Gravitation Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ October Sky ❯ Goodbye to a Bitter End ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don't own any Gravitation characters, but I do own my own. So don't sue cause you are not getting anything from me.

Author's Note: This is my first gravitation story so cut me some slack. Of course as a writer, I like adding things to the story, like a new band and characters. So basically you'll find out about them in the story. Don't have a full summary yet, but you're smart people . . . ya'll can figure it out. So read and review. Hope you enjoy.

I can't run anymore, I fall before you.
Here I am, I have nothing left.
Though I've tried to forget, you're all that I am.
Take me home, I'm through fighting it.
Broken, lifeless, I give up.
You're my only strength/
Without you, I can't go on anymore ever again.

October- Evanescence

October Sky
Written by: FallenNeo

Goodbye To A Bitter Tomorrow

Tears stung her eyes, she can't continue living this way anymore . . .

Sitting on the fountain edge, her crystal blue eyes stared into the clear water. She saw herself, the hellish reflection of her previous face. She promise not to cry, promise not to feel pain or numbness. Yet it was too late for that, numbness circulated through her entire body as tears begun to flow. She wanted to forget, she tried to forget. But her mind constantly poked her to remember everything that happened between them. She didn't want to leave, but she couldn't take the abuse anymore . . . this was her life. As she continue to stare into the water, falling into a trance. Her face was the most noticeable before the trace of her neck. Her face was completely pale, bruises were the only thing that brought out its color. Her right eye was starting to blacken from the punch she received trying to run. Her lips was busted, her scarlet blood glisten within the dim light from the light post across from her. Her cheeks was heavily bruised, cut as caked on blood showed where she was hit. She never told anyone about the abuse at home, she always just lied and said she ran into something. Trembling fingers came up, gently touching her cheek, flinching at the pain.

This was her life . . . beaten by the only man that she could love . . .

And secretly she hated it, she hated being like this, but she was scared. Breaking the trance, she heard footsteps approached her as she jolted upwards, getting into a defending position. Her eyes widen with fear as she tighten her hands, ready to strike who ever it was. Listening as the approached her from the west, her eyes darted into that direction. Seeing the figure emerge, her heart just sunk when she saw it was the only person who she would ever turn to. Pink hair shined in the dim light as amethyst eyes stared at her with absolute sadness. Dropping her defense, she shook her head as more tears rushed down her face, sting the fresh cuts that haven't healed. Just standing there staring at each other, no words needed to be said. They both were hurting and needed each other comfort. Without thought, they rushed towards each other, wrapping arms around each other and collapsing onto the ground in tears. They cried, letting out their pain onto the world.

This was their life . . . nothing but pain and sorrow . . .

It seemed like hours that they cried on each other's shoulders as the night grew colder. It was the beginning of October as the sky above begun to lighten and the moon glowed brighter than ever. October Sky they always called it, a special name between. The night was silence, no cars or people wondered the streets during this time. They laid out on the grass, staring up into the starry sky in silence. Eyes red and puffy from crying, pain stayed concealed within them. As they laid next to each other, they held hands, fingers entwine with each other. Deep compassion and love for one another, but would never confess it to each other. This was their way of expressing forbidden feelings, to keep the fear of their lovers knowing. Amethyst eyes turned to the side, staring at her with such sorrow one could not even understand. Breaking the silent, he needed to know what happened, he wanted to know the truth. As if she read his mind, she spoke before him her eyes remaining on the sky as her voice trembled with anguish.

"I didn't mean to make him upset, I just wanted to spend time with him. But he was drunk and I begun to run. I should have never ran . . . it makes him anger. He snatched me and stared yelling at me. Then he hit me, over and over calling me a 'whore' and 'slut'. He threaten to kill me, but I was able to make it out. I was so scared . . . I'm scared now." she whispered, tears started again as they rolled down the side of her eyes, hitting the grass.

He release her hand as he propped himself onto his elbow. Looking down at her, his eyes soften as they trace every line of her beaten face. With his other hand, he touched her cheek feeling her wince at the softness of his touch. Shaking his head, she didn't deserve this . . . she deserve better. "I wish I was there, I could have saved you. I'd promise you brother that I would protect you . . . but I failed. I'm sorry."

