Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Runs Thicker Than Water ❯ Teach Me Something New ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The time it took for the two men to get from the living room, to Tohma's bedroom seemed to last an eternity to Fujisaki. Dozens of thoughts coursed through his head as he was lead down the hall and he wasn't sure he even wanted to know the answers to some of them. This was going to be an experience that neither one of them would ever forget.
When they reached the foreboding blackness that was the entrance to his cousins bedroom, Suguru froze. All of a sudden he didn't want to know what lay waiting for him inside that ominous, black emptiness.
“What's wrong my dear cousin? Scared of the dark?” Tohma jibed softly as he turned the lights onto their lowest setting, covering the room in eerie dancing shadows as he gently took hold of the dark haired boys slender arms and guided him towards the far side of the room.
“No I'm not!” Suguru cried defensively as he crossed his arms childishly and stared at the floor, “…I was…I-I'm just nervous….”
Tohma sighed softly and wrapped an arm around his cousins shoulders.
The teenage boy was trembling and flinched when they came in contact with one another. The older blonde felt guilty all of a sudden and wondered if this was really the right thing to do, but then he remembered that there was no right and wrong to this and that he just needed to make Suguru more comfortable. It was obvious that this was not something to be rushed and would need time, relaxation and gentle coaxing to get the desired response.
All of a sudden Tohma had an idea. Fujisaki needed to relax and the older keyboardist knew exactly what to do to get that to happen.
He gently turned and lead his cousin towards the bed, sitting him down at the foot of it; then, after a slow deliberate stroke to the boys crotch, he knelt down in front of him, gently undoing his pants.
The first thing that went through Suguru's mind was ,'He's going to give me another blow job.' But what happened was not what he had been expecting at all.
There was a swift tug near his calves and in one fluid movement, the young keyboardist's pants were removed and he was put on his back, legs still hanging over the edge of the bed. Tohma leaned in and started to randomly blow air, dot kisses and suck gently on the boys pliable inner thighs. The sensation was ticklish, but still extremely pleasurable.
Tohma proceeded to give the same treatment to his cousins abdomen and chest and suddenly it clicked somewhere in Fujisaki's head. Tohma used to do something similar to him when he was small child, and it always ended with the boy laughing and giggling so hard that he would cry. It used to be one of the things he looked forward too when he knew that his older cousin would be coming over to visit.
The only difference now, was that he remembered having loud, wet raspberries blown on his stomach where there was now just gentle kissing and sucking.
Tohma seemed to sense that Suguru had picked up on his reference to their earlier days and stopped to come up and lay next to the now heavily breathing boy.
“Suguru, remember when I did that to you just after you ate,” He said as he softly trailed his finger's up and down the boys arm, “ and you laughed so hard that you threw up your dinner?”
This simple question induced an immediate, defensive response from Fujisaki who hit Tohma's chest playfully and cried that it hadn't been his fault.
“I didn't ask you to tickle me until I puked! It just happened!” He giggled childishly as Tohma leaned in and started to ghost his fingers along the sides of his cousins torso, making the boy laugh and attempt to wriggle away.
The blonde smiled as he revisited some of the earlier memories he had of his young cousin. Suguru had always been a bright boy, much smarter and far more beautiful then his older brother Tatsume, who was neither talented, nor exceptionally blessed with good looks.
The young Fujisaki had always been playful, quick learning and always willing to try new foods, something that he was highly praised for among their aunts. The boy's first time trying Natto beans [1] when he was five proved to be very amusing for their whole family and they had all enjoyed a pleasant laugh when he wrinkled his nose and spit them out in disgust. He vaguely remembered his grandfather finishing the bowl.
Yes, Suguru had been an interesting child and he had, was and always would be very special to Tohma.
At present the dark haired teen was still writhing and giggling, nearly naked under his cousin's devilishly skilled hands and was begging to be let go.
The blonde desisted in his efforts and suddenly became very serious. He placed a toned arm on either side of Suguru`s small body and slowly lowered his mouth down to steal a kiss from that smiling mouth.
Suguru was slightly shocked by this, but quickly got over it as a thick wet muscle persistently worked it`s way into his open mouth. The boy's tongue shyly tapped against his cousin's in an experimental sort of way and at once the kiss escalated, much to his surprise. The older blonde threaded his hand softly through Fujisaki's dark hair and pushed his head up from behind so that their mouths were crushed together, melding and joining with one another in a impassioned, wet and seemingly endless embrace.
