Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ A Dream Come True? ❯ Tatsuha's Excitement ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any properties or rights to Gravitation or it's characters. No matter how much I wish Yuki was all mine. (Suddenly falls on floor whining) YUKI, YUKI, YUKI, YUKI, YUKI! I want my Yuki!
“Shuichi, Shuichi, Shuichi! Please?” yelled Tatsuha.
“No, I'm not going to give it to you it's my only copy,” replied Shuichi.
“But, but I stood in line for two days to buy that music video of my Ryuichi and it sold out before I could buy it,” whined Tatsuha. Tatsuha sat there on his brother's couch, trying to talk some reason into Shuichi.
“Just shut-up Tatsuha, I'm sick of your whining. Why don't you just ask sis if she can get it for you, instead of being so pathetic and begging Shuichi,”grumbled Yuki.
“No, No, NO! I wanted to do it all on my own.” It's true he could have asked his older sister, since she's married to Tohma Seguchi, the keyboardist for Nittle Grasper, but he wanted to do this all on his own instead of running to his older sister or brother like usually did.
“Why don't you just ask Ryuichi yourself?” Shuichi asked.
“You mean it? I can actually meet my honey Ryuichi?!” screamed Tatsuha.
“I'll just ask Ryuichi if he'll meet with you, then you can ask him for the video.”
Tatsuha stood up and ran toward Shuichi. “Shuichi! You're such a great friend,” Tatsuha said grabbing Shuichi in a bear hug.
“Okay, that's enough, I'll call him later tonight and call you with his answer.”
Later that night
“Hey, are you really going to set up my brother and Ryuichi,” Yuki asked.
“Yes, I think it's a good idea. Now Tatsuha will stop bugging me,” answered Shuichi.
“Actually, this might be the best plan your idiot brain has come up with yet,” Yuki said.
“What do you mean?”
“Well if Tatsuha is occupied with Ryuichi it means he won't be stopping by here very often and being a nuisance. One idiot around here is enough. Plus him and Ryuichi are perfect for each other, their both complete idiots,” Yuki replied laughing.
“Hey, that's not very nice, but you sort of do have a point.”
“Yeah, that says much coming from another annoying idiot.”
“Yuki you promised you wouldn't call me an idiot anymore.”
“Alright, I'll be nice, just call Ryuichi already so we can go to bed.”
Shuichi reached for the phone and dialed Ryuichi number. “You've reached Ryu-chan and Kumagoro! Were not home right now so please leave us a message after the beep. BEEP!
“Hey, Ryui-,” Shuichi started getting cut off.
“Ha, Ha, Ha wrong beep, we got them Kumagoro. Hey what's up Shu-chan?” Ryuichi answered in his usual hyper voice.
“That was good Ryuichi, I should try that one sometime.”
“So, what did you want Shuichi? Me and Kumagoro are getting ready for bed.”
“I was wondering if you could do me a small favor,” Shuichi pleaded.
“Sure anything for my favorite singer! What do you need?”
“I was wondering if Yuki's younger could hang out with you one of these days, he really wants to meet you.”
“Sure! I'll take him to the zoo with me tomorrow, and we'll eat ice cream yum yum!”
“He's not that young Ryu. He's 18 not 8!” yelled Shuichi.
“Oh, well I'm still going to take him to the zoo, Kumagoro wants to go too!”
“Thank you so much Ryuichi! You don't know what this means to me and Tatsuha,” Shuichi said thankfully.
“You're welcome Shuichi, goodnight!” Ryuichi yelled hanging up the phone.
“Well what did he say?” asked Yuki.
“He said he'd take Tatsuha to the zoo tomorrow,” Shuichi answered.
“The zoo? Ryuichi does realize my is not a toddler?”
“Yes I told him, but I think Ryu's volunteering there and Tatsuha gets to help him out,” Shuichi replied. “I don't think your brother will mind helping out as long as he gets to meet and spend time with Ryuichi.”
“I hope those two together doesn't spell disaster,” Yuki said closing his laptop and setting down his reading glasses. He stood up and stared at Shuichi. “That's enough talk about my dumb ass brother, lets go to bed Shuichi,” Yuki said in a husky voice.
“Do you mean…?” Shuichi asked standing up excitedly.
