Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ And If The Sun Won't Shine... ❯ Butterfly ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update this story. I just need to get away from angst and…Well, I've been too busy reading other authors' Gravi and Ruroken fics lately. Is it just me or does Misao really act like Shuichi, and Aoshi is so much like Eiri? Hehehe… You guess it, I love YukixShuichi as much as I love AoshixMisao. This chapter is more like a flashback, on Tohma and Ryuichi's parts, at least. To tell the truth, I'm getting tired of evil, manipulative Tohma and poorly-treated Mika. How about sweet, friendly and caring Tohma for a change? Also, I figure I should start getting Ryuichi and Tatsuha together, don't you think? (wink!) Anyway, anyone interested in claiming a Gravi fic challenge or be a betta reader there? Please visit
Respond to Reviewers!
LilBlue-Hedggie: Don't worry. Eiri is STILL the seme. OHOHOHOHO!!
LilBlue-Hedggie: Don't worry. Eiri is STILL the seme. OHOHOHOHO!!
sakura blossoms4: Thankies.
Dominatio-555: Yay, stalk me! I don't mind (wink!)
Hunter Hatake: arigatou for the encouragement!
clari chan: Well, being taller doesn't mean the person is stronger. Glad you enjoy this fic ^_^
Joonie: Shuichi's so bloody vulnerable, he worse than a real girl. Getting him all angsty without Yuki being the cause is good sometimes, LOL.
aimee: I kinda had a hard time imagining a genki Yuki too.
Sherry86: Yes, I AM cruel. Mwahahahaha!!!
Enough talk, guys. Let's get serious. TO THE STORY!
“Tohma-oniichan! Tohma-oniichan!!”
Tohma spun on his heels to see a small bundle of energy with vibrant, pink hair running full speed towards him. He smiled a huge, genuine smile and prepared to lift the little boy as the latter jumped into his open arms. He swung the boy around before tucking him securely on his right shoulder. “Konnichiwa,Kawaii Chibi-chan!” He greeted the boy, who pouted playfully at the endearment. “Mou…Shuichi wa chibi janai, no da!” Tohma laughed again. “Nope, you're four and I'm sixteen. Therefore, you're a chibi-chan!” The two of them laughed gleefully together.
“Ne, Tohma-oniichan, guess what?”
“Ryuichi-oniichan promised to teach Shuichi guitar, na no da!”
Tohma raised an eyebrow at that. Was his best friend really considering teaching a four-year-old guitar? He bet Shuichi must have grovelled and whined all day to get Ryuichi to agree. After all, they both knew the little kid could pass for a child prodigy. He picked things up so easily. “That's great, Chibi-chan (-“Chibi janai yo!” Shuichi interrupted but was ignored-). You're going to be a great guitarist.”
Shuichi shook his head vigorously. “Iie. Shuichi doesn't want to be a guitarist, no da. Shuichi wants to have a great voice like Ryuichi-oniichan. Shuichi wants to be a vo- vo- whatever that is.”
The platinum blond chuckled. “It's `vocalist'. Daijoubu, you're going to be someone with a great voice too. Maybe you can beat Ryuichi someday.”
“You think so, Tohma-oniichan?” Tohma nodded. “Yay! When Shuichi is older, Shuichi wants to win that competition like Tohma-oniichan and Ryuichi-oniichan and Noriko-oneechan entered, na no da!”
“In time, you will, Shuichi. I know you will.”
“So, can Shuichi ask for something from Tohma-oniichan then?”
“Ask away, Kawaii Chibi-chan.”
“Teach Shuichi keyboard, na no da!”
Tohma rolled his eyes good-naturedly. `I should have known,' he thought. “Oookay, but on one condition.” Shuichi was looking at Tohma with sparkling violet eyes. There was no way the blond could deny the kid anything. The little boy nodded and waited for Tohma to continue. The blond smirked. “Only if you allow me to call you Chibi-chan all the time.”
Tohma's journey to the past was broken as the electricity was restored. He ran his fingers through his hair as he walked to stand by the window. The sun was setting. The previously azure sky was quickly turning lavender with bonus saffron streaks across the horizon. The President sighed tiredly. Lately, he found himself often dreaming about the past. One of the reasons was the knowledge of Shuichi getting colder each passing day. His once vibrant violet eyes were becoming duller and Tohma was worried. He knew Ryuichi was worried too but the other man preferred to hide it behind his childish façade. “I hope to Gods Eiri is the one to pull Shuichi back from the personal hell he created,” he silently prayed, closing his eyes.
