Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Musings ❯ Crazy Clubbing ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: shake_it_buddy

Fandom: Gravitation

Rating: PG-13 for now. (Sexual hints and language)

Warnings: slight OOC, lot's of POV and my usual lousy attempts at humour *sighs*

Author's notes: Inspiration struck me from the clear… grey skies. Please tell me what you think! I don't have a beta reader, so any typos that weren't alerted by Word may be found. Once again, tell me if you like it… ^.^

/// shake_it_buddy

~*Midnight musings*~

Chapter 1: Crazy Clubbing

He watched the clock turn two in the morning. He stabbed the cigarette viciously into the overly full ashtray. His petite lover was out clubbing with his friends, Hiro and that other kid, Fujisaki, again. He hadn't wanted to come along since he despised being in crowds. He glanced at the clock again. 30 seconds had passed.

`Damn it! Where in the hell is that stupid brat?!' he thought angrily.

Shuichi had shouted that he'd "Be home before one o' clock!" before he'd been dragged out the door by his party-deprived friends. Yuki felt ready to tear his own hair off in frustration. That's right, frustration, not worry. Nope, not him. It didn't suit the image of the cool and aloof author, Yuki Eiri, to be caught waiting for his lover in the middle of the night, looking like a wreck.

He reached for his pack of cigarettes but noticed that it was empty. His scowl deepened and he made a note to put it on the list of things he'd yell at his lover once he came home.

Came home... IF he came home, that is. Yuki's eyes glittered slightly with worry; his younger lover hadn't exactly dressed appropriately. The clothes, if you could even call them that, that Shuichi had chosen for tonight had been just enough to cover his lithe body, and lied just on the borderline of what people would accept as club-wear and what others would refer to as to be too indecent for even a prostitute to wear.

Yuki swallowed dryly as the image of his lover in that get-up. His mind supplied him with plenty of X-rated things that he'd like to do to his lover. He could just imagine it: he'd slide his hands up the smooth skin of Shuichi's torso. Then he'd draw his hands back, slowly, nails scraping as they passed across the sensitive nubs upon Shuichi's chest. Shuichi would arch up against him, mewl in that incredibly arousing voice of his for him to hurry up and fuck him already or he'd take care of matters himself.

Yuki wiped off the sweat that had started to build on his brow and searched his pockets in vain for a cigarette. Yes, his lover was one sexy piece of ass. Speaking of his ass, he could go for some right now. He imagined the soft cream-coloured globes in his hands. He'd squeeze them good first, then he'd slide his fingers down to the little opening. He'd brush it lightly, rubbing it in small circles before pressing one finger in. He loved the feeling of his lover's muscles tightening upon him, be it his finger or his… partner in crime.

Yuki almost grinned at the thought, if it weren't for the fact that Yuki Eiri never grinned. Ever. He checked the time again and noticed to his utter annoyance he realised that it had only been four and a half minutes since the last time he looked.

`Where is that baka? Did he get kidnapped or something?'

The thought made cold shivers run down his spine. Indeed, the rest of the world had to be blind if they didn't notice the sex appeal that his lover radiated, like sunshine on a beautiful day. What if some lunatic fan had put a drug into his drink and waited for the perfect opportunity to kidnap his idol? Or what if some fat, ugly pimp had picked him up from the streets, chaining him to a bed and let his customers have their way with him?

Yuki gave himself a mental slap. None of those scenarios were possible. It wasn't like Shuichi was alone out there! Hiro and Fujisaki were with him. Wait… with him. What if they had planned for this night in order to lure his sweet, innocent baka of a lover away from his protective arms, so as to get WITH him?!

`… I knew that bastard Hiroshi was untrustworthy, and isn't Fujisaki Tohma's cousin?! That asshole and his family, they're nothing but a big bunch of manipulative rapists, ALL of them!'

He crossed his arms and frowned harder than ever, glaring at anything that came into his line of view. He sighed in frustration and picked up his favourite lighter and started to play with it, emitting small flames and killing them again. Bored with that he examined it instead and came across a little picture. It was the one that he and Shuichi had taken together during their date in Odaiba Amusement Park.

