Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Because of You ❯ chapter 26 ( Chapter 26 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Because of You
Sequel to: This I Promise You
Written by: Chocho
Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation or the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
Summary: The only thing they have in common is their abhorrence for Shuichi. Karin claims he murdered her brother. Scott maintains that he is responsible for the death of his daughter. Karin and Scott's meeting may have been coincidental, but their plan to assassinate Shuichi is not.
Chapter summary: The hospital gets a couple of unexpected visitors. Dr. Amada finally makes an appearance and Shuichi learns what Eiri has been hiding from him…and not from Eiri.
Warning: Angst, drama, m-preg, language, m/m sexual content
Inserts: References to “Because of You” chapter 15
A/N: Surprise! Merry Christmas! Happy Chanukah! Happy Kwanza! Happy New Years! Whatever you celebrate, whatever you may or may not believe, we all gather to enjoy…Gravitation!
Chapter 26
[Like Tohma, Eiri found her attractive, but could not say either way if he ever met her, but there was something vaguely familiar about her. As he studied the woman in the photograph, the deeper the sense of familiarity became.
Eiri glanced briefly at the detective before returning his gaze to the photo.
“You know her,” Misawa assumed.
“I don't…”
His heart beating wildly, Eiri's eyes went wide.
It was her!
The photograph shook in his trembling hands.
It was Rinjin's sister. It had to be. She was their stalker, the one who has been sending them all those surveillance photos. She was most likely the one who broke into the studio last month. She was the one who Shuichi saw in front of the house, the one who took off after Riku as the boys left to do some shopping in Osaka. She's-!
“Uesugi-san? Are you alright?” Misawa asked the writer when he went white.
“It's her,” he whispered.
“It's her.”
“Eiri.” Tohma snatched the photograph out of the hand of his wife's younger brother. “I think it's time you told us what is going on.”
Eiri slowly lifted his head. He flitted his gaze from his brother-in-law to the detective before lowering his eyes back to the stained linoleum floor. Closing his eyes briefly, he opened them and said, “It started four months ago when we went to Tokyo for Shuichi's grandfather's funeral.” He turned towards Tohma. “Remember when I told you about the paparazzo Shuichi saw?”
“I remember.”
Eiri lowered his gaze. “Apparently, it wasn't a paparazzo.”
Tohma drew his brows in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“If it wasn't paparazzi, then who-?”
Eiri stole the photograph back from Tohma and held it up. “It was her.” He guessed it was time to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.]
How could you tell someone that this accident could have been avoided if he had only come forward sooner? That was exactly what Eiri was thinking as he relayed his tale to both the detective and his brother-in-law.
Back in August, Shuichi noticed what he believed to be a paparazzo outside the Ozaki Funeral Home in Tokyo. At the time, they brushed it off and thought nothing more about it until a couple days later when Eiri found a manila envelope lying on the welcome mat outside the Shindou household. Shuichi's name was written on it. Otherwise, it was unmarked.
“What do you mean `unmarked'?” Detective Misawa interrupted.
From the appearance of the envelope, it was obvious someone other then the postman had delivered it. There was no return address or postage present.
Detective Misawa was thinking that if the events of earlier today had not happened, he would have been shocked by the forwardness of this woman. She just walked right up to the front door without any qualms or hesitation. What if someone saw her? Then again, knowing what they knew now, it was a safe bet to say that was exactly what Rinjin had been hoping.
Eiri opened the envelope. Inside was a photograph of Shuichi holding a slumbering Kane in his arms as he stood in the parking lot of the Ozaki Funeral Home speaking with his younger sister Maiko on the second day of their grandfather's Wake.
“And this was when?”
“Uesugi-san.” Detective Misawa sighed.
“Is this why you came to me last month about upgrading your security?” Tohma asked the author.
Nodding, Eiri hung his head.
“Why have you waited until now to say something, Uesugi-san?”
Why had he not gone to the police before this? For a variety of reasons.
Eiri had not known what to believe when he found that first photograph. As one by one, the photographs showing intimate moments of his family kept arriving he still had not known what to think.
Looking back, Eiri realized he might not have taken the situation as seriously as he should have. Maybe because he really had not expected anything to happen. He was a fool not to say something, especially after the photograph of Shuichi speaking on the phone with Tohma turned up in their mailbox with “MURDERER” written in dried red paint meant to look like blood last month.
