Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ My Valentine ❯ My Valentine ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“My Valentine”
A Tohma + Eiri scene
I bought the chocolates for you. They're almond coconut, your favorites. The ones you say you don't like. The ones you keep stealing from the candy dish in our living room. The room you say belongs to me, because your sister decorated it.
Yes, they are for Valentines Day. Because, no matter what you say, I am your lover. Not just your 'roommate.' You didn't give that Shindo your home just to be my roommate. Your sister didn't leave me, because she wanted her brother to be my roommate. You sleep in my bed. We share much more than a room, under those sheets.
Why do you push me away, even now, Eiri? This is happily ever after. Unless you're not happy.
Are you? Are you unhappy?
You said that was why you left that Shindo. You were tired, you said. You were alone, you said. You felt burdened by the name he would call you. You told me. You wanted to be free, to be young again. You were not supposed to feel so old.
And I said I would help you. I would take all those burdens away, I would take care of you in a way that selfish little fool could never understand. And I would never call you by anything other than your name. I would never call you Yuki.
I better put these in the bedroom, or Ryuichi will find them, when he comes to diner, and eat them all. Yes, I invited my friend. He is a dear, old friend of mine. I wish you didn't ignore him, just because he reminds you of that fool.
The door closes like the end of a song. "Is that you, Eiri?"
"No. It's a burglar." You sling your arm around me and pres your chest into my back. "What's that?" You finger the box lid. "Something for me?"
"Where did you go?" To the park? The hospital? Back to your old house?
"Is this an interrogation?" You slip away. "You're not my father."
"No, I'm not." I turn around and smile into your frown. The shadows and smoke won't keep me from reaching out to you. Won't keep me from finding you. Won't keep me from saving you. I hand the box to you. "I am not your father."
"What about brother?" You open the box.
I stop you, and take the first one out, for you. "No." I see you smile. I feel that smile pull me in and I pop the chocolate into your mouth. I relish your moan. The way you lick your lips. I want to lick them that way, too. "You're not my brother. Brothers don't do what we do."
"I can't believe you said that, after years of insisting I call you brother." You swallow it down. "More." You push the box in my hands and fall into the bed behind us. Slowly, slowly, this spell weaves itself around you and I. This network of sugar spun sorries, hidden under stained sheets I haven't changed since you moved in. We roll in this. Wallow in the filth. Chocolates fall out of the box. We fall out of our clothes. And I'm feeding you.
Yes, more. Always and forever. More. Just like you always needed me to.
"I'm your lover." I say this, just before I press another piece into your mouth. "I need to know where you are." Then I look into your narrow, angry eyes and kiss your sweet lower lip. "Because, you see, my dearest Eiri, I will tear down every square inch of Tokyo to find you, if I have to." Then I lick you. And open your mouth, to taste you, there. "I'm your lover."
"Try another word. Just not that one." You try to move away. "I'm not ready for that much."
"Be sweet, Eiri-boy." I take you by the chin and force open your mouth. "And just accept things- the way they are. I am your lover. You know it. You wanted it this way."
You close your eyes. "Whatever. Just do whatever. Say whatever you want. Just keep going. Don't stop..."
No. I won't. I promise. You need to be loved this way, so much. "Happy Valentine's day," I say as you reach for my fly.