Almost at the same time, his cell phone came to life and vibrated in his pocket, filling the silent, spacious office with Bad Luck's hit single, `Shattered'. He smiled when he saw the name on the LCD. “Hello, Mika-koishii…Yes, I'm fine. Work's done and everything's fine too. I'll be back in half an hour….Yes, of course….Okay, I'll see you then....I love you too, dear. Bye!”
Eiri dashed out of the `revived' elevator, dragging an unwilling Shuichi with him as he stormed to his black Mercedes. He ignored the confused look people were throwing them. “Let go of me, baka!” yelled Shuichi. He tried unsuccessfully to free his wrist from Eiri's grip. The novelist wasn't angry. In fact, the guy was smiling like a maniac. He pushed Shuichi into the car and get on the driver's seat. When Shuichi tried to escape, he turned the child lock on, resulting in a deadly glare from the young man. “What the hell do you think you're doing, moron? Let me out NOW!”
Eiri shook his head. “No. You and I are going to have a very, very, very long talk tonight.” Shuichi groaned. He knew there's nothing more he could do when Eiri started the engine and drove away from the building. “Fine. Why the fuck are you smiling?” Eiri gave the younger man a wink. “You kissed me twice. Why wouldn't I be happy?”
“What makes you think I meant anything by that?”
“Cut it out, young man. I'm not a dumb person, you know. You enjoyed it.”
Shuichi huffed. “Like hell I did. You kiss like a little kid. Bleargh!”
Eiri pushed the pedal harder. In no time, he was already dragging a complaining Shuichi all the way up to his apartment. He was glad Tatsuha was not home by then. As soon the door slammed shut, Eiri pressed his lips against the singer's in a hot, passionate kiss. Shuichi squirmed to break free. When he opened his mouth to yell, Eiri took the chance to deepen the kiss. While his right hand kept hold of Shuichi's head to prevent the singer from pulling back, he slipped his other hand into Shuichi's shirt. Shuichi was as red as a tomato when Eiri broke the kiss. They were both panting and when Eiri saw the look on Shuichi's face, he smirked suggestively.
“Like a kid, huh?”
Shuichi pushed the novelist away, stomping to the nearby couch on his own free will. He tried to control his heartbeat. “What do you want from me?!” He yelled, looking away from Eiri. Eiri's gaze softened as he kneeled before the younger man, taking both Shuichi's hands in his. “I want a chance to love you.” Shuichi turned to look at him with unreadable expression he normally wore. He didn't say anything and Eiri continued, “I want to show you my love. I want you to learn to love me. I want to protect you, to be by your side. I just want to be with you.”
No one said anything for a moment. Shuichi sighed, looking at Eiri. His blank expression was still intact. “You're going to regret it afterwards.”
“No, I won't. I love you.”
“You don't even know me!”
“Then give me a chance to get to know you!”
They looked at each other. Eiri released Shuichi's hands and looked down. “Onegai…” he said softly. Shuichi was having a battle with his inner self. A part of him wanted to run away but another part wanted so much to give the other man a chance. Eiri was persistent and stubborn, much like the person he once was. Making a decision, Shuichi cupped the novelist's cheeks lightly and brought his bowed head up to meet his gaze. He retrieved one hand and held up his index finger. “One month,” he said.
Eiri blinked. “Eh?”
“I'll give you a month. If we can stand each other until then, I promise I won't push you away again. Is that okay?”
Eiri blinked again. He wasn't sure if he'd heard it right. Shuichi was giving him a chance! But a month was too…short. But, hey! A chance was still a month, right? “That's fine. I'll do my best to make it work!” The happy smile returned to his handsome face. “Are you hungry? I'll make us dinner if you're willing to wait.” Shuichi shrugged. “Sure, whatever.” The smile on Eiri's face grew and he practically ran to his kitchen to start making dinner, humming a happy tune all the while.
Eiri missed the chance to see a faint smile lingering on the singer's lips as he cooked.