Yuki brushed his thumb over the glossy surface, it was getting torn at the edges. Maybe it was time to take a new one? He was about to suggest another visit to the park to his lover, but caught himself before beginning. Again, he was reminded that Shuichi wasn't home, with him.

The ice-cold fingers of worry and anxiety began their journey once again down his spine. Then he reminded himself of the image that he tried so hard to maintain. It wouldn't do to make Shuichi realise that he was worried about him, he would pester him about it and he'd never hear the end of it! He decided that he'd make some noodles. Not for him of course, only idiots ate regularly. Shuichi, however, would probably be hungry when he came home. Yeah, right. No matter the reason, the image had to be maintained. For as hard as Yuki tried to make the world think that he was famous novelist Yuki Eiri, Shuichi in turn tried with just as much might, if not more, to make him act more like Uesugi Eiri.

The noodles were done in no time. Still no Shuichi. Yuki decided that he needed some fresh air and went out to the balcony. After a few gulps of the fresh night air, he felt his mind clear. He heard the laughter of some people coming home from a party. Wait, he recognised that laugh!

Yuki stretched his neck to get a clearer view, and there he was! His lover and tormentor! The ridiculously low-cut trousers looked like they were about to fall off any minute now. It was a miracle they were still on those slim hips. The way they twisted and swung from side to side to an unheard beat, you'd have thought that they'd be impossible to walk around in, much less to dance in, without holding on to them with one hand!

Yuki breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Hiroshi was listening to Shuichi babble merrily with a small smile on his face. Yuki had the good grace to feel slightly ashamed of himself. He shouldn't have mistrusted Hiroshi; he was, after all, Shuichi's best friend.

When they were in front of the apartment building's door, however, Hiro did something unexpected. He flung his arm around Shuichi's shoulders and whispered something in his ear that made the pink hair look pale in comparison to the blush that spread on Shuichi's face.

Yuki remained quiet, but the clenched fists on the railing told another story.

`All right. That does it, he's going to die!' he thought as a red haze of jealousy and what not filled his gaze. He turned halfway around to search the apartment for something to throw at the longhaired guitarist, but he was distracted by Shuichi's slight giggle in reply to whatever it was that Hiro had whispered to him.

To Yuki's utter confusion, Hiro turned his head up and looked him straight in the face for a few moments, before giving him a grin. For some reason, that grin made goosebumps appear on his fair skin. Before he could contemplate the reason for the grin any longer, Hiro turned back to Shuichi, face disappearing from his view.

Shuichi said his goodbyes to his best friend before entering the building. Yuki drew yet another sigh of relief. Hiro hadn't gotten to lay his hands on his lover. He hurriedly closed the balcony doors before grabbing a book from the bookshelf and turning the pages forward towards the end.

A few minutes later he heard Shuichi enter quietly. He closed the book and went to the light switch. Light flooded the apartment and blinded them both for a few seconds.

"Ah, Yuki! You're awake!" Shuichi exclaimed in a surprised voice. They stood there for a while, just looking at one another. Yuki started to get grouchy, was that it? No hug or kiss? He sighed slightly at the desperate note that his thoughts were making.

"You hungry, I made some noodles for you." He said tiredly. It didn't occur to him how sleepy he felt until a few minutes ago.

"Umm, thanks, but no thanks. Hiro bought me a bite to eat on the club." Shuichi looked nervous for some reason that Yuki couldn't figure out.

"What is it? Why are you acting so nervous all of a sudden?" he asked. As soon as he had finished the sentence he noticed something… odd, about his lover. What was it… wait! Those weren't the pants he'd worn on the way out! He drew a deep breath and raised a shaking finger to point at the offending material.

"Shuichi," he began in a calm tone, "who's pants are those?"

Shuichi gulped and met his gaze shyly. Yuki felt no mercy in his body and turned his full glare at the singer who yelped and began to speak in hyper-speed.

