GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ The Merry Month of Fuyuki Fanfic! ❯ Day 1: Winter Tree ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Winter Tree
Author: AquaianGoddess/Christina
Rating: PG-13 for smooching?
Pairings: Shido/Ban
Summery: Shido's hiding from Madoka's Holiday party
Warnings: Uh, no idea, really. Angst? Shido and Ban kiss? There's talk of being drunk? I dunno, it's a ficlet thing!
Disclaimer: GetBackers isn't mine, I just like to borrow them and torture them for a bit.
The cold managed to seep through to Shido's bones even with the layers of thick sweaters and long sleeved shirts, but it wasn't enough to drive him back inside where it was warm and where Madoka's holiday party was in full swing.

He could hear Ginji's laughter as they played some silly game or whatever it was that they were doing. Shido stood outside and watched the snow fall, cold, harsh and vicious as any snow storm he had ever seen. His thoughts drifted to those back in Mugenjou, and hoped that they had managed to find blankets and a warm place to wait out the storm. Especially the little ones of Emishi's clan, even though Emishi was here and had the word of MakubeX that everyone would be taken care of this holiday.

His thoughts drifted to his father, and the earliest snow fall he could remember, he was on his shoulders and laughing as the snow fell onto the little village, covering the trees in white.

'We are the Winter Tree, strong and resiliant even in the coldest of times,' his father had said.

There was a sound behind him, startling him out of his memory. "....Midou."

"So here's where you've been hiding. Don't worry, I won't tell; just wanted to have a smoke is all." Ban's tongue was loosened with drink as he gave Shido a slightly drunken half smile as he lit a cigarette. "Damn cold to be out without a coat, isn't it?"

"It doesn't bother me that much."

"Damn lucky it doesn't bother you. If it weren't for wanting a stupid cigarette I wouldn't even be out here." Ban hunched his shoulders against the cold, taking a long drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out of his nostrils. "You look down, Monkey Tamer."

"What do you care?"

"I don't, really, but I'm drunk and I'm out here anyway."

"I was just remembering, Midou. From when I was little."

"Yeah? When I was little I saw a snow storm like this. My first winter in Germany."

Shido turned to Ban. "Why are you doing this?"

"Ginji thought you could use a bit of cheer. It's the holidays, after all. I'm being nice, Merry Christmas."

Shido snorted. "How kind of you." He froze then, when he felt soft lips on his jaw.

"No, seriously, Fuyuki. Merry Christmas."

Shido wasn't sure what made him turn and take Ban's face in his hands, or what made him kiss the smaller man, but Ban's mouth was warm and Shido drank it down greedily, latching onto that brandy and smoke tasting warmth, practically trapping Ban against the wall as his kiss grew hungrier and Ban's cigarette fell from uncaring fingers as Ban wrapped his arms around Shido's neck, fingers threading through the larger man's hair.

When Shido finally pulled away, panting and maybe a little horrified at what he had done, Ban gave him a dizzy drunken smile. "Lucky me. I get kisses even when there's no mistletoe."

"Why did you-?"

"Why do you have to question everything I do, Fuyuki? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

"And what is this?"

"Part of your christmas gift. A gift which I'd like to continue inside, if you don't mind, I'd rather not lose anything vital to frostbite."

Shido followed Ban back inside, but with one last look at the storm outside. Perhaps his father was right.

But that was something to think about on a different night, when well-meaning snakes wouldn't be seducing him.