Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Euphoria III ❯ Shawn ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Text”= Japanese talking
“/Text/”= English talking
“+Text+”= American talking
“#Text#”= Australian talking
Boring. A finger reached forward and rang the door bell. Shuichi and Hiro waited. The guitarist leaned in to his friend.
“You sure he lives here?” he whispered. The vocalist nodded.
“This is the address he gave us,” Shuichi replied.
“Alright,” Hiro replied. The boys waited for a few moments.
“Think he's home?” Shuichi asked.
“We'll see in a minute,” the guitarist said back. Suddenly, the door slowly creaked open. The boys peeked in at the person looking out.
“Shawn?” Hiro asked. Shawn opened the door wider. The Goth boy looked like he just got out of bed.
“/Sup?/” he asked. Shuichi and Hiro looked on at him in slight worry.
Subject: Shawn
The apartment was small. It looked just like his room in Tokyo. The walls were all black with metal and punk band posters. Beer cans coated on the floor. The ash tray was filled with cigarette butts and joints. Shawn's guitar leaned against the back corner. Shuichi and Hiro looked around. Their British friend turned to them.
“/So, why are you here?/” he asked. The boys stared at him for a long time. How could they say this? It was practically screamed at them over and over again. How to put it in nicer words?
“Nicole misses you!” Shuichi blurted out. No real emotion on Shawn's face.
“/Really now?/” he asked.
“Yes!” the vocalist yelped. The Goth artist leaned in real close to the vocalist's face.
“/What all did she say?/” he asked. Shuichi slowly began to crack in his mind.
“Uh…” he mumbled.
“She really misses you,” Hiro quickly cut in. Silence. Shawn stepped back some.
“/Right,/” he said. He headed into the kitchen. Shuichi and Hiro watched on, still nervous. They weren't done yet. Otherwise…
They boys all sat around with beers in their hands. Shawn took a drink of his. The tense silence sat on the boys heads. Shawn looked over and noticed their faces.
“/What?/” he asked. The Japanese men didn't know how to put it in words. The threat at home was making this an uphill struggle. Couple that with raging hormones, that is begging for a nightmare.
“What are you doing here?” Hiro asked at last. “In Okinawa, I mean.” Shawn lowered his beer on the blackened coffee table.
“/Why am I in Okinawa?/” he asked.
“Yeah,” Hiro replied. Another pause of silence. Shawn took another sip of beer. He threw the empty can on the floor. Hiro and Shuichi still looked tense.
“/Alright,/” the British boy said at last. “/I was bored./” The Japanese men looked stunned.
“/Yeah,/” Shawn said. “/Got tired of Tokyo. So I packed up and left./”
“But Nicole…” Shuichi began. His Goth pal shrugged at him.
“/What about her?/” he asked. “/How is she by the way?/” Hiro and Shuichi took a moment to think about that.
“Well, she's…” Shuichi began. Pissed at you? Pregnant and making death threats? Wanting to kill somebody? Hates your guts? The vocalist drank some and swallowed his beer.
“Great!” he lied with a grin on his face. More silence. Shawn picked up a fresh fag and lit it up. A grin came onto his face.
“/Cheers mate,/” he replied. “/And the baby?/”
“Good,” Hiro replied. He nodded as he spoke. Both guitarist and vocalist decided it would be best to omit about Nicole practically cussing them out to get Shawn back to Tokyo. Too early for all of that. Speaking of which…
“So, do you plan on coming back?” Hiro asked. Shawn froze at that one. He took another puff of the fag. He sat back on the couch.
“/Shite if I know,/” he said. The boys looked confused.
“What do you mean?” Shuichi asked. Shawn was about to answer when they heard a door open down the hall. All three boys looked up. A girl came walking out into the living room. She looked like she could use a meal or two. The only thing covering her body was black sheets. The girl blinked at them.
“+Baby…+” she mumbled in a tired voice. “+What are you doing up so early?+” She turned to see Hiro and Shuichi staring at her with their mouths wide open.
“+Baby, who are these guys?+” she asked.
“We could ask you the same thi--!” Shuichi began to say. Hiro grabbed onto his arm to keep him quiet. The vocalist amazingly went quiet. Shawn waved her off.
“/Go back to bed, Kel,/” he said.
Kel?” Shuichi and Hiro thought.
“+But baby…+” the girl whined.
“/Go back to bed!/” the Goth repeated louder. She sighed aloud.
“+Fine…+” the girl mumbled. She turned and walked down the hall. Shawn turned back to the Japanese men.
“/Sorry about that,/” he said half-heartedly. Hiro and Shuichi looked on, still shocked. Oh, this was not good. Not good at all!