“Wait. Wait,” Detective Misawa spoke up. “You received a photo of Shindou-san that accused him of being a murderer?”
“Yes.” He might not have known who was responsible at the time, but it was then that Eiri knew what they had was a stalker and not just an overzealous fan as he had been hoping. And not just any ordinary stalker, but one who was out to destroy Shuichi.
Really, if you look at it, what could the police have done? Nothing had happened. They were only receiving photographs once a week in their mailbox. Even when the photograph accusing Shuichi of being a murderer showed up there was still nothing the police could have done. Up until now, their stalker had kept her distance. But even if she had been harassing them with threatening phone calls, leaving gifts on their doorstep, or like Rinjin Yasashii, showing up “coincidentally” wherever they happened to be, the police could still not do anything. She had done nothing to harm any of them physically. So, Eiri did the only thing he could to protect his family, upgraded his security.
If he had had any doubts as to the motive of their stalker, it was confirmed when the next three arrived.
“What do you mean, Uesugi-san?”
Because of the improved security at the house, their stalker had not been able to sneak onto the grounds as she had in the past. So, she had had to improvise.
The first of the three new ones was a photograph of him as he was shopping in town with Baby Kira. Two weeks ago, a photograph of the boys as they were walking into school was delivered. Then last week, he found one of Riku. It was a photograph of the boy returning home after being away at school in New York. It was the first time being home since Spring Break.
On top of knowing the police could not have done anything, Eiri said nothing for the same reason he was against accepting Seguchi's Christmas present. This was his family and he could handle it himself.
As he thought about Riku even now lying in the operating room and Keitaro and Kane sleeping peacefully in their mother's arms out in the recovery/observation room, he realized how foolish he had been. Whether they could have done anything or not, Eiri realized he should have said something anyway.
“Is Shindou-san aware of…?”
Eiri shook his head. He could answer this one question without hesitation.
He kept all of this from Shuichi, though it appeared as if Shuichi had figured a great deal of it out all on his own. Into the third trimester of his pregnancy and having gained at least forty pounds thus far- though if you said that aloud, Shuichi would have your head- Eiri wanted to protect the mother of his children from any unnecessary stress. Miscarriages are not caused by stress, he knew that, but it was better to be safe than sorry.
Tohma said nothing. He was not sure what, if anything, to say.
It was a noble move and typical Eiri, but still very foolish.
“How many in total arrived?”
Since that first one in August, a total of sixteen had arrived.
“Uesugi-san, do you still have these photographs?”
Unfortunately, he had been unable to part from them despite the fact that he wanted more than anything to burn them in a giant bonfire.
“What about the envelopes they came in?”
They were in a pile at the bottom underneath the photographs. He could not say why he saved them. The envelopes the photos arrived in were the least important part.
Detective Misawa nodded. “Has anyone else touched them?”
As he was the only one outside of Rinjin and now his brother-in-law and Detective Misawa who even knew these photographs existed, no one other then the postal workers, Rinjin and he touched them. Now that Shuichi was, or supposed to be anyway, confined to bed, the master suite had turned into Shuichi's makeshift efficiency, which made it that much easier to keep the expectant singer in the dark about his weekly packages.
“Eiri,” Tohma spoke up.
Eiri turned towards him.
“You knew. You knew when I told you about the woman Keene was in contact with here in Japan.”
The husband of his older sister was right.
It was a mightily big coincidence that Keene, the man who tried to murder Shuichi, was in touch with someone over here in Japan and not any ordinary someone, but Rinjin Yasashii's sister.
Keene was mentally unstable and still believed that Shuichi should be held responsible for the death of his daughter. Sometimes the relatives of those accused of crimes refused to believe a member of their family was guilty no matter what the evidence may say. So it was entirely possible, that Rinjin's sister refused to believe the reports of her brother and teamed up with Keene.
Hindsight was twenty-twenty. What is done is and nothing will change the guilt Eiri felt over his too late realization that he should have come forward sooner, but he had not and now his son might be paralyzed.
Detective Misawa pondered what he had been told. This confirmed the task forces theory. They had to find her and fast before she did something else.
“Seguchi-san. Who is this Keene character you spoke of?”
Eiri growled lightly. He fisted his hands.
Tohma patted the author lightly on the shoulder. “Scott Keene,” he explained. Tohma told Detective Misawa what he knew about the attempted murderer.
