Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Blank Slate ❯ Chapter 5
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: Rated T for minor cursing, a possible concussion and a few mentions of suicide. “A person is so much easier to control when they're a blank slate.” -Naraku from the English dub of Inuyasha.
Sakano swore with every fiber of his being that he was going to kill K-san as soon as he found him. Speaking of the devil, he was sure he saw a blonde ponytail disappear behind a door further down the hall. He yanked the door open to reveal a grinning K. “So, how was your day?” Sakano was about to burst. “K-SAN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT LITTLE GAY MAN WAS THE PRESIDENT?!”
“Tohma-kun, I didn't know you were gay…”
Sakano closed his eyes and prayed to every deity he could think of that Sakuma-san was not behind him. He slowly swiveled his head toward the voice. Prayer unanswered.
“I am NOT gay.”
New prayer: Please don't let Seguchi-san be with Sakuma-san. Even though he didn't want to, he continued to turn his head. Cold green eyes stared back at him. Prayer unanswered.
Sakano started to feel lightheaded and very fearful. I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die… He couldn't take the silence anymore. He finally screamed, “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” and turned to run…right into the wall. Head first. K sighed in frustration as Sakano's face slowly slid down the wall. “Not again…If you wanted to kill yourself, why didn't you just jump out the window like last time?” K scooped up Sakano and headed for his car.
“Is that why you haven't kissed Mika-san since your wedding day?” Noriko inquired. Tohma pinched the bridge of his nose. This is going to be a long afternoon…
Brown eyes opened to greet the world. Then squinted shut as the glare of white light blinded them. Blinking furiously, they slowly adjusted to the room.
Everything's still blurry. What's going on? Am I dead?
A featureless figure shifted. “It wasn't my fault this time!”
“Huh? K-san, what are you talking about?”
“You ran into the wall yourself…Wait. You recognize me?”
“Of course I recognize you. Why wouldn't I?” Sakano asked, very confused.
K sighed, relieved. He'd learned his lesson. And never wanted to be put in that position again. Which is why the little megalomaniac was right outside the room. Just in case.
“Please hand me my glasses.” As he put on his eyewear, he looked around.
How did I end up in a hospital? The last thing I remember is the window…
Sakano gaped in shock. “I said WHAT to the president?!” K threw his head back and laughed. “Yeah, and it was pretty damn funny…”
Outside, a heated argument was taking place…
“So that's why you wear those clothes!”
“You were the one who wore the leather vest with no shirt on our last album cover!”
“But you told me to wear it!”
“I didn't know that one,” Noriko said with a laugh. Tohma growled.
Ryuichi added, “You're my very good friend, and a great band mate, but…you don't make me shiny. I'm sorry Tohma-kun.”
“It was a publicity stunt!”
Ryuichi's eyes got big and glassy. “Does that mean you don't like me anymore?”
Tohma sighed. “That's not what I meant…”
Sakano, safe on the inside, thought to himself, This is going to be a long week.
Tohma, stuck on the outside, thought to himself, Someone may still be getting fired today…