Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Fleeting Inspiration ❯ Of Crazed Monks, Lost Luggage, and Giant Hamburgers ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fleeting Inspiration
by Anna Sartin

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Chapter Ten: Of Crazed Monks, Lost Luggage, and Giant Hamburgers


Eiri woke up to soft humming and the feeling of a gentle hand stroking his hair. He liked that tune... Shuichi's smiling face greeted his vision as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning," his pink-haired cherub said softly.

"What's so good about it?" the blonde grumbled, determined not to be taken in by his lover's cuteness. "And why are you still up? I told you to go back to bed." Shuichi had woken him up earlier to take his medicine, something he'd never done before. Eiri wondered why he'd bothered to do so today.

"That was hours ago, Yuki. It's after noon now."

Eiri rolled over to look at the clock hanging on the wall. 12:36. Damn. He stretched and sat up, reaching over to grab his lighter and pack of cigarettes from the nightstand. "Why did you wake me up this morning?" he asked.

"So you wouldn't have a headache when you got up," Shuichi responded. "With everything that happened yesterday and how horrible you felt last night I thought I should start taking better care of you."

"I don't need you to take care of me," Eiri replied stubbornly, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and lighting his cigarette.

"I know," Shuichi smiled, hugging him from behind. "But that's what people who love each other do, right? They take care of each other."

They sat in silence for a few minutes as Eiri smoked. The singer was so uncharacteristically quiet as he snuggled against his mate's back that the blonde started to wonder if he'd fallen asleep until he heard a sigh of contentment. Finally he stubbed his cigarette butt into the hotel ashtray and asked, "Did you get our stuff packed yet?"

"No, why?"

"Because we're leaving as soon as I take a shower and get dressed."

"What? But we're not supposed to leave until tonight!"

"Our plans have changed."

"But Yuki I don't WANT to go home yet!" Shuichi whined. "This is suppose to be our last day of vacation!"

"Too damn bad. I've had enough vacationing to last me a hell of a long time. You'll be lucky if I EVER go anywhere with you again after what you've put me through on this trip!"

Shuichi pressed his face against his lover's back, trying not to cry. "I'm sorry our vacation turned out to be such a disaster. I really wanted us to have a good time and get away from our problems, you know? I kinda hoped it would be like a long date or something..."

"Dates don't include visits to the hospital or the local police station. Neither do vacations... except ours."

"I'm sorry, Yuki..." the singer whispered sadly.

The writer stood up, leaving his dejected boyfriend sitting on the bed staring at him like a sad, lonely puppy.

"Get everything packed and ready to go," he commanded, getting a towel and fresh set of clothes. Shuichi just continued to stare at him pitifully. "Come on, we've got a lot to do before we go home. We've got to buy a mattress, a pillow, a radio..."

Shuichi perked up immediately. "Really?"

"Yes, and if you hurry up and get everything packed by the time I'm done I'll take you out to eat before we go shopping," Eiri added, hoping it would encourage the kid to get moving. It did. Satisfied that the day was off to a good start, he headed for the shower.

. . .

The couple met with a strange sight as they exited the hotel with their luggage. A monk was standing across the street ranting about how he had been "awakened" when a divine object sent by Buddha had fallen from the sky and hit him on the head. Eiri scoffed as the man waved the "divine" cell phone in the air, telling the story to any idiot who would listen. He shook his head and headed to the parking garage with his luggage. Where did people come UP with this shit? After a few steps he noticed that his pink-haired "shadow" was missing from his side. "Shuichi?"

He turned around to find his gullible lover crossing the street to see the "divine cell phone" for himself. With the exception of the large duffel bag strapped over the boy's shoulder, his luggage lay abandoned at the hotel entrance.

"Come on, you moron!" Eiri yelled, causing Shuichi to stop in the middle of the street. He turned to look at the blonde, nearly getting hit by a car in the process. "Get out of the road, idiot!" Eiri shouted. The singer ran to the other side of the street, where the "awakened" monk was waiting to tell his story. The writer groaned. Where did all these religious nuts come from, and why was he always the unfortunate person who chanced upon them?

"Yuki, this phone has our picture on it!" Shuichi yelled from across the road.

The writer left his suitcase against the side of the building and marched across the street, not heeding the cars honking at him. Of all the stupid, moronic...

"See?" Shuichi pointed excitedly when Eiri had reached the other side. "Look!"

Eiri examined the "phenomenon" for himself; and sure enough the brat had been telling the truth. The print club photo he and Shuichi had taken at the amusement park ages ago was still stuck on the inside flap of the phone where he'd strategically placed it so that Shuichi wouldn't see it.

"That's my phone!" he yelled at the monk accusingly, as if the poor man had picked his pocket rather than innocently picked up the discarded item off the ground.

The monk bolted, phone in hand, deciding that the irate blonde was a madman trying to steal his holy relic. Buddha had sent it to him after all, why should he give it away to some thief? Eiri took off after him, and after standing around bewildered for a few seconds Shuichi followed suite, still lugging the heavy bag over his shoulder. Four blocks later Eiri recovered his cell phone after catching up with the monk and threatening to beat him within an inch of his life if he didn't hand it over.

"That was a terrible thing to do, Yuki!" Shuichi scolded as they headed back to the hotel. "Monks are supposed to be treated with respect!"

"Well then shut up and get off my back already. I'm a monk, treat me with respect." He pocketed his broken cell phone, grinning smugly. Shuichi just sighed tiredly.

