Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Stained Music Sheets ❯ Sheet 4; Duel of the Melodies ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yay! Sheet 4 is now in effect! I got some wonderful reviews from my friends Sora and Mia, and the person who commented on my review page. I appreciate all that guys, makes me want to just plow along with my story. So to make it short, I don't own anything official Gravitation, Maki Murakami does, and if I owned it, I wouldn't share^^ *hugs her Yuki and Shuichi dolls*
But I do own, Allegra Pika, and Echo Location, Takashi, and whoever else is made^^. Um, I do not own the character known as Mia, my friend does and if you want to use her, find me and Ill point cha in the right direction. And if you want to use mine, contact me somehow. My e-mail's all I ask is that the subject has “Blood Stained Music Sheets” in it. So I know you want to talk about my story^^. Now without further Adieu, back to Blood Stained Music Sheets!
Blood Stained Music Sheets
Sheet 4; Duel Between Melodies
Written by: Summoner Hirelena
“Tatsuho was kidnapped?” Hiro breathed softly plopping down hard on his chair his face beaming with confusion. The room went quiet with a deadly, and tense filled air as they all looked nervously at one another. Nervously I felt my hand go to my neck playing with the small bell in between my fingertips. I was not sure who this Tatsuho was, but apparently the group knew, and he was important.
“Ohh, Kumagoro, that's bad. We were supposed to go check out that cool new aquarium together!” Ryu whined to his pink bunny shaking it in childish frustration.
Ukai sighed yanking at the singers ear, “Stupid! This is serious!”
“So they made the first move” Fujisaki closed his brown eyes, a grave look on his young face as his hand touched his hair.
“Are these the same people who attacked us last night?” Wrapping my arms around myself I knew if I didn't ask any questions, I will never figure out what really was happening around me. Apparently there were people out there who wanted to hurt Bad Luck, maybe a hateful Band? Or maybe just some radical group?
`But I gotta know, somehow I am stuck in the middle of this. And I don't want to be kidnapped' The group looked at each other hesitantly for a few moments before Hiro decided to speak up as he placed his chin on his hands.
“Yea, that's them Al. And sorry we're keeping you in the dark, but you have to understand we never had to bring someone from the outside in about this” I felt my eyes narrow my nose wrinkling in confusion as I echoed.
“'Outside'? What do you mean by that?”
“Those who wasn't there when we were chosen”
`Chosen? Like what? Sailor Scouts?' My mind was reeling with confusion, who did the choosing? And what did they choose, and maybe they choose the others?
“Shindou-san you should probably go to Mr. Yuki right now. This must be very hard on him” Sakano-san quietly said placing a gentle hand on the singer's shoulder. Shuichi nodded quickly shoving his cell in his pocket as he turned.
“Ill be in contact you guys. Don't get in trou-“
“Hold it right there Shuichi” He turned his head from the door frame his purple eyes blinking at K as he spoke. The blonde stuck his finger at me his blue eyes flashing under his bangs.
“You left something”
Blushing I shook my hands and head stepping back, “No no, I'm fine. I can stay here if you need to go see Yuki-san” The thought of seeing him again with Shuichi, scared me. Those eyes of his were beautiful, but, they were so unsettling… Deadly, and with that obvious threat to say away from my muse, who knew what he would do.
“No, hes right” Shuichi said walking back into the room running his fingers in his hair.
“K, will you drive us to Yuki's and than go get her things from her dorm room?” He asked quietly holding out his arm for me to take. Choking back my fears I slipped my arm into his, as my other hand went digging into my pockets. I could have died right there with happiness feeling his cool yet warm body next to me.
“Oh no bother Allegra, I always find my own way in” K grinned shoving his hand in his pocket shifting through it.
“We're leaving everyone, please take care and watch your backs” Shuichi said as we slowly began to head towards the door again.
`Ooh, Yuki's going to kill me when he sees me…' The group called out their goodbyes while we walked out the door and down the hallways.
We quickly found our way to a gorgeous imported black car that was parked in the front of the building behind Ryu's and Ukai's.
“I'll just pick your lock, and its even more fun if it's a card swipe one, and than Ill sneak in and grab your panties and of course you gotta play with them. That'll take me a good half hour, maybe Ill do with the bra's, than Ill go through your clothes…”
“Hey!” His blue eyes blinked at me as he turned his arms and hands still hanging in the air.
“You can't just hang out at my dorm! My roommate is going to be there soon looking for me, and if she finds a strange man playing with my unmentionables than Goddess knows she'll freak out!” K opened up the back door to let me in as he let out a hearty laugh.
“HA Ill silence her with a German Suplex!”
“Please K, no Suplex's” Shuichi said with a pleading smile as he slipped into the front passenger seat. The blonde quickly moved into the drivers seat a sigh on his lips.