And, just as fast as it had started, it stopped.
“I…I apologize, Suguru-chan,” Tohma said breathlessly as he pulled away and moved to sit back beside his cousin on the bed, “I didn't mean for that to happen…I just got carried away.”
The blonde ran his fingers nervously through his hair and looked out into the semi-darkness that surrounded them.
Several chunky beams of light traveled swiftly across the wall opposite the window as a car sped past on the road outside and Suguru followed it with his gaze. The young musician now felt bad because he had actually enjoyed the kiss he had received from Tohma and was rather sad that it had stopped. He wasn't going to say anything, but a small, persistent voice told him to stop being so childish and take what he wanted for once.
After drawing in a deep breath, Suguru rubbed cat like against his cousins shoulder and looked up into the man's sparkling blue eyes. Tohma looked back down at him, a small smile on his lips.
Neither of them said anything, as Fujisaki placed a butterfly kiss on the well tanned arm in his grasp and sat up level with his cousin. The dark haired vocalist took Tohma's face in his hand and brought their mouths together, tender and lovingly.
The blondes eyes slowly closed and when he opened them his young cousin was staring at him with a genuine look of happiness, his hand still on his face.
“I liked it Tohma,” Suguru said sincerely as he stroked his cousins face with the back of his hand, gently following the contours of his cheeks and chin.
“ I didn't…want it to stop. Would you …kiss me that way again?”
“Please?” He whispered softly, as a pleading look took over his face as he waited for a response.
Tohma was thrilled to hear that his kiss had been appreciated and was eager to see what else the boy would be interested in. He calmed himself and decided to move more slowly from that point on. Getting carried away with a kiss was one thing, but getting carried away with…other things, would not be as easy to apologize for.
“I'm…glad to hear that it pleased you, Suguru-chan,” He said earnestly, as he rubbed the back of his cousins hand tenderly, “And I would be delighted to kiss you again, but…I was also wondering if…if you…”
“If I what, Tohma-kun?” Fujisaki asked softly with a smile.
“If you want to perhaps…try something else? Something a bit more…physical.”
Suguru once again wanted to freeze up when he heard this, but instead he relaxed and thought it through. Was there really any way for it to get worse? Just being together as they were now was enough to put Tohma in jail, so why not make the best of it and enjoy what was going on while it was still able to be enjoyed.
“That depends I guess…“ The boy said timidly, “What did you have in mind?”
Tohma pulled his cousin close and just breathed in the boys soft, calming scent for several long seconds.
“I want to make love to you, my Suguru-chan,” He whispered softly, his voice full of desire and genuine need, “ I want too do it so much. Please say that you'll let me…please…”
This was exactly what Fujisaki had been afraid of. In his head he knew that he should say no, but his heart knew that this was inevitable. He had already decided back on the couch to try and enjoy this, at least for one night and so he embraced Tohma back and breathed softly into the older mans neck; the man who was twice his age and related by blood.
The two of them just sat there, embracing one another in the dark when finally, Suguru leaned in to his cousins ear and whispered, “Teach me how and I`m all yours.”
“Tatsuha!!” Mika hissed loudly off the porch, “You sneaky little bastard, get back here!! Father is going to kill you when he finds out you've gone! And don't think I`ll cover for you either!”
Tatsuha was currently laughing his ass off as he sped away from the house on his motorcycle. He was going out to meet up with Saiyonji-kun again and this time he did not intend for there to be any interruptions. Just before Mika and the house were out of sight, he fish tailed around and stopped at the end of the drive, his bike idling gently.
After flipping up his visor he yelled, “Just tell him that you sent me to buy something for you! I'm sure he'll believe it coming from his most dutiful, law-abiding child! See yah!”
Tatsuha laughed and flipped the visor of his dark red helmet closed before returning his attention back to his bike. He waved briskly over his shoulder at his fuming sister and revved his engine a couple times before taking off into the city.
“Argghh! That little twerp!”
Mika stomped her foot and strode angrily back inside, flicking off the porch light and sliding the door shut behind her with a slam.
“Why don't they ever listen to a word I say!?” She raved under her breath as she headed for the kitchen to prepare some tea for herself, “I'm their oldest sister aren't I? I should be shown more respect!”
Mika shivered and immediately went to switch on the kitchens heater. She was still in her pajamas and house coat because Tatsuha had decided to wake her up at quarter after one to tell her that he was sneaking out.