“Exactly,” Yuki said heading for the bedroom. It didn't take Shuichi more than a second to get the signal and follow Yuki into the bedroom.
At that exact moment
Tatsuha was anxiously waiting for Shuichi to phone him back. He was so excited knowing he might be able to meet the Ryuichi Sakuma. He sat on his bed staring at the phone wishing it to ring.
RING, RING, Tatsuha jumped up and grabbed for the phone. “So Shuichi when do I get to meet him, huh? Huh?” yelled Tatsuha anxiously.
“Ow, Tatsuha don't scream in my damn ear, it's your sister not Shindou, what's the matter?” Mika asked.
“Can't talk, waiting for an important call, bye big sis,” Tatsuha said hanging up on his sister. Mika sat there for a second realizing the beeping in her ear was the dial tone. Her baby brother had just hung up on her! What's up with him? She thought. I think I'm going to pay Eiri and Shuichi a little visit tomorrow, so I can get some answers from the source.
The next morning
Tatsuha suddenly awoke to a bright light coming in through the blinds in his bedroom. Realizing he must've fallen asleep, he immediately jumped out of bed. “Oh no I missed Shuichi's call!” Tatsuha screamed out loud, running towards the answering machine, to see if anyone had left a message. “BEEP, you have no messages.”
“Damn you, you stupid machine,” Tatsuha yelled picking up the answering machine and throwing it across the room. It landed against the wall with a thud and then a crash to the floor. Maybe Ryuichi doesn't want to meet me, maybe he thinks I'm a loser because I'm so young or or…Tatsuha thought collapsing onto the couch.
RING RING, RING RING, RING RING. Tatsuha sat up, vaguely realizing his phone was ringing, he reached for the phone much slower this time and answered in a sad low voice, “Yes, who is it?”
“Hey Tatsu-chan, it's Ryuichi! Are you ready to have a fun day with me and Kumagoro?!”
“Ryu-Ryui-the real Ryuichi Sakuma?!” Tatsuha said stuttering.
“I think I'm the real Ryuichi, right Kumagoro? Tatsuha meet me at the Tokyo Zoo in an hour, so we can hang out.”
“Okay, thank you Ryuichi I'll see you in an hour!” Tatsuha stood up too fast to hang up the phone that he tripped over the phone cord and fell face first onto the ground knocking over the phone.
“I finally get to meet my god Ryuichi Sakuma,” Tatsuha thought out loud staring at his favorite poster of Ryuichi hanging over his bed. Okay, time to find something to wear. A half an hour later he finally found an outfit to wear; his white tank top, leather jacket and blue jeans. He left the house and hopped onto his motorcycle and headed for the Tokyo Zoo. He slowed down for a red light and stopped, while waiting he was lost in thought. He couldn't wait to meet Ryuichi Sakuma; he'd been waiting for this day since he was 14; when he'd gone to his first concert. It had been for a friend's birthday party, to see Nittle Grasper in concert. He'd heard their music on the radio and T.V. but hadn't thought much of it. The moment Ryuichi stepped on stage Tatsuha had been mesmerized. Ryuichi's voice had sent chills and sensations throughout his body, plus Ryuichi had looked gorgeous singing on stage with sweat dripping down his sleek body. Tatsuha didn't know what it had been, but from that day on he'd been obsessed and determined to meet Ryuichi Sakuma one day. And he couldn't believe that day had finally arrived.
Tatsuha was suddenly pulled from his thoughts by a loud honking noise from behind him. He looked up realizing the light had turned green. He stepped on the gas pedal and headed for the Tokyo Zoo. When he arrived Tatsuha looked around the entrance for Ryuichi, but he couldn't find him anywhere. Tatsuha started towards the information desk when suddenly out of nowhere someone grabbed him from behind and started dragging him behind a building.
End chapter one
A/N: Oh no! What's happened to Tatsuha? Will he be all right? Find out in the next chapter!
This is my first attempt at writing Fan fiction; I hope you liked the first chapter. Please Review and tell me what you thought, good news, bad news I don't mind, just tell me how it was! I'll try not to take too long to write and post the additional chapters to this story along with any other Fan fiction story I write. I get writers block very often so it might take me awhile. So don't hurt me if I take awhile, just bug me a whole lot to get it done.