Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Captivation (formerly The Spoils of War) ❯ Chapter Five: The Pairing Part I ( Chapter 5 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hiro's quest to awaken Shuichi's inborn abilities and instruct him in the sexual arts continued fruitlessly for several weeks. He tried over and over to get the boy to do something, anything, on his own, but he was still as clueless as ever. Much less reluctant, once he had gotten a taste of pleasure, but still quite clueless.
The attendant's anxiety grew as they finally reached the Sond Galaxy, where in a matter of days Lutanum's ring of colourful jewelled moons would be visible and they would be landing back home in Acceria's Dol Spaceport. It would not be out of line to assume the boy would be asked to demonstrate his abilities for his new master, abilities that, at this point, he had not been able to tap into, nor acquire through practice and repetition. This first performance was the thing Hiro was most afraid of, for he knew that King Aescal was notorious for swiftly discarding pets who no longer pleased him. Shuichi's lack of skill was certain to be an annoyance, at best. Hiro prayed that Shu's extreme rarity would compensate for his lack of skill, at least long enough for him to train the boy further and keep him from the auction dome.
Because most were either too busy or did not care enough to deal personally with something so trivial, there were several pet brokers in Acceria who aided the elite in the placement of unwanted pets. Hiro could name several such brokers, most of them affiliates of king Aescal, that had made small fortunes off the aristocracy's fickle and easily bored nature. On an open market day, eager for the chance to snap up a pet that had once serviced the elite, buyers clamoured to Acceria's underground auction dome in droves.
For those on the bottom and middle rungs of Acceria's self contained social ladder, the auction dome was their only means of obtaining an A-ranked, Elite-class pet, which normally would be well above their price range. For the pets they bid on however, it was the beginning of their end.
Most elite pets were exposed to a sweet smelling cocktail of rare gases, called anum, that permeated the homes of their masters. The properties of anum were such that those who inhaled it aged at a tremendously decelerated rate. The effects were akin to someone breathing minute quantities of vaporized water from the fountain of youth, except that anum, if not mixed correctly, was lethal. The aristocracy, high societies upper echelon, were the only class rich enough to afford to have anum diffusers installed thought-out their homes. For the rest of the populous, anum was available at vents; bars, ranging from affluent and elegant to seedy and dark, where patrons paying by the minute could drink alcohol, dance and socialize while breathing anum-infused air. The amount of anum in the air depended on the quality of the establishment.
Such places were popular with an incredibly broad range of customers, all clamouring to let off a little steam and stop their internal clocks for a bit in the process.
Canisters of concentrated anum, mixed with oxygen, were also available for people to purchase and breathe wherever they wanted, though these were very expensive. For the average to lower class citizens, living just outside Acceria in the Brom district, or the eastern constituency of Timpanum, one canister could cost anywhere from two to three months salary, all the way to a full years worth of wages. While a steep price to pay for only two hours worth of product, many people considered it to be more than a fair trade. Inhaling the contents of a canister that size could slow a persons aging for almost a full year.
Because the intake of anum was one hundred percent voluntary, and expensive, some decided never to use it, while others used it as often as they could afford to. This unbalanced intake created the need for those living in the civilized regions of Lutanum to have both a physical and an actual age.
Physical age, which determined where a person was in their physical development, could be determined by a simple scan of the eye which counted the number of retromorphic cells on the edge of the iris. The amount of cells present determined the physical age of the person. People who were physically older had more r-cells, people who where physically younger had fewer r-cells.
Actual age was what mattered after a person reached physical maturity. It was simply the number of years a person had been alive and generally it conveyed their mental maturation and how much life experience they had acquired. This could be very important when choosing between applicants for job openings.
Depending on how much anum they had been exposed to, this number could get quite high. A person could have a physical age of thirty, which translated to their body appearing thirty, when in fact their actual age could be well over one hundred.
For those of the elite class, such as royalty, their actual age could easily reach well into the quadruple digits by the time they died.
No one, with the exception of the planets non-human native tribes, who were not classed as citizens, was exempt from the dual age legislative mandate.
