Gravitation Fan Fiction ❯ Origin ❯ Imaginary ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Imaginary
`Why is it so quiet? Music is playing softly in my ears. It's so calming I could stay here forever…'
Shuichi felt a warm breeze envelop his body and his eyes opened to see purple colored skies above him.
`Where am I?' Shuichi thought, feeling a pressure on his back. He squeezed his hands in curiosity and felt the comforting feel of grass under him. The cracking sound of the soft grass filled his ears, making him feel at home. How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was being in the hospital room and in pain. Who was the man that found him anyways? The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't put a name to the voice. He smiled when he remembered how worried the mysterious man sounded. Of course anyone would be if they found someone in the condition he was in, but the man sounded like he cared, really cared, for Shuichi's being. Shuichi turned his head to the side and stared at the vast land that surrounded him. Music played, but no one instrument was heard over the other, played in perfect harmony.
“Where's Yuki?” His subconscious forced him to say aloud. Why wasn't Yuki there with him?
`Not here. He can't be here.' The voice in Shuichi's mind answered him.
“Why?” Shuichi asked back, feeling a little silly to be talking to himself.
`This is what is inside your mind. No one can come here.' The voice replied. Shuichi's eyes stung with tears. He knew this place was comforting, but he wanted Yuki there alongside him. Thunder rolled through the quickly moving clouds above him, ringing sweetly in his eardrums. Wind enveloped him and whispered evil thoughts into his ears.
`Yuki would never want to be here with you…'
`He would be glad you're away from him…'
`You're a nuisance to him…' Shuichi shook his head, muttering no over and over again. He could hear the wind giggling, laughing at him, like he was the foolish one.
“It's not true!” Shuichi yelled into the air. A clear raindrop plopped onto his cheek, splattering and getting a mini-drop into his eye. The thunder rolled again and lightning cracked out of the sky, hitting the lone tree behind him. Shuichi's head shot around to see what had happened, and eyes widened at what he saw. The large tree was split in the middle, branches sagging as if in pain and leaves withering and falling to the soggy dirt below it. Flowers bloomed from the fallen leaves, turning into paper.
`What's going on? I want to leave!' Shuichi thought in fear. The comforting place was quickly becoming a nightmare.
Yuki sat worriedly inside the waiting room at the hospital. The staff was stupid enough not to call him when Shuichi was first admitted there.
`Ugh, how could they have been so stupid?!' Yuki wanted to scream at whoever dared talk to him. What was going on with Shuichi?! They wouldn't tell him. Finally, after what it seemed like hours of waiting in the worthless hellhole they called a hospital, a blonde-headed female doctor came out, immediately earning Yuki's highest disrespect.
“Tell me what happened with Shuichi.” Yuki demanded, coldly glaring at the doctor, sending fear up her spine. She gulped and opened her mouth to speak.
“Shindou-san's body is facing an ordeal. It's slowly shutting itself down. He's in a coma as we speak.” She fumbled with her clipboard before speaking again.
“If we hurry there is a chance that we can save his body.” Yuki stared at her in disbelief, his golden eyes piercing into her soft green eyes.
“We are afraid that there may be a possibility that his brain is too extensively damaged and he might not recover.” Yuki slowly sat down on the chair behind him. No. How can this be? Shuichi brought light into his life. How could anyone take that away from him? Just when he was starting to find happiness, this happened. He knew that God hated him.
“You may go and see him if you want to. He's in room 264B. Think about what I told you.” With that she left Yuki alone in silence to collect his thoughts. Yuki shook as sobs welled up in his chest. He wanted to see Shuichi, he really did, but he was scared to see what his lover would look like. He stood up on shaky legs and walked up the hall, remembering where the room was. With ever minute that passed, his mind raced. What would Shuichi look like now? What happened to make him fall into a coma? Yuki reached the door of Shuichi's room and gulped, composing himself. He slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door, tears stinging his eyes as they lay upon Shuichi's prone state.
`Oh God…' Yuki thought, suppressing a sob as it made its way up his throat. Bandages covered Shuichi's stomach, blood staining them pink. His face was a deathly pale; eyes squeezed shut as if in a nightmare. Yuki walked hesitantly over to his unconscious lover and reached out to hold his hand. Chills went up his spine as he touched Shuichi's hand. It was freezing! He frowned and pulled the covers over his lover's frozen body up to his neck.