That was when the chase had started, which then lead to Tatsuha's escaping out the bathroom window after he locked himself in to get away from Mika.
It had all happened rather quickly and in hindsight She wondered why he had even bothered to wake her up at all. Now she felt like she was being torn in two.
One half of her knew she needed to tell her father where Tatsuha had gone, but the other half wanted to just cover for the little deviant to prevent any further reprimands on his sorry ass. With Eiri and herself off in Tokyo, Tatsuha had a lot of weight resting on his shoulders. He was expected to carry on the temple as well as the family name, meaning he was certainly not free to be with whoever he wanted. There wasn't really any room for him to make his own decisions or follow his own path and for that, Mika felt sorry for him. He hadn't asked for the job of fulfilling Eiri's abandoned obligations, nor had he asked for the extremely rigid expectations that his father had for him.
The tea kettle started to whistle on the stove and Mika sighed as she went over to pour herself some of the steaming hot herbal brew. She would cover for the little brat, but only this once. They were siblings after all.
After gently sliding back towards the head board, Suguru began to undergo his instruction.
Tohma followed his cousin up the bed and laid down next to him, propping himself up on his elbow so that he was hovering over the boy slightly.
With a feathered stroke of the teenagers smooth cheek, The older blonde began to descend on the waiting mouth.
Fujisaki knew what was coming now and was prepared to show Tohma everything that he knew.
The boy moaned softly when their mouths touched and he quickly started to get into a much less restricted state of mind. He had opened his heart to his cousin and that was more then he had done for anyone. Several minutes elapsed and Tohma sensed that Suguru might need a bit of a break.
“Are you okay?” He asked softly as he moved to instead suck on his cousins tender neck, “Are you ready for more or do you want me to kiss you for a while longer?”
Fujisaki was starting to get light headed, but he assumed it was normal. He turned his head to the side as he bent his right leg at the knee, his arms spread out beside him. His position left him relaxed, but exceedingly vulnerable to assault from Tohma's mouth and hands.
“I'm alright Tohma-kun…I feel a bit light headed is that…um, normal?”
The older keyboardist just smiled and placed a hand on his cousins newly raised limb.
“Yes,” He explained as he slowly started to lay down and pull the boy on top of his chest, “That's a very common feeling.”
Suguru's heart raced when Tohma changed their positions. It thrilled him to be hovering above his cousins well defined body, but suddenly he started to feel insecure. He didn't know what to do, nor what was expected of him and it was starting to make him feel nervous and self conscious again.
He laid his head down on Tohma's chest and took deep breaths to calm down.
He sighed when he felt his cousin's arms wrap themselves around him.
“I…I don't know what I should do Tohm--”
“Shh” The older man cooed as he put a finger to Suguru's lips, “Just do what feels right. If you do something I like, or don't like, I'll let you know okay?”
Fujisaki nodded in agreement and just decided to go for it. It wasn't like he had anything to lose ; he knew Tohma would still love him even if he was inexperienced and awkward.
He took a breath and started by timidly ghosting his hands down his cousin's entire body, in much the same way that Tohma had done to him. The older man moaned quietly in the back of his throat and rested his hands above his head.
“mmm…yes. I like that very much,” He whispered softly, eyes closed gently so he could focus his concentration on the small hands running over his body.
Next, Suguru moved his mouth down low and timidly licked Tohma's chest. The reaction he got from the older man pleased him and gave him confidence to continue. The blonde moaned again as Fujisaki ran his warm, wet tongue up the man's chest to enclose his left nipple.
“Oh Suguru,” He whispered as the boy sucked and tentatively flicked his tongue back and forth over the tight hard flesh between his lips, “Keep doing it…just like that.”
Suguru hummed an “mm-hmm” just as he moved over to try the same thing out on his cousin's right nipple. The man under him jumped slightly and cried out.
“I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?” Suguru panicked as he instantly removed his mouth from Tohma`s chest and sat back. He wasn't sure what he had done, but he didn't know whether his cousin's response was good or bad.
“Nhh- No you didn't hurt me,” He said, assuring the concerned young keyboardist, “That…I just wasn't expecting you to do that and it caught me by surprise.”
Suguru was confused. He still didn't know what he had done, or if Tohma had liked it.