Ryuichi held Kumagorou close to his chest as he sat alone in a park; the same park Shuichi met Eiri that one fateful night. His eyes were nothing like a child. Instead, they reflected an intense, mixed emotion. Ryuichi was happy when Tohma wanted to `resurrect' Nittle Grasper, He was looking forward to competing against Bad Luck. He knew Shuichi felt the same way too. Ryuichi sighed as he thought about the younger vocalist. The latter's cold eyes flashed at the back of his mind, and he flinched at the picture. How the once vibrant orbs could became so cold? How could it get so lifeless?
`If only I was there sooner… If only I knew…'
Ryuichi buried his face in Kumagorou's soft fur. In his mind, he saw a bloodied scene; lifeless bodies were all around the place. A piercing scream filled the air: a scream Ryuichi never could forget for as long as he was alive. It was a scream of pain, sorrow, anger and desperation. Before he knew it, hot burst of tears were wetting the stuff bunny's fur and his shoulder shook in silent sobs. Too caught up in his emotion, he didn't realise he was no longer alone.
Eiri put away the dishes and joined Shuichi on the couch. The novelist started to babble when Shuichi silenced him with a finger on his lips and stared into Eiri's eyes intently. “Shuichi?” Shuichi caressed the novelist's lips, silencing him once again. “You said you want to show me your love…didn't you?”
A nod.
Shuichi leaned closer to whisper into Eiri's ear, “Then show me.” Eiri gulped at the hoarse but suggestive whisper. “Show me your love, Eiri,” purred Shuichi, lightly nibbling on the earlobe he was whispering into. Kami-sama…Eiri loved the sound of his name on Shuichi's beautiful lips. His heart was beating so fast that it felt like jumping out of the ribcage. For a moment, pleasurable sensations raced threw out his veins to gather at his groin. “Say my name again,” Eiri whispered, just as huskily. He traced his fingers down Shuichi's back as his lips settled for Shuichi's delicate neck. “Eiri…” Eiri thought he'd died and gone to heaven when Shuichi started to unbutton his shirt and run his hands across his chest. “Eiri…”
`If this is a dream, just kill me before I wake up.' Eiri couldn't get enough of Shuichi's silent moans. He was determined not to rush things but Shuichi was currently ridding him off rational thoughts. As gently as he could, he carried the young man into his room where there was more privacy and more comfortable atmosphere. The last thing on Eiri's mind before completely giving in to his desire was, `I hope Tatsuha doesn't come home tonight.'
Ryuichi was heading home when he saw Tohma and little Shuichi in the playground. He smiled heartily and ran towards them. Shuichi, who was in Tohma's arms, noticed the running boy and waved his hand gleefully. “Ryuichi-oniichan!!” As soon Ryuichi reached the spot, Shuichi jumped into his arms and giggled, happy to be in the other boy's warm embrace. “Shuichi and Tohma-oniichan were just talking about Ryuichi-oniichan, na no da!” Ryuichi rolled his eyes. “Aren't you always? Let's walk home together.”
The three of them were neighbours. That was the reason they were so close. Shuichi stayed in Ryuichi's arms as they walked home. “Guess what, Ryu? Kawaii Chibi-chan just told me he wants to be a singer when he's old enough,” Tohma broke the silence, earning an amused smile from Ryuichi. “Sou ka? Chibi-chan wants to sing to, huh?” Shuichi nodded his head, for once not complaining about the ridiculous nickname the older boys gave him. “Shuichi wants to be as good as Ryuichi-oniichan. And then Shuichi wants to be better than Ryuichi-oniichan so that Ryuichi-oniichan and Tohma-oniichan won't call Shuichi `Chibi-chan' anymore!” The kid stated with joy while Tohma and Ryuichi laughed at the motions he displayed despite being cradled.
The little boy was so innocent, pure and sweet. Tohma and Ryuichi wished he never grew up and stayed the sweet little boy that he was. No other soul they knew was purer than that of Shuichi's. “What else do you want to be when you grow up, Shu-chan?” asked Ryuichi. A large, colourful butterfly flew past them before Shuichi could answer. Upon seeing the butterfly, Shuichi's eyes brightened in delight. “Butterfly!” he shouted happily, practically bouncing in Ryuichi's hold. Tohma and Ryuichi looked at each other and blinked in confusion. “Eh??”
“Shuichi wants to be a butterfly, na no da!”
