Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Memories remembered ❯ nightmares ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The pain unbearable as it coursed threw his entire body. Hands pressed against his flesh, bruises forming all over him. Deep nails scratched over him. He looked up into deep hate filled eyes. A cold, hard hand lifted forcing his head to one side. Less then gentle kisses ran down his neck. He screamed, as his shirt was ripped open.
Blond hair, fell in front of equally golden eyes, as his glasses we torn from his face. A scratch formed across his face, blood trickling across his pale skin. A wet, hot tongue licked at the blood, keeping the wound fresh and the crimson stream flowing down his face.
The echoing sound of twin zippers being pulled down, filled the air, resounded off the walls. Terrified eyes glared at the man he had once respected, and admired. Everything went black, as he felt himself forced upon. The sound of his own screams filling his ears, as unconscious over whelmed him.
Eiri sat up, darkness surrounding him. His breath came in quick, desperate gasps. He starred into the nothingness around him. He turned to one side, looking down at his young strawberry haired lover. He bent his head slowly and kissed the boy's forehead, before he rose from the bed wrapping the black silk rode, Shuichi claimed to have given him.
He entered the hall, silently. Walking down the hall he entered the office and sat before the computer. He started working again a couple weeks ago. It was not long after that, that the nightmares had started.
Eiri starred at the computer screen for a long time before he began to type. The sound of the keys seemed to put him on edge, but it was the only he knew how to deal with his insomnia.
His fingers paused above the keys, his heart skipped a beet, as a pair of warms arms wrapped. “ Can't sleep, love.” The soft voice whispered. Eiri smiled softly, and titled back to look into violet eyes.
“ No, I had the dream again.” Shuichi frowned his grip tightening around the blond before him.
“Wanna, tell me about it?” Eiri turned his head, so that his head rested against Shuichi's chest. The gentle sound of his loves heart, relaxed him slightly.
“I don't remember. I never remember.” Eiri shifted slight.
` He sounds so sad.' Shuichi thought. He sighed; this had been the 5th time in the last week that he had awoken to find his lover gone from their bed. “ Come on love, let's go back to bed.” Shu tugged Eiri's arm guiding him up from the chair, and back into the bedroom.
The blond layback against the pillows, Shuichi wound his arm about the older mans shoulder, and began to hum softly. Then he began to sing. It was an old song, but he no longer recalled from where he had heard, but it always made him feel better. He hoped it did the same for his love.
There is a place I call my own
Where I can stand by the sea
And look beyond the things I've known
And dream that I might be free
The words floated threw the room, guiding the troubled thoughts of a restless man into a deep sleep that he hadn't seen since he awoke from his coma almost a year ago.
Shuichi, smiled down at his now peacefully sleeping lover. ` I don't know if I want you to remember Eiri. You remember us, and the other. Isn't that enough? All I want is for you to be happy, and you are happy now. So why do want to remember the man that hurt you. I don't understand why such horrid memories would want to be remembered, but I know how you must feel with out them. So will help you remember.' He bent placing a gentle kiss on gold stands of hair, and then he to slept.