Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Origin ❯ Whisper ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1: Whisper
`I wonder if anyone can hear me. Can anyone help me? No one's here. My mind is leaving me insane…'
Shuichi ran through the dark city streets of Tokyo, running away from the men that chased him relentlessly. His body throbbed in agony from the beating the mysterious men inflicted on him.

“Oh, Shuichi! Come back here!” The screams rang out through the stillness of the night. Shuichi's heart beat faster and screams for help stopped dead in his throat.
“We promise we won't hurt you!” The yells continued, but Shuichi wouldn't listen. He ran faster and faster, eventually tripping over his own feet and crashing face first into the concrete, cracking sounding. Blackness filled Shuichi's vision for God knows how long, and when his eyes cleared, the hostile men were staring down at him with a look he couldn't describe. His heart froze mid-thump and his body locked.

`Run, Shuichi!' His mind screamed at him to run, pumping adrenaline into his veins. His fingers twitched, but his body refused to budge from the coolness of the concrete below him. He was too scared to do anything. The heavily built man with a black mask covering his face grabbed Shuichi from behind, pulling him up and covering his mouth with his hand. Tears spilled down Shuichi's dirt covered cheeks, blurring his vision and muddling his thoughts. Cars passed by and Shuichi's fingers twitched again, meaning to call out for help. He knew people saw what was going on, but why wouldn't they help?

He was pulled into a small back alley between two tall dark buildings and thrown to the ground. Shuichi's body fell limp as he lay on the dirty floor. The other men surrounded him, their faces too covered with masks, and punched and kicked him some more. Shuichi let this happen since he had no control over his body. His fingers moved and his body shook in sorrow. Blood spurt out of his mouth as a foot connected with his side, breaking his ribs. His vocal cords strained to cry out, scream, anything.

`Yuki… Help me…' Shuichi watched helplessly as the tall man stepped closer to him and looked down at into his panicked eyes. The offender chuckled from behind his mask and kneeled down over Shuichi's battered body. Shuichi felt a bulk rest against his bruised body and let out a choked moan of pain. The others just watched what was going on, smiles showing behind their covers. The man above him took off his mask allowing Shuichi to see his grey eyes, cold as ice. Stretching his fingers, Shuichi attempted to move his hands to push away but the hands pressed on his prevented any movement.

"Mikio." A gruff voice was heard from Shuichi's right.

"Don't be too hard on the boy."

“Sure, Hideki.” Mikio-San replied sarcastically. He looked up at his friend and grinned in defiance, bending over Shuichi, roughly slamming his lips on the blood stained ones of Shuichi's, staring up at Hideki, daring him to say anything. Mikio closed his piercing grey eyes in pleasure and moved his tongue over Shuichi's bruised face and onto his neck rubbing his clothed body against Shuichi's.
Shuichi's heart raced, thudding in his ears, blocking out the noises of moans. The hair on the back of his neck stood up as pants flowed on his neck. The weight from Mikio shifted his broken ribs. His eyes were dulling, closing, mind shutting down.

`Don't close your eyes!' His mind screamed and pleaded for him to stay awake, no matter how much pain he was in. God only knew if he fell asleep, when and if he would wake up again. Shuichi's violet eyes shot open, and he immediately wished he had died right there. Mikio was moving up and down, pushing him along. Shuichi felt how hard Mikio was and saw that the front of his attacker's pants was already wet with pre-cum.

`Why couldn't I just die?' Shuichi thought inside his mind. Pain came in sharp waves; crashing over him and making him buck his body up unwillingly, causing friction for Mikio. Mikio cried out in pleasure and came in his pants, pressing down against Shuichi's groin and getting his pants wet with cum that dripped out of the pants. Something snapped in Shuichi, and he fell quickly into madness. Maybe he deserved to be treated like this. Yuki was always so busy, and Shuichi always bugged him. It was karma. He knew there would be much more to come to him if he kept living, even though he was scared and cold.