“Aw, no one appreciates a good Suplex anymore. Anyway, put on your seatbelts, because we're about to kick up some dirt!” And once again I found myself pressed against the back seat of the car as he hit the gas…
“So, what are you going to do Shuichi?” He asked the singer over the blasting of Bad Luck's new cd through the speakers. The singer's arms went in the air flailing as he began to cry in dramtics.
“What about? Tatsuho being kidnapped and our non-existent plan to save him, or about how the lyrics Im working on isn't working-“
“No I mean, what are you going to do with your Kitten?” Blushing I played with the bell around my neck as my head moved to stare outside the window.
“Allegra…?” I jumped in my seat as I turned my head back hearing Shuichi call my name as the music was put down.
“Its true, I turned you into a vampire to save your life. And because my blood is in you, mixed with what you had left, we're bonded. And that's what I was trying to explain to you before Yuki's call. I've never gave my blood to anyone, so I didn't know what the consequences would be”
“But apparently you two cannot be far from each other for an extended amount of time” K picked up with the same tone of seriousness to it.
“I don't understand though how just giving me blood healed me, my throat was slit”
“We still don't get it…Maybe your blood is a healer” The blonde answered.
“The point being, is that it will be tough for us to stay far apart and feel normal. And who knows if the Keepers of the Dark Soul are trying to hurt us by taking away people we care about. I don't want you taken too…It would be my entire fault if you were”
“No Shuichi don't place all that blame on yourself it would be my fault” I insisted quickly.
“So, Al while we figure out what to do, your staying with Yuki and me for protection”
`Did he say…I'm going to live…with them?'
“Al? You okay?” The blonde turned his head to stare at me with his blue eyes since I fell silent for a few minutes.
“K! LOOK AT THE ROAD DAMNIT!” Clutching onto the door I cried out as screeching tires filled the air.
“Darn people cant drive right” He grumbled loudly as the car stop jerking around.
“Your driving on the wrong side of the road anyway!” Shuichi yelled back.
Gasping I laid against the door, “Shuichi…please I can't go stay with you. Ill just be in the way of everything”
“What's her problem, I would think someone who is such a huge fan of you would want to stay at your home”
“I just don't want to cause you any problems between you and Yuki-san…”
Shuichi's head suddenly popped up on the headrest his purple eyes staring back at me.
“Did Yuki say something to you?” He asked gently. Biting my lip slightly my heart told me I couldn't lie to him, he would just know. I couldn't understand it and I couldn't fight it, but I could feel the bond between us, Shuichi felt distressed, almost as much as I was. Sitting up slowly I bowed my green eyes away from his purple ones.
“Ah, the lover, jealous of a pretty new threat” The blonde sang happily from the drivers seat. I heard my muse gasp softly, like he was hit with radical news.
“Part of me is ecstatic that he can get jealous, and the other part of me is upset” He breathed quietly yet excitedly. Lifting my head I saw his eyes were sparkling happily an almost dreamy grin on his face.
“Calling Shindou Shuichi. Calling Shindou Shuichi, come on down from Yuki land”
The man shook his head sharply grinning still at me as came out of his daydream.
“Ill talk to Yuki when we get home I'm sure I can convince him”
“Speaking of which here we are” K called as the car slowly cam to a stop. The singer disappeared again behind the front passenger seat the sound of him unlocking his seatbelt mixing with my own rang in the air.
“Mr. K please, don't stay too long in my dorm. Its on the third floor room 37 of Tokyo University” I called to him as I got out of the car shutting it behind me. The blonde gun crazy Manager grinned at me winking as he revved the engine.
“Yea yea sure sure! Later Shuichi, Ill pick you up tomorrow morning bright an early!” And with that he sped off the odor of burning tires mixing in with the clean Spring air. I don't know why but I couldn't take my eyes off the road that the dark car flew down. It disappeared in the horizon, kind of like how my normal life was now slowly fading in the past.
“Come on Kitten” Turning I saw the singer motion me to come closer an excided goofy smile on his face. Nodding I hurried up behind him as he unlocked the door to the apartment house and raced inside. Shaking all the way I followed slowly into the building being bathed in the cool air conditioning and dark environment.
“Al, I gotta apologize for Yuki's actions” Shuichi called as we made our way up the stairs.
“He's not like normal people obviously, very complicated”
I nodded as we stepped off the steps onto a floor, “I could tell. But I am sure that I was a very unexpected surprise that night”
“But although he's like that, he does have a good heart, and I am sure if we explain it to him he will understand” He said in a matter of fact tone reaching a door as his other hand fished for his key in his pocket. Pulling it out he unlocked the door and flew in.
“YUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IMMM HOMEEEEEEEEE” Holding onto the door handle I couldn't help myself but smile feeling the overwhelming feeling of joy coming from the singer.
“Gah! Your so noisy!”
