Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Leave Me ❯ Don't Leave Me ( One-Shot )
~*~Don't Leave Me~*~
MoshiMoshi!! ^_^ I actually decided to write a Gravitation fic. Bwahahaheehee. errrr... ^_^
This is a TohmaxShiuchi fic. Beware and read at your own risk.
Warnings- Yaoi (duh), my ideas, and maybe a little OOC...
Disclaimer; I fi owned Gravitation, I'd be very talented. O_O;
Told in Shuichi's POV
Yuki... why... couldn't you love me as much as I love you? Why did you leave me again? I thought we had gotten everything straightened out. I thought that you loved me... I thought... My head was hurting...three days now... I sat in Eiri Yuki's apartment. I ran a sweaty and bloody hand through my pink hair. he had left me, this time, I doubted he'd return. I had just told him I loved him... like I did everyday, but this time he walked away. He just left. Like he did last time. He would come back I knew it. How wrong...I had been.
Outside, heard a gunshot, afraid Yuki had been hurt, I ran outside. I was right, he had been shot, but not by someone else. No. This time, he had shot himself, in the head. My eyes widened with shock, pain, fear, and confusion, I fell to my knees, and don't really remember anything after that. I believe I blacked out, because I woke up in the hospital with Hiro and ......was that Tohma standing over me. Hiro looked concerned for me while Tohma...I couldn't tell. Tohma looked hurt, disbelief shone in his eyes. I believe I saw a few tears.
Mika wasn't there, no, there she was... sitting alone. I knew she was about to do something.... something bad. I tried sitting up, but my head hurt, I cried out in minor pain as Hiro and Tohma helped ease me back down. Mika got up and left, the poor woman must be grief stricken. I was. I wanted to die......Yuki... why couldn't you take me with you! tears flowed freely down my face. I choked on my own spit as I swallowed. I die.
The funeral was the most painful. Hiro had his arms around me and was trying to comfort me. I wouldn't....I couldn' comforted. Tohma wasn't crying as much, though some tears fell down his face. I felt the pain for Mika, though. she was beyond tears. She wasn't even wearing make-up, her hair wasn't combed, and she looked.......dead. I wish I was.
Now I sit, three-days later. Mika committed suicide by drunk driving, and Tohma.....I hadn't seen. Hiro and Ryuichi stopped by earlier to say hello. Ryuichi gave me chocolates and a hug, while Hiro just gave his sympathy and a cd. I remained I had. I heard Hiro say, on their way out "He's going to die from heart-break." I hoped his was right.
I hear a knock at the door, a slowly get up, my eyes are shielded by hair and shadows, no lights are on. My pajamas....Yuki's pajama's drag no the floor as a walk. I open the door to see Tohma. I step aside and let him in, closing the door behind us.
Tohma looks at me. "Mind if I.....spend the night here.....first Yuki, now Mika." I give him a slow nod, not bothering to use my voice. Tohma walks into mine and Yuki's room, laying down. I follow and lay beside him, covering us both up.
I now stand over Yuki's grave, watching my tears hit it. ''I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy, Yuki.....hard to believe, it's been... 3 years. Tohma and I are together now. Hope you don't mind. We come at least one a week to see you and Mika.' My eyes well up. ''I'll never forget you. I'll still come.....every week. I love you, Eiri." I stand up, feeling Tohma embrace me, his own tears fell on my shoulder. I believe he talks to Yuki silently. though. Just like Mika." I take his hand and walk away. It's nice to know I have someone I can comfort who comfort's me back, but no one will ever replace Yuki... or Mika."
Whoa, ok.....not the plot I was expecting. >_<; I will do another one of these Tohma Shuichi ones......just not this angsty! GAH!