`What happened to you?' Sorrow gripped Yuki's heart. If only he had been there before. He sniffled and laid his head on Shuichi's slowly moving chest, hearing the slow heartbeat. God knows how long he laid there, moving his head slightly every few minutes to avoid causing any more pain to Shuichi. Yuki's mind was pure turmoil. Someone had to have done this to Shuichi. His eyes narrowed in anger. His mind came up with revenge: Find the person who did this and kill him.
`Shuichi, please hold on.' Yuki gripped the frozen hand and put it against his lips. Tears finally made their way down his face and onto Shuichi's hand.
`How stupid.' Yuki thought to himself.
`A cold bastard like me crying?' A part of him knew the reason was Shuichi. Shuichi was the only reason he managed to breathe every morning. When he was down, his lover's face would always brighten up his day with his bubbly attitude and violet eyes brightly shining at him. He loves Shuichi. A groan broke the silence of the bright hospital room.
`Shuichi?' Yuki thought in surprise. Had Shuichi really said something?
“Shuichi, baby. Please open your eyes.” Yuki pleaded with the seemingly lifeless body, hoping to get at least another response from him. He reached out to touch Shuichi's hand again when a scream ripped its way out of Shuichi, muffled by the tube shoved down his throat. Yuki's eyes widened in shock and he felt so helpless. He reached over Shuichi's body and rapidly pressed the panic button, crying.
`What's going on with you Shuichi? Please be okay.' In his panicked state, Yuki gripped Shuichi's hand in his and spoke words of love. What was he supposed to do? Doctors rushed in and pushed Yuki to the side. Yuki watched on in horror as Shuichi's screams burned its way into his mind.
Lightning slammed into Shuichi, showing no mercy. Shuichi screamed out his pain, feeling his vocal cords tearing inside of him. Another lightning shocked his burned stomach and the paper flowers withered, as if they could feel Shuichi's pain. Shuichi's eyes closed, but he never stopped screaming. He could hear that there was no thunder, no rain, no noise other than the sound of his screaming. He wouldn't be able to stop. He wasn't sure if he could handle the silence of the night if he did.
`Oh, God! Yuki please help me!!! It hurts!' Shuichi yelled into his mind, hoping somehow, Yuki would be able to hear him. It was pure hell. His vocal cords shattered under the pressure, leaving Shuichi mute. He could only burn as the lightning fell on him over and over. A crackle of thunder sounded the lightning's last strike. It also signaled Shuichi's last breathe. Lightning struck Shuichi's heart, stopping it and throwing Shuichi into the abyss he would never wake up from.
The beeping of the heart monitor flat lined. The doctors tried to revive Shuichi, but it was no use. He was gone. They backed away from the deceased singer and the woman who talked to Yuki earlier looked at him in sorrow. Yuki couldn't believe it. He was stuck in shock. He walked towards Shuichi on shaky legs and saw proof that his bubbly lover would never come back to him.
Yuki felt like he had died alongside Shuichi. Cries broke out of Yuki's body and he crumpled to the floor, sobbing for his lover. The female doctor took out the tube and covered Shuichi's head with the blankets. She followed the rest of the doctors as they filed out of the room, heads down.
Yuki hiccupped as the tears never stopped their journey down his cheeks and onto the floor. The heart-breaking sobs wouldn't stop. Why? Why did this have to happen? Shuichi was only 20, for Gods Sake! He wished he could take back all the horrible things he had said to Shuichi. He would love Shuichi more and even marry him if he could take back time. Now, he had to live with the fact that is lover is dead. Nothing could bring him back. Yuki stood back up, stumbling a little and pulled the covers off of Shuichi's face. He looked so peaceful now. Yuki leaned down and placed a last kiss on his lover's cold lips, wanting to hold onto that moment forever. He straightened and caressed Shuichi's cheek.
“I love you, Shuichi.” He had finally said those three words Shuichi had been waiting for, but Shuichi couldn't hear it. He knew Shuichi moved onto a better place. His heart broke as he placed the blanket back over Shuichi and stepped out of the room. Flashbacks of all the time he's spent with Shuichi went through his mind as he walked out of the hospital. A prone figure sat crying next to the entrance of the hospital and Yuki recognized him, but was too depressed to care. He ignored the brown-haired man and made his way to his and Shuichi's home, struggling to take each step away from Shuichi.