to do was ask." Ginji smiled as he made no response and snuggled farther back, touching Ban wherever he could. Ban continued muttering to himself as Ginji drifted off to sleep "...had to chase his ass down..." Ginji smiled. "....coulda done this a lot sooner..." Ginji's eyes drifted shut. "...coulda done this in a bed..." Ginji chuckled as he slipped into some very pleasant dreams, where Ban discovered that payback was a bitch. Oh yes, he definitely wouldn't know what hit him.
Sorry to all those who forced themselves to read this poorly written smut all the way through--I have no shame :) <3 ElizzzaBear. If this goes over well, I may write a sequel, but this is my first real field trip into fanfiction, so please read and review if you have the time. Thanks!
Sorry to all those who forced themselves to read this poorly written smut all the way through--I have no shame :) <3 ElizzzaBear. If this goes over well, I may write a sequel, but this is my first real field trip into fanfiction, so please read and review if you have the time. Thanks!
1/30/2011: Alright, so after a long….long…time, I have finally come back to this! I have edited this chapter so that it doesn't suck as much as it used too (not saying much, but whatev). I am so sorry for the delay. I will be posting another chapter to this story THIS WEEK. That's right kids. This is my excuse to procrastinate while in grad school. Isn't that a great reason? :D