Shawn clapped his hands together. “/Right!/” he said. “/Anyone want lunch? I know a good café down the street./” His Japanese friends said nothing. Shawn smirked at them.
“/Good,/” he said. “/Let's go!/” The boy stood up and walked over to the front door. Hiro and Shuichi sat there, confused.
“/Get a move on!/” Shawn yelled from the front door. His friends reluctantly did so.
Lunch in the high summer in Oko's. Shuichi and Hiro sat around in awkward silence. Shawn himself looked bored. Come on, say something, damn it!
“Shawn,” Shuichi spoke up. The Goth glanced over at the vocalist.
“/Yeah?/” he asked. Shuichi played with his glass. The ice floated around in his raspberry soda. The straw twirled around in the liquid. How could he put this in words?
“Who was that?” he asked at last. Silence.
“/Who was who?/” Shawn asked at last.
“That girl in your apartment,” Hiro added on.
“/Ah, her,/” Shawn said.
“Yes,” the guitarist said. “Who was she?” Shawn looked over at the modern art across the room.
“/She's another girlfriend,/” he said. Hiro and Shuichi looked shocked.
“WHAT?!?” they yelled.
“/Shhh,/” he whispered. “/Not so loud./” The Japanese men stared on at him.
“But, Nicole is pregnant!” Shuichi reminded him.
“/I know,/” the Goth said. Hiro blinked at him.
“So, why are you cheating on her with that girl?” he asked. Shawn shrugged at him.
“/Her name is Kelly first of all,/” he corrected. “/Two, I don't know. She kind of looks like Nicole, okay?/” The other kept silent. This mission just kept getting harder and harder. Suddenly, a waitress walked over to them. This was a fit-looking woman. Skinny with her curves in all of the right places. Her cream orange uniform made her chest look even perkier.
“Welcome to Oko's!” she forced herself to cheer. “How my I help you today?”
“/I'll have a teriyaki burger with curly fries, baby,/” Shawn said.
“Burger and fries,” Hiro replied.
“Same here,” Shuichi replied. The waitress wrote down their orders. She frowned at them.
“I'll be back with your orders soon,” the woman said. She walked away to the kitchen. Her ass shook with each step. Shawn looked on smirking.
“/Fine looking ass, huh?/” he asked aloud. The waitress rolled her eyes to herself. Hiro and Shuichi looked at him as if he was out of his mind.
“Shawn, what are you doing?” Shuichi whispered with clenched teeth. The British boy didn't listen.
“/I bet I can throw a piece of yen off of it!/” he said in the same tone. The boys looked worried.
“What?” Shuichi asked. Shawn smirk as he reached into his black jeans pocket and pulled out a yen coin. Hiro and Shuichi looked on with big eyes.
“No, don't!” the guitarist yelled. But, it was too late. Shawn took his coin and gave it one strong toss. The yen sailed through the air and landed on the waitress' ass. Everyone watched on in shock as it bounced right off and landed back into Shawn's hand. He grinned to himself like a sly old hunting dog.
“/I thought so!/” he said. The waitress gave him a cold look as he put the yen coin back into his pocket.
“Can I help you?” she asked through clenched teeth. Shawn gave her innocent smile as he shook his head.
“/No,/” he said. “/Carry on./” The waitress sneered as she went back to work. Shawn sat back, still smirking. Never gets old!
After lunch, the boys headed out around Okinawa. Shawn grinned as he kept on walking. Shuichi and Hiro looked on at him uneasily.
“Shawn,” Shuichi spoke up.
“/Hm?/” the Goth asked. The vocalist hesitated at first before getting the questions out.
“Well… why did you do that to that waitress?” he asked.
“/Fun,/” the Goth artist replied.
“What?!?” the pink-haired boy cried.
“/Don't judge me,/” he said. “/It's just what I do./”
“So when are you coming back to Tokyo?” Hiro asked. Shawn went quiet. He knew this would happen. In truth, the boy had grown bored with Okinawa and wanted to go home. Home to Nicole, the gang, Tokyo Cram College, and even his mum and her boyfriend. But yet, there was still a problem…
Shawn shrugged it off again. “/I don't know,/” he said.
“Why don't you know?” Shuichi asked.
“/I just don't!/” Shawn replied. They all went quiet. A car blasted past them with a radio playing. N.E.R.D's “Lapdance” to be exact.
“/Thanks for sharing your music with us, mate!/” Shawn yelled. The driver flipped him the bird. The British Goth gave him the reserve V sign in return. Who cares anyway? It's just the same old crap day after day for the whole summer.
“/I've got to get out of this shite hole!/” he blurted out.