Ryuichi suppressed the urge to laugh out loud at the statement. “You can't become a butterfly, Kawaii Chibi-chan.” Shuichi shook his head. “No, not that. Shuichi wants to be free like Mr. Butterfly. You see, Mr. Butterfly is free to fly high and low and wherever he wants to go to. Mr. Butterfly is beautiful too! People love Mr. Butterfly because he's pretty, na no da. Dakara, Shuichi wants to be like Mr. Butterfly and people will love Shuichi, na no da!!”
Ryuichi and Tohma were rendered speechless. How a child as young as Shuichi managed to affect their emotions, Tohma and Ryuichi never knew. Maybe it was the trusting eyes that were so bright and lovely. Or maybe it was the honesty in the young boy's words. All they knew, everything that was Shuichi was completely lovable.How could a child so young be so wise as to compare what he wanted to achieve to a butterfly? The urge to protect the boy from the unclean grew in both their hearts. Ryuichi and Tohma ruffled Shuichi's bright pink hair lovingly as the boy beamed at the two of them. “You'll be the most beautiful butterfly, Shuichi. We know you would,” said Ryuichi. “Your Tohma-oniichan and Ryuichi-oniichan will always be there to keep your delicate wings from being torn and protect you,” added Tohma with watery eyes.
Shuichi beamed. “Sugoi!! Shuichi loves Tohma-oniichan and Ryuichi-oniichan so very much, na no da!”
“We love you too, Kawaii Chibi-chan. We did, we do and we will always do.”
More tears leaked from Ryuichi's eyes as the memory played itself in his mind. They had failed Shuichi. They had failed to protect the boy. The delicate butterfly wings were torn. The small creature's wings had fluttered miserably before the rest of its body settled onto the cold, dirty ground. When he had asked Shuichi about the butterfly, the young man had turned to look at him with the coldest gaze he'd ever seen and said, “Mr. Butterfly is dead. He couldn't find live flowers to suck honey from because the sun won't shine anymore. The flowers were dead and Mr. Butterfly became weak and ugly. So, people hurt him because he was no longer pretty. He died a little while later.” Ryuichi was frozen then and there. The words had been delivered in a dull, monotonous tone of the living dead often seen in horror movies with zombies in them. Since then, Tohma and Ryuichi never got to see their Kawaii Chibi-chan anymore…
…because an eagle with a pair of cold eyes had taken the place of the pretty and delicate butterfly.
Ryuichi almost jumped out of his skin when a hand fell onto his shoulder. He wiped his eyes with Kumagorou's fur and looked up to the man whose hand was on his shoulder and blinked. “Tatsuha-kun?” The raven haired teen smiled, looking so much older than his age. Tatsuha was on the way home from a restaurant after dinner when he decided to take a walk around the lonely park. He was shocked to the core when he saw a familiar man holding a very familiar pink stuff bunny sitting on one of the benches. He had wanted to squeal and scream Ryuichi's name when he heard the soft, mournful sobs coming from the older man.
He was completely different from the Ryuichi he had met earlier that afternoon. Miraculously, the fan boy glee fled and was replaced by concern and worry for the famous singer. Ryuichi tried his best to wipe the remaining tears off his face but Tatsuha stopped his hands from doing so. Ryuichi snorted. “Ryuichi is so embarrassed, na no da. Tatsuha saw Ryuichi cry.” The much younger man shook his head. “Nah, don't be embarrassed, Sakuma-san. Crying is normal occurrence, after all.” The words were so comforting in Ryuichi's mind. Tatsuha was not disgusted by his unlikely behaviour. Maybe he was going to get a new friend.
“Here, Sakuma-san.” He handed a handkerchief to Ryuichi. “Use this. I'm sure Kumagorou is about to weep because you'd just gotten snot all over his fur.”
“Oi! Hidoi, na no da!!”
Yep, he definitely was going to get a new friend.
To Be Continued in Track 4: Defying Gravity
=>Shuichi wa chibi janai: Shuichi is not little.
You know, listening to Shallow Sleep and Angel's Tale works wonders to melt my bloody writer's block. They set the mood. Hyde rocks my socks!! Sorry for the lack of YukixShu actions in this chapter. I'm just trying to be fair to them.
Reviews, anyone??? Pleeeeeez??