GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ One Minute/Eternity ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Minute/Eternity

by KatiKat

I tore at the chains, the spikes in the leather manacles biting into the flesh on my wrists. I bit my lip against the pain. I felt something warm and wet sliding down my arms. I didn´t have to look to know that it was blood. I don´t know how long he kept me chained here to the bed already. Minutes? Hours? I had no idea. At first I struggled violently, using all the power of my lightning to get away, but nothing helped. He knew me better than I thought because there was nothing the dim lit bedroom that I could use my electricity on.

The door creaked and I looked to the right. There, framed by the light coming from the other room, he stood. I couldn´t see him clearly, for my eyes were used to the darkness of the bedroom and the bright light hurt. I squinted and he laughed. It was a dark, demonic laughter that sent chills down my back and deep into my soul.

He stepped into the bedroom, a trail of cigarette smoke following him, and closed the door behind him. I heard him draw on the cigarette, then expel the smoke through his nose, looking like some ancient dragon. He moved closer to the bed and then sat down by my feet. I tried to draw my legs away from him, but he caught one of my naked ankles and pulled me back hard.

I cried out as the metal spikes in my manacles tore through my flesh again. He gave a laugh again, sliding his warm hand up the chilled skin of my leg. I tried to pull away again, but felt his sharp fingernails dig deep into my flesh as a warning. I stopped moving and held my breath in terrified anticipation.

His hand traveled up and up my leg. He stopped on my inner thigh and started to massage it in small circles. I didn´t allow myself to relax for I knew that this was just another part of his game.

He moved up the bed, so that he was now sitting by my hip, his hand still resting near my crotch. He drew from the cigarette again, then leaned closer and blew the smoke in my face. I started to cough and turned my head to the side to escape the smell of tobacco. He laughed and leaned even closer, his tongue touching my neck and sliding up and up to my ear.

"I love to see you naked, helpless... at my mercy..." he purred into my ear and even though my eyes were fixed on the wall beside the bed, I knew he was smirking slyly.

I swallowed, my throat parched. What was I doing here? How did I get here? I couldn´t remember. The only thing I did remember was his words... "You need to be punished, Ginji. You´ve been such a bad boy, didn´t take care of your friends... let them be hurt... But now you will get what you deserve..." And then nothing.

I yelped in pain as he grabbed my genitals tightly into his fist, twisting them a little. "Now, now... I don´t like it when your attention drifts, Ginji. I want to make sure that you enjoy our night together," he admonished me in a gentle voice that belied the painful grip he had on the most tender part of my body. He gave my testicles one last, hard twist, making me scream. Then he let me go, bringing the cigarette back to his lips.

"Hm, your mouth looks so good, like a ripe fruit... But we can´t have you scream too loudly. We must think of our neighbors after all." His voice was low, as if he really did wanted to do the best for our neighbors' sake.

Before I could even blink properly, he caught my left nipple between his index finger and his thumb and twisted it hard. I opened my mouth to scream. In the same moment he thrust a ball gag between my lips, putting the cigarette between his lips, so that he could secure it behind my head. I started to thrash, trying to get it off, to break the bonds even though I knew it was futile. He just leaned back and watched me, the smoking cigarette hanging from his lips.

When I ceased my fighting because I was just too tired, he caressed the damp hair on the top of my head. "There, there... wasn´t so bad, was it?" he asked in a gentle voice.

I lay there panting, droplets of sweat running down the side of my face. My crotch was still stinging from the unexpected pain and now my jaw ached from the ball that successfully gagged my mouth. I felt like crying, so I closed my eyes. I knew that he would really enjoy my tears.

"Now... where should we start, little one," he said, as if he really expected me to answer him. "Ah, yes... this is as good place as any."

Before I managed to open my eyes, a horrendous, burning pain seared my right nipple. My eyes snapped open and I arched my back, throwing my head backwards. I screamed as loudly as I could behind the gag, tears spilling from my eyes. I bit hard on the ball, my teeth and jaws flashing with pain. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room. When the sharp pain was gone and only the aching, burning sensation remained, I sagged in my bonds and finally managed to look at him. He was smiling at me and he twirled his cigarette between his thumb and his index finger.

"It´s good, huh? I know you like it. You need it. You wanted it," he whispered, voice full of lust.

I didn´t want it. I couldn´t take it. My lighting maybe couldn´t get me out of my bonds, but it could keep him away. I closed my eyes and started to draw power from some place deep inside myself. He must have known, must have felt it, for suddenly a strong hand gripped my throat, cutting my air supply. My eyes flew open once again and I looked at him in fear.