With his arms crossed over his chest, Detective Misawa turned thoughtful. “Hm.” He would have to check up on that. It sounds like there might be something there. “Oh and Uesugi-san, I'm going to have to arrange for those photographs to be picked up.”
“Of course,” Eiri complied.
“Actually, my wife is at the house right now watching Baby Kira,” Tohma spoke up.
They left Kira with their neighbor, Najima Nami, until Mika arrived from Kyoto where the Seguchi's were spending the holiday. Nami has watched the boys on several occasions. She was someone both Eiri and Shuichi trusted.
“Aah! Okay. Let me get in touch with my boss so we can make those arrangements and then I would like to speak with Shindou-san and the boys if that is all right.”
Eiri shot his brother-in-law a glance, who nodded at his unspoken inquiry. “That will be fine.”
Detective Misawa frowned. What had that look been about?
The days were shorter this time of year. Hours before families usually sat down to have a nice family dinner it was already beginning to become dark as the sun slid slowly behind the horizon.
She stood in the parking lot on the east side of Osaka University Hospital. As her gaze traveled up the building that loomed large and imposing before her, the fur lined hood of her jacket slipped back to reveal damp, shoulder length blond hair secured loosely by a hair tie.
Tugging her hood back up over her head, she dropped her gaze and stuffing her hands into her coat pockets, shuffled across the full lot.
Half hidden behind a van and drooling, Taisuke kept snapping away.
Lowering his camera, he smirked. Reaching for his cellphone, he flipped it open, but he paused and asked himself what he thought he was doing.
Yes, she was wanted by the Osaka police in question to the accident that occurred earlier today and he knew he should contact them before she either disappeared into the ethers again or did something else, but on the other hand, he had a duty to his readers. The public had a right to know.
His reporter's curiosity won.
Snapping his phone closed, Taisuke returned it and stepping out from behind the van, jogged across the parking lot towards the double set of doors through which Rinjin Karin had vanished.
Making sure his camera was tucked safely out of view, for it was a dead give away as to his profession, Taisuke gripped the cool metal handles and flung open the heavy door. Glancing quickly over his shoulder, he too slipped inside.
This was going to be good.
Stopping just inside the second set of doors, Taisuke quickly scanned the lobby. There were several people scattered throughout the lobby. Some were watching the television that was tuned to the local news. Others were flipping through magazines, but he did not see Rinjin.
“Excuse me,” Taisuke said as he strolled up to the front desk where a volunteer was working quietly. Her nametag read Keiko.
“Yes, Sir?” the older woman asked.
“Hi. I was wondering if you could help me.”
“What can I do for you?”
“I'm looking for my wife.” The lie came out smoothly. “I was wondering if you've seen her. We came to visit her cousin who was admitted earlier. I dropped her off then went to park the car. She didn't happen to come through here, did she?”
“What did she look like?”
“Uhm, blond hair? Longish tan leather coat with faux fur lining? Has a slight limp?”
“Oh, yes. Yes. She dropped off a package then took off down that hallway.” She indicated over her left shoulder.
“Ah. She must have already gone up. Thank you very much.” He bowed kindly.
Keiko inclined her head in kind. “You're welcome.”
His boots squealing against the tiled floor, Taisuke took off down the twisting corridor.
Rinjin dropped off a package? Taisuke could not remember her having anything when she entered the hospital. He wondered what that was all about.
Somehow, Taisuke found himself in front of a bank of elevators near another waiting room and another set of doors that looked out over where his colleagues were huddled together out in the frigid temperatures.
Where did she go?
“Are you lost?” asked a deep, male voice from behind him.
Taisuke turned around and came face to face with a security officer. His nametag said Takeda. “Yeah,” he laughed. “This's my first time here. I'm trying to find the cafeteria.”
“The cafeteria? Okay. You just turn right down this hall here,” Officer Takeda pointed over his shoulder “and then left at the gift shop. It'll be on your right.”
“Got it. Thank you very much.” Taisuke bowed.
Officer Takeda inclined his head in return.
“I'm supposed to meet my wife there. We're here to see her cousin. You haven't seen her have you? Blond hair? Limping? Tannish coat?”
“Can't say that I have.”
Where did she go? She could not have just vanished.
“We can have her paged-?”
“Oh, no,” Taisuke said panicking. “That's okay. She'll either be in the cafeteria or up in her cousin's room. She just tends to do things without informing me.”
