Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ morning will come ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The boy's skinny frame hunched over with despair as he listened to the tragic news: Yuki had left.
“Wha-what do you mean, Yuki left? I just saw him this morning…”
“He's not at home. He is on a plane flying to America as we speak. I'm sorry, Shuichi, but we all knew this would happen.”
Tohma tried his best to comfort the boy, all the while trying to hide his delight that his brother-in-law finally left his little lover.
Shuichi sniffled and dropped to his knees in the middle of the recording room, no longer having the strength to stand.
“I don't understand…what did I do wrong?”
Hiro walked over to Shuichi, hugging him tightly and letting him cry his heart out on his shoulder. His shirt was wet with tears, and the room was awkwardly silent except for the desperate sobs coming from the young man.
K took a few steps in their direction, petted Shuichi on the shoulder, then took out his gun.
“Now, now, Shuichi. You have more important things to worry about,” the man said, sticking his gun into the side of Shuichi's head, “example: your up-coming concert!”
Sakano fainted to the floor with a thump, while Shuichi responded with a wail and clung to Hiro tighter.
“I want my Yuki back!!!”
Later that day, Shuichi walked into Yuki's house; the house he had shared with him for exactly one year, one month and 2 days. He looked around. Everywhere he looked, he saw Yuki. Sitting on the lounge, sitting at the dining table, sitting…
He walked to Yuki's office and pushed open the door cautiously, as if it was all a joke and Yuki was waiting to pounce on him for invading his work area.
But it was empty. The laptop was gone, along with Yuki's other writing material. Giving up, Shuichi slid down the wall and sat there, alone, for hours in the dark.
He had not gotten any work done that day. All he could do was sit in the middle of the recording room, sobbing, questioning his actions around Yuki; had he done something to upset him? Was it his fault? Did Yuki hate him?
Hours later, at about 11 pm, Shuichi awoke from his troubled sleep, lying on the ground a bit away from the door, panting and sweating.
He sobbed, but got up, trying as hard as he could to forget his dream; to forget Yuki yelling at him, to forget Yuki telling him he may as well die for all he cared.
He trudged down the hall to the bedroom, but couldn't bear to even look inside. He stopped abruptly and turned, then slowly he walked to the couch, dragging his feet behind in exhaustion.
He plopped down on the couch, letting his body fall, not caring where he landed. And again, he fell into sleep, letting the darkness take over and bring him nightmares he dared not think about.
Morning rays lit up his face. Shuichi opened one eye, not understanding. He had thought he left the blinds closed…
He squinted in the sun and thought back to the other day. As realization dawned, that he was alone, no Yuki, he slumped back down.
Eventually, he knew he would have to go to work. Face Hiro.
Almost crawling, Shuichi tried to reach the bathroom, only to be stopped by a cold hand on his upper arm.
He jumped forward and turned at the same time, landing on his elbow. Pain shot up his arm and knocked him off balance, leaving him half sitting, half lying, with tears in his eyes. Totally forgetting about the intruder, he massaged the bruise that he knew would soon form.
“What are you doing?” said a familiar voice.
His eyes widened, and pleasure mixed with surprise pushed him to his feet.
“Well, who the hell else? You weren't expecting anyone else were you…”
The coldness in Yuki's voice didn't stop the hurt in Shuichi's. How could he even think that?
“No, Yuki, I wasn't even expecting you.”
“What are you talking about?”
The truly confused tone that Yuki presented left Shuichi beyond puzzled.
“Tohma said you were on a plane to America.”
“I was. I was…getting something.”
Shuichi stayed still, not knowing whether to cry and be suspicious or glomp his beloved koi. After a few seconds, Yuki squirmed and took Shuichi's hand.
“Come with me.”
Just the fact that Yuki had squirmed mystified Shuichi even further.
After being led to the bedroom door Yuki pushed Shuichi in front of him and ordered him to close his eyes.
He felt Yuki's hands cover his eyes and smiled. As if he would peek…
He heard the door creep open, and felt Yuki pushing warmly against his back.
He walked forward, not too sure where he was walking.
“Okay…” Yuki took his hands away from his face, “You can look.”
On the bed was the biggest teddy bear Shuichi had ever seen, and the most cuddly looking. Holding a basket filled with pocky, and a huge card that said `I Love You', the big, beige bear was adorable beyond belief.
Shuichi gasped and jumped on the bed, strangling the bear.
“Oh, Yuki, for me?!”
Shuichi couldn't believe that Yuki would've done something like this, especially not for him.
“That's why I had to go to America. They couldn't ship it here, so I went to go get it.”
Shuichi beamed at Yuki and pounced on him, hugging him tightly before falling backwards onto the bed, pulling Yuki with him.
“Thank you…”
Shuichi kissed Yuki, pulling him close, feeling his warmth.
Needless to say, the teddy was given little thought after that.