Suddenly there was a loud thud and a stifled cry that came from the room that was unmistakably Shuichi's voice.
“Shuichi!” I felt my heart almost stop as I raced in after him gory visions of his own throat being silted, or knife through his heart…
“What's she doing here?” Stopping in the inside of the door I stared at not the bloody mess that my imagination threw at me, but Yuki's golden glass eyes staring at me as he pinned Shuichi to the wall with one arm. My cheeks flushed red like Shuichi's as my mouth hung open stunned at the sight.
“S-S-Sorry” I stuttered shaking my head the bell jingling. The man let go of the singer standing up straight his right hand lifting as he put the smoke back in his mouth.
“Yuki, I know that you aren't wild about Al staying here with us. But with Tatsuho being kidnapped we have no clue if they would come for others, her included too. You know that they attacked her and I'm sure they know she's under our care.” Shuichi explained quickly getting up beside him and than between us. Yuki's head tilted to the boy slowly and carefully keeping his eyes on me.
“And you know I feel responsible-“
“And what if I say no?” He asked softly with a small smirk on his face. Shuichi fell silent his purple eyes going big.
“But Yukiii”
“I already don't get enough peace at home because of you and your stupidity. Now you're bringing a women in it? Its my home and I say no” Than his eyes slowly shifted to his lover my heart coming back to life and my now aching lungs relaxing under the incoming air.
“I didn't think you would allow me to anyway…” I murmured, my mind swimming from an oncoming headache. I felt his pain, anger and outright disappointment, mixed with that nasty taste of my dry feeling lips.
`You hate me…I know…' The purple eyes of Shuichi quickly moved from his hard gaze at Yuki to me.
`He felt my distress…' Biting my lip slightly I fought the heat that was growing in my eyes, which was always a sure give a way that I was about to burst out in tears.
“Oh don't pull that crap on me Yuki, you had many girlfriends in the past, and I bring home a girl to protect her-“ Shuichi was cut off suddenly as Yuki bent down slightly and captured the man's lips possessively. My skin crawled as I felt my lips unconsciously curl into a jealous snarl, I knew that I could not have him…even if I did love him. My lips fell into line though when all of a sudden Yuki's eyes opened and stared at me with a cold hard gaze.
`He's daring me…Daring me to do something with Shuichi to sway him…' Blushing I bowed my eyes away from him, silently showing my submission to Yuki's feelings. Shuichi than gently took a breath of air as the writer pulled up letting go of his captive.
“I don't care if she stays, but she has to pull her weight around unlike your lazy ass” Yuki finally said putting the cigarette to his lips again. Than moving slowly past Shuichi he stood beside me his feet shifting under him as he put on his brown shoes. Kicking my shoes off quickly I moved up into the home smiling as Shuichi began to celebrate.
“REALLY?” His hands clutched in excitement he tossed his arms out and jumped towards Yuki to grab his lover in a tackle hug. But before he could complete it Yuki threw his palm out connecting it with Shuichi's forehead.
“OW! Hey! Where are you going?” Yuki placed his free hand on the door handle as he took the cigarette stub out of his mouth dropping it.
“Where do you think stupid? I'm going to see if I can find some information to find my dumb brother” And than with that he shut the door behind him leaving us alone in the apartment.
“Well that was easier than what I expected” Shuichi said rubbing his head with a smile.
Sighing I played with the bell around my neck, “I really wish he would like me though”
The boy kicked off his shoes putting a hand on my shoulder for a moment in comfort.
“Don't worry about it, hes a jerk to everyone. Now come on, it's getting late, lets call for food and wait for K-san to come back with your clothes”
No sooner after he said that a large pizza was brought to the home accompanied by a nice small bottle of hot sauce. And out of Shuchi's secret stash, which I had to close my eyes for came bottles of Ramune(1) of all different colors scattered around while the music of Nittle Grasper played in the background.
“Mm, hot stuff!” Shuichi grinned shaking half the bottle on his half of the pie. Passing it to me his watering mouth grew twice its normal width as he stuck a hot slice into his mouth. My stomach began to growl as it smelt the strong scent of pizza mixed with the delicious smell of spice as I looked down at the food. Shaking the bottle too on a slice I quickly yanked it off the pie and stuck it in my mouth eating it quickly.
“Shuichi…?” He looked up his purple eyes blinking as his cheeks puffed out with food.
“…I don't understand, how come I can still eat normal food? Go outside during the day, and not have to sleep in coffins, if Im a vampire?” He swallowed his food and began to laugh before putting the pink strawberry Ramune in his mouth drinking.
“That's an easy one, those are just television vampires. We can go out in the day, don't have to have coffins, and I am sure your food doesn't taste as good as you remember” Shuichi playfully eyed me as I thought about this biting off another piece of his pizza. I bit off another piece too chewing slowly to see if he was right.