As it was, physical age really only mattered in concern with minors. It was what prevented them from drinking alcohol, visiting brothels and most importantly, inhaling anum. The eye scan technology to count r-cells was used to check the physical age of a person at such regulated establishments. Should a minor attempt to enter one, he was flagged, escorted off the premises, and a mark was placed on his permanent record. If a citizen received four such marks, he had his breeding privileges revoked (if he had any to begin with), meaning an appointment for him to be sterilized was made. Those who failed to report as scheduled to such appointments, or those who unfortunately had no breeding rights to take away were sentenced to two years of “structured physical enrichment providing services to the planet.” This usually translated to being worked to death, for zero pay in the scorching hot preta-diamond mines on Partha, Lutanum's hottest moon. Others were sentenced to being exposed to sub-zero temperatures, deformity-causing vapours and incredibly unstable gases in one of the remotely located L'calda anum refineries.
Due to the harsh conditions, inadequate gear, and lack of food rations per worker, being sent to either place was almost always a death sentence, but this was sadly one of the most popular punishments used by the judicial courts. The labourers worked for nothing, and many of the judges handing out the sentences owned stocks in the mines or in the refineries, which made them more than happy to send more slave labourers to them. It was an underhanded system that fed off the desperately poor, who often had no other means of earning a wage besides theft and petty crime, though nobody would dare say anything to oppose it. Doing so would result in a one way ticket to shovelling or blasting right along side those they had stood up to defend. Because of this, most people just kept their heads down and their mouths shut.
Slave labour, sterilization, exile and termination were the only punishments that existed on Lutanum, and for good reason. In a society where age neared irrelevancy, a convict serving a life sentence in prison would cost society far more than a simple injection of lethal toxins or a seat on a freight-shuttle that would dump him somewhere to work until he died. Having a strike system with swift and severe punishments also ensured peace and order, two things that were needed for a single monarchist government to maintain control over such a vast and widely spread populace. It also helped to battle overpopulation.
Aside from removing all law breakers, additional means to combat the problem of too many people, living too long, were set in place. For instance, homosexual relationships were openly and enthusiastically encouraged. Moderate monetary incentives were given to people who chose to raise only one child and even larger incentives were given to those parents who chose to raise only one homosexual child. In theory, citizens could have as many children as they were sanctioned to conceive, however people with more than one child were heavily taxed, so much so that it made having a second something only affordable to the super-rich. Having three or more children was virtually unheard of outside the royal family.
Nevertheless, the greatest means of population control at the governments disposal, was controlled breeding. Regulations were placed on every level of society. Pre-conception forms had to be filled out and submitted by perspective parents in order for them to gain permission to conceive a child. They were then put on a waiting list with other couples who's female partners were on similar ovulation cycles. The only exceptions to this ruling were made for the Attendants Academy, which controlled all attendant reproduction, and for the royal family. The king could sire as many children as he chose.
When population levels dipped under a certain level, select couples from the approved list were contacted by government hologram and issued a narrow window in which they were to conceive a child. The governments involvement did not end there however.
When the allotted babies were finally born, their DNA was analysed and deep brain-tissue scans were preformed to determine their sexual orientations; after which a select percentage of heterosexual infants were registered with full breeding rights. The rest of the infants were sterilized as a precautionary measure.
Parents had no say over these proceedings, though if they were disappointed with the result, they always had the option of selling the child into the pet trade for a ridiculously large amount of money. They of course would then be free to start the process over again to try and obtain a different result.
Because of the amount of effort required on the part of the parents to obtain a child they desperately wanted, most were far too attached to the infant to sell him, though obviously there were exceptions. Some people truly needed the money, some perhaps wanted to try for an unaltered male, others perhaps a female.
And then, of course, there were couples who made large fortunes producing children solely for the pet trade, those who never kept any of their children. The resulting pets were of superior quality, were sold with the label “purpose bred” and had an astronomical price tag to match. A considerable monetary investment and miles upon miles of red tape stood between couples and obtaining the special breeding permit that would allow such reproduction to occur. On top of this, only a handful of permits were allowed to exist at any given time, per region, and the mother was required to live at a trade owned nursery during her pregnancy so that specific alterations could be made to the developing pet. Alterations such as the implantation of trait inhibitors and DNA enhancements for example, could only be made during pre-natal development.
