Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Making the Top ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Gravitation, But I do own Marc, Marren, and other unknown characters.

My name is Marcus Munroe Mongrain, The Triple M, Mutt, or Marc, and vocalist of my own band, Bl00d $tainE. This is my story of how I met and sang with my idols, learned what Sex was truly like, and finally become a vocalist, like Ryuichi Sakuma & Shuichi Shindou. Everyone says I have talent.....My ass. They say that cause they have no choice. Though, I may be 16, but most of the girls (and boys) say I have a hot voice, or a pleasent one. It's truly annoying. I have absolutly ZERO talent. That's how Shuichi Shindou made Anyways, here is my story.
Name: Marcus Munroe Mongrain

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Height: 160 cm (5' 3")

Weight: 67kg (148 lbs)

Features: Red hair, styled like my favorite author, Yuki Eiri, with rich gold eyes, mini loop earring in right ear, with a slightly thick leather collar with silver spike studs. Hidden tattoo of a dragon on back.

"Tooku de me o hikarasete mezameru monotachi matte iru
yoru no jouheki sasowarete utsurisumu mure no nukegara ni."

Marc stopped and ran a hand through his sweaty red hair, which was drenched with the salty scent. He growled and nearly punched the wall, causing a dent.

"Ah, calm down, Marcus." Marren Dale said, lighting a ciggarette and taking a long drag. The older boy placed his instrument up against the wall, his black hair shinning in the reflecting light of the little lamp above. He then also leaned against the wall next to his Electrice Guitar, letting out the smoke through his nose. Marc pouted.

"Ne.....Marren....Do you think we can actually become something?" He asked, sitting down on one of the gynasiam's chairs. Marren shrugged and looked at him, his cat like eyes gleaming.

Name: Marren Dale

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Height: 165 cm (5' 5")

Weight: 51 kg (112 lbs)

BloodType: B

Features: Black hair, Oddly red cat like eyes, A snake tattoo around his wrist, two earrings in his left ear, Black shirt with the words 'Sex, Drugs, & Rock n' Roll' on it in toxic pink, and black jeans, with one missing pant leg.

One of my closet friends, Marren. He was with me since I was attacked by some kid named Justin. The guy tried to fuckin' rape me! Now, he agreed to play a part in my band as a guitarist! I love him so much. As a friend! Not Sexually! I'm not even into guys. I think? He's only older then me by at least two years. Nothing more. He's also a fan of Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck, especially since Hiroshi Nakano. Never seen a bigger fan.

"Why are you asking these questions now, Triple M?" He asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he put out his ciggarette on the gym floor. Turning back to Marc, he shrugged his shoulders, his eyes narrow, as always. He picked up his E.G. and played a small tune before playing the N.G. CD once again, playing to the song as Marc continued to sing. He tapped his foot before skidding out his left leg and foot against the floor, one leg bent and one hand between his legs, placed on the ground, microphone in hand.

"Ima mo todokanu hikari no yukue azayaka ni mau omoi o egakou michibiku kotoba ga koborete shimawanu you ni utsuru toki o osore-" He didn't get to finish.
"Marcus! Where were you!? Mr. Tanakish wants a word with you!" The girl scolded, pointing at the door. Marc growled. Teachers + Marcus = Trouble. Sighing, the red head gave in and followed after the girl.

"Listen.....I'm not sure if you know this...but my an' my friend we're practicing!?!" He shouted, flailing his arms. The girl turned around and cocked an eyebrow. "Be quiet," was all she said and when her back turned, Marc gave her the finger with a smug look. Let's see you make me, bitch. He snickered at his own thought as he caught up to her, hands behind his head lounging. Sitting in one of the teachers chairs, he spun, waiting for him to come. "Marcus. Please don't do that." A voice scolded. "N' why not, Sensei?" He sneered, before the chair top came clean off, sending him into the ground. The teacher sighed, giving a groan. "Does that explain it?" he asked. Marc nodded before he stood up and sat on a desk.

"What's up?" He asked, blinking. The teacher looked at him with a sad look. Something was wrong. Marc stood up in reaction to the look. "Nanda?! What is it?!" He demanded, tired of being told to wait. Mr. Tanakish looked away before walking over to him, placing a hand on the boys shoulder. Marc first looked to the hand, then to the older man.

"Sensei?" He asked, and Mr. Tanakish sighed. "You'll be going to Marren's tonight.....And you'll stay there....For now...." Marc cocked his head. "And....I'm afraid...your Mother has passsed on.." He said, leaving the room.

"And....I'm afraid...your Mother has passed on.." Those two words lingered in my mind for a long time. I was now....what do they call it...a outcast. Everything I gone...My Father ditched us...but who cares....Mother did...but now I'll never know why he did....

Marc adjusted his bag as he slipped his shoes on and went out to the gate, meeting Marren there, and followed him to his house. Marren slid his hands into his pockets. "Sorry about your loss, dude." He said, slinging a arm around the younger boys shoulder. Marc just nodded and leaned into his friends embrace. " can go on...will you take my bag to your place? I'll be there in awhile..." He mumbled, and when Marren nodded, gave up his lugage to the black haired boy as he took off at a run to the park.

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