Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Fan Fiction ❯ My Magical Gate Experience Was Ruined, As I Expected ❯ YGS: 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 18

[Yao Ha Ducy]

“Please, can you help me!” I cried to the men in green. “My village is under attack from a dragon. I beg assistance!” They looked confused. They tried to answer, badly. I was directed elsewhere.

“Itami might, but Hikigaya would be quicker. Ask Hikigaya,” said one of the men. I asked where to find this Hikigaya. I was directed to a building with a guard outside. I repeated me request to speak with Hikigaya. Eventually a squint eyes weasel of a man slouched out to eye me with suspicion.

“I’m Hikigaya. Who are you?” he asked me. This man was going to help me? I would have to use my charms, as instructed by the village elders. I changed my stance and opened my cloak to show off my assets.

“Whoa lady, I’m not in the market for hookers. I’m married,” he denied turning away. I blinked, then started my request about the dragon. He stopped and turned back to me.

“Dragon eh? Red fire dragon?” he asked. I agreed that was the one. “Missing its left upper leg?” That was the one.

“Hmm. Come in then.” I followed. With some help from a blue haired mage sitting in his office who was able to translate, I showed where my village was on a map.

“Hmm. Do you have anything to trade?” he asked. I showed our tribes treasure, a huge diamond. His eyes glittered. “That will do.” The man used some device and spoke to it, obviously some kind of magic and offered me a token to the mess tent. The blue mage came with me to help with supplies.

I purchased a red book to help translate to the language the green men spoke, some food and a writing instrument called a Pen. I was able to refill my canteen and purchase some compact sweet grain bars, something they called “granola”. I also was shown to a food tent and given a proper meal. After I finished eating two young women, humans, approached me. They stank of mana, so some kind of powerful mages. They were dressed differently from the other soldiers but behaved like them so countrymen of the green people.

I explained the situation, and the terrible monster that was eating my tribe in the Canyonlands of our home. The Hikigaya man hugged the female and their obvious relation was revealed in their faces and hair, as siblings.

“Kawasaki Komachi, flight mage. We can deal with this situation, tomorrow if you like. I need to do some preparations, but I have wanted to finish off this monster. Itami’s team wounded that leg, and I put a hole in its back. I’m better armed now. We should be able to end this threat to your people,” she said in the empire’s language. I spoke it acceptably.

We slept the night at the base and I prepared my journey, though how we would reach the place weeks away by foot in mere hours was a mystery.

“Are you afraid of heights?” asked this Komachi. Her fellow mage was carrying a heavy satchel and some kind of staff on a strap. So was Komachi. She stepped forward as if to embrace me, then turned her back and I felt magic activate around my skin. I was gripped carefully and we suddenly flew into the sky. The flight part of flight mage suddenly seemed to be true.

“It’s going to get a bit loud and scary, but don’t choke me, okay?” said the mage. We were as high as a mountain top within moments and turned towards my lands. There was a strong pull and we surged forward faster than I could run. Then faster than a horse, then as fast as a wyvern could fly. We continued at this incredible speed towards my homeland and in probably two hours arrived there. We landed and the warriors of my tribe appeared. I greeted them and they approached. The two women drank and ate for a short time, resting themselves as my people introduced themselves.

Komachi blinked and she and her fellow mage turned their heads to look in the same direction.

“Seek a place to hide. The monster attacks in moments, and we would prefer to deal with this in our way. Our staffs will cause loud fireballs and explosions. You would all be in danger if you attempt to get in the way. Hurry!” she said. The mages rose to their feet and took their staffs, before flying into the air rapidly. I saw circles glow ahead of their staffs and mana rumbled through the air. There was a terrible noise and then a scream from the dragon, this time in pain, not victory. I ran. I ran in fear. When mages fight you must seek a strong wall or a mountain between you and them.



I fired. The enhanced artillery spell, one I hadn’t used in this lifetime, leapt forward carried on the tiny 62 grain bullet at nearly five times the speed of sound. It leapt forward and struck the fast and agile flame dragon right over where its heart should be and penetrated several feet before exploding. I saw the life leave its eyes, shocked. It fell to the ground with an enormous crash.

“Now that, is how you do it,” I said finally. I radioed the news back to Alnus base, which was also picked up by the forward reconnaissance jet fighters doing training. They flew by a short time later, confirming my kill and a heavy life helicopter eventually arrived to carry off the head as a warning to that stupid empire of primitive screwheads. Pina Co Lada should be apoplectic.

I wondered, briefly, how Itami would have dealt with this, but I like to get things done, and I might get a nice bonus for killing it. It’s probably worth 50 million yen. And that diamond… I wouldn’t get to keep that. Niisan showed me, but the JSDF was seizing it even though they did nothing to help, as usual.

I descended to the carcass, which stank as its horrible gases leaked out, and activated a spell I’d been working on. It peeled off the large tungsten carbide scales. I’ll figure out what to do with that later. The scales piled up, multiple thousands of them the size of dinner plates. Too big for personal armor, but some might be good strike plates. I could sell them, I supposed. I discovered as I worked that this was a female, and contained fertilized eggs ready for laying. That was troublesome. I froze the eggs solid to kill them, and rose in the air, searching the area. I found a volcano and reconned it with Yukino. There were two smaller dragons in red and purple. I sniped them with artillery spells, blowing them to the ground and repeated the strikes to kill them. A tiny goth loli shook her fist at me. I gave her the German finger salute of absolute disrespect, and a few live grenades. They blasted her around but did little more than annoy her. She flew off and vanished. Inside the crater I found piles of magical swords, probably magical. I don’t need one, so I marked the site for later excavation and sales, and returned to the dark elf village in the canyons. I got thanked for my work. They offered a minor feast, as they were clearly starving, and I promised to bring them provisions. They offered me some smaller diamonds the size of my eyes in exchange. This was fine by me. I gave half of them to Yukino and we departed for Alnus based.

I think, if things had gone differently, there might have been a lot more deaths and drama in this fight, but a good rifle solves many problems.