The nurseries that purchased and facilitated the breeding of infant pets, called fledglings, raised them and nurtured them until they were old enough to begin instruction under their first attendant. As they grew they underwent a rigorous program of gene therapy to improve their beauty, enhance their libidos and accelerate their maturation. However, even after all of the attention, care and training, not all pets were of high enough quality to recoup the money spent birthing and raising them. The price of an elite grade pet was inflated to account for the money lost on lower grade pets. It was the nurseries way of turning a hefty profit on top of regaining lost funds.
One of the side affects of intra-uterine alterations, that only purpose bred pets under went, was accelerated aging. It was why being sold or resold to a master unable to afford anum diffusers for his menagerie, was quite literally the beginning of the end for an elite pet. Once removed from an anum-rich home, he began to age much quicker than an average pet. Year by year, wrinkle by wrinkle, he would rapidly decrease in value, fall from owner to owner, from brothel to brothel, before most likely being euthanized due to “old age”. And those that were put to sleep were the lucky ones.
The unlucky bunch, usually those pets who were exceptional beauties when they were younger, would wind up the property of The Fantorium; A horrifyingly beautiful, metal basilica reigning over a section of Acceria identified simply as The Void.
Inside it's windowless metal walls, wealthy patrons paid to inflict torture on a plaything of their choosing; anything from spanking all the way up to dismemberment.
Customers could even kill their toy during their “play time”, for an increased fee.
Pets who entered the halls of The Fantorium had no idea how many more days they had left. Their lives became tied to spinning roulette wheel of customers, day in and day out. Devious fetishes of all kinds were catered to and though a pet might be lucky enough to get patrons only wanting some light bondage, eventually the ball would stop on his number and that would be the end.
It was the fate all pets had a chance of sharing, and stories of what went on inside those halls of pain were often used during training to scare young pets into submission and docility. Nevertheless, despite the warnings, pets eventually did something wrong or lost the spark of being brand new and fell out of favour with their masters. Because of this, even elite pets rarely reached thirty years of physical age.
To most citizens of Acceria, Lutanum's affluent centre hub which housed the royal family and maintained the highest ranking members of society, The Fantorium was a necessary perversion. It was the opinion of most that it was simply providing a service, just like the brothels and other more reputable pleasure establishments. It got rid of unwanted, worn out pets that nobody wanted to deal with, and kept the patrons that frequented the establishment from inflicting their dark fantasies on members of society.
Necessary evil to some, but to the pets who had a very real chance of winding up there someday, it was the monster waiting on the other side of the covers.
Early in the morning, while Shuichi was still fast asleep, Hiro got out of bed and placed a call to Kuma, attendant to Lord Tatsuha's prized pet, Ryuichi, and his most trusted peer.
“My old friend,” Kuma began in their native Lutarian, “always a pleasure to hear from you. I assume this call is about the Angelis?”
“You are correct. How did you know?”
“Even for attendants, this is much too early an hour for a social call.”
Hiro smiled. Kuma had always been sharp as a tack, with insight that was borderline precognitive. It was his best trait, one of several that had contributed to his small pool of offspring being some of the most sought after attendants in the galaxy.
“Does nothing slip past you?” Hiro asked, his tone light and teasing.
“No, not that I'm aware of.” The other man replied, his words veiled by the pleasant lilt of confidence.
“I didn't think so, but on to more pressing matters…”
“Is it that the boy is not sexually responsive?” Kuma inquired, the gravitas of the situation commanding his tone. A pet that could not become erect was quite often terminated as opposed to treated.
“Oh not at all it's nothing as serious as that. In fact, it takes very little to bring him to full readiness. What concerns me is his lack of drive; intensity; dominance. All the things that a male Angelis was once prized for, he shows no signs of possessing. With our arrival back on Lutanum just a few days away, I am concerned that he will not please our great king, and I would hate to see him sold.”
“How peculiar. Well, I certainly see the quandary in which you've found yourself.”
Kuma thought for a moment then asked, “Has he displayed any mounting behaviour?”
“No not at all, in fact that was initially what sparked my concern. If my memories are not deceiving me, he should have attempted to best me the moment I started in on him, but he did not. Nor did he my second or third attempts, or any attempt there after. If anything he grows calmer with each passing day; exactly the opposite of what I expected to see.”
“But he is receptive to your advances?”
