Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Jaded Black ❯ Leave me Breathless ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Moonless nights 
Shuichi finally runs into his idol-Ryuichi. Ryuichi offers a getaway for the equally jaded boy.... How will he take it? Leave him breathless.
xD~~~ bad at summaries, gomeee~~~n.
Anime/Manga: Gravitation Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 09.16.2004 |
Updated On: 09.16.2004 |
Pages: 3 |
Words: 3.2K |
Visits: 907 |
Status: Work In Progress
"Shuichi, a run-away heading to a place not even he knows to get away from his jaded life, that he refuses to accept, dashes through the station to find the nearest train, when he runs into someone just as jaded as he, Nittle Grasper's lead singer Ryuichi Sakuma. In a desperate attempt to feel alive and get something new in their lives, they run away together, for a one night stand Shuichi Shindou would never forget. Not forgetting is certainly the right term to use, especially when Shuichi chases after the boy that made the blood flow in his veins again."
Disclaimer: I do not own Gravitation, and believe me, I wish I did. Certain characteristics portrayed through the people of my story are my own, and the text is all original by me. Thank you to my friend, Katsumai, for giving me the train-station idea. It really helped pull my story together. One day I may even be the next Edmondia Dantes. XD~~~~~~~! Like that'll happen, hahahah. Anyway, on with the story….
The rain traced all over his body as he gave an involuntary shiver. Cold… It was very cold. The rainy season of Japan had finally hit. It was usually his favourite season of any other, the way the rain danced over everything…
He would watch the rain fall over the Sakura petals that decorated trees, and watch the Tokyo sky, decadanced in bright lights, misted, and fogged by the on-pouring rain. Yet, somehow, this rainy season was exactly the same as the last, but, today in particular, he didn't feel the same love for it. A bad day at work… He would tell this to himself constantly. Though, even he realized it never seemed to matter. Everything remained the same, underneath the surface of portrayed emotions that don't necessarily pertain to the true things he is feeling. He still felt so far from home, from happiness, from friends, family, and the things he held dear. He felt jaded, somehow, and never, could he find why.
He would remind himself of the beautiful sight of looking outside that beloved apartment window… The lights, the city, feeling like you have it all, even though you lack a key ingredient to happiness.. Love.
Just a bad day at work… He reminded again, for the umpteenth time, his delicate fingers going to trace the soaked strawberry terraces from his eyes and pale cheeks.
.. Almost there… He was almost at the train station… It wasn't that hard to get to, of course… It was the giant thing in the heart of Tokyo. Picking up his pace from a hurried shuffle to a jog, he flew into the warm protection of the station, free from rain.
He had better hurry, or he would miss his train… Oh, he knew that perfectly well… the train that would take him away from the increasing sorrow and sadness. He was just heading off, for a quiet weekend, God knows where, to relax, stabilize himself… Though he didn't want to admit he needed something newer than his dull life.
He slowly exited the train. Boring. Same as everyday. Same as every night. Same as every day, same as every year of his regretted life. Lord knew he needed more than something just a little new and exciting in his life, he needed a miracle, or an apocalypse, whichever decided to grace him first.
That was his life style, that was his attitude, but, like all sob stories of how a man is bored with his life, it wasn't always that way. The man knew that he was famous, he knew he was loved, he knew every girl and guy stared at him in worship and disbelief, and he certainly knew he was attractive, and he made certain to flaunt his every being to prove he was more than just another person in the crowd.
Then again, he wasn't just some sob story, either… He truly was someone who needed a miracle, a chance at life, to be reborn. But, that would be the last thing on earth that man would admit. He hid it all. And sometimes, in ways, he didn't. Flirting with the people he met, throwing them a piece, to taste him, create an addiction for him, and walk away, satisfied with the heartbreak and sighs of love and disappointment.
Then, when someone suspected his depression, he would put on his happy face, grab his favourite stuffed bunny and giggle for the crowd. Singing, that was his passion. To be able to be himself in front of a crowd and not be interrogated for why he wasn't his happy self.
He was Nittle Grasper's lead singer, and most loved Diva, Ryuichi Sakuma.
Running out to find the correct train, he ran into something, or, more like someone. But it wasn't a simple bump into someone, and keep running… No, it was a hard nock, shoulder to shoulder, and his dampened, now slippery shoes gave way beneath him and blackness wracked his brain.
Purple met blue, in a light clash, an odd, immediate admiration for one another….
"Eh!? Eh, eh!?" The boy exclaimed in astonishment before quieting himself with a small whimper of obvious pain from his incident of head meeting floor.
"Ah, you okay, no da?" the older man spoke in a silky, reassuring voice. "What's your name?"
Obviously, the boy knew from those perfect blue eyes that it was his idol. No other man on the face of the planet had such deep navy eyes… They spoke forgotten wisdom…. They said just…. So much.
"Shindou… uh, Shuichi…." he hissed between his teeth, rubbing the back of his head before being jerked up to his feet. "Ah, thank you, Sakuma-san…" he whispered in a grateful tone before really catching himself on the name. He was certain Ryuichi had bee recognized by many people, and rarely had to introduce himself, but Shuichi still felt slightly awkward blurting his name without actually asking for it. Almost like a stalker…
"Ah! From Bad Luck…! I love your music, Shuichi-kun." The man said with a sly grin. Ryuichi wasn't going to admit that he found Shuichi fascinating though, or that his star-like attention was slightly threatened by him… But, nonetheless, he made a good adversary. "Does your head feel any better?"