"Well you see we went to this club that was called the "Monkey Orgy" or something like that Hiro's buddy had tipped him about it and at first it was like a normal club so we danced for a few hours when suddenly the DJ called out through the microphone that it's "Orgy time! Do the monkey!" or something like that and then suddenly everyone started ripping off each other's clothes but we managed to escape but someone got hold of my pants and Hiro was kind enough to lend me some money so that I could buy these!"

Yuki blinked. He hadn't thought it could be possible to speak so much without drawing even one breath. Then, realisation hit him.


"Erk! I mean, don't be angry Yuki! It's not like it was anyone's fault!"

Yuki drew deep, seething breaths. According to Shuichi's story it was Hiro's friend who had tipped him about the club. A friend, yeah, right. Suddenly the grin he had received a few minutes earlier came to mind, and in a flash he understood everything that had occurred.

`That bastard, that deceiving bastard!' Yuki screamed in his mind. That perverted asshole of a friend had dragged Shuichi there only so that he could get the opportunity to see his lover in the near-buff!

Shuichi noticed his lover's state of distress and added hurriedly.

"Besides, these were the only pants left in the store, they cost a fortune! But Hiro paid for them anyway." Yuki looked at the scandalously designed pants once more before making his decision.

"Hn, whatever. Take `em off. Let's go to bed." He said. Shuichi didn't comply, but started to squirm even more. "What is it now? Need help?" he added sarcastically. To his confusion, Shuichi nodded while blushing like mad. He merely raised an eyebrow and waited for an explanation.

Shuichi swallowed before speaking. "Well, err, you see, the club we went to was in a different kind of neighbourhood. There weren't any normal shops open this late, so we had to go to… another shop, and they sold these pants to me."

"What kind of store was it?" Yuki asked, dreading the answer.

"Well, it was sort of a S&M store, you know, ones that sell those sex articles and stuff. They gave me these pants and I tried them on and they fit me just fine, but when I tried to take them off, well, it sort of didn't work."

Yuki still looked confused and tipped his head slightly to the side, inclining his lover to continue his story. Shuichi swallowed yet again. Yuki noticed that the blush was still present and a sheen of sweat had appeared at Shuichi's brow.

"The clerk explained to me that these pants are some new kind of model that can feel the owner's body temperature, pulse and such. The reason it was on sale there is that, well…" here Shuichi blushed even harder. "… Is to have s-sex!" he finally cried.

Yuki was stunned. He searched Shuichi's face for any trace of mischief. He found none, and shrugged slightly.

"What's the problem then? Let's just do it and get it over with." Yuki said. Shuichi's blush didn't fade, nor did his distress. "What, there's more?" he asked exasperatedly.

"Well, you see, it has to be a certain amount of sex, otherwise they wont come off."

"How many times do we have to do it?" Yuki asked warily. He hoped it wasn't too much; it was well passed two in the morning after all.

"We have to do it twice." Shuichi answered.

"That's it? Hn, is that all you think I'm good for?" Yuki snorted, feeling slightly insulted. He was about to turn around to get to the bedroom, but Shuichi caught his sleeve.

"We have to do it twice," He repeated, eyes downcast. Then, he looked Yuki straight in the eyes and continued. "… every hour the following two days."


Author's notes: Phew! This was meant to be a short one shot, but new ideas just kept coming and I had to write this down. I don't know whether there are pants like the ones in the fic, I just made them up as I wrote. It just hit me that they remind me a bit about "The Tuxedo", honestly folks, I had no inspiration from that movie. -_-

I'll finish this one off once I've finished the third chapter of the Surprise Arc. This was just a spur of the moment fic. I don't really know how to continue, but if you want me to, then say (write) so and I'll do my best. ^_^;

The third chapter of S.A. is halfway done. You can expect it really soon! Or at least when I get time to write, hee hee. ^.^;

Author's Notes #2: Kya~h! I'm sorry everyone! I didn't realize that I wrote two days! Waaah! *runs around screaming hysterically* I've changed it now to a more "reasonable" amount of time. My only excuse for writing two days is, well, as the title implicates, it really WAS written in the middle of the night! I must've been reeeally tired... Once again, GOMEN NASAI~! *keeps bowing Sakano-style*

See ya! /// shake_it_buddy