“Yes, quite. He very much enjoys being pleasured orally and he was intrigued by the idea of pairing with another male, though he tells me that same sex pairings are forbidden where he comes from, if you can believe that.”
“Really? That is very strange indeed. So why is it you have yet to take him?”
“I intended to the first night I removed him from the healing quadrant, but I wasn't…feeling myself that night. Now, with his increasing docility and affection toward me, I am afraid that if I take him he will relent to me fully and his breed characteristics might never surface. Actually, that is precisely why I called, you see I was hoping you might bring Ryuichi down here to entice him. He is far less imposing than myself and I am hoping his demure nature may elicit some more aggressive sexual responses from the boy.”
Kuma laughed.
“Demure nature…don't ever let him hear you say that. You know as well as I do he is a very proud little thing. He can just as easily be the dominant partner during coitus, should the mood strike him. I can personally attest to the ferocity with which he pursues his partners in that state of mind, having experienced it myself many times throughout his training.”
“As I have heard, however he also enjoys doing what he is told correct? Simply tell him he needs to be as enticing and seductive during this encounter as is within his range of capability.”
Kuma smiled.
“Oh, he should be more than eager to cooperate. He hasn't had any form of sexual contact in three days.”
Hiro was surprised to hear this. All pets had a heightened level of sensitivity toward sexual stimuli, but A-ranked, Elite-class pets like Ryuichi attained such stature because even by pet standards, their sex drives were very high.
“Is there something wrong with him?” Hiro asked.
“Physically he's fine, though from the yowling and whimpering you'd think he had been trampled by some large hoofed animal and left to die. Lord Tatsuha's mandate was that he not be touched, and that he not be allowed to touch himself. I have to tie his hands at night, and watch him constantly during the day to keep him from masturbating.”
Hiro was surprised. Pets of Ryu's rank and class were in a near constant state of arousal and preventing them from attaining completion, even just for a single day, was cruel. Three days would be akin to torture.
“Why would he deprive him like that?”
“Apparently he enjoys the boy more when he's left desperate and wanting, and I can certainly see why. The attempts he makes to seduce anyone in sight, including myself, are becoming embarrassingly lewd even by pet standards. It's to the point now that I can't even clean the boy's backside properly because he finds the cleansing rods too pleasurable. If he climaxed at my hand, even by accident…well, I'm sure you can imagine the degree of hot water I'd be in.”
“Well if the lord commands that he not be touched then I will have to find--”
“Don't worry about that, I will speak to him immediately. Bringing that
Angelis back and having him draw the envy of every nobleman on Lutanum, means a great deal to him. Not to mention rubbing his father's face in it for the rest of his life. I'm sure he will be more than willing to supply Ryu for assistance towards that outcome, no matter the personal sacrifice he might be making at this time.”
Hiro couldn't help sighing when he heard this. A part of him, though he knew he shouldn't listen to it, wished to have the boy all to himself. The very thought of being Shu's master was something that excited him terribly, and the enjoyment he felt worried him.
“What is it?” Kuma inquired upon hearing his friend give such a dismal sigh. “Have I said something to upset you?”
The headmaster did not want to admit that he had started to feel a great deal of affection for the diminutive pink haired boy in his care. Such affection was very unbecoming and typical of young attendants fresh out of the academy, not academy headmasters over one thousand years old.
“Kuma, you are my oldest friend and to you, and you alone, I feel I owe this confession. I pray you will not think less of me for saying so, but I have become rather smitten with this boy. I don't know if it's what humans refer to as love, but something about him calls to me in a way nothing has before. I am not sure what to make of it.”
Kuma gasped. He had assumed that such petty things were beneath the esteemed Headmaster. He thought for a moment.
“Hiro,” he began tentatively, “I respect you as my colleague, as my superior, but more importantly, as my friend, so I feel it is my duty to remind you that nothing can come of such feelings. I understand what it is to feel a certain fondness for the pet in your care, I myself am very proud to be Ryuichi's attendant and I care a great deal about his well being, but such is the nature of pets. Their job is to attract, to seduce, it is the effect they have on everyone. And you of all people should know that your time with a pet is limited, at best, and you will only be hurt if you continue to care as you do. Pets are for masters, not for servants, and even one who has risen as high as yourself holds no hope of ever changing this.”