“You sure-?”
“Yes. Yes. Thank you very much.” Taisuke bowed several more times, as he quietly slipped away.
Once out of sight of the security officer, Taisuke breathed a heavy sigh of relief, and then cursed himself for losing his target.
The sound of muffled voices from outside the drawn curtains woke Shuichi from his light slumber.
Rubbing his aching eyes, he pushed himself up into a sitting position, being careful not to disturb his sleeping boys cuddled around him. The curtains parted and Marcus appeared.
“What's going on? Where's Eiri?” Shuichi asked the man, his voice slurred.
“He's still with Mr. Seguchi, Sir.”
Shuichi's face fell. “Oh.”
He wished Eiri were here. He was worried about Riku. Eiri told him their oldest boy was in surgery, but he refused to say anything more then that. He hoped nothing was seriously wrong.
A hand flew to his stomach. Though the twins were still sound asleep, it felt as if somebody had woken up.
“But one of the hospital volunteers just dropped this off.”
Shuichi raised his head. “Huh?”
With a sharp intake of air, Shuichi's eyes went wide.
As he mounted the steps of the porch, he looked around for his husband, for he had not seen him go into the house, and found him out by the front gate checking the mail. It must have come because he had a thick wad of white envelopes of various sizes in his hand. Eiri bent over and looked inside the mailbox, probably seeing if he had missed anything, Shuichi guessed. When he straightened, Shuichi saw him pulling out a large manila envelope, uncurling like a tongue as it slid out. Shuichi frowned, his eyebrows drawn in confusion and curiosity. He glanced from the envelope to his husband's face. He saw something flash across Eiri's face, but it was gone so quickly that Shuichi had not had enough time to discern what it had been.
As if sensing that he was being watched, Eiri's head snapped up. They locked eyes. Neither said anything for several long minutes.
It was the same!
“Mr. Shindou?”
Marcus's voice snapped Shuichi out of his thoughts. “Huh?”
“Are you all right, Sir?”
“Oh, yes,” he smiled weakly. Shuichi reached out with trembling hands and took the offered envelope. “Thank you.”
“Sir.” Marcus inclined his head.
One end of the envelope had been torn open.
“What is it?”
“It appears to be a photograph of some kind.”
Shuichi frowned. A picture?
He asked because as his bodyguard, Marcus would have checked to make sure the package was safe for him to handle. He would not be a very good bodyguard if he allowed his client to have something that might end up blowing his face off.
“You said a nurse dropped this off?”
“A volunteer. She said it was dropped off at the front lobby for you.”
Shuichi did not like this. “…Who dropped it off?”
“She didn't say.”
Not one bit. “…Thanks.”
With a tip of his head, Marcus vanished back outside the curtain.
“Oh! Marcus?”
Marcus popped his head back inside. “Sir?”
“Can you see what's taking Eiri so long? And then try to find someone and ask them about that room we requested.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Once again, his big, burly bodyguard vanished.
Shuichi studied the manila envelope. His name was printed clearly in bold, black, block lettering. Flipping it over, he saw there was nothing else on the envelope. No postage, or return address.
“Strange,” he mumbled.
Shuichi reached inside and pulled out the photograph. He found himself staring at the back of the glossy photo sheet. The logo of the film company was scrawled in yellow font color in diagonal lines across the back. It was a large photograph.
It shook in his trembling hands.
Shuichi felt sick to his stomach and it had nothing to do with his pregnancy.
Taking a deep breath, he flipped the photo over. Nothing could prepare him for what he saw.
Dr. Aiba Madoka raised her hand just as the office door swung open, startling both her and the foreign bodyguard behind her.
“Doctor,” Detective Misawa exclaimed. He was immediately on alert when he recognized the woman whom allowed them the use of the office and behind her was one of the guards Seguchi-san assigned to the Uesugi-Shindou family.
The three men were instantly on alert.
“What's happened,” he demanded.
Marcus stepped forward. “Sir.”
Dr. Aiba excused herself.
Fear and panic jolted Eiri's heart into a quickening pulse. He stepped forward. “Is Shuichi all right? Is he-?”
“He has been asking for you, Sir.”
Eiri breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He swore the baka was going to the death of him yet. “All right. Tell the brat I'll be right there and that Detective Misawa here has some questions he would like to ask him and the boys,” he ordered as his heart rate went back to normal.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Thank you Marcus,” Tohma dismissed. He turned towards the detective and his brother-in-law and swept his hand out the door. “Shall we?”
