Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Fan Fiction ❯ Motoko Kidnapped ❯ The Next Day ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The next day

Batou awake with a naked Major in his arms. He smiled and pulled her in closer to his own naked body and kisses her hair. He had this funny feeling he was been watch. He turns and looks at the end of the bed. To see Ishikawa standing there. Ishikawa smile and said ''you guys are so busted''.''Shup if you wake her I’ll...but he don't get to finish. What he was going to say. Because the Major rolled over in her sleep and moan in a dreamer voice'' Ooh Batou''. Ishikawa throw Batou's clothes to him and walk out of the room. So he could get dress. Went Batou came out of the room.

He went up to Ishikawa and asks ''Why are you here?''. ''I was looking for you and had a funny feeling you would be here. What happen? Wait don't tell. Yeah do tell me what happen''. Batou told him everything from the Major saying she love him, To the Chief saying they could stay together. If anybody find out about it was over but Batou didn't tell him about the sex. Ishikawa already guess why they were naked.

''She was scared that’s why you stayed the night. That still does not answered why you had sex with her. If I slept with every woman that told me she was scared. I’ll be like Paz''. They laughs at this because. They knew what Paz was like with the ladies.'' Well we both wanted it and it sort of.........Kinder happen. ”Was it good’’? ''It was the best sex I've ever had. You want tell anyone will you''. ''No it goes without saying. Is she really that good''. ''I hope aim better than just good but it has been along time for me''.

They turn around to see the Major in her bedroom doorway. She had the bed sheet warp around her. She walks over and sat next to Batou. Batou and Ishikawa were still in stocked about what she said. That it took them a minute to let it sink in.’ How long have you been there’ said Batou. ''Long enother' 'and smile at Ishikawa who blushed. Ishikawa just look at her. He said to himself. (This is an other side to Major he had never seen before. He had seen her with men before, but went she was with them. She is not so open. As she is with Batou)

''The big question here is. Can you guys keep your hands of each other? And went you get back the guys would like. To know where that kiss come from''. ''Well will say it was a one of thing’ said the Major.’ Well I better be off you know work. Well see you there if you get there'' said Ishikawa and wink at Batou. Once Iskihkawa left Bayou lean in and kiss her. ''Batou we should get to work''. Batou nodded and she got up and went to get dress. Once dressed she hugged Batou and kiss him.

They got into Batou's car and there were off. Batou looked at her in the morning light. As they were driving along.’’What are you looking at'' said the Major playful.’ You look so beautiful in the morning light''. ''Really Aim even better at night’ Said the Major Batou just smiled. ''Batou its truth. Aim the best you ever had''. ''Yes''. They have just got in the car park and Batou said ''Are you ready''.She nodded her head. They got out of the car, Walked to the stairs. The Major had a flashback. She kept on seeing his face. In her mind it scared her. The last thing she'd saw was Batou's back. Than she started to fall.

Batou turn his head around to see the Major on the floor. He had taken Motoko to the doctor's hanger. He went to dive room. Everybody look at him.’ Come to get your belongs’ Said Paz.''No''. ''What do you mean no. You look dead tried Batou.What happen last night’ said Saito. Batou didn't answer he just sat next to Ishikawa. ''Smile Batou you saved the Major. No man has ever done that before or if that doesn’t help. ''Thing of something to make you smile’ Said Paz. Batou smile at what happen last night. How the Major was screaming and moaning his name. He could hear her still in his mind screaming''BATOU''at the top of her voice.''See there you go''.

The Chief walked in''What are you smile about’ Said the Chief ''Nothing’ Said Batou.''How's the Major doing?''Ask Batou.''She fine the doctor said.The reason she faded was because.Went she was going up the stairs. She'd remember about the attack and she just black out''Said the chief. ''Are telling us the Major black out. Because of one guy''Said ishikawa. ''That's what aim telling you''Said the chief. ''The major is scared he might come back''Said Batou. Everybody was shocked by this. Paz was about to say something but the doors open it was the Major. The Major stop in her tracks. Everybody was looking at her. ''What are you guys look at'' Snapped the Major. ''Nothing Major'' They all said together. ''Major do you know who kidnapped you?''Ask the chief.