“I… I know that.” Hiro whispered, heaving a pained sigh. “I told myself not to get attached, I tried to be distant with him at first, but he's so different from any pet I've ever trained before. I don't know why, but everything he does pulls me in. Every smile, every touch, just makes me tremble with the need to put my arms around him. If only you understood how painful this was…
I can't say for sure how I'm going to handle this, but, thank you for listening. Can I… trust you not to divulge the topic of this rather embarrassing conversation to anyone else?”
Kuma put a hand to his worried brow. His poor idiot friend sounded like a love struck l'arpup and he was genuinely afraid for him. If anyone found out it would be his undoing.
“You fool, of course you can trust me. Have you ever known me to gossip?”
“No, of course not.”
It was Kuma's turn to sigh.
“I realise that mocking those with mental deficiencies is unbelievably cruel, but for the record, you are insane.”
Hiro gave a small laugh under his breath.
“If feeling this way is wrong, then I'm not sure I ever want to be right.”
“I'm going to pretend we never had this conversation, I trust you will make the right decisions when they are called for, and if not then may The Great Mother take pity on your imbecilic soul. I'll contact Lord Tatsuha and if all goes well then you should expect to see us in about two hours. It could be longer, I'm going to have to bathe Ryu thoroughly if he is to be taken today and I've already explained how he responds to such cleansing in his current state. It could be a long process if you wish his current level of wanting to remain intact. I'm going to have to use the restraints I think...”
“Excellent my friend. And…thank you for holding back. I realize that the strange penchant I have for this boy warrants far more ridicule then you have given me. I know you are simply being lenient with an old friend and I appreciate your courtesy.”
“I hate to say `you're welcome', because I feel that my doing so will only encourage you, but… you're welcome. I hope this plan of yours works today or you're really going to have a problem on your hands.”
Kuma cut his signal, not giving Hiro a chance to say goodbye.
“You have no idea,” he mumbled to the blank screen.
A groggy moan came from the bedroom followed by the sound of rustling sheets. It was only moments afterwards that Shuichi slowly shuffled out to the sitting room, eyes bleary as if he were still half asleep.
“Ah, Little One, I'm glad you awoke on your own. I would have hated to have had to rouse you. Come, we have much to discuss.” He made a motion for the boy to come and sit on his lap.
“What's going on? Why are you up so early?” Shu yawned as he cuddled his barely clothed body into the warm embrace of his caretaker's powerful, long arms.
Hiro's body began to respond naturally to the boy's closeness, but if he noticed, Shu didn't make any comment on it.
Looking around briefly for servant droids and seeing that the coast was clear, Hiro decided to try something.
“Shu, from now on when we are together, in an intimate way…I want you to refer to me as…as “Master”. But strictly when we are alone, as we are now. I cannot stress that enough. This is…another lesson. Is this clear?”
Shuichi didn't like the idea of anyone being his master, but he nodded obediently. “Yes…Master.”
Hiro trembled upon hearing himself addressed with such a title; a title forbidden to be used by those of his kind. It was exciting beyond anything he had imagined.
“Good boy,” The attendant moaned softly, his voice strained, “you're a very good boy.”
“Hir---Master?” Shu asked softly.
“What is it, precious pet?”
“Am I hurting your…d-do you want me to get up?”
The boy had noticed Hiro's arousal after all. He was about to wave the young pet's concern away when an idea struck him. Perhaps he could turn this into a useful training session, and redeem himself for his weak moment of indulgence.
“No Shu, you are not hurting me, but it is very good that you asked. Showing concern for your master will be greatly appreciated in your future home. This situation could also be resolved another way however, a way that I am sure your master would far prefer over you leaving his company. Shall I tell you what to do?”
Shuichi hesitated, then nodded.
“Excellent. Now, what an especially wise pet would do in such a situation as this, when his master is aroused, is to ask if he can relieve his master.”
“I'll show you. First, ask me as you would your true master, if you can relieve me of my current state.”
Shuichi's eyes flicked upwards innocently, driving Hiro's heart into a frenzied rhythm.
“M-master? May I relieve you…in some way?”
Hiro praised the boy. “Exceptionally done. Then, I would of course say `yes' and you would proceed to pleasure me with your mouth. Here I'll show you. Slide down there between my legs…yes, perfect.”