Tohma turned back towards the black man. “Didn't I-?”
“Yes, sir, but there is something else you probably should know.”
Eiri spun towards his husband's bodyguard. He suddenly had a very bad feeling.
“Well? What is it?” Tohma snapped.
“Just moments ago, one of the hospital volunteers dropped off a manila envelope.”
“What?!” shouted three male voices in unison.
With a curse, Eiri pushed passed his brother-in-law, the detective and Marcus. He was vaguely aware of Detective Misawa pulling out his cellphone as he, Tohma and Marcus followed him as he sprinted down the hall towards the observation room. His heart was thumping a fierce beat.
That bitch was here? She had the nerve to show her face after what she did to his family? If he ever got his hands on her, he was going to kill her! Nobody messed with his family and lived.
The bodyguards snapped to attention when they spotted Eiri racing towards them.
“Kitazawa Riku?”
Blinking, Eiri skidded to a halt and turned towards the male voice. Everything else was instantly forgotten at the mention of his son. “Yes?”
An older man in scrubs stepped into the observation room. “You are-?”
“Uesugi Eiri,” Eiri introduced. “Riku's father.”
“Uesugi-san. I am Dr. Amada Hirofumi. I worked on your son.”
The two men shook hands.
Eiri heart was hammering in his chest.
A clatter of movement sounded behind the doctor. Eiri glanced over the doctor's shoulder and spotted Marcus, his brother-in-law and Detective Misawa.
This reminded him…!
“Shuichi,” he called.
Eiri strode towards the tent that shielded his family.
Blade stepped aside and pulled open the curtain.
“Shuichi. Dr. Amada,” he said, “is…” His voice trailed off at the sight that greeted him. “Shuichi,” he gasped.
Shuichi was as white as the sheets on the bed. His expression was blank, but tears streamed down his face.
Eiri rushed to his husband's side.
The others closed in behind him.
Eiri went pale. His golden eyes were as wide as saucers. “Oh my god,” he moaned. “Detective,” he called over his shoulder. “You need to take a look at this.”
Detective Misawa was pulling the gloves he always kept on him out of his pockets as he stepped forward when he was struck temporarily dumb as he stared down at the singer. Was it just him or-?
“Detective,” whispered a low voice in his ear.
Startled, he turned to glance over his shoulder.
Tohma drew him aside. “I trust you will keep this to yourself? If there are any leaks, I will have your job and sue not only your department but the city for everything they have and trust me when I say I will win.”
His face having lost its color, Detective Misawa gulped and nodded. “Of course.” He looked briefly over his shoulder at the infamous couple. “So, Shindou-san is-?”
“Pregnant with triplets.”
Detective Misawa blinked. “Wow,” he exclaimed in shock. “When is he due?”
“April. They plan on a C-section.”
The detective nodded.
“Detective,” Tohma called when the plain cloths detective turned away, “I trust you will remember our little talk?”
“Of course, Seguchi-san.”
Tohma nodded his thanks.
Still a little shaky, Detective Misawa strolled up to the bed. “Hello, Shindou-san. I am Detective Misawa. Can I take a look at that?” He gently released the photograph out of the singer's grasp.
Eiri sat on the edge of the mattress and pulled his husband to him as much as Shuichi's massive stomach would allow.
Shuichi clung to him tightly. He buried his face in Eiri's chest and sobbed quietly.
Detective Misawa's grip tightened. His expression hardened. “Mr. Biesinger,” he said.
Marcus stepped forward. “Yes, Sir?”
“You said one of the staff volunteers gave this to you for Shindou-san?”
“Yes, sir. She said it was dropped off at the front lobby by a woman.”
“Did she say who this woman was? What she looked like?”
“No, sir.”
“Thank you.”
Marcus inclined his head and returned to his post.
“What is going on, Detective Misawa?” Tohma asked.
Detective Misawa held out the object in question.
Tohma's face remained impassive as he studied what appeared to be a crime scene photo of an accident involving what at one time appeared to have been a red car of an indistinguishable model, but was nothing more than a ball of metal. But it was what was printed across the photograph in what Tohma assumed was dried red paint that disturbed him the most.
He locked eyes with the detective.
“Excuse me,” called a new voice.
All eyes turned towards Dr. Amada. “If this is a bad time-?”