`…Mm…The flavor is kinda dull. Like cardboard…'
“I guess your right” I sighed gently finishing off the crust.
“The only thing that will taste wonderful, is the taste of blood” Lifting my eyes from the glass in my hand I felt my heart suddenly slip into sadness with Shuichi's depressed tone of voice. His purple eyes which were normally shining with excitement were dulled with worry.
`He doesn't like being a vampire does he? I wonder, how they became like this?' Suddenly the sound of the `Be There' was interrupted by the foreign sounds of knocking on the door.
“That must be K” Shuichi got up and scrambled to the door his normal energy coming back to him. The door swung open as the blonde stood there a grin plastered on his face and bags on his arms and around his neck.
“Yo! I found your stuff, everything you could possibly need is in these bags, and I must say I love your little book of p-“ My cheeks went utterly red as my heart stopped knowing what he was going to say.
“Hehe, Ill get that stuff K!” Shuichi quickly said grabbing the bags that K had in his arms.
`How dare you K…' I could have died there in embarrassment as I helped the two bring my clothes and few personal items in. The thing he was talking about…was my poetry and song book…
“I would help go through her unmentionables but, I got to actually do my job as Producer” The blonde smiled standing up and stretched after laying down the 3rd bag. The singer nodded as he followed the blonde to the door waving him off as I opened up the first bag.
“You don't have to tell me what he was talking about, apparently that's private” Shuichi said as he came over next to me.
“Thanks…Um, where should I put my clothes?” The boy blinked at me stunned and confused at the sudden change of subject.
“Oh, hold on, Yuki has storage tubs, you can use that!” Soon we got things pulled out of the bags and started moving them into the tubs.
`So thirsty' It was a bit of work pulling down the tubs, and going through my bags but with the music in the background we was almost pleasurable. All except the nasty nagging of thirst in my throat, even with all the drinks I drank.
“What about your family Kitten? Won't they be worried when they can't reach you at your dorm?” Shuichi asked while we closed the lid of one more tub. Moving away from the container as he moved to put it away I slipped something into the pillowcase of my pillow.
“I really don't have much family. Nobody I would consider true family anyway”
“My Aunt Lil takes care of me”
`And shes the only one who would. No one else really wanted me…Not even my Parents or Grandparents. But who cares I'm still doing good with my life!' Sighing I smiled seeing him come back a gentle smile on his face.
“I didn't mean to upset you” Shuichi said coming back in the room with a gentle smile. The music was finally over as he slowly made his way over to me wrapping his arms around my back pulling me close to him.
“Look, although you didn't have any family before, you got it now. In a way Im your family, and so is Bad Luck” Clutching onto his shirt I felt my cheeks warm slightly as I lifted my head resting my chin on his chest to stare up in his eyes.
“Really?” I murmured through my parched lips. His neck was getting closer and closer as he nodded.
“Yea, you thirsty?” Shuichi breathed as my eyes closed slowly reaching closer and closer to his cool yet warm neck.
“Yea…” My body ached as my breath quickened into a very soft pant.
`What…What am I doing?' Everything was acting on its own, I lost control of my own functions like an animal. But even as I asked those questions and I almost couldn't believe it I knew what was going on as my aching teeth gradually sank into the soft flesh of Shuichi's neck.
`I'm…I'm feeding…' His body winced sharply against me as I heard him take a sharp breath. I couldn't describe it, but I felt my mouth being filled with an warmth that was slowly traveling down my body. But it really wasn't my mouth being filled with it, but something else, but who cared…whatever was taking the blood was quenching that nasty horrible dry taste in my lips and mouth.
“You haven't fed yet…Go ahead drink, but don't kill me Al” I was almost so gone I had to tear my mind away from the thought of taking blood to remember my own name. This sensation was…so much better than anything I ever felt before…I just…I just wanted to stay there…and continue forever…getting my fill.
Author's Note:
(1)-Ramune: A very super carbonated flavored Japanese soda. I suggest drinking the blue Bubblegum flavored.
So this one took me a bit longer to write out than what I would have liked. I apologize for that^^, but I actually had to kinda think about this Chapter than the others. Almost lost the momentum, but than it came all crashing back. I just really wanted to get to the Yuki and Shuichi moment because I adore the tension they have together. I also want to let the readers know that the Shuichi in this story is more like the manga Shuichi, a bit more serious a bit more dirty mouthed, just because its funny hehe. And Goddess did I love having Yuki push Shuichi to the wall, don't want to know what they were doing do we lol. Um, what else?
I also love leaving you a cliffhangers! Just right at the climax moments I pull away into a new chapter, its lots more fun that way!
So, what was that photograph that Al had? What about the book? Where is Yuki? And who are these rouges? Whats the story with them? Find out next time on Blood Strained Music Sheets!