Driven by some internal set of instructions, Shuichi instinctively began to push aside the cloth robe to access Hiro's groin.
“Good boy, yes, very good, now you could take the tip inside your mouth, to-- ah… yes, yes wonderful… very good, you're doing marvellously.”
Shuichi had had this done to him a few times since arriving as a captive, and he knew what felt good. He emulated Hiro's performances on him, adding some personal touches he figured might please the man, and was quite proud of himself when he managed to make his rather quiet attendant cry out a number of times, the last outburst being quickly followed by his climax. Hiro sat very still, basking in the afterglow of his first sexual culmination in decades.
“Beautiful…” he whispered softly as his head continued to reel. He was quickly reminded that there was still a young boy waiting attentively at his feet when Shuichi reached to cover him back up with his robe.
“Excellent, Shuichi, very good. That was wonderful. Now, as would be customary, you would…”
His words trailed off as Shuichi re-seated himself on Hiro's lap, arms affectionately wrapped around the man's neck. Nuzzling the attendants jaw, he whispered, “Did you enjoy it, Master?”
Hiro shuddered at the seductive and slightly defiant tone in which Shu had presented the question.
“I enjoyed your performance thoroughly, my Little One.”
Actually, he was unbelievably proud of the boy's skill, and was impressed that he had needed such limited coaching. That he took it upon himself to finish the lesson off correctly, by himself, was very astounding behaviour for a wild caught pet who had barely been in captivity three weeks. It was something the experienced attendant had never witnessed before. He had actually been bitten by exotics who had been in captivity longer than Shuichi.
Perhaps, he thought, there still might be hope.
He placed an affectionate hand on the boy's dishevelled head of pink hair.
“You astound me at every turn.” He beamed proudly.
“I… I do?”
“Yes. You are such a pleasure to have under my attention and, even though it is generally prohibited for me to say so, I care a great deal for you. Seeing you sold due to lack of experience is simply not a viable outcome if I wish to maintain my current level of happiness. So, I have arranged a pairing for you today, with Ryuichi. Come, let's get you clean.”
Shuichi blushed. Partly because Hiro had said he cared for him, but also because he knew what pairing meant.
His heart began to beat erratically as he grew anxious over the prospect of meeting another pet, but it was his eagerness that truly surprised him; Surprised the part of himself that still longed for his home planet, that wished for just one more afternoon riding through the fields and that craved the taste of his mother's fresh baked bread.
Despite how much he hated it, his desire to please Hiro encroached on his every waking thought and soon silenced that fading part of his being. He gave a tiny smile as Hiro lead him to the bath hall, confident he had crushed the rising flood of tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. Whether they were tears of sadness or tears of joy he could not decide.
After all, he had experienced an enormous range of emotions since becoming a captive and tears were nothing new to him. Each time he began remembering something happy from his past, a newly created memory would fight to replace it, and the desire to cry out his confusion would rise quickly inside his chest. Each time this happened he would try to push down the memories of people and places he would never see again by thinking about the experiences he had enjoyed living his new life. Being wrapped in Hiro's protective embrace as they slept, his tail curling gently around both of them, was something he thought about most frequently. He often fell asleep at night thinking that, if he had stayed on his own world, he would never have known what it felt like to be held and protected as a woman might be, or how he never would have discovered how right it felt to be caressed and touched so exquisitely by another male, in places he had been raised to think were sinful and wrong to touch.
He was so lost within his own thoughts that he ran into Hiro when the lilac skinned man stopped at the edge of the sunken tub to undress.
“Careful, Little One,” Hiro chided lightly, the tip of his long tail lashing back and forth quickly. Shuichi blushed sheepishly and began removing the thin, form fitting garment he wore to cover his private areas, which Hiro had called “shorts”. Shuichi decided that the name fit well. They were like a very small pair of trousers, the legs of which only covered his buttocks, groin and top quarter of his thighs.
Now fully nude, Shu stretched out on the plush seat of the divan and watched with fascination as Hiro's unrestricted tail swayed back and forth in wide, playful arcs around his legs. It seemed almost happy, as though it were enjoying being free of the constricting robe. Though it was silly to think so, Shuichi imagined it having a mind of it's own, as he watched it move counter synchronous to the rest of Hiro's body. He smiled as he remembered the three wild barn cats he had tamed back home, and it led him to imaging one more cat; lilac coloured with white and purple stripes.