He had just enough time to catch the glint reflecting off the blade Mikio was holding until it was jammed into his stomach, slicing carelessly into the tender skin. The paralysis broke its hold on Shuichi's lungs and body and Shuichi belted out an agonizing, ear piercing scream. Hideki and the other two held their ears as their eardrums rang from the sheer ferocity of the scream that ripped out of the bleeding boy's mouth. Shuichi cried and kicked up, ignoring the throbbing pain in his stomach and head, feet connecting with Mikio's stomach, throwing him off of the pained boy.
`Now's you're chance to run! Get up!' His motivation drove him. Shuichi shot up from his limp position on the ground and just ran. Ran far away from the men that attempted to kill him, away from the dark alleyways. He staggered around Tokyo, blood spurting from the deep wound in his side, vision fading slightly with every step he took. Whispers inside his mind told him he wouldn't run much longer, wouldn't live much longer. He could feel Death coming and wanted to welcome her with open arms. He stopped almost every block to rest his eyes for a moment until his consciousness warned him that Mikio and his henchmen were probably following him to finish what they started. He leaned against the corner of a brightly lit building and stared up at the starry night sky.

“I'm so tired. I want to rest.” Shuichi spoke aloud out to himself, breathes coming in short pants that filled the cold air, turning into fog as it floated up into the atmosphere and disintegrated. He pushed himself onto his feet and felt something explode inside him. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head, and he fainted right into the arms of a stranger shrouded in shadows….

Shuichi awoke to a bright light flashing into his eyelids, burning their way into his retinas. He groaned and swatted out at the irritating light but feeling nothing. His eyes slowly opened to find that he was lying in a hospital bed, polyester sheets covering his bandage covered wounds.

`What happened to me?' Shuichi thought back to when he was in the streets. What had happened inside of him? Beeps broke the silence in the bright white room, catching Shuichi's attention. He looked to his left and saw the pulse of the green light, signalling every time his heart beat.

“Where's Yuki?” Shuichi asked aloud, though no one was there. Yuki never told him anything, except when it included him. Why wouldn't Yuki come see him? He turned his left, wincing at the excruciating pain in his stomach and stared at the darkened window. It was still night outside. How long had he been unconscious for? Shuichi looked around the unfamiliar room, listening to the beeping of the monitors, thoughts racing through his head. How did he end up in the hospital and more importantly, who was brave enough to encounter him and get help? Shuichi watched blankly as every now and again a different doctor would prod and poke him to check his vitals and then leave.

Once the third doctor had left, he felt the the burning in his stomach again. Only this time he felt like he wasn't going to make it. His stomach felt like it was going to burst inside of himself. A disgusting copper taste made its way up his swollen throat and into his mouth, burning his nostrils from the smell. Shuichi leaned forward, hugging his stomach and letting the pressure release inside of his rapidly weakening body. He could hear a button being mashed on the bed next to him, followed by a response from the speaker behind him.

"Please hurry!" Shuichi wished he could look up to see the face of the person who had called out for help, but he was burning on the inside. He opened his mouth to talk to the brave male voice speaking worriedly to him, watching his lap in horror as blood dripped onto the sheets staining them red. His already panicked violet eyes widened at the sight, head starting to throb and spin. He flung his body to one side of the bed, not caring about the stabbing pain in his sides and spitting out the blood tainting his mouth all over the clean floor. He stared morbidly down at the pool reflecting his face in red. The colour of death. Two doctors finally came rushing in and pushed him backwards gently against the pillows. One looked at machines while another checked his pulse, writing down notes on his clipboard franticly. The two female doctors panicked when they saw Shuichi's violet eyes darken and start slowly closing and opening.

"Get the ventilation equipment quickly!" The taller female doctor ran out through a side door.

"Shuichi don't go yet." The smaller, bigger woman held Shuichi's cold hands, trying to warm him up any way she could. Shuichi could feel himself start to float away, eyes closing more with each attempt to stay awake on the woman's plea.

"Don't go." The tall female came back with a trolley and equipment. Pillows were taken away from the back of Shuichi's head and his head was tipped back just slightly.

"Pass me a size 6 please." The woman pleaded over her shoulder to the others, holding out her hand for the tube. The tube was gently pushed down Shuichi's sore throat and managed after several minutes of wriggling got it past the contraction Shuichi was creating. Shuichi couldn't feel his body anymore. He watched the doctors work on his body through heavily lidded eyes. God, he was so tired. What would happen to Yuki if he fell asleep?

`Save me…' Shuichi thought before his eyes closed. The last thing he heard was the male voice crying out and the doctors screaming instructions.