“What did I do?” He asked curiously, “Did you like it? Should I do it again or try something el--”
The older blonde once again silence his young cousin by putting a finger to his rambling mouth.
“Shh,” the musician murmured gently, “You're rambling again, little one.”
He decided that, rather then tell his cousin what he had done, he would show him instead.
With the gentleness of someone accustomed to holding newborn infants, Tohma slowly moved out from under and then on top of his cousin, one jean covered leg over either side of the boys slender hips.
Suguru watched anxiously as Tohma's mouth descended towards his chest.
“What are you-ahhn!”
Tohma encased the boys left nipple in his mouth and started to hum as he lathed his vibrating tongue back and forth over the pert bud.
Fujisaki understood what he had done now and he definitely knew that Tohma had not been in pain when he had cried out only moments before.
“Oh Tohma! Please…please don't stop…” the boy whimpered as his arms went up to rest on his cousin's slight shoulders.
Tohma was overjoyed that Suguru was enjoying the sensations he was providing as much as he enjoyed providing them and he leisurely ran his hand up and down from the boys chest to his upper thigh.
Fujisaki whimpered and moaned and exhaled loudly until the older keyboardist noticed that the boy's erection was jabbing him in the leg.
Without stopping the onslaught he was currently unleashing on his cousin's nipples, he reached down between their bodies and started to stroke the boy's swollen cock.
Suguru cried out and bucked into the older man's hand as he tossed his head to the side and shut his eyes tight.
“Ahh! Don't stop…please don't…don`t stop…nnh!”
These were the only few words that Suguru seemed to be able to say as he lost himself in a spiraling world of pleasure and endorphins. He was no longer thinking like a human and the demon inside him wanted desperately to be released from the torturous prison of desire that it was trapped inside of.
It clawed at his groin and ran up and down inside him, causing a delicious, agonizing heat to flare inside the boys body.
Tohma wasn't sure how long Suguru would be able to hold out, but the moment he bit down on one of the boys dusky nipples his question was answered.
The only sounds in the room were of Fujisaki's cries as he came violently in his older cousin's hand, bucking his hips involuntarily and thrashing his head to and fro on the pillow under it.
“Good boy, just let it come,” Tohma extolled as he continued to pump the quivering erection in his hand,“….just let it come.”
After a good twelve seconds Fujisaki finally stopped thrashing about and bucking his hips. Tohma pulled his hand from the boys boxer's and saw that it was coated in Suguru's sweet, tepid cum.
“You enjoyed that I take it?” He asked softly as he showed the panting boy his white streaked hand. “You made quite the mess didn't you? I guess I'll have too,” The blonde paused to lick some of the boys seed from his hand, “Clean it all up.”
Before Suguru could say anything, Tohma had his boxer's off and was licking and slurping all round the boy's flaccid cock. The young keyboardist's hips bucked as an agonized moan escaped his throat.
“Just take it easy now,” Tohma said soothingly between licks, “You're alright.”
“You…I…Tohma that was…thank you.”
The teen's beautiful green eyes closed as tears started to flow softly down his smooth cheeks and shudders wracked his small body.
“Oh Suguru,” The older musician whispered quietly as he abandoned his previous mission in favor of comforting his weeping cousin.
“Shh…I'm here Suguru-chan…come now…you`re alright…shhh…”
Fujisaki didn't want to cry, it just sort of happened. He was so happy and his body felt so good that he just couldn't contain himself. He needed to cry or he`d faint. There were so many things happening inside his mind that his brain couldn't sort everything out. He felt like he'd run a marathon and then been forced on one of those twirling rides at an amusement park. His body was exhausted from sexual exertion and his mind couldn't keep him stable.
There was nothing that could be done for it and now that Tohma was so close and holding him so dearly his emotion wracked body just gave in and he passed out against his cousin`s firm, warm chest.
[1] Natto Beans are fermented Soybeans that are Eaten on rice or by themselves. They are covered in what can only be described as snot and they taste sort of nutty. The first time you try them you'll either love them or hate them, it depends on the person. Go here for a picture:
Well well well!!! I finally finished this chapter!! And I go back to school tomorrow too! I promise not to take this long again with an update, but I had other stories to work on (This is the first of three half finished chapters that my lazy ass needs to finish) The next one I'm going to attempt to finish is on Semblance of Peace which is a Hiro/Shu Shu/Yuki type fic. If you read that one then you should be happy that it will be finished soon, and if you don't then ignore that last sentence.