The attendant caught the boy staring at him out of the corner of his eye as he moved about the bath hall, assembling a variety of things next to the tubs edge.
“Would you care to take a picture?” He asked casually. The resultant bewildered look on Shu's face made him laugh.
Hiro smiled. “It is simply an expression, Little One, to acknowledge that I caught you staring at me. I forget sometimes that you are unfamiliar with the colloquialisms of your new realm of existence. My apologies.” He bowed.
Shuichi's face was as red as the divan he was lying on. He hadn't realised his staring had been so obvious.
“May I ask what was holding your attention so undivided?” Hiro asked.
“Your…your tail.”
Hiro was a bit surprised by the answer he received. He had assumed from the colour of the boys face that he had been staring at something much more intimate.
“My tail?” Hiro flicked the appendage slowly to further punctuate his question.
“Yes…I'm sorry for staring, but it's so strange.”
Shuichi realised then that he might have offended Hiro and quickly sputtered, “Oh, but I didn't mean that in a bad way! It's just uh, well, people normally don't---”
“It's quite alright little pet,” Hiro interrupted, “You did not offend me in any way, so there is no need to apologize. Actually, I should be the one apologizing, for not broaching the subject with you sooner. My appearance must be quite shocking to you.”
“I-it was… at first, but not anymore.” The boy whispered softly.
Hiro sat down next to Shuichi on the divan and picked up his hand. He swung his tail around his waist to the front of his body and placed Shuichi's hand on it.
“You see? It is nothing out of the ordinary. Just fur, flesh and bone.”
“What does it feel like to have a tail?” Shuichi asked as he marvelled at the softness of the fur, and the firmness of the muscle beneath.
“It is difficult to describe,” Hiro reported casually, “I have always had one. Perhaps I should ask how you would describe not having one?”
“Oh…” Shuichi mumbled, a bit jealous of the lovely furred appendage. He continued to stroke Hiro's tail softly, running it through his hands as he listened to the man make a sound that was as close to purring as Shu had ever heard a person make.
With a sigh Hiro pulled his tail back and out of Shu's reach. “That feels wonderful Pet, however today has nothing to do with my pleasure. I have much to prepare you for and little time in which to do it. Come.”
He gestured for Shuichi to follow him to the tub.
“Hiro? Do all attendants look like you? Do they all have tails and stri---”
“Shh,” Hiro chided, placing a hand on Shu's shoulder to guide him, “hush now, all your questions will be answered in due time. For now though, we must prepare you for today's activities, hmm? To start with, I must ask that you go and relieve yourself completely.”
He pointed towards a small hallway that lead off to several smaller individual water closets, where such personal business, Shu had learned, was taken care of.
“Why? I'm just taking a bath aren't I?”
Hiro sighed. A pets very first cleansing was, if nothing else, interesting. Some had to be tethered to the tub, or held down, others found they enjoyed it, once they got over their bashfulness. He wondered how his newest charge would react.
“I said you are being cleaned, yes, but the outside of your body is the last thing on my list today I'm afraid.”
Shuichi didn't say anything, his mind was already filling in the blanks Hiro was purposefully leaving. His face contorted slightly, but Hiro nudged him gently towards the hall and made a shooing motion with both hands.
“Come now, don't be difficult. Just go and do as I told you. I promise I will explain further when you return.”
Sullenly, he did as Hiro said.
When he returned the man was already in the water and had a variety of tools next to him on the tubs ledge. None of them looked pleasant.
Shuichi paused at the edge of the vast sunken bath, not really wanting to get in.
Hiro called to him, but he just stood there.
“Please come in Little One, I would hate to have to use force, but I will if I must.”
“Well…what are you going to do?”
“I'm simply going to flush your passage with water, and give you a quick cleaning. Trust me when I say that this is a common and relatively painless procedure. It is essential for all male pets to be cleaned regularly in this manner so as to maintain an acceptable level of hygiene, and most of them eventually come to enjoy it. It sounds much worse than it actually is, I assure you.”
Shuichi took a step back away from the tub.