''Coal green my ex-lover we were going to get marred, But I left him waiting at the church. I have been in hiding all this time. I would like to know how he'd find me. The only person that know me by. My real name and the name aim use now is Leo'' said the Major. Batou was shocked went Motoko said her name wasn't really Motoko. What was it he'd wonder. ''I'll need some to come with me because. Leo will shoot anything on sight''said the Major. ''I’ll go’ said Batou. Batou wasn't going because of the guy would shoot her on the spot. He was going to find out her real name.

Once they got their weapons. They got into Batou's car and were off. Batou was diving the car. ''So what is your real name?''ask Batou. First the Major just looked at him. ''So you are not going to tell me’ said Batou. ''My real name is Amaya Ishikawa''. ''You have the same last name as Ishikawa''. ''yep''said the Major ''Amaya I like it'' said Batou. ''But no telling anyone got it’ said the Major. ''Got it’ Said Batou. She has just told me something about her past life. She must really trust me Batou said to himself.

They just park the car went in at the froth. Went gun shoots came from one of the building floors. ''Looks like I was right Leo hasn't changed a bit'' said the Major. They start to walk up the stairs. Batou got behind Amaya. Just in case she dose not black out again. Half way up the stair they came to a door. They heard someone walking around. The Major open the door. The man looked at her. ''Amaya Ishikawa you look sexy as ever. Oh and you bring a friend with you. I thought you didn't want anyone. To know that you know me''said the men.

''Hello Leo how is coal wait a minute. I already know how his going,But how does she know that. I bet your asking yourself. How do you think leo?''. ''Look it's not what you think''said Leo. ''Then what is it?''. ''Well I didn't tell him''. ''Your the only person on this earth. That knows the fact that Iam not dead. Everybody that knows iam Amaya Ishikawa. Thinks Iam six feet under''.

Leo didn't know what to say. Then he start to staired at Batou. ''Is this you new boyfriend Amaya?''said Leo. ''He is just a work mate''said Amaya. ''Find i'll tell you told him it was Akio''said leo. ''And how did he know Iam still alive?''ask Amaya. ''It was me''said Leo.
After he said that Amaya grab the froth of his shirt. ''Don't lever town because i'll be back for you,and if you do lever and I have to hunt you down. I'll kill you understand''Said amaya in a very low angry voice. With that Amaya turn around.

Open the door and give Batou a look to follower her. Once in the car Batou said ''Just a work mate''. ''I don't want him to know. So he can blab to Coal about it. He was liying Akio is in jail. I know i put him there'' Said the Major. ''Are you ok?''. ''Yeah but iam missing you all ready''said Motoko. Batou didn't get at first. Then she give him a wink. Then he know what she meant. He smiled that this,Because the Major missed his body on top of hers.

Once they got back to HQ . The Major went to tell the Chief. Batou went to the dive room. Ishikawa was in there. ''Well how did it go?''ask Ishikawa. ''All right Amaya. I mean the Major is talking to the Chief right now''. ''Say that again''. ''Major's speaking with the Chief''. ''No that what you called the Major''. ''What you talking about?''ask Batou acting dumb. ''Didn't you just call the Major Amaya?''. ''Did i?''said Batou. ''Don't act dumb''said Ishikawa. ''Find but don't tell anyone Amaya Ishikawa is the Major's real name''. ''Really her name is Amaya Ishikawa pretty''. ''Your only saying that because you got the same last name",but before Ishikawa replied. The Chief and Major walked in the room.

''It looks like we have no leads on Cole or Leo. It looks like will have to wait for them to make their move. So the Major has agreed to go home and wait for Cole to attack. Batou you well lead the team. You guys well watch the Major every move until he shows up. Make sure you are well hined. Went he turns up. You wait until he thinks there all alone. Then you get the son of a bitch. Major just do what you normal do went your at home. Ishikawa go and find out as mush as you can about leo son.Went you find out where he is. Keep an good eye on him. Batou you take the rest of The team use all the tacikoma''
said the Chief. ''Well i'll starts to head home then''said the Major. She want to tell the Chief on, But thought it was a waste of time even trying. So went along with it.