“Then, why don't you leave?” Hiro asked. Shawn turned around to see two pairs of eyes staring at him out of curiosity. He shook his head at them.
“/It's not easy,/” he mumbled.
“Why?” Shuichi asked. Shawn sighed.
“/Kelly,/” he said. “/I thought I found another Nicole, but instead I got stuck with another Cherry./” The other two boys went quiet.
“So, what are you going to do?” Hiro asked. The Goth boy had nothing to say. He and his mates continued onto the journey back. Back to Kelly and another boring night in Okinawa.
The three of them made it back to Shawn's house. Time to get Nicole's baby daddy was running out. Hiro and Shuichi had no choice but to admit defeat at this time. The Goth walked up to the door.
“/You going home?/” he asked them.
“I guess…” Hiro mumbled. He wanted to say more, but what good would that do? The Goth artist turned to them.
“/Alright,/” he said. “/Bye./”
“Bye,” the other two boys said. They began to head out. Shawn turned around to them.
“/Hey!/” he yelled. The boys paused and looked. Their friend turned back to them.
“/Tell Nicole I said, okay?/” he said. Hiro and Shuichi nodded.
“We'll do that,” Hiro replied.
“See you in Tokyo?” Shuichi asked. Shawn shrugged at him.
“/Maybe,/” he said. Then, the other two headed away. Shawn stayed where he was until they had gone out of sight. He turned back to his front door. The hope went out like a popped balloon. Here he was going back to his boring summer life. Back to his worn out freedom. Back to his annoying substitute girlfriend, Kelly. “Aw f**k” he thought as he unlocked the door.
That evening, Shawn came to an epiphany. Why was he in Okinawa now? Sure to get away from the boredom in Tokyo. But now, Okinawa's boredom was catching up to him. The difference? He had real friends in Tokyo. In fact, two of them came to try and bring him home. But in Okinawa? All Shawn had was Kelly.
“+Baby!+” he heard his girlfriend whine from down the hall. The boy tried to ignore her.
“+Baby!+” Kelly cried again. Shawn rolled his eyes.
“/What?/” he asked. His girlfriend came down the hall and into the living room. She leaned all over the British boy.
“+Baby, I'm bored,+” she whined. Shawn pushed her off.
“/I don't care,/” he mumbled.
“+Entertain me!+” Kelly begged.
“/No!/” he hissed. The girl moved into his line of vision and pouted at him.
“+But, I'm bored!+” she complained.
“/Then, go do something!/” he said. Kelly pouted at him.
“+Why are you always so mean to me?!?+” she whimpered. Oh, this was it! The boy finally had the chance to say what he really felt. He snickered at her. Kelly blinked at him, confused.
“+What's so funny, baby?+” she asked. Shawn looked at her, still smirking.
“/You know what?/” he asked. “/You know what I really think of you? You're an annoying twat. Yeah, that's right. You are just one air-headed, whiny, obnoxious, pathetic little twat that is just a f*****g pair of tits. There is no substance to you. Just your looks!/” Kelly cut a cold glare at him.
“+And what's that supposed to mean?+” she snapped. Shawn playfully shrugged at her.
“/What I'm saying is that I don't like you!/” he announced as if bragging about it. Kelly looked at him, sneering.
“+Fine with me, asshole!+” she shot back. Shawn grinned.
“/Glad we can agree on something,/” he replied. Then, he got up and walked down the hall. Kelly looked on, confused.
“+What are you doing?!?+” she barked.
“/What does it look like?/” he shot back. “/I'm leaving your ass!/”
“+Good!+” Kelly yelled. “+I'm sick of seeing your face! I hope you die!+” Shawn gave her the bird before disappearing into their bedroom. What did he care anymore? He now had the excuse to pack up and head back to Tokyo.
Shawn packed up all of his things all while Kelly was still shouting at him. “Keep on talking, tart!” he thought. “I'm out of this shitty town!” That thought made him pack even faster. In two hours, Shawn was heading out the door to his van with his luggage. As he put his things into the van, he took one more look at his sad, pathetic apartment. He smirked and stuck both middle fingers at the building.
Stupid apartment,” he thought. “I never liked you anyway!” Then, the boy climbed into the van and started it up. As he pulled away, Kelly watched him from the window and flipped him off. “Asshole!” she thought.
Shawn made it to Tokyo by the next morning. But, he didn't go straight home. No, he didn't feel like humoring his drunken mum by showing his face to her. No sir, he had more important matters to worry with. He drove straight to the Murray house. He parked in the driveway and knocked on the door. The boy waited for a few seconds before the door opened wide. He looked and saw a shocked Nicole staring back at him. Her jaw just dropped. Her baby daddy smirked at her.
“/Hey there, love!/” he greeted her.