“I highly suggest you get used to this now, in private, before it must occur in a communal bath with other pets and attendants present.”
Shuichi couldn't believe what he'd heard. It was so terribly embarrassing, and looking at the tools assembled he didn't see a single one that could possibly fit inside him. Balking a bit, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he debated his options. He figured Hiro was probably a much faster runner than him, so even if he made a break for the bedroom he didn't think he'd get far, but staying didn't seem like a very good choice either.
“I do not want to force you into this tub,” Hiro pleaded, “Please get in. Now.”
Shuichi took another step back from the edge and Hiro, giving a frustrated groan, started coming towards him through the water. Acting on instinct, and against his better judgment, Shuichi screamed “No!” and started to run.
Shu made it to the far side of the living room before Hiro caught him, much further than his original prediction. When the attendant had leapt out of the tub to go after the boy, he'd slipped on the marble tiles, greatly slowing his speed and letting Shuichi get a head start. However, once Hiro was back on carpeting it was over. He'd caught Shu, snapped his leash on and dragged him, thrashing and screaming, into the tub.
“No! No! Leave me alone! Let go! No!”
As much as it pained him to do so, Hiro touched the panel on the towel bar beside the tub to bring out the restraint system.
Two blue cuffs and a collar latch rose out of the floor beside the tub, and below the surface of the water on the wall and floor of the tub, four more emerged.
“You have left me no choice, Pet.” He explained calmly, brushing the boys now very damp hair off to one side. “This is for your own safety. I cannot have you thrashing about while I am working on you.”
With a swiftness that came from a thousand years of experience, Hiro bent Shuichi over the side of the tub using his own body, and secured his collar to the magnetic latch on the floor. Then he cuffed the boy's arms, and spread his thighs apart in order to secure them to the tub walls. Finally, he ducked under the water to fasten the boys ankles to the floor cuffs. A second, transparent set of eyelids allowed him to see what he was doing.
Shuichi's muscles were visibly tightening and slackening against the restraints, but to no avail.
Hiro pitied the boy as he watched his pathetic struggle for freedom. However there was nothing he could do. He had said he would use force if necessary, yet the boy had still insisted on trying to escape.
“Arghh!” Shuichi screamed in desperation, tears choking his words. “You bastard, I hate you! Let me go! Please don't do it! It'll hurt too much please don't! Please…”
Hiro softly ran hands over Shuichi's back, thighs and legs, trying to settle him down and relax his muscles. The boy flinched at his touch and it hurt to see him do so, but Hiro persisted.
“I don't like this any more than you do,” he crooned, “I didn't want to restrain you, but you left me no choice. Please calm down and try to relax. If your muscles are tensed it will cause you undo pain, and neither of us want that.”
Shuichi was tired. His muscles ached from running and then thrashing on the way to the tub. They hurt from him repeatedly tensing against the restraints. His head and neck hurt from being stuck to the floor. His eyes burned from the tears. Physically, the fight had exhausted him. Finally, giving in to Hiro's soothing touch, he stopped moving and let his body go limp.
“There's a good boy. Just relax and do as I tell you. It will all be over very soon.”
Shuichi nodded as much as he could with his neck fastened to the floor. He shut his eyes, tried to stay relaxed, and waited.
For Gurabite reviewers:
Mia: Thanks darling! I'm really glad you are enjoying this. I'm glad you have faith in me, as well as in my writing. To be honest It would be great to see this published, however I'm not sure what audience this could be marketed to, or what section of the book store it would go in lol! Sci-fi homoerotica condoning sexual slavery and human trafficking isn't really all the rage right now is it? ^_^ But still I would be very happy to see it published one day, when it's finished.
For Mediaminer reviewers:
Hmm none this time around. Oh well…
For Gurabite reviewers:
Mia: Thanks darling! I'm really glad you are enjoying this. I'm glad you have faith in me, as well as in my writing. To be honest It would be great to see this published, however I'm not sure what audience this could be marketed to, or what section of the book store it would go in lol! Sci-fi homoerotica condoning sexual slavery and human trafficking isn't really all the rage right now is it? ^_^ But still I would be very happy to see it published one day, when it's finished.
For Mediaminer reviewers:
Hmm none this time around. Oh well…