“No, no,” Eiri said. His voice was thick. He discreetly wiped at stray tears. “Please. Shu-chan,” he said turning towards his teary-eyed husband, “this is Dr. Amada Hirofumi. He was Riku's surgeon.”
Shuichi turned his watery eyes towards the Dr. Amada as he stepped up to the bed.
Dr. Amada Hirofumi was an older gentleman with a head full of grey hair and steel grey eyes. His face was hard and deeply lined.
“This is Seguchi Tohma, my brother-in-law and Riku's uncle and Detective Misawa,” Eiri introduced.
“Seguchi-san. Detective.” Dr. Amada nodded at both men in turn.
“How is my son?” Eiri asked.
“Well, the surgery went just fine.”
“What was wrong with him?” Tohma asked. “We were told by Dr. Li that he suffered some spinal injuries?”
“Yes,” Dr. Amada confirmed.
Shuichi gave a cry.
Eiri tightened his hold on his already devastated husband.
“More specifically, what he suffered was what we call `a vertebral compression fracture'.”
Shuichi nodded as a surge of relief flooded through him. Dr. Ohtani and he had discussed all this back when he was in the hospital after his fall.
“What is that exactly?” Detective Misawa asked.
“It occurs when the bones of the spine become broken due to trauma. In the case of Kitazawa-kun, it was the accident. Usually the trauma necessary to break the bones of the spine is quite large. In certain circumstances, however, such as in elderly people and in people with cancer, these same bones can break with little or no force. The vertebrae most commonly broken are those in the lower back.
We discovered the break on one of his x-rays and performed a CT scan and then an MRI of his spine when Kitazawa-kun told us he could not feel his legs,” Dr. Amada continued.
There was a round of gasp and curses.
“He went in for surgery to repair the break, which I said before was successful.”
“He'll be able to walk again, right?” Shuichi spoke up for the first time. He turned pleading eyes towards the older man.
Dr. Amada turned towards the lavender-eyed singer. He smiled gently. “Yes,” he said.
There was a round of sighs.
“He may need to wear a back brace just as a precautionary,” he assured the others, “for a little while. Uhm, lots of rest. He will have to be confined to bed for several weeks until he heals. He has to avoid strenuous and painful activities.”
“I don't know if he'll like that,” Shuichi giggled. He sniffed and wiped at his tears.
“Or if the boys'll allow that,” Eiri added with a soft chuckle. He glanced down at the twins who were snoring softly curled up against their mother.
“Guess this means, you won't be switching the rooms around, huh? Or setting up the nursery.”
Eiri shrugged. “We still have time. Besides, I'm sure we'll have a contingent of guests that will be glad to volunteer their time.”
Shuichi snorted. He knew exactly what Eiri said when he said he would have “volunteers”.
“Kitazawa-kun will also,” Dr. Amada continued, “need to apply ice to his back for the first week, then heat or ice, whichever feels better after that. Ice should be placed in a bag, wrap the bag in a towel, and then apply to the back for 15-20 minutes each hour. Do not add heat the first week because it draws more fluid to the area, thereby increasing swelling and pain.
“I will be prescribing him a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen or naproxen that he will need to take every day. And a muscle relaxant.
“You will need to take him to see his doctor regularly to ensure that the bones are healing. Or you can bring him here. I will be happy to see him.” He laughed at the expression on Shuichi's face. “Do not worry. I'll write all this down for you.”
Shuichi breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, Dr. Amada,” Tohma told him.
The doctor inclined his head.
“Yes, Thank you,” Eiri said.
“You are very welcome.”
“Can we see him?” Shuichi asked with hope-filled eyes.
“Certainly,” Dr. Amada said. “He is being wheeled up to that private room you requested. I'll have Yoshio escort you up there when you are ready.”
They thanked the older man once again as he bowed and made his exit.
Detective Misawa turned towards the retired pop star. His expression turned hard. His eyes went serious. “Shindou-san. I am Detective Misawa Ren,” he reintroduced himself when Shuichi turned blank eyes towards him. “I am from the Osaka police department.”
“He's investigating the hit and run,” Eiri explained.
Shuichi nodded that he understood.
“That's right. Is it all right if I ask you a couple questions?”
Shuichi drew in a breath.
A/N: Wow! Another long chapter. Twenty pages. Hope you enjoyed my holiday present. See ya in the new year!