"Don't be . . . I put myself in this type of relationship and this is what I get out. Besides . . . you have your own pain you need to worry about. Is he still hitting you also?"

Removing his eyes from her face, he nodded as his head lowered. "Yes . . . much worse than other times, but I was able to escape. I went to Hiro's house for the night until he's out of his stage. Why do we continue to stay by their sides when we know they're going to hurt us more?"

Blue eyes looked at him, hearing the pain in his voice as he asked a question, which probably was just random, but she answered it anyway. "Because . . . we're bound to them. The fear we have of being alone will only be our demise. We can't run anymore . . . this is our faith. I guess basically . . . we're masochist. We enjoy their abuse because we keep running back to them."

"Then let's run away . . . together. We don't have to put up with this anymore. We can be together, you and I."

She turned her head away from him, staring only at darkness. She could feel her heart quicken just at the thought of leaving, but she didn't know. She wasn't sure if she could easily pull herself away. "I don't know if I can . . . I can't run anymore . . ."

"Yes you can, tell me you can! Eri . . . you can runaway because we're meant to be. Please, do this for us, for me . . . I love you."

Hearing him say those three words brought pain to her heart. No matter how much she loved him in return, she couldn't escape her bounds. Sitting up, she stared back into his eyes, seeing how much he truly loved her. It was written within his eyes, the affection she's been looking for, but she couldn't. She didn't want to put him in harms way, not anymore. Leaning forwards, she capture his lips onto hers, kissing him passionately. Her eyes closed within the kiss, this would be their final goodbye. As he return the kiss at the same force, tears rolled down her cheeks as she broke away from the warmth of his lips. Inhaling deeply, she brought her finger to his lips as she traced where she touched him. Faintly smiling, he had so much . . . she didn't. Tears flowed faster as she shook her head.

"I know . . . as I love you, but we can't leave them. Deep down . . . they need us as we need them. Please . . . don't do anything that you would regret. I want you to have this . . ." She reached down into her shirt, pulling out a gold chain with a silver locket. Taking it off over her head, she slipped it onto his, watching the locket touched his head. "Don't you ever forget me . . . if anything happens don't you ever forget me, do you hear me Shuichi."

"Eri what are you going to do?"
"I can't run anymore . . .this is how true pain feels."


That was three years ago . . . and they were just eighteen . . .

Shuichi looked outside of his apartment window he stared with his lover Yuki. The October Sky was brighter than last week as he shook that sadden thought out of his head. He returned his attention back to his blank paper as he stared at it. He was suppose to be writing lyrics for the next album but he couldn't get one thought down. Tapping his pen on top of his desk, he mind return to that night three years ago him and Eri shared. The kiss they shared, and their forbidden goodbyes. He don't remember her actually saying it, but he never seen her again. He could remember heading towards her apartment she shared with her boyfriend to find out that she ran away from home and he was placed in jail for battery and assault, with attempt murder. Hearing this news sadden him because she left without him, but that when he called her brother and asked where she was. He didn't even know, but he did have a letter for him. Receiving the letter, it was short, but it was deep.

Dear Shuichi,

This is how true pain feels . . . so I did the only thing I could have thought of . . . leaving. I'm sorry, but we couldn't run away together . . . you have to stay here and continue living your life. As for me . . . I'm going to start out new and probably fully my dreams. Hopefully in the future we shall see each other . . . and hopefully my feelings for you shall always remain. This is goodbye . . . but not forever.


Just thinking about that, he brought his pen down onto the paper and begun to write. Jotting down the lyrics, he smiled as each line represent something from his past, present, and future. Finishing quickly, he placed the title last.

He named the song . . . October Sky . . . forgotten, but never forget.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Alright . . . it's done! What do you think? Hate it, love it, trash it, burn it to hell? I know . . . it's weird I know, I hope I didn't confuse anymore. Anyway . . . send me a review and tell me what do you think so far? Review!

Next Chapter: Midnight

She returns after three long years . . . her life is different now, but will she still have the same feeling for Shuichi as three years ago? And she has a secret . . . can he come to except it?
Find out what her secret is and more . . .stay toon!