Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ A Moment in Time ❯ Bearded Ladies ( Chapter 4 )
Summary: Shuichi wonders if he made the right choice.
A/N: Pretend Daybreak News NEVER happened.
We agreed it was for the best. A way to shield ourselves from a world that wasn't ready for what we had to offer them. Everyone, from my sister to Bad Luck to Judy Winchester agreed it was the right course.
We agreed it was for the best, and I still stand-by that, really I do. But as time passes on, and I stand here, it’s getting harder and harder to remember why it was the best path.
I see the pictures, everyone does. The small, candid shots that leave gossip tongues panting. I also see the close-ups. Crowded parties, close conversations, romantic dinners and off handed comments.
Everyone sees the pictures, but only I see the smiles, the looks. Only I can see what’s in his eyes as he kisses her. But I’m not I seeing the truth?
I watch them constantly. I stare at the pictures, I study his every expression as he laughs and flirts. It’s a hobby now, watching him, examining him. Trying to find the truth in his face, because sometimes, the lies are too good. I have to wonder, if he and I are truly immune to them.
We agreed it was for the best, but sometimes, I wish there wasn’t a need for bearded ladies. Because then it wouldn’t feel like my heart was breaking every time I look at them.