Shuichi couldn't help but notice that Ryuichi seemed so.. Different in real life compared to the TV screen. Almost unreachable, so untouchable, a God on Earth if anyone ever knew one, that was for sure. The way the sweat droplets sparkled on his perfect body in the hot stage lights, colored the most unique of colours, that just made him so bright… He was shining. And he showed the same sparkle in real life… Yet…
Looking into those deep blue eyes, he didn't see the happiness, the look of being fulfilled, like when he sang. He seemed so much more distant… Not in a Godly, untouchable way, but, more of, he was so far gone. Maybe, he could be jaded too…
Was that the lifestyle of living your dream? Becoming a star, big lights, big stage, big crowd, all screaming your name, because they all know your name? And after all that happiness, even thought you're still on the top of the charts, it still only seemed like fifteen minutes of fame? Because you're so jaded. A part of your soul that you held so close is now just another part of your average, boring life?
He didn't really want that… And he knew, deep down, that even with the depression, and the boredom, with the overwhelming feeling of emptiness… That singing still came through… And those concerts make you feel so alive again. He was sure that Ryuichi must feel the same way… And he hid his emotions just like he, in order to dodge unneeded publicity, and people telling you you need to seek help.
Does anyone get it? People know they're depressed, even if they pretend or say they don't. If they had wanted help, they would have gotten it already. No wonder so many famous people commit suicide and do drugs! They need the rush, the renewity of feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting…
But, maybe Ryuichi was also like him… in the sense that all they wanted was something, anything to make them feel alive, all the time, not just when you're singing. Maybe it was love, like in all the fairy tales. Something has to relate to real life in those…
"Shuichi?" the gentle voice cooed again, "Is your head all right?"
Jerking back from his deep thought he blinked in surprise and looked up to the diva, apologizing quickly, "Oh, yes, sorry… I think It's okay… I have a bump though, of course…." he trailed off feeling somewhat stupid for leaving Ryuichi in the awkward silence.
"Ah, no problem Shuichi-kun…." the older man almost purred, "Where're you heading to anyway…?"
"Ah, well, you see… I don't really know at the moment… I just bought a ticket to whatever place the lady felt I should go… Stupid, I know…" he continued to babble on about how he shouldn't be so naïve, just taking off for no particular reason, to further try and cover the feelings of emptiness he undoubtedly felt.
Ryuichi watched him carefully. He could almost see right through the boy, and, oddly enough, he didn't feel the usual need to act cute and blissfully happy as if he were unaware that the world around him was so tainted and judgmental. He was just himself. A free, untouchable bird he knew could fly away from anything if he really wanted to once he got his hands on the microphone.
"Why are you running away, Shuichi?" he asked seriously, not moving his face to the usual smirk of knowing what the boy was really thinking, but, instead, regarding Shuichi's reactions carefully, and absorbing in the shocked look on the other's face. The look that let Ryuichi know he hit the nail on the head, and that Shuichi knew he was caught.
"Ah… Was it that obvious…?" The pink hair boy cried in dismay. And all this time he though he hid it well.
"No, Shuichi, actually, it wasn't that obvious. You don't have to tell me why you're running away, either-- because I already know. I can see right through you, Shuichi… Not because you may be wearing your heart on your sleeve most of the time, but, because, I believe we share the same feelings towards life…"
"Shh." he was cut off, "I know how you feel…" he began, stepping dangerously closer to Shuichi. "We are very much alike… You don't want to admit you're bored with fame do you…? You just want to go on singing, because you know and believe it will save you… And it will… It's just very painful along the way…. If you want something new in your life, come with me, you aren't leaving this town. Tokyo's the best place to be for something like this…" he trailed off turning the opposite way, tilting his head to stare into the other boy's eyes, "What do you say?"
Shuichi, on the other hand, was quite shocked. He never knew Ryuichi could be so forward. He knew that he must've put on a happy face for the crowd to change so much when singing! But, leaving Tokyo wasn't a good idea? The seemingly center of his problems… Yet, he was being told to stay? And most importantly…
"What do you mean? Something `new'? Is there something I'm not getting…?" he interrogated the older man, who only gave him an innocent look back..
"We'll see…" Ryuichi responded for beginning to walk towards the exit of the train station and out into the Tokyo rain.
"We'll see…?" Shuichi repeated back, mostly to himself, before deciding to take the fall… He dove in head first…
"Wait up!" he called, the stomping of his footsteps sounded around him. He was dashing, dashing towards a dangerous place with him.
Thank you all so much who read my first chapter! I know, I know, slow start, slow start, but I hope to make it more lively. As you can tell from the summary, things between Ryuichi and Shuichi are certainly going to spice up. Now that I think about this, with all the plots and twisters I have in my mind, this story could be quite a few chapters! This is because, oh, well, I can't tell you xP~~! But, one thing's for certain, this isn't going to be what it seems to be. Oh, Kami, is that for sure. *wicked grin*
I'm hoping to improve my writing style, and a new chapter should be coming out once every couple days, maybe week, sometimes, depending on how long and detailed the chapter is. I don't really like to leave you all on cliff-hangers, and I sort of did that just now, at least, I think…. O_o;; I'll make sure I update quickly for all of those that feel like they were left hanging. ^_^;;; Input is always love reviews, not just to hear how wonderful I am, (j/k. j/k..) but to hear how I am doing, what you guys like, and don't like, what I should change, what I should improve on, what you love, and what you hate. Oh, and another thing, this fanfic is and will REMAIN (Yes, that means it will not change, ever, under any circumstances) a RyuxShu fic.
This is because I know all of you out there are looking for Ryu Shu action, and that's the only reason you picked this up and read it, so, I perfectly know how you feel, and, yes, it is SO unfair to change that fact suddenly.
Thanks who read this and listened to my babbling! Review! Seriously, I'll worship you at the beginning of my next chapter. XD
Sincerely with much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, etc… love for all of you wonderful people…
-[x]-M***_**** ******-[x]-