Gravitation Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ SoLonely ❯ Things Happen So Fast ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Shindou ran as fast as he could, he busted through the hospital doors and ran to the services desk. “EIRI YUKI, IM LOOKING FOR EIRI YUKI!!!!”
The lady at the desk fumbled with her papers, “um sir theirs not much I can do for you unless you….”
“Calm down is that what you're going to say CALM DOWN!!!!” Shindou covered his head with his arms, “How am I supposed to calm down when the love of my life practically had a heart attack!!!!....LET ME SEE YU….”
Shindou wheeled around to see Shaggy, Yuki's brother-in-law….in a way. (yuki's brothers husband's brother….sorry)
Shaggy walked over to the services desk and told the lady that it was ok and that he would take care of Shindou for her. He looked at Shindou… “Well come on” shaggy turned around and walked off back through the doors that he came through.
Shindou ran after him, “Are we going to go see yuki? Is he ok? What happened to him? He's not going to die is he?
“No he's not ok…..and yes to your last question” shaggy walked into a room and held the door open for Shindou.