"Nya, nya," he chastised me, shaking his head. "Leave it be, otherwise I will feel the need to cause more lasting damage than that. Electricity is good, but I´m stronger and faster than you and if I flex my fingers the right way, I will break your neck. And we wouldn´t want that, would we?" he asked, waiting for my answer. When I shook my head just a little, he smiled, released my throat and patted my cheek. "Good boy. So, where were we?"

I don´t remember much from the next hour. My body was swimming in a sea of pain until every part of me was aching. My chest and limbs were slick with blood from small cuts and slashes he drew across my skin.

He held the silver knife against my cheek, leaving a shallow cut behind. "Akabane would be proud of me," he said, the awful smirk still painted on his lips.

I was hoarse from screaming and beyond caring about what would happen to me now. I just wanted him to be done and finished, but he didn´t look like he wanted to stop any time soon. He looked like he was enjoying himself immensely.

"Now, the package looks good," he said, drawing the knife lightly down the center of my chest. "Maybe we should take a look inside next?" He continued the travel of the knife, over my navel. When the blade reached my pubic hair, he stopped and looked me directly in the eyes. "What do you think, Ginji?"

I knew my eyes must have been full of pain and horror. He didn´t think... he didn´t want... He must have read the dread in my eyes, because he threw his head backwards, laughing. "Oh, don´t worry. I don´t mean to stick this-" he put more pressure onto the knife, until I felt the sharp tip bite into the skin above my manhood "-into you. It would look lovely, but I want to keep you a bit longer, you know?"

I looked at him in confusion. If he didn´t mean... then what did he... Finally I got my answer. He stood up, laying the knife down on the nightstand. He then proceeded to undress himself. First his shoes - he wore no socks - then the shirt, pants and underwear landed on a messy heap on the floor. He stood there proudly and my eyes traveled down his body. I swallowed, my eyes widening with terror. He was hard and he was taunting me with it.

He caressed his erect manhood lightly with the tips of his fingers a couple of times and smiled at me. "I knew you would like it."

When he moved around the bed, I shook my head wildly, bringing my legs close together. For a moment I forgot all the stinging pain all over my body. Torture was one thing, but this... This wasn´t punishment. This was cruelty beyond measure. I cried and tore at my bonds, begging him to stop, not to do this to me, but the only sound that passed the gag was a muffled moan.

Like a predator he stalked around the bed, as if looking for the right place, right position to continue my torture. Suddenly he was on the bed by my feet. With one move he tore my legs apart with a bruising strength. I cried out as his fingers dug deeply into my flesh, bruising it. He moved between my legs that he held spread, his intentions clear. He caught my legs under the knees and used his strength to push them up and up, until he lifted my bottom from the bed just a little.

"How sweet..." he whispered, looking down at me. I had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed like I did at this very moment. He licked his lips and I shuddered, still shaking my head wildly. "Oh yes, I´ll really enjoy this ride."

He let my bent legs fall back on either side of his body and before I could even draw a breath, he caught his hard manhood in his right hand, dug it between my buttocks and in one swift, tearing move he pushed into me, ripping me apart.

He moaned in delight. I screamed in such intense pain the like of which I never felt before, my eyes rolling back into my head. Darkness started to envelop my senses and when he started to move, to pound into me and rut like an animal, I thankfully passed out...



I spooned behind Ginji and wound my arms around him. His eyes were closed, eyebrows drawn together. I caressed his flushed face, pushing his bangs from the sweat dampened forehead. I felt him tremble in my arms, he shook and moaned silently. I shut my eyes tightly, drawing him even closer to me. I never knew one minute could be that long.

I didn´t understand why Ginji felt the need to be punished in such horrendous way. Why he felt from time to time the desire for me to tear him apart, humiliate him and hurt him. I felt it building up in his body the last couple of days. Before one of his episodes our lovemaking would grow wilder and more desperate until he screamed at me to hurt him, to make him bleed. But no matter what monster I was, I just couldn´t do it. No matter how he begged and pleaded, I just couldn´t. He didn´t deserve it, no matter how much he was convinced otherwise. And that´s why we came up with this solution.

One minute of pure torture. One minute that felt like a whole night of suffering for him. I heard the clock on the nightstand count the seconds that were still left of his ordeal and I bit my lower lip to keep myself from screaming for him. Why? Why did he do it to himself? To me? To us?

I felt him arch his back against me, his hands balled in fists, knuckles white from the pressure. A keening sound tore from his throat and I had to clench my teeth tightly against the pain in his voice.

And suddenly, his body went limp in my arms. He passed out, just like usually. One minute was over. The ordeal was over...

For a couple of days...

I drew his unresponsive body even more tightly against me, kissing the damp hair on the top of his head. I tried not to cry... I tried...

But I failed...


The End