When they reached the hotel entrance, the two were in for a nasty shock.

"Where's our luggage?" Shuichi asked meekly, hoping his lover would have a good, logical explanation as to why their suitcases weren't where they'd left them.

"It got stolen, you IDIOT!" the other man roared.

Any explanation except THAT.

. . .

The day just kept getting worse. The car ran out of gas just before they reached the police station and the two men had to push it into the parking lot. Officer Eto laughed his ass off as they told him about the car and reported their stolen luggage, and after muttering something about karmic justice handed them some papers to fill out and asked to see their identification.

Of course that prick would have to be on duty! Eiri thought, gritting his teeth as he reached in his pocket for his wallet. When he realized it wasn't there, he tried the other side. Not there either. "Where's my wallet?" he asked Shuichi.

"I think I put it in your" Shuichi responded, his voice dying off and he suddenly realized what that meant. He whimpered at the expression on the blonde's face. The last time he'd seen that look on a man's face was just before he'd received a sound beating as a child for throwing his father's gold watch down the garbage disposal.

Eiri took several deep breaths, trying his best to remain calm. I will not kill the brat, I will not kill the brat, I will NOT kill the brat... "Where is your wallet?" he asked.

"R-right here..." Shuichi pulled his wallet out of his pocket and gingerly handed it over.

Eiri pulled out Shuichi's I.D. card and flung it at Officer Eto, before checking to see how much cash the brat had on hand. "Where's your money?" he asked, when he couldn't find any.

"I'm... kinda all out of money," the singer said sheepishly. "I spent the rest of it at that drug store. Well, except for some change... and I used that in the candy machine in the hotel. I still have all the stuff I bought, though!" He pulled a plastic bag of assorted crap out of his duffel bag.

"Don't you have any credit cards?" Eiri asked. Shuichi shook his head. Yet another thing the blonde had not known about his boyfriend. How could any successful musician, particularly one associated with a top label like N-G, NOT own a credit card?

"I take it you don't have your identification?" Officer Eto asked the blonde, after handing Shuichi's card back to him.

"No. It was in the stolen luggage."

"Well, this will take a while then. I'll give you a form to fill out while we get legal proof of your identity."

"You know damn well who I am!" Eiri shouted, wondering just how serious an offense punching a cop was.

Shuichi apparently recognized "that look" in his eyes. "No please," he whispered. "You can beat the shit out of me later, just please don't get us thrown in jail again!"

Eiri growled and crossed his arms. "What about my car?" he asked Eto.

"If you can't afford to put gas in it it'll have to be towed."

"To where?"

"The impound lot."

"You're not towing my expensive car to a fucking impound lot!" Eiri shouted, shooting up from his seat. The people nearby stared at him, wondering what the hell his problem was.

"I suggest you calm down," Eto advised, glaring at him. "Or you'll find yourself in another holding cell."

"Yuki, please," Shuichi begged, continuing to pull junk out of his duffel bag in hopes of finding something even remotely useful that could help their situation. At least he'd thrown Yuki's medicine in here instead of packing it in his lover's suitcase.

Eiri also noticed this when the younger man set his bag of medicines on the desk next to that stupid owl he'd insisted on buying. At least he still had his medication when he needed it, unlike the four cartons of cigarettes he'd bought last night. All he had left now was the pack in his pocket. Shame he couldn't trade Shuichi in for another four cartons.

The last thing his fool of a lover pulled out of the bag was the last thing the writer wanted to see. "Why in the hell did you pack THAT?!" he shouted, eyeing the book that he had tried SO many times to get rid of.

"We couldn't just leave it in the hotel room," Shuichi reasoned.

"WE could have and YOU should have!" he yelled. He snatched the book out of the boy's hands and shoved it in Eto's face. "Here!"

"I don't want that piece of shit. Get it out of my face."

Shuichi blinked. "Huh?... But your father wrote it, didn't he?"

"Don't remind me. I still can't believe he would embarrass our family by writing something like that."

Eiri grunted. Maybe this guy wasn't as stupid as he thought.

Shuichi quickly took the book back and shoved it in his bag where it wouldn't antagonize either of the two men. "What are we going to do, Yuki? We haven't got any money and we can't get home. I'm hungry, and where are we going to sleep?"

Eiri ignored him. He was NOT calling Tohma or his brother. There was no way in HELL he was letting anyone he knew hear about this!

"Look, if it'll get you two out of here I'll call my nephew when we're done here and see if you can stay with him for the night. That way I'll have somewhere to contact you if we locate your missing property," Eto offered. He did NOT want to have to deal with these two all day.

Eiri was just beginning to think that maybe this Eto wasn't so bad after all, until the cop added, "He just opened a restaurant two blocks away. I'm sure he'll give you a meal or two if you help out around the place."

Eiri twitched. "Restaurant?"

"Oh, come on, Yuki!" Shuichi prodded encouragingly. "Restaurants have food! How bad could washing dishes or waiting tables for a day be?"

. . .

"Welcome to Yoshi's!" A giant pink-haired hamburger called out to the crowd of people passing the small restaurant. "Come and try the delicious food and great service at our fine establishment!"

"I'm going to kill you, you little punk!" the giant milkshake standing next to him whispered as he passed out flyers. "Just you wait... One of these days, when you least expect it, I am going to kill you!"

The hamburger gulped.


~End chapter ten~